Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

183. Fresh Start

Okay. So Super Bowl Sunday, plus Valentines Day REALLY threw off my schedule. But now I'm back on track, and planning more and more releases for the future!


When the door closed, Suzu immediately turned to me "How are you really doing Rei? Losing a Kekkei Genkai-"

"Has been discussed to death, I'm fine. It was never that great anyway"

"..." She still held a face of concern, doubting my casual response towards the subject

But seriously, I'm feeling great

As time passed, the Yin-Yang chakra I instinctively used to change this body's recessive traits began to wear off. Notitia and I knew Lava Style would make its way out eventually

Besides, I've always found its performance to be lacking, chakra-costly, and far too many weaknesses to boot. My time is precious, and I didn't want to waste it on training a nature transformation ill-suited for me

Hell, I think my body is better without it. My chakra is so much more stable and easy to control know. I STILL haven't tested its full capabilities yet

"If anything, I'm more concerned with your state. How do you feel right now? Any abnormalities or residual side effects? Uncomfortable pain?"

"No, the doctors already checked me, I'm fine. I feel great actually, almost like I've been...reborn. You giving me that pill saved my life, all I need now is little more control"

"...Good to hear"

Tai tilted his head "You seem awfully chipper, more so than usual. Don't think Rei and I have ever seen you smile so much, something we should know?"

"Heh. Well..."

Suzu approached the room window, gazing at the entire village outside. She stood there undisturbed, almost tranquil as she breathed in the fresh air. Bathing in the warm, bright sunlight only illuminated her flawless, fair skin

Watching her reminded me of something Tai said earlier, I really do keep forgetting my teammates are two years older than me, almost fourteen

She no longer looked like a little girl, but rather, a young woman...

"Remember when we ventured together to Akina's diner for first time? When we talked about ourselves, what our goals were?"

"That's feels like a lifetime ago"

Or in my casetwo

"That takes me back. I wanted to prove myself to my family, Rei simply wanted to get stronger, and you..."

It's easy to forget it wasn't just The Kin-Gin Brothers1"The Gold & Silver Brothers", other members of her family were apart of their "Kinkaku Force"...all of whom betrayed Kumogakure

Suzu's had to carry a lot of crap on her shoulders over the years...something no one her age should have to deal with

"Do you feel like you've achieved that goal? Restoring your family's-?"

"Honor? No...that means nothing to me now. I thought it's what I wanted, but now I's not what I needed"


"The past doesn't matter, only now. Heh, looking back, it's easy to see how foolishly desperate I was trying to gain everyone's approval. The truth is, the only approval I should've been concerned with is my own. How one feels about oneself is far more important than what others feel about you"

Wow, she really has changed, just what the hell did that pill do? This new conduct is unsettling me quite a bit. The girl who showed little emotion and gave fewer words was replaced by one more outspoken and bright

The means for dealing with her insecurities...choosing not to remain completely dependent on those around her. Not changing herself for the acceptance of others around her, but for herself

This epiphany has led her to make a very respectable...admirable decision

She's the opposite of Naruto...

"Then...what about your feelings towards the village?" Tai cautiously inquired

"Hehehe! Don't misunderstand Tai, I'm a Kumogakure kunoichi. I'll still serve the village, but no longer because I need to. Rather, because I want to. This is my home after all. I'm just...having a fresh start"

"Speaking of that, are you no longer going to choose a surname for yourself?"

"Nope. That decision was wrong. Just me desperately trying to change myself, by distancing myself away from my family. Like I said, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm fine with just being plain Suzu...flaws and all"

There's nothing "plain" about you...

"Problems aren't solved by running away from them...huh. I really oughta start taking my own advice"

"It's alright Tai. We're all still a work in progress"

Truer words have never been spoken

"And the ones who still remain afraid of you because of your heritage and power?"

Suzu turned away from the window and faced us, casually leaning against the wall with arms folded

"I can't dictate their fears Rei, only my own, but it doesn't change how I feel. Hating them for such a stupid reason is corrosive, and unhealthy to be honest. I'd rather feel like this..."

"Like what?"



Chuckling at our question, she waltzed right past us and approached the other end of the room. Turning the doorknob, she looked at us with one of the most widest smiles I'd ever lay eyes upon

"Like whenever I'm with the two of you"




With the opening of the door, our eyes were greeted with the sight of Motoi and Kiyoi, the pair still patiently waiting outside for us

"I'm ready Motoi-san, let's go"

"Good. Hikaru-san is set to take us to Genbu Island on his ship"

"Tai! Get your ass in gear! You've slacked off enough in this hospital, let's go!" Kiyoi yelled

"Seriously uncle?! Can't I have a few more days to relax before I'm put through hell?!"

"Sure, if that's how you feel, stay here then. However, the next person to pick you up won't be me, it'll be Tomoe-sama. If you're willing to let her come all the way over just to get your lazy ass outta bed...well, who knows how she'll react. If you still wanna take the risk-"

"Aaaaand, I'm ready to go now! Rei, Suzu, I'll see ya later!"

"Mm. Train hard Tai. And Rei, please take your recovery seriously, don't push yourself too much"

Truth be told, I'm already back to normal. The enhanced recovery took care my injuries within hours of Siege's end. I've only stayed here for as long as I have to keep up appearances

"Again, I'm okay"


"Haaaa...fine. I promise not to overdo it"


"Good to hear. See you three months"

"See ya"


And with the locking of this door, I finally have the room to myself! This place was a little too noisy for my taste. With more privacy, I can now focus on the important stuff



"Time for some new schematics"




Office of the Raikage

Excluding Motoi and Kiyoi, the rest of the group who'd just visited Team Tango in the hospital were conversing with A in his office

Mabui read off more reports detailing Kumogakure's current status

"...northern and western areas remain largely untouched, with the latter taking more damage, but nothing major. The east will take longer to fix, but the worst is the southern area, the Chinoike hit that area the hardest. We'll have to temporarily shave off parts of the wall if we're to begin reconstruction"

"What of the central districts?"

"While the majority of civilians made it to safety, property damage has reached an all time high. Countless houses and buildings lay in ruin. Even days later, we're still picking up debris"

"Boss, rescue efforts remain constant for those who trapped under rubble. I'm doing my best to coordinate, but I'm no miracle worker" Darui stated

"Dodai, have your department step up their support for Darui"

"I'll have Tango get on it. He's already back at the Intelligence Division, aiding in our reorganization. However, I'd still like to point out we can't begin large-scale repairs. Hell, we can't even host a funeral as we've yet to confirm the precise numbers of deceased..."


The snapping of A's knuckles resounded in the room. The village leader tried his best to contain the rightful anger boiling inside. His own people had suffered quite an ordeal, and some still were

More than anything, he wanted to storm out of the village, hunt down the mysterious "Company" responsible, and wring their necks until heads started popping off

Sensing this fury, Tetsuo interjected in an attempt to alleviate his stress

"Mori Sp. is more than willing to aid in reconstruction. As we've discussed two years ago, our ICF2Isolated Concrete Formshouses are far more suitable to run the new power grid we're building together"

"While that is appreciated Tetsuo-dono, as it is, Kumogakure cannot provide your company sufficient funds for such a request" said the Daimyō

"No to worry, we're willing to charge you at a devalued price"

"Seriously?! I-Is...I mean...can you afford to do that?!" Tekkan burst out in surprise upon hearing this generous offer

"It may hurt a bit...but the returns from the new power grid should be enough for us to fight through the pain. We're all in this together right?"

The Daimyō and A glanced at each other before nodding

"That is most welcome, we can discuss a proper fee at a later date. Moving on...Mabui?"

"Yes. Those who've lost their homes have remained in our evac centers for shelter, we also have camps outside. As for the hospital, you'd have to defer to my colleague here" Mabui gestured to C

"The health center has been stressed to capacity, so we've extended treatment for non-critical patients outside the building. There are numerous tents placed in the back. I'd like to request more Medical-nin to compensate for the lack of staff, young Genin who can perform basic treatment are ideal. I do not wish to take away too many from Darui's Search & Rescue efforts"

"Granted. Next?"

Dodai stepped forward with a report in his hands

"Sir. We've already begun extreme vetting in search for spies and saboteurs. Nothing has turned up so far, but we've just begun. Some of my subordinates suggest bringing in the refugees we invited prior to this attack. The ones who fled their homes due to marauders hailing from The Land of Water"

"You wish to interrogate the countrymen? Absolutely not. I may have little say for matters inside the village, but those people who live outside Kumogakure are under my jurisdiction" The Daimyō fervently objected to this suggestion

"I understand your concern Daimyō-sama, but the Chinoike snuck into the village using those people. This Company caused chaos in Kirigakure3Hidden Mist Villagefor the sole purpose of getting them inside"

"Spies aren't good for any of us..." Mabui added


Sensing his superior's hesitation, Tekkan subtly whispered into his ear. Implying that even if the refugees are not spies, they may have overheard some form of intel vital to their investigation

"...You may question them, with respect. DO NOT treat them like suspects. I'll only consider interrogation AFTER you've vetted your people first"

"Thank you sir. Speaking of our own, Raikage-sama"


"We're getting some resistance from those at the higher-ranks, many are providing excuses or outright refusing to comply"

"Is that so?"

"Yes sir, it's been an annoying issue. And I don't have the authority to-?!"





Without warning, A snapped his desk in half with only his fist! The sheer impact of the blow shattered the floor under him, all the while cracking the large glass wall behind him!

Everyone remained quiet as he grabbed the yellow hat symbolizing the position of the Raikage. Placing it on his head before issuing his orders

"Dodai! From this point forward, you speak with my authority! Anyone who misses or refuses to be questioned will be seen as a traitor, and treated as such! The ONLY reason for any of them to not comply is if they're either dead or dying!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Darui, contact Moroi! Have him send some of his squad to aid in your efforts!"

"Got it boss"

"C, feel free to send out as many requisition orders for the hospital as you want!"

"Thank you Raikage-sama, that'll help immensely"

"Tetsuo-dono, we've already arranged for safe transport back to your company"

"Much appreciated, come along Shō, we've got work to do"


One by one, each participant of this confidential "meeting" departed the office. Leaving only A, Mabui, the Daimyō, and his right-hand man, Tekkan

"Daimyō-dono, follow me. It's time for another assembly of the council. Mabui, I want all high-ranked shinobi and elders to be present, make it happen"

"Of course, Raikage-sama" Mabui said

"Right to business then, A-dono?" 





"I won't stop until this supposed Company is dead in the ground..."


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