Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

182. Nicknames? Great…

Couldn't wait to get another one out, so I rushed this by using my phone during my free time at work. Please Enjoy!



As the subject of our conversation turned towards my team, Tai's uncle, Kiyoi opened the door. Five individuals strolled inside, four of them were probably Jonin, given the scale of chakra I sensed from them

However, it was the identity of the fifth person they "escorted"...that bothered Tai and I the most 


"Nee-san, what is the meaning of this?" my tone, hoarse and cold

Mabui became unsettled for a moment, for I had never spoken to her in such a manner

I admit to not having "adequate" control of my emotions, in this life or my last, but anyone would get irked upon discovering their teammate brought before them...restrained by a straightjacket

She looked like a prisoner. Suzu's "attire", equipped with several sealing tags, most likely to prevent the kneading of chakra. After delivering her, they left the room, taking Kiyoi's place as guards outside

The man in question closed the door just before I unintentionally...




...crushed the metal bar attached to the bed with my enhanced strength. Before continuing any further, Mabui casually placed her hand on top of mine, calming me down

I've embarrassingly let my emotions get the better of me lately, but Suzu is a hefty investment. I can't afford anything happening to her yet, especially when there's much I can learn from DNA she carries

"Listen first"


I let go of the bar, leaving it bent out of shape

"I'm sure our esteemed Raikage has good reason for this...right?" I spoke with subtlety, and aggression. Not that I could back it up

"Hmph! That tone doesn't have a hint of respect" A brushed off my disrespect, knowing I was no different than a cat trying to intimidate a tiger

Per me signaling him with a nod, Tai got off his bed and checked on Suzu, asking if she was alright. She nodded quietly and told us not to worry

Though reluctant, he sat back down at his uncle's suggestion

"My apologies...I'll be careful from now on"

"I doubt a precocious brat like you cares about chain of command. Regardless, we have an...offer for you three, but there's something we need to explain first"

The Daimyō stepped forward and stood next to A before speaking

"After recent events, your team has been the subject of debate amongst the higher ups. Particularly, the Jonin captains"

"Debate? For what exactly?"

"For you to be selected as our sole representatives in the upcoming Chunin Exams"

We went googly eyed for a moment when those words came out of the Daimyō's mouth. I know for the past year, each Genin squad has been undergoing different training and assignments with a rotating shift of various captains

It was all for picking a team, which means this "debate" is probably about...

"Others wish to put forth their own squads to represent the country, but your recent performance in the siege has caused a rift in the decision making"

Make sense I guess. Though few, there are some Genin here skilled enough for me to notice. Like Team F, or that drowsy kid Nemui, and all the others older than me

There's no age limit for a Genin, even adults regularly participate in the exams. Hell, Osoi was still one despite being an old man

Tai raised his hand "Raikage-sama, you can't just pick one? Or better yet, send multiple teams"

"I would if I could, but our reputation took a nosedive due to the Hyuga Affair. In the years following, many patrons who regularly hired us cut ties, entrusting employment to other villages"

"Yes, the late Head Ninja's actions have not only hurt you, but the Land of Lightning overall. Hence, the reason I'm involved in these matters, which are typically under shinobi jurisdiction alone"

That's right, the countries in this world are run by the Daimyō's. Ninja have villages designated as capitals, and oversee military affairs. Normally, the Daimyō shouldn't even have a say when it comes shinobi related matters like the exams

A clicked his tongue at what he had to say next

"Worse off, the Land of Earth has taken advantage of this by unofficially requesting we send one team"

"Wha-?! That's bull!"

"They're the host for this years exams, and while they can't force us to comply, they can threaten to close the exams. That's something we don't want, and none will stick up for us" A lamented at this situation

Hehehe, those sneaky bastards. I'm kinda impressed by the sheer gall it took just to make such a underhanded demand

"The first multi-country exams since the last war. Countless people of wealth and power will be present. It's been something we Daimyō's have worked on behind the scenes, and looks to be the biggest Chunin Exams in history. They're not gonna stop it just because one country is treated unfairly behind the scenes"

"A chance to not only redeem our lost honor, but gain boons by impressing potential clients...wealthy ones. Whoever comes out on top, their village will take the lead for years to come"

In short, competition will be fierce. The other countries know this, and will undoubtedly send their best. But if that's the case, there's a high chance key players from the "main cast" could appear

A golden opportunity to ensure the prevention of more "Ripples" by keeping them on their preset course. Not to mention, promoting Mori Sp. means more revenue to further other projects

Nice, I like where this is going

"Which brings us to you. You're the obvious number one pick, and normally, this wouldn't be up for debate. But those opposed have used your current conditions to further their arguments. Tai!"

"Y-Yes, Raikage-sama!

"We know you've burned through most of your stock of herbs and ingredients when you made those bombs for Dodai. But you're out of materials now, and our trade has been temporarily halted due to our state of alert. Does this not decrease your capabilities?"


Yeah, I'd almost forgotten Tai's greenhouse was emptied on our way back to HQ. After we saved Akina from being turned into an "exploding human" by that Chinoike asshole

Without his poison, his combat ability is significantly lower

"Rei, as we discussed days before, C's medical reports state you no longer possess the Yōton1Lava Style, you claimed it to be a result of your initial encounter with Kyō..."

"Yeah...that's right"


Losing a Kekkei Genkai2Bloodline Limitwas unheard of, naturally, there were many suspicious of me. This was the hardest truth I had to get past during my earlier debriefing

Fortunately, said powers were rare and difficult to understand. The abilities of the Chinoike...just as much. My spasms during the third "Purification" were recorded by hospital staff, allowing me to spin the story of "Kyō's ability to control blood cells destroyed me from the inside"

I'd already proven Suzu and I engaged him prior to our rematch on the frontlines, and I mean, I'm not "technically" lying...right? Kyō could indeed use his "eyes" and "blood" to harm people from inside their a poison

And me using Yin-Yang Style, thereby triggering my alien cells was a result of my first fight with him. In order to get past C's senses, I lied by telling the truth...some of it that is

"And the most debated subject of you three, Suzu. Your reaction to the LIFT is different than any other reported. The effects on the inmates wore off, but your change seems to be permanent. Even now, the power is laying dormant within you. As the investigation continued, the details of your heritage was brought up and--"

"Now wait just a minute!"


To all of our surprise, it was Tai who erupted in defense of our teammate

"Are they seriously questioning her loyalty because of familial relations?! When she literally helped save everyone during the attack?!"

"He beat me to the punch, but Tai and I are of like mind. Suzu's reaction to the pill is completely different. Unlike the others who went berserk, she maintained the ability to discern between friend and foe, even dropping me off at this very hospital"



"Raikage-sama isn't finished, don't worry, I'm fine" Suzu gave us a reassuring smirk, thankful for our protests in defense of her

A continued on, stating the problem wasn't her loyalty, it was the state of her body. The power she has is a large unknown, Suzu's basically a pseudo-jinchūriki at this point, likely due to her bloodline

Even with my "alterations", the power within her is a large unknown. I, not even Notitia knows what'll become of her in the future. Her potential is edging towards even my own

This power of hers had to be kept a secret

"If word gets out Kumo has another shinobi with Tailed Beast power..."

"Ah...the power balance"

"It'll draw unnecessary trouble" I finally realized the true problem

Even if the LIFT circulates, the effects are only temporary. The ability to create permanent warriors nearly on par with Jinchūriki lies within her. It's something that could easily start wars

Damn it. If I knew that, I would've made adjustments

Even with my reserves, Kisshōten3Auspicious Heavensconsumes an absurd amount of chakra. But "Scanning & Copying" matter with it costs more than simply "Altering" it

It was a desperate situation at the time, I was hurt and worn out from fighting Kyō, and Suzu was dying. There was no choice but the latter, but now I can't reproduce the pill again. The only way is if I can get my hands on another

My Yin-Yang modification of the pill Suzu took payed in no small contribution to her new powers. So even if someone gets ahold of her DNA, none "should" be able to reproduce the same effects, but...this world has an annoying way of proving me wrong

C lessened our concerns "Make no mistake, we consider her to be a valuable asset. That straightjacket she's wearing is strictly to ensure Suzu's new power doesn't harm her body"

"I still can't control it, Tango-sensei and C-san have helped me cope since you two were admitted to the hospital" she added

"So I yelled for bad" Tai sat back down in embarrassment

I turned my head away as well after spotting Suzu still smiling at us in gratitude. Mabui had fun teasing me after that

The Daimyō face went stern for the first time since this "meeting" began

"This decision is ultimately the Raikage's, we're simply reminding you of how important these exams are, to all of us. If you believe this team is in no condition to participate, as a true patriot to your country, I suggest handing over the reigns to another team" 

A said what we were waiting to hear "With all these factors, I'll ask again...are you willing to bear the burden? You'll be carrying Kumogakure's, no--our entire country's future on your shoulders, there's no shame in admitting you can't do it"

No pressure or anything. Tai and Suzu showed some hesitancy, but my mind's already made up. This opportunity is too important to pass up. Though prepared to go without them, I'd prefer to work with a team I'm used to

I also hate cheesy dialogue, but they need a little "motivation"

"I performed just fine without my former Kekkei Genkai, my answer is obviously yes. Tai and Suzu can handle anything thrown at them, we'll do just fine. I have complete faith in my squad"

They looked at me in easy. Does everyone in this world responds to such cliché lines? No wonder Naruto can literally make friends with anyone

What did Chris always call it? The "Talk no Jutsu"? Seriously, If I ever have to fight Naruto, I better remember to wear earplugs...


Tai was the first to get the message

"I-I'm confident I can manufacture more poison. Even if I can't, it's not my only skill. Plus, I'm the medical-nin of the team, I have responsibilities to them"

"Suzu?" Everyone turned there attention towards her, the biggest unknown

Suzu didn't say anything. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before...



...tearing the straightjacket clean off, breaking the seals to boot!

For a brief moment, I could see the ends of her hair turn she already getting a handle of her power?! That's...she's a real genius!

"I promised myself I'd let nothing happen to my teammates. If they're going, I'm going. While I can't control it yet, rest assured, I'll never allow this power to hurt them...nor my home"

Tai and I got off our beds and stood next to her. Saying nothing more, side by side, eyes full of resolution. The room was quiet for a while as the others turned their attention to A, who'd yet to issue his reply

After unfolding his arms, he glanced at the Daimyō, who smirked and nodded in response. There was no need to hear his answer, for the decision was obvious, everyone knew what to do next

"It's decided then, Team Tango will represent Kumogakure and the Land of Lightning in this year's upcoming Chunin exams. There are several steps we need to take under consideration in the short time we have"

They went on about our preparation, as we barely have three months before the exams begin. We were granted several boons, any Chunin or Jonin would be made available for whatever help we required. With purchases of standard shinobi gear at no charge, and complete exemptions from all missions, we were practically royalty now

It's only until the exams, but it'll come in handy, there's much I need to do. Soon as I'm out of here, I'll make a stop at my lab. Though I no longer have any of Mabui's pots, my new "pets" have already proven to be a suitable transport with the Reverse Summoning Jutsu

A arranged for Suzu to undergo training under Yugito and Killer B, she needs to keep that power in check. Motoi's gonna take her to Genbu Island, meaning Tai and I probably won't see her much in the upcoming months

Kiyoi announced he's temporarily assumed some of Tomoe's responsibilities, giving her free reign to oversee Tai's Kenjutsu4Sword Techniquestraining. His physical abilities always lagged too much behind Suzu and I. Hopefully, she can rectify that

C offered a suggestion to A "Let's not announce who we've picked, our search for spies isn't over yet. It's best we have them stay out of the public eye"

"Mm, good idea. Their participation will undoubtedly put a target on their backs,  and there's already an ample amount of notoriety to go around"

"Indeed A-dono, the whole village STILL won't shut up about the Shaman, the Star, & the Dragonquoted the Daimyō


"H-Huh? The what now?"

"What is that, a children's book?"

At our confusion, everyone else started giggling, even A broke his typical stern expression and smiled at me...smugly. Honestly, I felt very uncomfortable when he did that

I don't get it, what's so funny? And why am I suddenly having a looming sense of dread?

"You know you've made it in life as a shinobi when the people give you a nickname" Mabui said as she patted my shoulder

"Who has a nickna--wait, don't tell me...?!"

"You guys didn't notice since you were so busy fighting, but the monikers started spreading amongst our forces" Darui started pointing at us, one at a time

First up...


"Ehhhh, so lame. That's definitely not my first pick. Because I use mist and vapors? Aren't shaman's supposed to see the future?"

"You're thinking of soothsayers Tai"

"Not helping Rei"

Next was Suzu


"Hmm, considering how bright my chakra's appropriate. A bit flamboyant though..."

"You did fly in the sky too"

"I can't fly Tai, it was more like accelerating in the air, followed by a slow descent"

And finally...


"Because of my summons? The people of the Cloud are real imaginative" don't think I've ever sounded so sarcastic in my life

"Told ya they look like em', and you did use some dragon-themed jutsu on the field, it works for you...pfft!"

"Is it that funny? I'll remember to ask Tomoe-san the next time we have tea together"

"Jerk! Damn casanova!"

"Well...anything's better than a nickname like the Unruly, right Raikage?" When I said that, nearly everyone had to fight from laughing. Even the Daimyō giggled a bit

"Hmph! If you have energy to joke around, your stay at this hospital shouldn't be long. Hurry up and get out so someone who's actually in need of this room can use it!"

He slammed the door open on his way out, I may have touched a nerve. Everyone else proceeded to leave, Mabui asked me once again if I needed anything before taking off

Tango gave us some words of wisdom before departing, reminding us he'll be working at Dodai's department if we needed to find him




Soon enough, it was just us three left in the room


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