Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

17. A Village In Shock

I'm in a real good mood so...Double Chapter Today!



As the class sat in place eagerly waiting, Osoi suddenly appeared out of thin air


"So fast!"

"Haha! Yup! You know when you see a ninja suddenly vanish in a puff of smoke or something? It means they're probably using this general skill. Many, like our Raikage-sama, are notorious for specializing in the 'Shunshin no Jutsu'1Teleportation Jutsu. Now, can anyone tell me the alternate name for this Jutsu?" (Osoi)

"The 'Body Flicker Technique' right?" (Tai)

"Correct Tai! And can anyone tell us why this technique has an alternate name?" (Osoi)

In a foul mood, Rei answered

"To avoid confusion with Space-time Ninjutsu" (Rei)

"That right!" (Osoi)

F*cking better be right. Why the bad mood you wonder? The answer is a whole bunch of bullshit

A few days ago, I began researching in the academy library. The librarian wasn't there, but I was too impatient to wait. Thinking Space-time Ninjutsu would be a useful skill, I spent god knows how many hours studying. Making the mistake of mismatching the names, I wasted time studying this technique rather than actual Space-time Jutsu

And the icing on this F*ck you cake...was the damn librarian finally showing up to tell me the only thing they had on Space-time Ninjutsu was the 'Kuchiyose no Jutsu'2Summoning Technique!

"The reason why the name is changed is because space-time ninjutsu tends to get mixed with this Jutsu, as it creates the illusion of the user by instantly moving from one place to another. The technique is just high speed movement, whereas space–time ninjutsu actually transports the user through space. 'Body Flicker' seemed to be a more appropriate title than 'Teleportation'. So be careful not to confuse one for the other!" (Osoi)

Well no shit Sherlock!

"So...can any of you tell me which Jutsu is derived the most from this one?" (Osoi)

"...The 'Kawarimi no Jutsu'3Substitution Jutsu?"

"Yes! That's the Jutsu you're going to be learning today! To pull off a proper substitution, you're going to need great speed in order to fool opponents as this technique only works at the last second before being attacked. It's also why you'll practice the 'Body Flicker Jutsu' before trying this one. If the timing is off by even a little, your enemy will sense it. Remember! While this is a general skill, it has decided the difference between victory and defeat in many ninja battles throughout history!" (Osoi)

Osoi took the class outside to a small grassy field and had all of us line up side by side. 

"You're going to use the 'Body Flicker Jutsu' to move from one end of the field, to the other" (Osoi)

Taking out two signs, he posted them on both sides of the field

"You will repeat this act until you perform a proper utilization of this skill" (Osoi)

"Sensei! What do you mean by 'proper'? Is there a bad way to use this?"

"Why don't I show you instead? Hmph!" (Osoi)

Osoi performed the Jutsu again, but this time it was far louder and the ground was crushed underneath him


"That's the bad way to use this technique. When you use this skill correctly, is should be as if you are fading away from sight, leaving no trace of your presence. If you're chakra control is bad, you'll move in a sloppy manner even if you do reach your destination" (Osoi)

Gesturing to the field

"Your goal is moving from one end of this field and back with this technique. Without destroying the ground you're standing on. Now...Begin!" (Osoi)

The students immediately began practicing

"Remember to control your chakra! This skill simply uses chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra used determines the overall distance between you and your destination" (Osoi)

"Hah!" (Rei)

After trying myself...

"Oh!" (Osoi)

...I nailed it on the first try. Makes sense considering chakra control is the only thing I've got going for me. I've pretty much mastered all the basic E-Rank Jutsu there is at home. School just provides me more opportunities to practice them. My only issue is still the weak reserves of chakra this body has. I know I'm just a kid, but after a year there's barely been any progress in that area

"Not bad Rei" (Osoi)

"..." (Rei)

After hearing news of Naruto's dad Minato becoming the Fourth Hokage, I realized that it would barely be a year before Naruto is born. Understanding that I am running out of time, I've been getting a little restless lately and its been causing me stress. Plus the guide hasn't answered me when I call out to it recently


As time went by, everyone began to improve. Regardless of my success, I continued to practice with the hope of increasing my control to lower the amount of chakra needed for this skill

"Alright, looks like most of you have got the basics down. We can now move on to the Substitu-" (Osoi)

Osoi was getting ready to move on to the next step when suddenly another ninja showed up and whispered in his ear.

"What?! Are you sure?!" (Osoi)

"Yes, everyone is mobilizing"

"...Damn could this..." (Osoi)


"...Alright...I understand...I'll take care of things here" (Osoi)

I couldn't hear what they were saying but the ninja left as Osoi walked towards us. Everyone could tell something was wrong by the look on his face

"...Everyone...due to some unforeseen events classes will be canceled today!" (Osoi)

"?!" (All of the students)

"..." (Rei)

"Listen to me very carefully! You are all to immediately head straight to your homes! No distractions, stops, or detours!" (Osoi)

"But Sense-"

"QUIET! I won't accept any dispute on this matter! That is all...NOW GO!" (Osoi)

Before any of us could even notice, he was gone. The group then scattered in a hurry, leaving the school

"Rei! What do you think is hap-" (Tai)

"Just head home Tai. I'll see you later" (Rei)

"!" (Tai)

Parting ways with the class, I bolted towards my home at top speed. Making it to my house, I noticed Mabui wasn't here

"What could be the problem? As far as I know Naruto isn't even born yet. What event is taking place right now?" (Rei)

After pondering for about an hour, Mabui had opened the door with a distraught look on her face

"Nee-san? What's wro-!" (Rei)

Not letting me finish my question, she suddenly hugged me

"..." (Mabui)

"What's wrong?" (Rei)

"...Rei...the war is now officially over" (Mabui)

Why is she making such a big deal out of it? In the recent days, everyone pretty much knew it was coming already. Hell, most of the villages to the west had already pulled out of the conflict

"It's just something terrible has happened..." (Mabui)

Huh? What other event could be happening at this time?!

"What...what is it? Tell me" (Rei)


After a long pause, she let go of Rei and with watery eyes she said...

"Lord Third...has passed away..."

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