Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

160. A Demon’s True Worth

Took a little effort to finish my IRL stuff early, but I was able to get it done and get home to rush this one out! Enjoy!


"See? Told you they'd come through"

"How could that group-?"

"Like I said, you don't give the them enough credit"

Exhilaration greeted "Balance" upon witnessing the handy work of the "Oni Garrison". A skeptical Red watched in disbelief, still in doubt of the group whom failed so miserably in the past, against a squad of children no less

But no matter how many times she looked, the truth was they'd successfully managed to break Kumogakure's second line of defense. Balance couldn't help but chuckle at Red's stupefied face


"Explain Balance"

"Hehe, so demanding. Itsuki and his Oni Garrison are one of the best clandestine units my little brother put under his payroll. The only reason they failed the last job we--you gave them was due to their particular skillset"

"You're saying we gave them the wrong mission?"

"They're better suited for silent infiltration and sabotage, rather than direct combat. Do I really need to go further?"

Balance was right, the last mission the group undertook for the "Company" involved taking several people hostage, securing a facility too large for their small group, all in broad daylight.

Their leader Itsuki, with his flaming sword, is probably the only one suited for direct combat

"No wonder Arc was so irritable after he heard what had happened to them"

"I think anyone who finds out their resources were used without permission would get as angry as he did"

"We offered suitable compensation, but even five years later, he's still complaining about it"

"That may suffice for the rest of you, but for Arc and I..."

The Company had employed the Oni Garrison without informing Arc, the latter of whom would have never sent them on such an incompatible mission. He certainly let his dissatisfaction on this overstep known to the Company

While his brother Balance worked as a spymaster, owning a network of informants throughout the continent, Arc preferred a more "direct" approach when it came to work. Managing groups of defectors, bandits, rouge-nin, and mercenaries. He had an army at his beck and call

Leading such a rowdy society, one's reputation was everything, and his took a heavy blow once word got out that one of his favored mercenary groups failed so miserably

"Money is worthless compared to your name, in our world at least. Taking a payoff would only make him look like a cheap punk. As the one who handles all the Company's external support, how could Arc not be irritated?"


"Regardless, we can now move on to the next step. Our main force, the inmates, can approach the village head on. As I've previously instructed, once the fighting begins, they'll activate the LIFT."

"It can't be that simple. I know Nobuyuki Fūma will keep Ganjō Yotsuki preoccupied at the southern coastline. And the latter's wife, Tomoe Yotsuki is busy defending the northern one, but..."

"By now, the Eight-tails has probably received a call for help at Unraikyō1Valley of Clouds and Lightning. But by the time he gets here, we'll have long acquired what we want. Plus, the Raikage and Daimyō are being delayed by Blade"


"We've kept the north and south coastlines busy because this test of ours needs to be conducted out in the open. These extra steps ensures a full frontal assault, perfect for gathering data. Relax Red"

"We still haven't received word about the cat. How is the squad you sent there doing?"

"I had my dog send the rest of his clan to that location"

"Kyō's people are powerful but, considering who they're up against..."

"Their primary objective there is the same as the coastlines, keeping the enemy preoccupied"




"But...yeah. It's probably going as well as you'd expect..."




Genbu Island


"Here it comes!"


Upon the gigantic turtle known as Genbu, a ferocious fight took place with Yugito Nii at its center. The reigning majority of the invading Chinoike were stationed here to keep Kumogakure's second Jinchūriki from participating in the battle at home

The young woman had already assumed the form of the beast within. Transformed into a massive cat formed of blue fire, with heterochromatic eyes, the right being yellow and the left being green


"Be careful of her claws!"

"Shit, that's another one down!"

"Don't dwell on our losses, use the blood of the fallen!" "TOGETHER NOW!"

"Hijutsu: Chi Shigure2Hidden Jutsu: Blood Shower!" the Chinoike yelled in unison



With their Kekkei Genkai3Bloodline LimitDōjutsu4Eye Techniquesknown as the Ketsuryugan5Blood Dragon Eye, the Chinoike attackers gathered the blood of their fallen, transforming it into blades before throwing them at Yugito


"Launch all of them, maximum rate of fire!"

"Die you damn monster!"

Rather than just blood, their true ability was to control any liquid with high concentrations of iron. The more dead bodies around, the more ammunition they had

But Yugito was quick on the uptake, gathering flames in her mouth before...



{Byōen Hōka6Cat Flame Roaring Fire!}


...Releasing a single large fireball from her large mouth, doing away with the blood attacks and burning several more enemies in the process

"URGH! My skin!!! It's so hot, h-how could she?!"

"Wasn't she supposed to be Kumo's Jinchūriki that couldn't control the monster in her?!"

"I-I-It's more than enough...for the likes of you" replied Yugito with a distorted voice due to her current form

She'd initially came to the island to resume her training. Unlike Killer B, she'd yet to gain full mastery of her Tailed Beast, the two-tails. While this fact was known by most, that never implied she had no control whatsoever


"Cocky monster! You'll pay for this!"

"That'd be you"




One of the Chinoike attempted get the drop on Yugito from behind, only to be struck by another ninja

"Idiot! I told you to pay attention to the others!"

Despite being outnumbered by the Chinoike...Yugito wasn't alone

"Just a few more left ladies"

"Time to end this!"

Her old teammates Mabui and Samui had initially accompanied her to help with training. This attack took place only minutes after they entered the temple built at the center of the island, hidden behind a waterfall. Both, just as surprised as Yugito by the sudden intrusion

The trio of Kunoichi7Female Ninjawasted no time in the disposal of these assailants. Themselves eager to repay the debt they received from this clan years ago when they were captured

"Mabui! There's more coming from the left, be careful of their eyes!" Samui warned

"Like hell I'm falling for the same trick again, my Ninjutsu prep is already complete!" {Tensō no Jutsu8Ethereal Transmission Jutsu!}


"Huh? What did she just do?"

"What happened to all those weapons in front of her?"

"I don't know, they just vanished in that ligh-"


Using her unique Ninjutsu to transfer matter at the speed of light, Mabui had several blades rain down on the Chinoike, faster than the eye could see. Her technique was so powerful, it riddled the temple ceiling with holes


"There's too many, can't-!"



"RAAAAHHH!!" Yugito yelled as she burned the remaining enemies into cinder

"Just three...we fell to just three bitc-!"


"Watch your mouth" Samui muttered in a cold tone after silencing the final assailant

"That's the last of them. Oh no, Raikage-sama's going to be very upset once he finds out about the damage I've inflicted on this sacred place"


Yugito undid her transformation, returning to her human form

"I think we bigger priorities right now Mabui"

"Right, I clearly heard one of them state they were here to keep us busy. Which means..."

"Something is happening to village, let's get out of here"


Once they confirmed the Chinoike had indeed been finished off, the trio exited the temple to the island. But it was shock, rather than comrades who greeted them once they were outside

"My god..."


"...Those bastards, shoulda took my time tearing them apart" Yugito said, gritting her teeth

The scene resembled one straight out of a horror movie. The temple guards dead, bodies blown to pieces, and blood everywhere

"Cool your head Yugito, we'll have plenty of time to mourn later. Mabui, since Raikage-sama and the Daimyō-sama are away, you'll have to send a message to Dodai. At this time of day, I believe he should still be in the Intelligence Division"

"Right, give me moment, I need to prepare my Ninjutsu again. Can you head to the front of the island and give new orders to Genbu? We need him swim back to the village"

"I'm never sure if this ancient turtle can even hear us, but I'll try. I really don't want to swim all the way home. Be right back" said a departing Samui

Though they wanted to return home immediately, Genbu was still a ways off from the village. It'd be some time before everyone would arrive on shore

{Normally, I'd just use one of my summoning pots and transport the three of us there, but for some reason, my stash has run out. I don't think I've used that much...} "Could it have been Rei?" she whispered

"What was that?"

"Hm? O-Oh, it's nothing Yugito"



"...I'm worried about Rei too"


"I owe a great deal to him and his team after our rescue. Plus, I've grown quite fond of those kids. We'll keep them safe Mabui"

"Right. I...we have to"





{Please stay safe little cousin, I'll be home soon!}


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