Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

18. First Memory

On a warm summer day, a young child sat in the back seat of car, his parents debating in the front


"...I'm just saying Amelia, now might not be the best time to go on this trip"

"So you want to delay it yet again"

"You know that's not what I want, it's just things have finally gotten better for us lately. We finally moved out of that old deathtrap of an apartment, and I've settled in at my job quite nicely. I just don't want to jeopardize everything we gained recently"

"...Do they just run your entire life at that place?"

The mother's tone began to sharpen, the boy became nervous as the mood began to tense

"Really? You can't be a little more mature than that?"

"Considering how much you've been gone, I think it was a legitimate question"

"Don't over exaggerate, you make it sound like I've been in another country"

"You might as well have been! We moved here because you promised! You promised us things would be different!"

"They are! We're no longer constantly moving around like nomads as I move from job to job!"

The debate turned into a full blown fight, the child put on some earphones hoping music would drown out the yelling

"Look, I was the one who said we were gonna have this trip"

"And when were we going to have this trip? Please tell me, when will you're schedule allow you to spend some time with your son?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it! My work is..."

"Important. I know, you've told us all about your little 'Ambient Energy' project"

"Then you should understand why we have sacrificed so much. Did you know we had a breakthrough recently. Our first successful test!"


"I was gonna tell you when we got to the camping site"

" it to work?"

"Yes! Do you know what this the world?"


"Amelia...we can literally millions! If not billions!"

The father wore an elated expression as he boasted about his work thinking his wife would understand

"? What is it?"

"...And how long will it take until you 'save' the world?"


"I'm not telling you to stop, but I don't understand why you simply can't take a few days off to spend time with your family"

"...As usual, it's like screaming into the void with you"

"With me?!"

"Yes! With you!"

" are absolutely incapable of putting aside your pride for even one damn minute"

The young man tried raising the volume of the music to drown out the fighting, but to no avail

"Wooow. I present the potential key to limitless clean energy, something the world desperately needs, and you respond with a smart-ass insult?!"

"Doesn't make it any less true!"

"Pride...that's what you're calling it?!"


Shut up

"Is this trip really that big of a deal to you!"

"The fact that you can even say those words shows how out of touch you truly are!"

"Out of touch with what?!"

"Your family you idiot! The trip doesn't matter, the child in the back seat does!"

Shut up

"Don't use him to get what you want!"

"Use him! He's not some tool like the ones at your lab! My God, Marie was right about you"

"Amazing. Even when she's not here your sister somehow manages to have some say at how we live our lives"

"Well you might wanna listen considering her husband can take a damn hint and knows family is what's truly important"

Shut up, Shut up, Shut up

"I don't know family is important?! Does your sister put a roof over your head?! Provide food on the table?! Keep you and our son healthy?! I don't think so!"

"Again pride, you aren't the only working parent you idiot!"

"You know Amelia, it's funny how you can bring up your sister's family and talk about how much they 'care' for each other. Especially when you we all know Marie and Brian didn't even want to marry each other in the first place!"


Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!

"They had a thing in high school. It was cute...but they made the mistake of not having protection and BAAM! BABY ON BOARD!"

"Their marriage...!"

"Their marriage was a hastily made decision because they were, like the song, 'Young, dumb, and broke'!"

"Now's whose being a smart-ass?! If you keep talking about my sister I'll...!"


Unable to take it anymore the boy screamed

"SHUT UP!!!"



"WHY?!!!! ONE DAY!!!"


"Son I..."


"'s not...!"

"We're just..."


"Raymond I'm sorry...we're only...GRANT!! CAR!!"

"Huh?! AH!!!








In a faint room, a boy awoke from his slumber


"Goddamn it...why the hell did I have to have that kind of dream today of all days"


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