Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

176. Overdose


Nearly all on the field could feel the wind picking up after the violent explosion. The sheer noise from the combined attack they dealt Kyō garnered everyone's attention towards the area

With Suzu's shining white hair and chakra, the strange colored mist forming on Tai's hands,  and Rei's unusual summoning they were now standing on...Team Tango quickly became the focal point of the conflict

"Hey, does anyone know who those Genin are? The ones riding on that...dragon?!"

"I...recognize one of them, the son of the Yotsuki clan head"

"And the one who summoned it, he's Keido Sano's..."

"Mabui's cousin? I thought that was him"

"I'm more interested in the girl who's glowing. I thought she was our Jinchūriki"

"N-No...Yugito-sama's fighting over there"

"They're Team Tango I believe..."


Soon enough, gossip spread amongst the soldiers, mostly the ones seated safely behind the supply chain. As the blood pool bearing dragon heads continued to spread, more and more shinobi retreated away from the field

At F's suggestion, the battle against Kyō's Ketsuryūgan1Blood Dragon Eye-based Ninjutsu and the other remaining inmates became a long-ranged one. He opted for the best method to avoid any more casualties now that the conflict was nearing its end

The blood creatures reformed themselves no matter how many times they were destroyed. F understood fighting them would be endless. There also weren't many Kumo-nin stationed here, with many of them spread in various locations like the coastlines, and within the village itself

With the Raikage, along with other reinforcements on the way, nearly every Kumo-nin present knew the conclusion was coming soon


"We're almost there..." F muttered




"What do you think you're doing?!"

"What does is look like, I'm gonna get her!"

"We're not supposed to intervene under any circumstances!"

At another location overlooking the conflict, Balance was in a tense standoff with his fellow "Company" member Red. The latter of whom was set on disobeying orders and rushing to the battlefield

"Tch...fool! You don't understand! That girl isn't Yugito Nii, yet to posses such chakra only proves it's a result of the LIFT!"

"And that's reason enough for you to break protocol and try to take her?! Red, have you gone stupid?!"

"Argh! I'm surrounded by uneducated idiots! Can't you feel it?! Or better yet, just use those eyes of yours! The reaction taking place within her is completely different from anything I've ever seen. Years of experimenting inside Hōzuki-jō2Demon Lantern Castle, and there's never been a reaction like this!"

The only thing more rare than Balance displaying shock on his usually calm face, was Red, who'd completely lost her composure. She practically drooled from her mouth the moment Suzu arrived on the field, completely captivated by the abilities she'd demonstrated

None of the other test subjects she worked on in the Blood Prison had managed to exhibit such stable chakra after taking the LIFT, a problem she consistently struggled to rectify

"Increasing stability, via decreasing the negative side effects. The very task Sage assigned me was to solve was this conundrum. The pill isn't useful if it damages the mind afterwards!"


"Plus, she's even manifested chakra arms! Just like a Jinchūriki! Her very existence proves the worth of my work!"

Balance sighed and closed his eyes, mulling over what to do next. Under no circumstances could he allow Red to interfere, "Board members" were never to compromise their identities, especially during a joint operation such as this

If Red was seen, he'd inevitably get into trouble as well. Without question if he allowed the Company's top researcher to captured or killed under his watch. The only reason he was still here was to watch after her

"Our purpose is to gather data, that's it"

"We can gather more if we take her now! Isn't that why we started this little field test in the first place?!"

"Haaaaa...if you want to go that badly, I won't stop you. That is, if you're not afraid of pissing Sage off?"


Balance had found the appropriate words for dealing with Red. If there was one thing she did fear, it was incurring the wrath of their leader

He gave explicit orders not to intervene no matter what happens once the inmates took the pills. If she were to not only disobey orders, but end up seen by a members of Kumogakure's military, maybe even the Raikage who'd be there soon...there's no telling what might happen

With this revelation, the blood left her head as reason returned to her. Finally understanding how foolish she was acting, no better than a child throwing a tantrum

"...Goddamn it!"

With a much indignation, she grit her teeth and sat down. Balance sighed and followed suit, sitting right next to her

"You're not the only one who's curious, but let's not put the cart before the horse. The fight isn't over yet"

"What are talking about? Kyō was just blown to bits"

"Heh! Is that what you think? Just sit back and watch. The battle is about to reach its climax. Hell, you might even be more interested in him, than the girl once this is over"



"Kyō" {True. Anyone else would've long since perished after taking so many pills at once. Yet, he fights like a Jinchūriki--no...he's above that. Yes, he's almost like a...}





Dirt, ash, and small droplets of red liquid were carried by the turbulent draft in the area. The trio remained on guard atop the head of Rei's Imugi as he confirmed Kyō's chakra had yet to disappear

Soon enough, a familiar voice resounded in their minds...

⌈You three have certainly done a lot today⌋

"Who just...?!"


"Tango-sensei...Chakra transmission is it?"

⌈Astute as always⌋

{The "Network" has also performed well. All my efforts are finally paying off, no wonder I'm in such a good mood today} Rei smirked with pride upon looking at his work

"If you're calling us with that...are you nearby somewhere?" Suzu glanced around in search of her sensei

⌈No, I'm still at HQ. There's a lot I'm not a liberty to say, just assume I can reach anyone in Kumogakure today. That'll make things easier, right now, you three have a job to do⌋

"No kidding. Can I assume you have something in mind?"

⌈Expand your senses, someone smart as you can guess what I'll suggest⌋

"O-kay...?" {My senses? Is there something I shou--?!}


The moment he expanded his range, Rei could feel a familiar chakra signature headed towards the field

"This chakra...the lightning geezer finally showed up. About time"

⌈Haaaa. Rei, please don't refer to Raikage-sama in such a manner. And in his defense, he did have to undergo a literal cross-country from the other side of the continent⌋

"It's not just him...hmmmm"

Rei informed his teammates of the news, Tai was especially elated when he heard his mother was fine and currently en route. Tango also informed them that Killer B and Darui had finished their sweep of the village, the remaining Chinoike saboteurs had been dealt with

Moroi's barrier squad was now in the process of ensuring crucial districts remained secure

⌈The only thing left to tidy up is the area where you're at. Normally, Genin would never be allowed to engage such an enemy, expect some serious reprimand for disobeying orders by stepping on the battlefield⌋

"But????" Rei immaturely pushed for more

⌈Haaaa...but, according to reports coming in, the damage you inflict on Kyō disrupts his control of the spreading blood pool. Those regenerating "dragon heads" become unstable with every blow. You attacking him will keep our casualties to a minimum⌋

"So we're to by time until Raikage-sama arrives?" Suzu understood what Tango struggled to request of his students

Putting them in danger, when he wasn't there, was the last thing Tango desired as their Jonin captain. But the other skilled shinobi present were preoccupied with other matters

It was already difficult to navigate through the steam fog generated by the blood creatures. Kyō stuck to guerilla tactics, never remaining in the same spot for too long. His means of combating an already military force with superior numbers

With most exhausted from over a day of non-stop fighting against the LIFT-taking inmates, Team Tango cornering him was too valuable a chance to pass up

Even Team Mabui ended up drawn in a fight with another group of drug users. Every second the Genin bought, meant another life saved

"No problem, we've got this" Rei smiled


"Just focus on your task sensei, we'll be fine. I'm sure there are plenty of other squads in need of your attention. Especially now with our radios down" Tai recalled how chaotic things were when he was stationed at the hospital

"I'm not the same as I once was. I won't let anything happen to Rei, or Tai" Suzu affirmed her resolve to protect her friends

"And I've still got some tricks as well" {Or rather, my new pet does}

⌈...If you're talking like that, then I suppose you'll be fine. Team Mabui is there as well, so I shouldn't worry too much. To support you, I'll be sending you three chakra from HQ⌋

"You can do that? How in the-"

"Don't bother Tai, it's probably another thing he can't talk about now" {Good to know that feature is up and running too}

⌈Indeed. Feel free to go all out, don't worry about your reserves⌋

"But sensei, your attention will be-"

⌈Who do you think you're talking to? I was the youngest shinobi ever to be invited into the Intelligence Division, promoted to Jonin at early age. You think I can't handle a little multi-tasking of the mind? Don't underestimate your sensei⌋


"We've all got a job to do"

"Be safe sensei"

⌈That's my line Suzu. Stay alive as you buy time for backup. And fight knowing that even when we're apart, as your sensei, I'm always supporting you three⌋

Tango disconnected from them, tending to issues elsewhere. But not before established a steady connection of chakra from HQ. Several shinobi stationed in the room next to his were sending their chakra into the central hub he was attached to. This team was part of a larger, rotating group that constantly fed chakra into the system for Tango to distribute

In no time at all, the team was reinvigorated. The energy they received refreshed their spirits, even Suzu felt the powerful energies within her body were beginning to harmonize

"Well, if he's working so hard, far be it from me to fall behind"

Rei turned his attention towards the sight in front of him. On his right, Suzu readied herself, increasing the magnitude of the white chakra around her. On his left was Tai, who with subtle grace...


...unsheathed the ceremonial blade on his hip, the very same Wakizashi3Side Swordhe received from his mother, Tomoe



With a savage roar of his lungs, Kyō blasted away the fog of ash that around him. Just as Rei believed, he had indeed survived, but his body was now seared with burn wounds. The white kimino he wore was in tatters, as was the rest of his body

This, coupled with unsteady chakra from the LIFT, and his crazed expression, gave off an impression of pure insanity

"H-Heh...hehehe...ahhhhh. Wow. Hahaha, everything went to shit the moment I met those bastards. After I'm done here, I'll be sure to pay them back in full"

{Them? Who's he talking about? The ones who gave him those weird pills?}

"Ugh! Uhack!"


Kyō fell to his knees, coughing up blood. Though their combo attack was strong, Tai deduced it wasn't the cause for his current condition

"The paranoia, agitation, intense sweating, rapid breathing, and the clutching of his chest..."

"Tai? Are you saying-?"

"I believe so Suzu...he's in the process of overdosing"

"Didn't your mother teach you medicine isn't meant to used so carelessly?" Rei mocked him


"Over...dose? No. No no no no no no..." Kyō shook his head, talking gibberish



"I HAVEN'T HAD MY FILL YET!!!!" he raised his arms, and elated expression on his face suiting a true mad man

The Genin waited for whatever he had planned but...



...the sound of the wind blowing was all they could hear. Nothing happened, Kyō just stood there with his hands in the air, still grinning with bulging eyes

"He's...lost it. The guy belongs in an asylum" Tai mused, appalled by his new behavior

"It must be a side effect of the..." 

Suzu clenched her fist, worried the same thing might happen to her. Sensing her fears, Rei tapped her shoulder, giving her assurance that she'd be alright

Stressing he found no abnormalities after checking her chakra when he first arrived on the battle field

But just as she was about to thank him...



Kyō's body erupted in red energy!

"The hell?! His chakra just skyrocketed out of nowhere! How did he-?!"




"It happened again!"

Another eruption of chakra burst forth again! His power increasing several fold! Rei frantically used his senses to scan every fiber of Kyo's chakra signature. Desperately trying to figure out how this was happening

{How is he doing that?! Chakra doesn't just come from nowhere!}

"Tsk!" {Fūton: Shinkūgyoku4Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres!}


Suzu spat out compressed bullets of air in an attempt to stop Kyō but...



Her attacks fizzled out into nothing as a shield of red liquid emerged from the ground, defending him

This new erupting red energy had strengthened his Dōjutsu5Eye Techniquesto new heights. His Ketsuryūgan was stronger than ever

"Cheh! Crazy bastard!"


Rei formed a hand seal, widening the range of his senses. It was only then did he understand what was happening

"You son of a--guys! We have to stop him now!"



With no words at all, the red serpent carrying them moved according to Rei's will, tearing the surface as it charged at Kyō

"You wanna fill us in?!"

"There are chakra signatures disappearing all over the front! When he raised his hands...his blood fabrications must've started killing!"

"Our allies are dying?!"

"No, it's not them he's targeting..."

"Then who--oh. Oh my god...!"

The two finally understood what Kyō had done. His "dragon heads" had stopped targeting Kumogakure ninja. Switching to their new targets...

The makeshift army of inmates from the Blood Prison!


"Ugh! Another burst of red energy!"

"His power's still increasing!"

The LIFT functioned not only by enhancing, but dividing and spreading chakra to other users. That is...whenever another user died. By killing his supposed allies, Kyō took every ounce of chakra they had left

He was literally feasting on their lives...







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