Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

177. Tricks

Hey Shinobi! More changes on the way, this Arc concludes next week! And the next, even CRAZIER one begins!!!


Months ago

"Hmmm...progression is a little slow for my taste. I may have to readjust the timetable before it's usable"

[Speeding things along isn't always healthy. Especially for matters of this nature]

Rei had overtaxed himself, not just his work on the "IMUGI" project, but secretly aiding Tetsuo for construction of the "Network". Living dual lives as "Rei Sano" and "Developer R" had become distasteful lately. Although, this displeasure mostly stemmed from his frustration at the lack of results he was getting

Now, he was going over notes and reports he's filed since returning from his treacherous mission on the appropriately named, Summoning Island

"Controlling nature itself eh? True, I've long accepted science being unable to provide all the answers. However..."


"I'd expected to gain more than I have now"


Rei stood in front of several large glass tanks filled with bubbling liquid. Each one housing a growing "Imugi" inside, yet their different growth rates annoyed him. Said creatures were the fruits of his labor after acquiring many DNA samples from the island

Implementing a process similar to the remodeling of his own body, he broke down genomes and isolated exceptional traits for enhancement

"Things are moving far too slow. There's got to be some kind of stimulant or something out there I can use to hasten their progress. If Orochimaru could do it like you said, I should be able to as well"

[Orochimaru never used DNA from creatures like the ones you met. Plus, he had DNA from his favorite pet, Manda. Even if you exclude Genbu and the Tailed Beasts, he's one of the biggest summons in the world, eclipsing even Gamabunta and Katsuyu. It should go without saying, things will be different]

"And Kabuto also provided his expertise, haaaa...damn it. If my fight with the Konjiki Twins proved anything, it's that I'm still not ready to move forward in the shinobi world"

His recent struggles, coupled with the ever approaching deadline for the start of Naruto's journey, Rei had been feeling the pressure. He wanted more strength, more power, more...assets

"Speaking of Orochimaru, there's some info I need you to give me Notitia. Pertaining to one of his former associates"

[By "former associate", I can only assume it's someone from Akatsuki? Which pair? Itachi & Kisame,  Hidan & Kakuzu...?]

"I know enough about the first two, and I care little for that wired bastard Kakuzu, or his idiot partner"

[Whoa. Did I strike a nerve or something?]

", no. Sorry" {Again...why am I so angry every time I think about Hidan and Kakuzu? The latter in particular, it's like I wanna strangle someone with my bare hands whenever I hear that name...}

[So? Who is it?]

"H-Hm? Oh...uhhh, it's Pain--er, Nagato...or whatever the hell you want to call him. One of his unique Rikudō no Jutsu1Six Paths Techniquepowers in particular"

[Oho! Now I get what you want. You've grown an interest in that have you? Sure, I can tell you everything, and it won't even cost you a Lifeline]


"Good to hear. Let's get to work"





"Feast on this you crazy bastard!!"


Rei's summoned "pet" crashed into the very spot Kyō stood, but after rising from the crater it made, the team found nothing, not a trace of madman in the center

"He's gone, where did he-?!"

"Over there, he's running towards the field! To kill more inmates most likely"

"I'm on it!" Rei commanded his serpent to follow, carrying the team on its head

Due to Kyō's chakra being scattered everywhere due to the large blood pool he created, Rei had a difficult time tracing his chakra. It was as if there were several "Kyō's" all over the place

{With that pulsing chakra of his spreading, it's just like a Jamming Jutsu!} "Agh, so annoying!"


Kyō slinked behind another inmate fighting a squad of ninja before getting his attention




"And goodbye!"

After looking the man in the eye with his Ketsuryūgan2Blood Dragon Eye, he drove his hand right through the man's chest, killing him instantly


"What are you...aren't you allies?!"

"With this trash? Don't insult me! HAHAHAHA!" 

Once the inmate was dead, the lunatic moved on to his next target, but not before leaving something behind for the Kumo-nin!

"The hell is he do--oh no...!"

"Get away! Take cover!"

Just before stabbing him, Kyō placed the inmate under his Dōjutsu3Eye Technique. Upon receiving the fatal wound, the process for converting him into an Exploding Human had already begun

The blood oozing from the injury continued to swell, enveloping the body until finally...




The body became a explosive blasting away everyone in it's radius! And just like whenever one of Kyō's "dragon head's" was destroyed, the same occurrence, an emerging burst of steam, took place

It blanketed the area like a fog, making it even harder to track him!


He repeated the process again and again, killing each and every inmate

Kyō's appetite couldn't be satiated, the horrid, gluttonous thirst for power completely overwhelmed him. He was no longer the tempered, collected leader of the Chinoike clan anymore

Now...he was nothing more than a mindless beast of burden

"Agh! I can't see a thing in this steam fog! Rei, are you getting anything?!"

"No, his chakra is all over the place! By the time I lock on, he's already gone, with an Exploding Human left in his place!" {Even with my new "friend", I can't find him. All because of this stupid blood!}

Team Tango tried to pick up on his trail, with no such luck. Rei's "Imugi" possessed enhanced senses, but his scent had spread everywhere thanks to blood scattered all over the field

"I'll handle it"

"Eh?!" Rei and Tai were both started when Suzu suddenly jumped off the red serpent


But she didn't fall to the ground, rather, she ascended higher...seemingly hovering in the air!

"Wait a sec?! Suzu can FLY now?!"

"Well, it's more like she's using her Fūton4Wind Styleto control air pressure. Creating unnatural updrafts of wind, elevating her higher in the sky. Though, I reckon that otherworldly chakra of hers is contributing a lot as well"

"...You're such a nerd"

"As I recall, Tomoe favors my intelligence?"


"That's gonna be difficult considering she'll be here soon"

"N-Ngh! Y-Y-Y-YOU...!"


Suzu soared through the air until she had a bird's eye view of the area

"I still can't find him with that shroud of steam covering the area. In that case--HAH!"

Pushing her chakra even further, the aura covering her body became even brighter. Rays of white light shined everywhere, illuminating the entire field

"H-Huh? What in the world...?"

"Where is this light coming from?"

"The enemy...I can finally see them!"

"It's that girl again, she's clearing the way for us! Let's go!"

Kumogakure's forces went on a fierce counter attack after erupting in cheers for Suzu's aid

Kyō's advantage for being the only one who could navigate in the fog, thanks to his eyes, vanished the moment Suzu unveiled everything with her chakra

The Kumo-nin finally had a clear view of the liquid entities constantly ambushing them

"Fūton: Taifūikka5Wind Style: Supreme Typhoon!"


Utilizing her wind style even further, she created a turbulent gale that swept away the steam, finally clearing the field. With Kyō's location revealed, her work was done

Floating consumed quite the amount of chakra, so she subtly released her technique, casually descending towards the ground. Poised on rejoining the team once her feet were on the ground




"She did it Rei! I can see him, eight o'clock!"

"On it..."


With their objective in sight, the serpent blasted through the field. And in a matter of seconds...


WHACK! had reached its intended target, issuing another attack. With a whipping its scaly tail, the large creature smacked Kyō into a nearby boulder. The sheer impact upon collision was enough to shatter stone

Knowing Suzu's wind-based jutsu had yet to cease, Rei decided to seize the opportunity

"Hmph! You're not getting off that easy!" {You know what to do...}


"W-What the-?! Are you serious?!"


A powerful stream of burning flames came bursting out, but to Tai's surprise, it's source wasn't from Rei, but the beast they were standing on!

Following Rei's commands, the Imugi opened it's mouth, spewing a blaze that instantly expanded in size and intensity thanks to the wind, incinerating the rubble Kyō was blasted into

The location struck instantly turned into a scene straight out of hell, with everything on fire

"It even breathes fire?! This thing really is a dragon! And a little warning next time Rei!" The force of the resulting blast nearly knocked Tai off the serpent

"You never heard of animals using nature transformation?" {Took a lot of work to figure that one out}

"But, but, but! It's a friggin' dragon man! Ah, by the way, he dead?"

"Haaaaa...Tai. In the future, please avoid setting off flags like that, otherwise..."


The madman blasted out of the debris, landing in front the Genin and their giant, scaly servant

"That happens"

"...My bad"


Suzu finally managed to catch up to them, landing right next to Rei on top of the Imugi's head

"I think everyone saw what just happened. It is a dragon..." Suzu noted

"Right? I thought so!"

"It's not a dra--!"


"Hehehehe!" Kyō chuckled in awe at the power that just erupted from his body

{Damn it, even though we stopped his killing spree, he's still absorbed quite a bit of chakra from the ones he killed}

Red energy swirled around him, increasing his strength even further. The new dragon heads of blood he created to protect him increased in size, becoming even stronger than before. The other ones spread throughout the field had changed as well, resuming their attack

Now, they targeted everyone, both inmates and Kumo-nin alike

"Ketsuryū Tensei6Blood Dragon Rebirth!"

Still possessing enough sanity to remember hand seals, he activated his Hiden Jutsu7Secret Jutsumanipulating the blood around him. Coating his body with it, his burns and wounds began to miraculously heal

{That's the same power he used after Suzu and I blasted him during our previous encounter...} "Hey Tai, do you think...?"

"Yeah, I do..."

As a Medical-nin, Tai confirmed Rei's hypothesis, Kyō had indeed utilized his blood manipulating power to stimulate mitosis. Forcing cells to divide rapidly and repair any damage

Noting such a technique would shorten his life. The little regard for his own safety only made the Genin realize the foe before them had become even more dangerous


With a wave of his hands, he created another blood dragon possessing eight heads, sending it to strike the Imugi

"They're so much faster now! No time to dodge guys!"

"Rei, your summoning's in troub-!"

"It's fine Suzu"


Rei calmly folded his arms and watched in anticipation. Not a single trace of fear could be found on his face, even as Kyō charged at them atop his blood creation in a truly psychotic manner 

His compatriots frantically tried to guess as to why Rei hadn't ordered his summoning to move




"Just watch guys, this is where things get fun"


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