Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

“The Chunin Exams” Saga – 181. Hidden Agenda

Time for a new chapter, the "CHUNIN EXAMS" arc begins! I've been looking forward to writing this for a while now. The sheer MADNESS of this saga is gonna be so crazy, the last one can't even compare!!

Look forward to the future!



"Ah, the air feels nice"


After all the chaos a few days ago, it's nice I finally get the luxury of relaxing in bed. Well, a hospital bed. Mabui forced me to come here and get checked. She's been coming back and forth whenever possible, but being the Raikage's aid, there's a lot on her plate

C reprimanded me for breaking out of the hospital, and now there's a shinobi posted outside our door

Speaking of "our", because the hospital is up to capacity due to recent events, I'm stuck with a roommate...and he's a noisy one

"You need to relax, take in the cool breeze"

"No matter how nice the air is, it doesn't change my opinion Rei"

Tai being here is probably why it's none other than his uncle, Kiyoi, that was tasked with guarding us outside the door

"It's nothing. Stop overthinking things"

"Overthinking things? Really? When the evidence is right in front of us?"


He laid on a bed next to mine, also wearing blue hospital scrubs. Since he was found unconscious, they placed him in here as well. Though I doubt he still needs to stay after several days of rest, he only had minor injuries

As for the reason he's complaining, it's due to the numerous visitors we've had. Particularly, the gifts they left behind...

"Just look at them all! Did an artist show up while I slept and create a scene around you?!"

"I don't have THAT many gifts. It just looks like it compared to yours"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!"

I admit, there were quite a few who came to see me. My librarian friend Pyua managed to drop by, Samui and Yugito tagged along with Mabui during one of her regular visits

Akina even showed up with some food, fresh from the grill of her brother, Akiko. I've never talked to him much, but I'll thank him once I'm out of here. Though their restaurant, the "Sake & Yaki" was destroyed, the sibling duo were hard at work delivering meals to those in need. I admit, their actions were somewhat inspiring 

Mariko and the foster kids payed me a visit as well. The former in question went crazy once she saw me laying in bed, it took Heaven and Earth just to get her to stop hugging me and crying...geez! 

Guess I should be grateful so many people care. After all, I wouldn't wanna end up like the one next to me...

"Look at my tiny little pile! One of them even comes with insults! Akio and the others sent it personally!"

"The three nimrods? Haven't seen them in a while. At least they bothered to send you a gift. And hey! You also got a fruit basket from your mom,"

"You got one from her as well...a much BETTER one"

Honestly, I think it's because she knows my appetite is much bigger than yours. I could tell him that, but it's more fun letting him think there's something going on between me and her

Although, mentally speaking, I'm the one who's older. And she is quite the beau--no no no no! I'm not going down that train of thought!

"Look Tai, I'm the younger one, and the younger ones always get spoiled more. You'll be fourteen in a month, I'm just eleven"

"Pssh! You'll be twelve in a few days, not really a big gap in age. You're barely two years younger than me, or Suz--ah...sorry"

"...Don't worry about it"

And que the awkward silence

The other reason we're still here is because of Suzu. Once the conflict was over, Kumo followed quarantine procedures because of her new LIFT-based powers. Despite the pill being a large unknown, the others who took it went berserk

C and the Raikage also had no shortage of questions, practically putting me under interrogation. The pill I gave her, my summons, and the state of my body...

I couldn't tell them most of the "issues" were worked out with Kisshōten1Auspicious Heavens. Instead, chalking it up to heritage being the reason for her unique reaction to it. Due to that, they couldn't afford to take any chances. I have no idea where she is now

Truth be told, they're keeping the situation very tight-lipped. Once the battle was over, the enemies still alive were moved to an undisclosed location

During my debriefing, there was no path to get away by lying, so I told the truth, albeit with a few missing details

I had to be very careful since A questioned me with C, a sensor-nin, which basically made him a human polygraph. I've been wrapped up in too many events, if they weren't already suspicious of me before, these guys definitely have their eyes on me now



"...You're making that, 'I've detected a new chakra signature' look. Who is it now?"

Huh...speak of the devil, the guy shows up again. With "associates" no less


As the door swung open, Tai yelped like a rabbit at the sight of the giant man entering the room "R-Raikage-sama!"

"What do you want now...?"

"R-Rei?! Again?! You can't speak to him like that!" Tai whispered to me in panic

Honestly, he's not the boogieman. You don't have to be afraid of him so much

At his side were his two exclusive bodyguards. Darui, and the one who scolded me yesterday, C. Mabui was also here, grabbing a seat by my bed before asking how I was doing

Just as I tried to speak, A held his hand up to stop me, telling us to wait until "everyone" arrived. I asked who, but he simply folded his arms and stood in silence

"You know what's going on?"

"Nope, and asking wouldn't get me anywhere, right nee-san?"

"Sorry guys, you'll just have to wait. However, what happens next will be one of the most important moments of your lives"

"O-Our lives? Just what does that-?"

"Let me guess, are the ones coming apart of your...secret club?" Before Tai could fret any further, I decided to probe Mabui

For a moment, her typically serene demeanor burst into surprise, but just as quickly returned to normal. Mabui knows how shrewd I can be. With all the times she's been gone, or leaving in the middle of the night, it wasn't much of a surprise I'd catch on

Plus, there was that one time Pyua helped me deduce the true identity of Team Mabui's attacker, being a Chinoike. I ended up bursting into the Raikage's office the night I came back from my mission with Motoi

And speaking of Motoi...


"Ah! Tango-sensei! Dodai-sama, Motoi-san too, and...the Daimyō-sama?!"

"Darui, you know what to do"

"Yes sir"

As the guest list grew, Darui ordered the staff outside to clear the floor. I'm starting to get why such a large space was given to the two of us, a perfect place to accommodate a sizeable party

Following the Daimyō and his assistant Tekkan, Tetsuo and his chief of security Shō arrived as well. Once the floor was cleared, Kiyoi entered the room, shutting the door behind him before nodding to A

"Welcome to my inner circle. A group tasked with investigating several acts of sabotage related to Kumogakure. This group carries out my will in secret, furthering other projects I have, such as the Network. Tango, I trust you've already briefed them?"

"Sir. Right after the conflict was over. Though Tai was already aware due to his work with Dodai-san" Tango responded with a light bow

Considering I oversaw and perfected it under my "alter ego", I was less interested in that project, compared to this so-called "inner circle"


"Right. My broth--um, the Clan head came into conflict with the Fūma leader Nobuyuki. As they fought, his opponent let slip an organization known as the Company paid them to do this"

The "Company"? These assholes were the ones responsible for all that shit days ago? I've never heard of them, which probably means Notitia won't have any solid leads

I hate to say it, but they're probably the result of a Ripple

"What about this doping pill, this so-called...LIFT?" The Daimyō inquired

"We believe they're responsible for its creation as well. There wasn't much else discovered besides a name before relaying this information to Dodai-dono"

"We've done our investigation, though nothing has yet to turn up. I know it's only been a few days, but members of the Intelligence Division already believe they won't get anywhere with just that"

"Tsk! So we're back to square one" Darui clicked his tongue, can't say I blame him, this is so annoying

There were no pills left for anyone to study as every enemy who possessed one made sure to consume it, it shouldn't be a surprise we're all stumped

This mysterious group knows how to cover their tracks...

"U-Um. I understand it's a big problem, but what does this have to do with us, a squad of Genin?"

"As it turns out...your squad has been involved with this group the most" Dodai confirmed my guess

"Mabui, if you would"

At A's order, nee-san took out several documents, taping them to the wall opposite the door for all to see. Looking at them closely, I can see mission report statements and financial statements

The hell? There are even psych profiles--ah! Hey! Even one for me?! They were keeping an eye on me!

Looks like it started right after the Team Mabui rescue mission, when "Neo-Rei" took control for the first time. Thought I got away clean, but they suspected it was me who killed all the Fūma from the start

All of these incidents, I knew my squad had too many chaotic missions to be normal. Although, nothing really qualifies as "normal" for shinobi, but still...

Notitia was right, my mere presence in this world causes all kinds of reactions. Whatever I did or said...this attack...and all the innocent people who were either hurt or killed, it's my fault--no...

No one is responsible for the actions of others, you didn't make those men carry out the attack. Whether this event is canon or not doesn't matter...!

Besides, these "people" are just characters in a story, they're not even rea--huh?

Why can't I say it...?

"As you can see, we've noted various oddities in the last five years, but our research says it goes back even further than that"

"Some of them seem random, we can't determine motive, or how they correlate to the others. Many aren't just the experiences of Team Tango, there's strange circumstance all over. This intel comes from multiple squads"

Multiple squads, yes. However, our team just so happens to have an abnormally high amount "events" that most likely connect to this "Company"

A's probably picked up on this fact and decided now is the best time to bring us into his secretive "inner circle", even if we are just "Genin". In reality, an excuse to keep a closer eye on us...or just me

I wonder...

"Rei? You shouldn't be up yet" Mabui tries to get me back in bed but...

"I'm fine. Hmmmm...this one"


I can tell there's more than one connection. Yeah, if you look closer...

"Hey Kiyoi! The Oni Garrison we fought years ago showed up during the siege, right?"

"U-Uh, yes. They punched a hole in one my clan's Phases, our outer layers of defense around the village. They cleared the path for the inmates to the frontlines"

"Our mission at Tetsuo-san's first company, fighting that group isn't something I'd forget Rei. I'm still annoyed those guys are now free. All that effort we took to put them away...but where's the correlation?"

"Simple Tai...sabotage. Dodai, how did the incident happen in the first place?"

"Someone...altered orders to have our initial split plans arranged at his location, but those were our initial plans. And they failed to get them"

"But they did confirm you were hiding something, correct?"

"Ah! That's right, the Network was a closely guarded secret...not many knew about it, it was rumor at best during the time!"

"And look at these;

  • Team Mabui's ambush, the Chinoike who put them under Genjutsu, it had to be Kyō. The Fūma extracted chakra from Yu-nee, most likely in efforts for creating the LIFT
  • Team F's mission with Motoi and I to locate the "deserter" Futoi. All an elaborate trap by Orochimaru. Forcing us to fight his detainers referred to as "Supervisors" and "Employees". The organization Futoi mentioned before he died was presumably the "Company"
  • Our trip to Summoning Island. Using us to overload Hōzuki-jō2Demon Lantern Castleprisoner capacity with the mercenaries who attacked the island

You see these events are unrelated. However, consistent coincidence becomes evidence"

"That was one of Osoi-sensei's favorite quotes in school..." Tai got sentimental, though I can't blame him

Osoi was one of few guys I actually liked. Besides Pyua, he always provided me with whatever information I needed. His mind was a treasure trove of shinobi knowledge, and now he's dead...such a waste

The Daimyō approached the wall "I remember the ordeal on Summoning Island most of all, both Takigakure3Hidden Waterfall Villageand Kumo were played. Their leader, Hisen, was assassinated while you fought on the island"

"That's why Takigakure didn't show up to help makes sense now Rei"


That island was co-owned by our nations. A partnership in return for us helping them catch the Seven-tails there...hold on. The LIFT is made of materials from all nine Tailed Beasts...

It's possible some of its residual DNA was left over. Was that whole fight not just to overload the Blood Prison...

But to acquire samples as well?!

"Ahem! Concerning my mission with Sano-kun..."

Motoi spoke out for the first time since his initial arrival, affirming another assumption I've held since the start of my confinement in this hospital

"The absurd levels of engineering to make such a pill, it's the kind someone like Orochimaru is capable of. He fled Konoha and found this Company, offering his services in return for protection. But they didn't want to let him go, so he double-crossed using us to set in motion his escape"

"Konoha is too damn soft. That village failed to finish him off, and now we're paying for it. Cheh!" A started complaining

Can't really judge him for getting angry so much when he constantly has to deal with this kind of shit. Konoha is the only village without a task force for hunting rogue-nin

Being a Kage may seem like fun, but overall, it's an annoying desk job

Still...I'd reckon Orochimaru is probably with Akatsuki by now. That is, until he screws them over too. That guy really is a treacherous "snake"...reminds me of Alec

"Considering the army consisted of inmates, they probably used the Blood Prison for testing. Ya know, an ample amount of...test subjectsTetsuo looked ready to barf after saying that

Tekkan informed everyone "We still haven't been able to contact Kusagakure's4Hidden Grass Villageupper brass. Being completely taken advantage of without even knowing, the village must be in total anarchy now"

"Tekkan...have you considered the possibility they're in league with this group?" 

"Accusations without proof can come back to bite you in the ass Darui-kun. Besides, whether Kusagakure is a victim or not is irrelevant, our only concern should be us"

Oh! That's why work on the pill looked so unfinished when I altered it for Suzu. Since Orochimaru pretty much yeeted himself out of the project, they had someone else finish its conception

The question is...who the hell was it?

"They used the prison to develop the drug after Orochimaru left, then used Kumogakure as a testing grounds to verify practical applications"


Everyone shouted in rage after Tetsuo suggested this hidden enemy used us as a means of testing some drug. Even Mabui looked upset. Surprisingly, A was holding it in. I thought for sure he was gonna punch a whole in the wall

Something he really shouldn't be famous for...

But the dots line up. Wait...

"Is it possible they orchestrated the early destruction of the Kaguya clan?"

When I raised this question, the anger in their hearts turned to shock. Wrestling with the thought this group was far more influential than any of us initially believed

Not just at Kusagakure, but to have such widespread influence across the continent, even reaching a distant, overseas archipelago nation like Kirigakure5Hidden Mist Village, was unprecedented. How the hell have I not heard of these people yet?!

Surprisingly, the Daimyō already considered the possibility before any of us. Expressing his recent concern over reports his assistant Tekkan gathered earlier

Looks like he wasn't just hiding in the bureau office during the attack

"Kirigakure's response to the Kaguya Clan threw the Land of Water into chaos. Many criminals laying dormant fled the country, heading towards the nearest Forcing many of our countrymen from their homes...and into the village. The Chinoike saboteurs traveled along this group in secret, and then...!"

"That's enough Tekkan, I don't think they need to hear anymore" the Daimyō interjected before Tekkan could say anymore

For good reason, the air was getting tense. The more they learned, the angrier everyone became. When all of these horrid events it came to light, being the result of a singular group...

Everything, all the death and destruction...the loss of friends and family

God only knows how I'd react...

Before things got even more awkward, Tetsuo raised his hand

"Ah, apologies Tetsuo-dono. We didn't mean to-!"

"It's fine Dodai-dono, I'm pretty angry myself, considering how I was used as well. My life was almost destroyed by these people, all for the sake of making a drug. But I'm not the only one partner is well"

"'re partner? Do you mean the one who created...?!"

"He goes by Developer R. A bit of an introvert, I was contacted out concern for recent events. Since we're sharing, you should at least be inclined to hear his name. He also has a message for you"

Two days ago, I saw a window of opportunity when Tai left for an x-ray in another room

Transforming into my "Developer R" disguise, I contacted Tetsuo via Genjutsu Transmission. Giving him permission to finally talk about me to Kumogakure

Since I needed answers, I figured offering something in return to them would help my case. The offering being my "name"

{"Developer R", never heard of him. Hmmm...I mustn't use my status as Raikage to force him out, that'll just drive him off. We can't afford to lose such a valuable asset, his work literally saved the entire village. In which case...} A glanced at Dodai

{Raikage-sama wants me to investigate him in secret now that we have a name, but I'll have to be careful. Somehow, this person is aware of such intrepid details, despite not being here. If he discovers I'm searching for him...} "Tetsuo-dono, what message does--er, Developer R-dono have for us?"

It feels weird having everyone talk about me when I'm right here

"It pertains to the plans of the Network he updated for your division, Dodai-dono. The new model my company created that you see today..."

Tetsuo circled the conversation back towards the subject of the LIFT. There was a certain question I needed answered...

"This so-called LIFT's function is very similar to our work. Though to be honest, it's more of a twisted perversion of the principle the Network is based on"

"How so?" Tai inquired

"Developer R's device allows for long-range chakra sharing, beyond just connecting thoughts. Perfect for aiding an ally in need. The LIFT grotesquely shreds the connected chakra, stealing it from the deceased. Plus, the supposed chakra they have is probably connected to a central hub of their own. Which begs the question, where the hell did the power Kyō take go once he died? And for what purpose?"

"You mean...all that chakra they produced...can still be used?! Then the inmates we captured...we thought the pill lost its effects when their boosted chakra vanished...but it just went somewhere else?!" Darui nearly jumped in surprise

So he was interrogating the enemies, I thought it was Dodai

"Raikage-sama, if this type of weapon gets'll be a disaster! Many will go crazy for this!" Mabui's concern was warranted

The delicate "power balance" of the Five Great Shinobi Nations would crumble if smaller villages and other groups managed to get ahold of such an asset. However, I already shared my thoughts of this with Tetsuo prior

And his response was...

"It still has its disadvantages. A large number of people is required. Although, they tried to circumvent this somewhat by making it a Tailed Beast booster...probably Orochimaru's initial job. However, just a few users isn't enough. You need a large number to produce the result we saw yesterday"

They'll also need a significant amount of power before taking the pills, ordinary civilians won't cut it. The pill is a multiplier, so amplifying average chakra reserves from regular people won't do you much good

Probably why they used inmates from the Blood prison, most of them were rogue-nin. Gaining an accurate ratio of the amped power, most likely the whole purpose of their little "field test"...

And you guys let this happen, for f**k's sake!

"This was a shitty lack of oversight on your part old man. This Company would've never been able to do this if their spies hadn't stolen Developer R's updated plans for your project"

"Rei. Language...and respect!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Sorry "nee-san", but I'm pissed

I put my foot, and a shit ton of money into the Network. Working my ass to the bone, and these guys just let its leak to someone else! I'm gonna have to readjust so many of my future plans!

Goddamn it! Just thinking about it pisses me off! This "Company" is now at the top of my shit list, right over Orochimaru!

"Tetsuo-dono, I take it this is what...Developer R is upset about?" 

"To say he less than happy, would be an understatement Tekkan-dono"

Yeah, a real f**king understatement!

"Though, the same could be said of me. My associates and I were put in danger once more, because of, as Rei-kun put it...a lack of oversight. When we first agreed on our partnership, I shared my fears you'd make the same mistake...again"


"Fortunately for you all, my partner and I are more angry at this Company than you. So for now, our partnership remains. But if this happens again..."

Dodai was about to reassure Tetsuo before A stopped him, and for good reason. Tetsuo and I cared little for words, but actions. I'm living in Kumogakure, but if they become more trouble than they're worth, I may considering leaving

At least now, these guys are more motivated than ever to prove their worth. It should be easier getting additional resources from them

Considering how well my tech performed, I've been thinking of new ways to apply more advanced science to my advantage


When it came to uncovering the "Company's" hidden agenda, we all continued sharing our thoughts and theories for a little longer, before moving on to the next subject

"We can speculate all day, but it doesn't change the fact we've been ten steps behind for years. Fighting an enemy we never knew existed. Dodai, your intelligence division need a major overhaul"

"This matter has already been discussed Tetsuo-dono, Raikage-sama already has a plan for this. What we need to discuss now is further steps. Which brings us to you...Team Tango"




Finally, this is where things get interesting...


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