Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

180. Results

As some of you may have noticed in the previous chapter, I've changed the Land of Hot Water to the Land of Steam. The original romanization translates to the former, but I believe the latter sounds better


At an undisclosed location

The clandestine organization known only as the "Company" held another meeting between its ten, highest ranking staff. The so-called "Board" members

And while the meeting had already started, three of its members, "Flow", "Blade", and "Mountain" were missing. The leader known as "Sage" preferred not to wait, eager to hear what happened in Kumogakure

"So the village didn't fall?" Balance was the first person Sage questioned

"No sir. There was significant damage and casualties on their side, but the overall structure itself remains intact"

Sitting to the left of Balance was his younger brother Arc, who never believed taking down a great shinobi nation would work out. Not with the meager force they sent out

He'd been forced to go along with their plans per the same agreement each member made upon joining the Company. For a childish one such as him, Arc naturally seized the opportunity to say, "Told you so"

"Keke! Sorry Sage, but that's what you'd expect from one of the big 5" quipped Arc in his usual flippant tone

"While it's disappointing, the overall objective was achieved. If what sister Red claimed is accurate"

"It is brother Sage. Thanks to the stolen plans from Kumo, the LIFT acts as grid, splitting chakra from the users. That, in addition to boosting overall quantities of Chakra. Since each set is unique, replication will be next to impossible if stolen" Red explained as she read the clip board with her notes in hand

"Oh, terrific! We now have a monopoly on a drug that turns your brain into mush! Great job Red"

"Arc, this was a field test. Considering this plan hinged on Red's expertise, I expected things to go much worse. I never would've imagined those idiots we busted out of prison could do so much damage"

Ignoring the brothers sarcastic comments, Red read aloud more of the data recorded during her observation of the attack

"Negative effects began to manifest after hours of use, but the test subjects still maintained the capacity for fighting. We already discovered it impaired cognitive function from our tests in Hōzuki-jō1Demon Lantern Castle. There are certain steps we can take to reduce these...issues"

"Excellent. I want the next trial version ready for testing as soon as possible. Brother Three, we'll need you to arrange another testing site, now that the Blood Prison is no longer a viable option"

"There are several facilities I can arrange in the Land of Valleys, with no shortage of test subjects. However, I still request to have at least a modicum level of oversight"

"Cause if word gets out that inhumane tests are being conducted under watch, your ass in on the line. Right, old man?"

"...I'm simply asking for discretion Arc. And for you to consider keeping silent whenever I see your stupid face"



"And look who's here..."

The juvenile bickering was put to a halt with the appearance of Mountain. The large, masked man entered the room, carrying a body in his arms

But what made the group almost jump out of their seats, was the person he carried in his arms...the one known as "Blade"

"What the f**k?!" Arc yelled aloud


"She was killed by the Raikage, brother Three. I had to eliminate several ANBU members just to retrieve her corpse"

All were surprised to find one of their own was killed, that is...

"Explain. As I recall, you were supposed to be with her when she-?"

{So this fat bastard actually did it.}

...except for Balance. Who'd long been aware of his plan since they separated when the inmates arrived at Kumogakure. Because he wore a mask, no one could see Mountain staring at Balance, in fear he'd spill the beans

But oddly enough, Balance hadn't said a word

"Because the Daimyō left on a Noble Road, his group's journey through the Land of Rivers went quicker than anticipated. Blade had no choice but to engage earlier that we planned. We all knew the Raikage had to be occupied for this to even work, if they had reached Kusagakure2Hidden Grass Village, the whole charade would've failed"

"Noble roads...the exclusive travel paths for the Daimyō. When it came to estimating the timing, could it be our notorious manager of the Company's plans messed up?" Arc coyly glanced at "Time"

"The only thing I'll mess up is you, if I ever hear such bullshit come out of your mouth again. Not even Balance will be able to save you from my wrath" Time's voice went hoarse


"Ow! The f**k?!"

"Stop provoking people you moron. Apologies Time, he didn't mean anything by it" Balance said after hitting his younger brother on the head

"Enough. We expected variables, and we adjusted out timetable as best we could. Even with this loss, I'd still call this a win" 

Sage pacified the others, stating despite the "unexpected", almost everything went as planned. They'd managed to create something that could tip the balance of power in the world

With the LIFT in their hands, even a small shinobi nation had the potential to combat a larger ones.

In time, the miraculous pill would be perfected, and on the market. A weapon every shinobi village, mercenary group, rogue-nin, and any other person capable of holding a weapon will desire...with them controlling every part of it

The Company was in the midst of replacing the old Jinchūriki-focused system that kept the delicate power balance. With this invention, the group would soon become one of the most dangerous, and powerful organizations in the world

"Our ascendancy will be complete once the LIFT is perfected. Only then can our REAL objective begin. But now is the time to lay low, with that event on the horizon, every village on the continent will be vigilant"

"Sir, if you want it completed sooner, I highly recommend we--!"

"I told you before sister Red, the answer is no. Balance's report informed me about your...outburst during the mission. You almost compromised yourself"

"That reaction was--!"


Arc clapped his hands, stopping them from continuing any further. While he, and the others new details about the battle, there were still details that had yet to be omitted

Balance elaborated further...

"Haaa...there was a, surprise during the operation. One particular Kumogakure Kunoichi took the LIFT. But her reaction was unlike anything we'd ever seen"

"'re kidding. W-Was she stable?" Three asked in shock

"Very. Her chakra was different, the girl didn't appear to suffer the common negative side effects, and she fought like a Jinchūriki. I had to use my eyes just to confirm she wasn't Yugito Nii! Her body even transformed, her hair changing color"

"And here I thought you were gonna talk about Kyō. I thought Red wanted to study his body, considering how long he lasted after overdosing on pills" Arc noted


Red slammed her clipboard on the round table

"Exactly! That girl looked barely over fifteen, and became that powerful! Kyō was older, possessing far more chakra, but the Amped effect of the pill produced far better results in the girl. If we can get our hands on her, we can uncover everything we need to perfect the LIFT!"

"You wanna abduct some girl from Kumogakure, the very same village we JUST attacked, who's probably keeping a close watch on her? Right now? You're either insane, stupid...or both"

"Arc, shut the f**k up!"

"She was also accompanied by abnormal companions as well. One utilized a ninjutsu I'd never seen before, being the key reason for Kyō's defeat. And the other one summoned strange creatures resembling...dragons"

Balance's last comment caught everyone off guard. The sheer ridiculousness of someone using mythical creatures like dragons...some of them thought he was telling a joke

"Haaa...Balance isn't lying, I was sitting right next to him when I saw it" Red confirmed his claim

"Brother Scorpion, you're more versed in summoned animals than anyone else here. Do you know something about it?" Sage inquired

"I'd have to see them first, but this world is filled with so-called rare creatures outside the norm. Even our associate Danzō utilizes a creature of similar uniqueness" Scorpion elaborated before returning to his silence

"Agh, who cares about pets! Whatever that girl possesses, the key to the LIFT lays within her body, at least give me some intel on her! Where the hell is Flow anyway?! He should be--?!"

Her outburst was put to a halt with Sage's abrupt gesture of standing up. The room followed with complete silence, even Red sat back down without protest

"For the first time, we now have confirmation the enemy is aware of our existence. Security in Kumogakure is at an all time high, everyone's most likely being investigated. I ordered Flow to cease operations in the village and flee, he currently in deep cover, the risk of meeting us now was too great"

{Then it's too risky to begin installing some of my own spies within. A shame, it's always bugged me of how little information I receive from that corner of the world} As a spymaster, Balance was dismayed at this situation

Red bit her lip in frustration, knowing there was nothing she could say to retort. Not that she had the brass to back talk the leader of the Company in front of everyone

As usual, her "scientific curiosity" got the better of her

"Mountain. With Blade gone, you will now assume the responsibility of being the Company's top enforcer. And various resources will be made available to you"

"Thank you sir" Mountain bowed in appreciation, secretly grinning behind his mask

"I'll say it again, no one is to act until I call for another meeting. Especially in the months ahead. Good day"

With his orders clear, Sage departed from room, and everyone else quickly followed suit. After seeing his brother off, Balance was about to take his leave, until Red confronted him

"You! Why did you tell him about-?!"

"About what? You almost jeopardizing everything? I just saved your sorry ass. I mean, did you truly think Sage won't toss you aside if you continue to act out like this? Don't assume your special connection with him will save you"

"How the hell do you-?!"

"I'm a spy, and an informant. Information is my currency, and I'm f**king rich right now. Make no mistake, all of us are just as expendable as Blade. And to be honest, the spoiled brat routine is getting old"


"And now, you owe me. I'll expect you to pay me back. Unless you'd like me to tell Sage about what you did with Orochimaru"

"A-Ah?! Bastard!" Completely outwitted, Red said no more before walking away

Balance, on the other hand, turned his eyes towards someone else

"And speaking of owing me...hey Mountain!"

"Uh?! Balance...what do you--?"

"Spare me the bullshit, you know exactly what I want. You set up Blade so you could have her position, it was obvious. I kept my mouth shut about your treachery, and now...I own you"


"Kyō--I mean, my dog died in this recent operation, leaving quite a gap in my heart. I've been wanting something to fill it. So from this point forward, if I call, you come. Do you understand?"

"...Yes" Mountain clenched his fist until his hand turned red, desperately holding back his anger 


Balance patted his shoulder after hearing his response, taking his leave before speaking one last time, in a tone that couldn't be more mocking if he tried

"Good boy"  


Once the spy left the room, Mountain was the only one who remained inside. He stared at the door for over a minute, not moving a muscle, his eyes burning in anger

Turning around, he approached the round table in the center of the room, and leaned on it

After taking a deep breath...



...he slammed his fist, destroying the table! The impact from his flare-up was enough to blow away everything around him!



"I'll kill you. I swear to the Gods I'm gonna kill you!!"




"Wow, you took care of them quickly!"

"I wouldn't have mind if you two had helped me-eh? Zetsu, where's your other half?"

In a forest just west of the Land of Steam, the Akatsuki member Konan had finished off a batch of Fūma clan ninja escaping from Kumogakure

Once her task was complete, the enigmatic, mutated spy of the group emerged from the ground, his lower torso still beneath the surface

But for some reason, the "Black" half of his bipolar-shaped body was noticeably absent, leaving him with half a face

"He's zeroing in on Hanzō's location as we speak. It won't be long until we find him"

"In that case, I should go. I've already completed the task Tobi left for me"

"And with that, it's now my turn"


With a wave of his only hand, several clones of him emerged from the ground. Each one picking up the dead Fūma Konan left in her wake

Noticing the expression on her face that practically screamed, "what are you doing?", Zetsu explained before she even had the chance to ask

"Since we've yet to start hunting the Tailed Beasts, Tobi wants to test the extraction rate of the Gedō Mazō. After all, if we target a Jinchūriki, their village will no doubt retaliate. Once the extraction starts, it mustn't be stopped. The speed of us placing the beast within the Fūinzō3Sealing Statue, is just as important as sealing it"

"And because these men have taken a so-called, Tailed Beast drug, you'd like to test it out on them"

"Yup. I think it'll be okay regardless, but Tobi and my other half are such worrywarts. Everything has to checked, there can be no lack of oversight, they consistently remind me. Ugh! They really need to loosen up and take a break or something"

Konan glanced at the bodies, scanning each one until her eyes stopped at a particular fallen soldier

"In that case, I'll leave you to it. But I want to take that one with me"

"Knock yourself out, just means less work for me. Though I am curious, what makes that one so special?"

"This is Nobuyuki Fūma, a terrorist noted for always having a heavy civilian casualty rate. He's supposed to be dead after a fight with Jiraiya, but apparently, he just faked his death. That horizontal scar on his forehead made him instantly recognizable"

"So what? You wanna collect the bounty or something? I suggest you run it by our new treasurer, that guy goes crazy when it comes to money"


Konan's body dissembled into paper, shaping into origami-like butterflies. They swarmed over Nobuyuki's dead body, lifting him up for her to transport

"Pain still hasn't acquired a body strong enough to handle his chakra for the Animal Path. Now that it's time to eliminate Hanzō, I wish to ensure he's fully prepared for battle"

"True, Hanzō of the Salamander isn't an opponent to scoff at. I'll see you later"


The young woman's figure vanished, following her departure, Zetsu continued collecting the bodies as he muttered to himself




"Still...a friggin' Tailed Beast drug? Man, humans sure are fun!"



And with that, this Arc is complete! Man, it's been one hell of a roller coaster! I never expected this one to last forty chapters, but I got it done! There were some ups and downs, my schedule being thrown outta whack, my illustrator bailing on me, not to mention a bunch of IRL drama...!

But now, we move on to the next, even CRAZIER arc in the story! That's right, it's the one y'all know I had to do eventually!




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