Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

178. Tai’s Genius

Happy Lunar New Year Shinobi! Just two more left until the end of this Arc! This chapter is a little special for me. Yesterday, I took my little cousin to his science fair after helping him out with his project over the weekend. It was pretty awesome, and he managed to get a 3rd place ribbon (He was so cool about it, didn't even mind not getting 1st)

So I dedicated this chapter to him, read carefully, and you'll find a hint as to what he did for his experiment!

And as always, please enjoy the chapter!


In a matter of seconds, Kyō's Ketsuryūgan1Blood Dragon EyeNinjutsu acutely struck Rei's serpent!

Oddly enough, the summoned creature made no attempts to dodge, obeying its master's orders. The latter in question merely smiled, acting as if they weren't being attacked at all, much to his team's confusion

It was soon after something inconceivable had taken place...


"NOW YOU ALL DI--eh...?" Kyō's jaw dropped

"H-Huh?" Suzu's reaction was no better

The large red creature had miraculously split apart, completely dividing in two!

"What just--?!"

Just as Tai intended to ask how this could be, the phenomenon repeated itself again, and again, and again! With each attack, the artificially-created serpent split in two!

None muttered a word, completely dumbfounded at the spectacle transpiring before their eyes. Eventually, there were eight "Imugis" to combat Kyō's hydra-shaped fabrication of red water

"Zōfuku Kuchiyose no Jutsu2Amplification Summoning Technique"

"Zōfu--what?" Tai was clueless to origins of said Ninjutsu

"I've never heard'd you do it?" Suzu couldn't take her eyes away


Rei went on about the origins of the incredible technique, how old and rare it truly was. The Ninjutsu allowed a summoned creature to replicate every time someone attacked it

But successfully applying said technique required great skill. Plus, the number of times it could replicate also depended on the quality of the summoned creature. Not even Rei knew how many times his new "pet" could split apart

Despite revealing this knowledge, he deliberately left out key details, such as the knowledge of future events being his sole means to acquire this power. For it was his observation of Nagato, the true face behind Akatsuki's proxy leader Pain, that he learned of the technique

Deeming it useful for his project, Notitia provided all information pertaining to Pain's Rinnegan3Saṃsāra Eye-based "Six Paths of Pain" Ninjutsu. Nagato, being paraplegic, controlled six corpses to act as his will, each bearing a different ability

The one designated as the Animal Path utilized the very same Amplification Technique

"It's impressive, but I still think it's a little cold to let it get hit on purpose"

"Relax Suzu, its body is incredibly durable. I doubt such attacks would even scratch" {I spliced DNA from those experimental scorpions on Summoning Island. Though not possessing the same level of dexterity, its scales can easily stop blades}


Without warning, every Imugi besides the one they stood on attacked Kyō and his blood creature. Overwhelming him with powerful, relentless attacks. When they weren't biting or tearing his blood-based Ninjutsu, they released streams of fire from their mouths

But Kyō's Ninjutsu simply reconstituted itself over and over again

"Rei...If a single dragon is that tough as you say, can you spare one for me?" grasping his chin, Tai juggled an idea 

"I can, but what are you planning to do?"

Tai removed a scroll from his pouch

"What's in that?"

"Some things I acquired when Dodai-sama had me working. Remember our first encounter with a Chinoike member? After seeing those eyes for the first time, a few ideas sprouted in my mind, but I didn't have a chance to test them all. HQ needed my bombs to route out the other saboteurs..."




"Well, I successfully made them, but in the process...there was plenty of leftover materials. It's a long shot, but I may have a something that could put an end to this"




The limited batch of Kumogakure forces on the front steadily made progress. After F successfully organized a small campaign to move the inmates out of Kyō's reach, squads began neutralizing them one by one

They couldn't afford for any them do die yet, as their deaths only served to make Kyō stronger. Suzu clearing the steam fog earlier increased visibility, making their jobs all the more easy

But said entities formed from Kyō's Ketsuryū Shōten4Blood Dragon Ascensiontechnique were still a problem. Now even stronger thanks to chakra he took from killing other LIFT users, they blocked the way for many. Preventing most from assisting Team Tango


Finally recovering some strength, Yugito's figure erupted with energy, transforming her into a smaller type of Tailed Beast Mode. This Version 2 form took on an appearance of a dark red, nearly black layer of chakra mimicking her beast

A miniature Two-tails best defined her now...

"Nekozume5Cat Claw!" Yugito blasted from the ground, striking a batch of dragon heads with her "claws" 

"They're cornered Mabui! You got it?!"

"I'm ready! Stand clear!" Mabui warned after her team assisted in halting another batch


With the forming of hand seals, several weapons she placed in front of her were engulfed in waves of light, vanishing without a trace until...

"Tensō no Jutsu6Ethereal Transmission Jutsu!"


...another wave, reminiscent of lightning, sent them hurdling down at her intended target, destroying the fabrications in her sight. Reducing them into red puddles


Mabui almost fell to her knees before Samui took her arm, placing it over the shoulder as she helped her friend stand

"Are you alright? It was never meant to used in such a violent manner" Samui noted


Mabui knew what Samui was hinting at better than anyone. Her signature Ninjutsu wasn't for combat. It took far too much time to prepare, and she only had one shot. If the target were to move right before she used it, it would inevitably miss

Along with substantial chakra consumption, the support-type technique was ill-suited for drawn out conflicts such as this. Mabui had nearly burned through most of her reserves


"Oh no...get back Yugito!"


"Not again...there's just no end!" Mabui grit her teeth in frustration

The figure she had just destroyed began reconstituting, much to her chagrin. In seconds, the powerful entity was back to normal, poised to resume its attack

"Here it comes!"

"No other choice, it's risky in my current state, but I'm gonna do a full transforma--?!"


Just as Yugito attempted to transform again, a giant red serpent arrived abruptly, shattering the blood construct once more. But what surprised Team Mabui was the addition of Rei and Tai, standing on its head


"Tai, Rei?! What are you doing?!" Yugito asked after undoing her transformation, returning to human form

"Saving you from the looks of it!"

The pair jumped down, letting their scaly ally continue to thrash the blood creature, preventing it from fully regenerating

Upon seeing her cousin, Mabui separated from Samui. Carefully examining his body for injuries. After confirming he was alright, she raised her arm...


"Ow! What the--?!"

"You dolt!"

...and smacked him on the head

"You jump into the middle of a warzone, AFTER sneaking out of the hospital, to engage the leader of the Chinoike Clan?!"

"Agh...forgot how hard you hit! And in my defense, it wasn't my first encounter with him! Besides, I was feeling fine, and I had something that could help everyone" Rei retorted, meekly pointing to his summoned creature

"That brings me to my next point, what the hell is that thing?! Where the hell did you get that thing?! Some kind of...dragon?!"

"Aha! I knew it was dragon!" Tai gigged from watching Rei get scolded 

"Shut up, Tai. And get to work"

"Yeah, yeah!"


Moving aside, Tai stood near the red puddle being smashed by the Imugi, summoning several metal canisters from a scroll he placed on the ground

"I don't wanna say you've done something completely absurd, because every damn time I do, you take it as a personal challenge! Why can't you...can't you...huff...huff...!"

"Whoa, whoa! Nee-san!" Rei caught the weary young woman as she nearly fell from exhaustion 

"Ugh...damn it. I've used too much chakra today, I can't even see straight...let alone yell at you right now"

"I'll accept any punishment later. For now, Tai has a plan to--?!"

Mabui wrapped her arms around Rei, hugging him as she shed a tear

"Don't you know how much you make me worry? It wouldn't hurt if you were a little more sensitive to these things"


"Hmph! You're not sorry. I bet it won't be long before something like this...again. You brat...uhhhhh" She finally fainted

Samui took her from Rei's arms, informing him that ever since they encountered an ambush on Genbu Island, her mind held nothing but thoughts and fears of his safety

Now that she finally saw him up close since the siege began, it was as if all the stress and anxiety in her body vanished

"I'll take her to supply chain where our medics are waiting"

"...Thanks, I appreciate it"

"Yugito, stay with them"

"Was already planning on it"


After Samui dashed away with Mabui, Yugito tapped Rei's shoulder

"So? What's this I hear about a plan?"

"You'll have to defer to my colleague on that matter. Tai?"

"Just a sec, I have to try it out first!" {Suiton: Mizurappa7Water Style: Wild Water Waves!}


After opening the metal canisters, Tai spat out a small jet of water. Upon splashing his target, the blood began to distort, and to the surprise of the pair watching...ceased regenerating

"What just...huh?" Yugito was dumbstruck, the creatures she'd been struggling with were destroyed so easily

"Okay. You. Explain. Now."

Tai went on about his time at headquarters, Dodai supplied him with a slew of ingredients to make his bombs tailored for the Chinoike. But one key element he lacked was hydrogen. Fortunately, it was the Intelligence Division they used for a makeshift HQ, which just so happened to house the lab for energy research 

Resting inside were a batch of the old liquid batteries the village previously used before partnering with Tetsuo Mori. And with them, giant tubes of sea water

"Now I get it, you've performed that kind of science project" Rei recalled a concept he fiddled with in his previous life

"I knew you'd get it. Everything I required was already there"

Tai had placed sea water in a tube, along with carbon electrodes normally used for the batteries, before electrifying it with help from several Raiton8Lightning Styleusers present

The electrical currents split the water into gases, one of those being hydrogen

"That's ingenious, really Tai. does hydrogen help us?" Yugito wondered

"It doesn't. The gas in the container isn't hydrogen. It's actually-"

"Chlorine gas, right?" Rei already uncovered what Tai had done


"You'll naturally acquire more than one gas when undergoing an experiment like that. But chlorine gas is very dangerous, that is...unless you have someone who can control vapors and fumes with chakra...right Tai?"

"Hehe! I'm too modest to boast"

Releasing chlorine gas, controlling it through chakra, and mixing it with Water Style. The elements merged to form a customized sodium hypochlorite. Combining Chemistry and Ninjutsu, this was Tai's specialty

The Ketsuryūgan didn't control blood, but iron-enriched substances. His chemically modified solution acted as a glorified bleach, targeting the very thing Kyō utilizes with his eyes, rendering them useless

But to end this troublesome Ninjutsu, they must be broken down first. The "dragon heads" were encased by a layer of protective chakra, their source of strength

Rei deduced they temporarily divert the chakra protecting them for healing whenever their forms are destroyed. Only after being reduced to a puddle, do they reconstitute...this was the key window for Tai's solution to work

"This time, I was lucky. But I won't be able to control the gases and unleash my Suiton at the same time. I need another Suiton user to help while I focus on controlling these dangerous fumes. Even now, I'm keeping the gas from spreading" {It's a relief HQ is sending me a steady supply of chakra to help, gotta thank Tango-sensei later}

"And that second person is...?"

"It's me, Yu-nee. Tai and I will ride on my new pet as it escorts us through the field. Our combined Suiton will prevent these things from coming back, but we'll need your--everyone's help to destroy them"

"...Alright. I'll be the spear while you three--wait...where's Suzu?" she shook her head, looking for their missing teammate

"She and Rei are fighting with seven more of his summoned dragons. Keeping Kyō occupied so he doesn't sew more chaos"

"Rei has SEVEN more of these...things?! Where they heck did you find--wait. H-Hold on, she and...but Rei's right here?"

"The me you see in front of you is a clone. The original is with Suzu"

Seeing how Mabui had reacted, he didn't want to worry her further by revealing the "real" him was still fighting Kyō

Whether it him becoming more sentimental, or some kind of influence from the body he possessed, his older cousin remained the sole person he had trouble dealing with in this world


{Hm? This chakra is...!} "Pfff...! Haha!"

"?" Yugito and Tai looked at Rei with confusion as he abruptly laughed

"Tai, this crazy plan of yours just might work out after all" 


Another group of shinobi landed on the ground to greet them, some with familiar faces that were most welcome


{No way...!}

"I take it you guys heard everything you needed to?"



His body buzzing with electricity, the Raikage had finally arrived on the front lines! And at his side, a squad of shinobi straight from the Yotsuki clan, with Tomoe leading them

"Mom! You're here!" 


A, after glancing around, simply walked past them as his eyes beamed towards Kyō, who was in the midst of his battle with Suzu and Rei. Without even bothering to turn around, he spoke to the clone

"Can you and Suzu hold on long enough?"

Every fiber of his being wanted to go over there, and drive his fist directly into Kyō's face. But even he knew killing the Chinoike leader would be difficult with the latter's chakra now at levels even higher than his own

Furthermore, the expanding blood pool spawning numerous "dragon heads" needed to be dealt with. Otherwise, their casualties would continue to rise

Even at this very moment, the pool continued to grow, edging ever closer towards the village walls. It'll be inside Kumogakure before long

The LIFT was a troublesome equalizer...

"I just said so, didn't I? You've got bigger priorities, so there's no use standing there like an idiot"

"R-Rei?! You can't talk to him like--oof!" Tai tried to warn Rei before Tomoe patted him on the back

"Nonsense Tai, this is war, Rei's got the right idea. Now is the time to shut up and act"

"As usual Tomoe-san, you and I are of like mind. It couldn't have been easy rushing over her from the north, but we're all grateful"

"It's worth it if I get to see you Rei-chan. You and your squad have performed admirably" Tomoe broke her stern demeanor the instant Rei spoke to her, merrily smiling in response

{H-H-Hm?!} Tai's eyes were glued at the pair upon noticing his mom acting so joyfully

"When this awful mess is finally taken care of, you should come over"

"I do so enjoy your tea ceremonies, I'll definitely drop by"


During their banter, Tai caught the sight of Rei sneaking a glance at him, wearing a clearly mocking smile


"Raikage-sama, my clan and I will clear they way for my son. Feel free to act as you see fit"

Being the natural leader she was, Tomoe quickly took charge of situation, taking Yugito along with her clan members as they split up, targeting various patches of the blood pool

Though he had some words for Rei, Tai begrudgingly put them aside as he picked up his gas-filled canister. The red "Imugi" inched closer to the boys, acting as a mount, presenting its head for them to ride on

Accepting the invitation, Tai hopped on, waiting for Rei to do the same

A turned around, facing the young man

"That's one hell of summon. I've never seen anything like it before. Yours?"


"And the other seven fighting with the real you and Suzu?"


"In that case...I'll end things here quickly"

"We'll do our part and buy you enough time. B will be here soon enough" Rei said as he jumped on the serpent's head

"Hmph! You know we have much to discuss once this is over..."

"..." {I figured as much}


The ground blew up from his feet as A bolted away, moving faster than the eye could see. Already locating his first prey...

"Lightning Straight!"


...piercing right through it with his fist



"Wow...and I thought you were fast"

"I am"

"He wasn't kidding, this might end in no time at all..."

"Only if you and I do our part. You ready?"

"As I'll ever be, let's get this over with so we can go home and nap forever..."



"I'll drink to that" {Though I'm still not allowed to in this young body}





"Come on, move it!"

"We're almost at the rendezvous!"

Further west of the continent, a group of shinobi moved in the dark, hidden under the cover of night. Fleeing with haste from the Land of Lightning, each carrying a large Shuriken on their backs, for they were members of the Fūma clan

These shinobi were apart of the very squad responsible for attacking the northern coastline by the country's border. After hours of struggle with Tomoe "The Beheader" Yotsuki, their defeat became assured when the Raikage arrived

The leader of Kumogakure came with a vengeance, and combined with the Yotsuki, it wasn't long before the order to retreat was issued

"'s hard to concentrate. Can't believe I'm having trouble running through a mere forest"

"What do you expect? It's still a large unknown..."

In order to survive, they had no choice but to take the LIFT pills provided to them by their employers. Though initially hesitant at first, desperation rose when their numbers began to dwindle

Over a day of fighting, negative effects naturally manifested

"Damn...feel like I'm gonna throw up"

"If you're gonna, run behind me! I'm not getting your lunch all over my--?!"


Without warning, a small shuriken emerged flying from the shadows. Lodged in a tree right in front of their path, thrown with the clear intention of stopping them, but not attacking them

"Defensive positions!"

"Contact! Ten o'clock!"

"You, come out!!"


The evening wind was tense, and with blades in hand, the Fūma waited for the stranger to reveal himself. As he feebly stepped into the moonlight, he muttered words

"Unlike the unworthy, the true warrior embraces the fray..."

"Uh?! Our code...can it be...?"


"Captain, if you'll..."

In response to the stranger, the captain of the group stepped forward

"For it is they, that truly remain victorious..."

"Only then, can we remain faithful, to our truest selves" At the final phrase, the two spoke in unison

The man revealed his face, beaten and injured, tattered clothes, and an open wound still bleeding. The others were overjoyed after chancing upon a clanmate, and not just any clanmate, but their leader himself

It was the supposedly deceased, Nobuyuki Fūma...

"You lot, patch him up quickly!"

"Yes sir!"

"Nobuyuki-sama, please sit down"

The men immediately attended to his wounds, sitting him down, back against a tree. As they worked, the captain had the others maintain watch while he questioned Nobuyuki

"How are you here? Word was you'd been killed by Ganjō Yotsuki"

"I almost was, but this isn't the first time I faked my death. My suicidal explosion was a ruse. Though I had to take that pill at the last second in order to survive, switching places with a Kage Bunshin9Shadow Clone"

"And with no trace of your body, Kumogakure believes you dead. That'll come in handy later. And what of the rest? Most on my side managed to get away safely"

"I took some losses on my side, but we're still okay. By all accounts, our job has been complete. The others are already back with the rest, having received our payment and making a name for ourselves, I'd say this has gone rather we--eh?"

Nobuyuki's attention was taken away at what appeared to be a white butterfly. Shortly after, another one appeared

And another, and another, and another until an entire horde of them flew over the group, blanketing the sky. Without warning, a subtle, honeyed voice spoke aloud... 

"What an interesting conversation you're having"


...but none could pinpoint its origin

"Who said that?! I can't see them, these bugs are in the way!"

"This isn't a normal swarm, stay on guard!"

"Is it Kumogakure?! Did they track us down?!"

{These aren't bugs. They're...paper?} Nobuyuki realized after catching one

A woman wearing a black cloak with red clouds emerged from the numerous sheets of paper, her body seemingly made of them





"May I join in?"


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