Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

175. Imugi

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay. This chapter was supposed to be a little a special as I planned on having my illustrator debut, but he suddenly bailed on me! Totally throwing my plans and schedule off, but I made up for it with a little last minute surprise of my own. Please Enjoy!


On the front lines of Kumogakure's battle with the Chinoike leader Kyō and his allies...

"Samui! You got it?!"

"Of course!" {Suiton: Suidanha1Water Style: Water Severing Wave!}


Kneading chakra in her stomach, Samui spat out a pressurized stream of water, slicing apart another one of Kyō's "Dragon head" blood constructs

"It's down for now. Samui, help those men get away before it reconstitutes! Yugito and I will handle other ones!"

"I'm on it!"

As Team Mabui was in the midst of following Tai, they couldn't help but stop along the way to help their fellow shinobi under attack

"There are still a few straggling inmates we have to deal with, but things are turning in our favor. Thanks to F's coordination, we're now  removing the deceased off the field with far more efficiency"

"Good. Less blood for Kyō to use"

"How are you doing Yugito?"

"I'm hanging in there Mabui. What concerns me is how long the effects of those drugs he took will last"

"True, you'd think micromanaging all of these blood fabrications would've long pushed him to the brink. But no such luck, he's still as rampant as ever"

{True...but he's clearly more deranged} Yugito noticed

Kyō actions were becoming more sporadic, unpredictable, and crazed. The company member known as "Red" created the LIFT, with its composition composed of all the Tailed Beasts

The highest ratio being the Two-Tails, Yugito could feel the chakra emanating from his body more clearly than anyone else. The "creeped out" feeling she had only increased in its intensity, the more time passed

"Come on. Let's finish things here and catch up with--Eh?!"


It was then Mabui became startled at the sight of her younger cousin zipping right past them. The young man moving at incredible speeds, effortlessly avoiding each and every dragon head in his way

He moved so quick, she could barely get a word in before he reunited with his team

"U-Um...was that who I think it was Mabui?" a flabbergasted Yugito asked

"I...yes. That was Rei"

"Impressive. I heard he was fast, but I never thought that fast..."

"Yeah. You and me both..." {I've never seen him move like that. Just now, it was like watching...}


Samui had landed next to them after helping another squad. Pressed on relaying new intel she just received

"Tango just called in from HQ, with some good news"

"We're long overdue for it"

"The north has been completely secured and Raikage-sama will be here soon. Along with Tomoe Yotsuki and her clan, this battle is almost over"

"Ah...that's music, I can't wait! To be honest, two Tailed Beast transformations back-to-back, plus non-stop fighting has taken its toll on me. The end of this fight couldn't come sooner"

"Don't relax yet. It won't end until that man is put down--?!"

Speaking of the man in question, their conversation was cut short when the sight of Kyō preparing to attack Team Tango caught Mabui's eye

"REI!!" Mabui screamed, bursting in sprint as she desperately sought to reach her cousin

Samui and Yugito were quick to follow suit before Rei's next action caused them all to stop in their tracks

"H-Huh? The that what I think it is?"

"Did he just perform...the Kuchiyose no Jutsu2Summoning Technique?" Samui curiously asked Mabui




"I guess so. He's just full of surprises today..."





Smoke burst forth from Rei's hand the instant he utilized his new Summoning Jutsu. Enveloping everything Kyō's red Ketsuryūgan3Blood Dragon Eyeeyes could see as the figures of Team Tango vanished


Kyō, still somewhat intoxicated from his drugged power-up struggled to keep his sanity, grasping his aching forehead. The LIFT pills he haphazardly consumed kept his body in a constant state of pain

It took every ounce of will power he could muster to stay in control

{This awful sensation in my brain is getting worse...have to end this soon!}

Soon enough, a large shadow emerged from the smoke

"W-What in the? Is this a joke?" Kyō was stupefied at the figure in front of him

Tai and Suzu were at a loss for words as well, now standing with Rei several feet in the air atop the entity he just summoned. Trying to figure out just how, when, and where did he acquire such a creature

"R-Rei...what is this?" Tai nervously asked

"The many, many, many fruits of my labor"

"That's really not the answer I was looking for..."

"Wow. It gives off a terrifying feeling and yet...I still think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen" Suzu was mesmerized

"I know what you mean..." Rei muttered as he stared at the creature below him


He carried a nostalgic, melancholy air about him before recalling a certain conversation he had with Notitia. Discussing a sensitive topic the very day he decided the name of the very "project" responsible for his summoning's creation...




Over a year ago

After overworking himself in his lab, Rei rose from his desk. Waking up from a long dream, feeling woeful. Notitia asked what was wrong, and after minutes of silent hesitation, he sat back down

This was one of the rare moments when Rei, or rather Raymond opened up to Notitia about himself


"You know about my past life. My father's work forced our family to travel all over Asia and Europe. I spent the majority of my childhood in hotels and RV's"

[I know, it drove a wedge between your parents. Your mother wanted to settle down as she could see what your father could not...that their child was growing up]

"Yeah, but I never hated it. My mother was a very spiritual person, proud of her Indonesian roots. Always going on about the Saṃsāra, stressing the importance of our lives on Earth. How I should strive to expand my mind, take in new experiences, choosing the preferred way to utilized what little time I had left. Teaching me to hold fast to my beliefs, but to respect others as well"

[Amelia was a free spirited woman who encouraged peace, right? Compared to Grant's's amazing how they managed to have a kid. Guess opposites really do attract]

"Pfft! Yeah, exactly"

[But you dealt with it for quite some time. Your mother's influence?]

"Mm. She taught me that to truly respect others, you had to understand them. Everywhere we went, every country, she'd have me study everything about them. A lot to put on a child, but it just came natural to me, I think I wanted it more than she did. Learning different languages, history, religion, mythology, was never a struggle for me"

[A natural gifted child. Then what was it, if not a struggle?]

"Guess you could call it...a gift in itself. One I'd proudly give to any person I held dear. I tried to do the same for Sarah and Chris but...that didn't end well"

[But you tried...]

"Yes, yes I did. Huh. I just thought of the perfect name for this project"


"I'd often read to Chris before tucking him in when I lived with him and Sarah. I remember one of his favorites, a story I picked up during my time in South Korea"

[Which one are you thinking about?]


"The serpent who failed to become a dragon"

There once was a snake, who lived a life of arrogance. He was scary, deadly, and his poison was feared by all the animals in the forest. None would approach, but he cared little for having friends, choosing to dominate the animals. Fashioning himself as king, until one day, a hawk who heard the crying pleas of the scared animals came swooping down to put an end to his reign. It's ability to fly gave it an edge, and the snake was banished from the forest. Now humiliated, he once again strove to be powerful, to have his revenge.

Knowing he couldn't beat the hawk as he was, he decided to train. Understanding the only way to for him to win, is if he could fly as well. He fought, and hunted the deadliest of creatures outside the forest. Consuming their flesh and growing. Again, and again, and again until he grew to stupendous heights. His body now stretched to the very heavens themselves, but he still remained unsatisfied. For he had failed to become a creature who could fly

Days became months, months became years, years became decades. He continued to fight the predators waiting outside the forest. But after so much time, in spite of how powerful he became, he still couldn't fly. Growing frustrated, he threw caution to the wind and decided to confront the hawk. Reentering the forest for the first time in years, only to discover the hawk had long since passed away. And with the hawk gone, the other animals had migrated elsewhere, in fear of the snake's inevitable return...and retribution

The forest was finally his, but none would come. For his name had spread throughout the world, talks of the terrifying creature who consumed all in his path

He remained in his forest, his prize, but was no longer pride that filled him. It was sorrow, for he had realized just how alone he truly was, and for the first time in his arrogant life...he shed tears. Regretful for his past actions, apologetic for the way he callously treated others

Hubris, his only reward

And so he remained, alone in his empty kingdom. This fearsome serpent, no longer snake, but neither dragon. The ones who feared him had a different name...


[Considering you want to name the project after it. What was he called then?]

"They called him..."





Rei stood proudly with his surprised teammates on the head of the giant creature

Body length nearing 80ft , when "standing" upright, it eclipsed the height of a two-story house

Massive sharp fangs befitting an apex predator, thin irises of pale yellow with black sclerae that gazed into your soul

And a spiky-scaly body of crimson red...matching the current blood-soaked surroundings via Kyō's handy work

"It's nowhere near Sannin4Legendary Three Ninjasize when it comes to Summoned animals, but I can work with this" Rei mused


Not...exactly what I was going for but, not bad considering a awful drawer like myself made it at the last minute



"What is this thing Rei? Dragon?! Snake?!" Tai asked

"'s still up for debate. Relax Tai, I'm sure it won't eat you...probably"


"Relax, I'm 100% certain it won't do that"

"I-If you say so"

"Well, more like 86% percent"

"Are you messing with me right now?!"

"Maybe a little, my stock has dropped a bit since we've been separated"

"You damn closet sadist!! I'm not a toy for your amusement!"


"Focus guys, he's headed our way!" Suzu warned

Kyō laughed maniacally as he charged forth with his giant blood construct. Amused at the irony of Rei's summoning, a living creature that basically mirrored his own technique

"You summon that to deal with my blood dragons? Heh...hehe...hahahaha! Now that's funny!"


Tai weaved hand seals, preparing another foam-based water style Ninjutsu to counter him. But there was no way he could cover such a wide range 

"I need more time guys!" Tai requested

"Focus chakra in your feet to hold on!" Rei yelled to his teammates


Rei's serpent suddenly slithered out of the way at frightening speeds. Distancing itself, and the Genin it was carrying away from Kyō's torrent of blood attacks

Surprising both them, and the Chinoike leader

{That's quite quick for its size. Faster than my attacks?!}

" the blink of an eye"

"You said it Suzu..." {I didn't think it'd be this powerful. I'll have to reassess my investments}

"My Suiton's ready guys, I can unleash it whenever!"

{I can feel my connection with's completely obedient. Glad to see my research is finally paying off} 

"Those blood creations will block any attack we throw at them!" Tai pointed out

"In that case, let's make some noise!"

"You wanna use Thunder? At close range?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling very optimistic right now. Let's go!"

"At close range, that might work..." Suzu contemplated

None of them had a better plan, and with Suzu's new power set to run out soon, they understood there was little time. Upon seeing their heads nod in affirmation, Rei sent commands to his newest ally



Following suit, the red serpent darted in Kyō's direction, tearing apart the very Earth beneath it with every gesture. Zipping across the field as it dodged every long range attack it could

Tai once again used his water style, spitting out blasts of foam to hold back the "blood". Suzu, still in her new form, called forth ethereal arms from the white chakra flowing all over her body to attack. Rei used his fire style to act in their defense as well

They felt unstoppable, it seemed as if nothing could stand in their way

"N-Ngh...! Agh! Damn brats!" {M-My head...!}

Kyō still had a difficult time, the aching pain in his head wouldn't cease. The mostly, unknown side effects from the LIFT were certainly nothing to scoff at

Forgetting his battle with Team Tango, he still had to divert his focus on controlling the dragon heads keeping the rest of Kumogakure's forces at bay. Were it not for this factor, his fight with these Genin would be going much smoother

However, he didn't care, opting to fight through the pain. He'd lost so much today, so many of the Chinoike clan to his hated enemy...he had no intentions of quitting now

But just as Kyō prepared to attack again...



...With stupendous levels of strength and dexterity, Rei's serpent had basically torn right through the liquid dragons defending him. Seemingly oblivious in their attempts to stop it, it easily destroyed their forms, turning them back into puddles of red water

{What is that thing made of?! Those dragon heads can easily shatter Earth, and it doesn't even have a scrat--wait...WHERE ARE THOSE GENIN?!} "Uh?!"

Frantically shaking his head in search of the enemy, the growing shadow on the ground made him realize they'd jumped in the air right before Rei's summon broke through his defenses


With a wave of their hands, the trio performed their individual hand seals as they descended from above


"Together now!" {Katon: Endan5Fire Style: Flame Bullet!}

"I'm with you!" {Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku6Wind Style: Great Vacuum Sphere!}

"Please work!" {Suiton: Kiri Seigyo7Water Style: Mist Control!}


Tai unleashed his signature Ninjutsu, controlling vapor stemmed from his concocted oils. Sent forth alongside a powerful combination of fire and wind blasts from Rei and Suzu respectively

This collaborated attack of three created a chemical reaction around Kyō...







...enveloping him in a massive, ear-shattering explosion


I hope my amateur drawing wasn't too bad for your eyes ><!


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