Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

185. To Each Their Own [2]

Hey Shinobi!

PHEW! DOUBLE CHAPTER DAY! I managed to do it on my old laptop. We'll be moving forward with these chapters, and more POV's, including those from other villages! Some familiar faces will be showing up soon, it's going to be crazy! Stay Tuned


"Do your best Suzu..."



"And here he is, thought you'd still be fighting B"

"♫ My girl, my friend, my favorite hellcat! Ya know B-sama never done in, that shit be whack!! ♫"


The serenity of this place always goes out the window whenever you, or your brother show up here




"Quiet! Suzu's on the first trial"

"♫ Whatcha talking bout Yu? The girl's already through? ♫"

"What are y--Eh?"

The hell, she's standing up already?

I didn't think she'd fail so soon to overcome her hatred in the mind space. I know she's had a tough childhood but, she seemed so bright whenever Rei and Tai were around...

Oh well, I'll just have comfort her on this first attempt. B and I are her only support while she's here

"Don't feel down Suzu, you can try as many times as you like. This is only the first step"


"What is it B? Can't you see I'm trying to console-"

"Yugito-sama, I wish you'd warned me sitting here would force me to fight a mental battle against my inner darkness"

"Eh?! W-Wait, Suzu...did you manage-?!"

"Hehe. It wasn't that hard, I've been facing my inner demons for years. And I've already gone over the whole, the person I wish to be from now on with my friends. Doing it again would be redundant"


"They trust me completely, so I'm going to believe in that version of me...the one they trust"

No freaking way!!!

Me--no...even B had to try multiple times before passing that test! And she did on her first try?!


"♫ Quit gawking Yugito, we gotta job to do! This badass is in the zone, a clear goal to pursue!
Ay Suzu, starting now, we ya masta's! Better be ready, lest you gonna die fasta ♫! "

"I actually understood you that time, B-sama"

Something even more unbelievable

"B's right, no point in wasting time, follow me"


"♫ Ayo! Let's go! ♫"

We made our way through the waterfall, entering the hidden temple built by Kumogakure's ancestors. A place specifically designed for the training Jinchūriki to control their Tailed Beasts

The perfect place for this young lady to master her new power

"Hm? Yugito-sama, B-sama, are we skipping that room?"

"♫ Two rooms in this temple,
both equally makes one tremble! ♫"

"The first room, the one with a statue of the Two-tails, is designed to keep a beast locked up in the event a Jinchūriki loses control. But since you don't have one, there's no need for us to enter it. B and I figured the other room suits you best"

"The other being...?"

"Over here"

Passing a series of broken statues with missing heads, we arrived at another door with a sculpture of the Eight-Tails. B gave Suzu the "honor" of reaching for the switch inside its mouth

Going on about how those with impure hearts will have their heads chopped off

"♫ Careful, the spirits of our ancestors be watchin
Can't run, can't hide, can't stop em' from judgin! ♫

♫ Heart gotta be pure, without a hint of hate! 
Break this rule, and it's checkmate! ♫

♫ Ya head be rollin, I be screaming! Yugito hit the ceiling!
Oh, mah lord, the wait for what happens next...IT's GOT ME-! ♫"



Before he could finish, she stuck her head into the statue and opened the door, much to his disappointment. Does this girl have no fear at all?

Though I'm ashamed to admit it, B managed to prank me during my first stay in this place

"Shall we?"

"If it stops B from playing around"

"♫ This blows. Y'all ruined my flow... ♫"


"It's completely blank. How big is this space?"

"Big enough to house more than one Tailed Beast, so there's plenty of leeway to train" 

B and I unofficially claimed these temple rooms. The one with the Two-Tails statue being mine, it's been a while since I've entered this room. The other reason I always trained in "mine" was due to imperfect control of my beast

Unlike B, I'm still at risk when it comes to having it go rampant

Yes, the "disposable" host...


"Hm? O-Oh, sorry"

"You still haven't told me the purpose of this room"

"Right. Like I said, the one we passed is used to seal beasts that go out of control. The one we're in now, also dubbed as the Chakra Isolation Chamber, does exactly that. Blocking out all foreign chakra, noise, and any other form of distraction"

"...It sounds like a perfect place to train"

"Compared to other room, it's not as resilient, but it's more than enough to contain your power. While we're here, you'll train with either B or me. During that time, we want you to try fighting us in that new form of yours"

"Is that safe?"

"Don't underestimate us kid, no matter what happens, B or I alone can handle anything you throw at us. Raikage-sama wouldn't have approved of this if he thought otherwise"

" ♫ No room for hesitation, time to bust out the transformations! ♫ "

In order to find out exactly what we're dealing with, in the short time we have, we have to take the kid gloves off

"Okay. But I still don't know how to trigger it yet"

"The source is the LIFT. A Tailed Beast drug. We can use our Tailed Beast chakra to cause resonance, that's our best bet for bringing it out. Hmm...what exactly are we gonna call it?"


"Your new form with the white hair and chakra, what should we name it? It's your power, do you have any ideas?"







Why the hell is HE here?



"Too slow Rei! Try again!!"

"Slow compared to your ridiculous speed!"

Ugh! My head is more important than your entire existence! 

"Raikage, don't you have something more important to do?!"

"More important than helping one of our representatives for the Chunin exams? Whose performance could potentially decide the fate of Kumogakure for years to come?"

"It's only at times like these do you make valid points"

Goddamn it...

Just as the hospital released me, I left its door eager to begin creating some new Ninja Tech in preparation for the upcoming exams. Only to have my expectations shattered at the sight of A waiting right outside

I didn't even have time to ask why he suddenly decided to do this before he forcibly dragged me to an empty space on the outskirts of the village. Only offering a single sentence, "Do your best to avoid my fists" before he started swinging


"No time to rest!"

"Tch! Shunshin no Jutsu1Body Flicker Technique!"


He fast enough without his "Cloak of Lightning", and yet he feels the need to use it on me. This is NOT how I thought I'd be spending my twelfth birthday!

A's been holding back his blows, so he doesn't seriously hurt me, opting to only strike empty palms...but getting hit with electric hands still stings like a mother!

But what frustrates me the most is...!



"Again, you're doing it wrong Rei"

"Haaaa...haaa...doing what wrong?!"

"Cut the bullshit kid"

"...Excuse me?"

"You claimed the loss of your Kekkei Genkai2Bloodline Limitwas a result of Kyō's powers. You may have fooled the others, but I know that's a lie"


"Tell me, how far have you progressed with the Black Scroll?"


Guess he's not as slow as I initially gave him credit for...

"Heh, you figured it out. You act like a musclehead most of the time, I never would've guessed you'd be the first to see right through me. You really can't judge a book by its cover"

"I wasn't sure at first, this sparring revealed the truth. You still haven't answered my question"

"Haaa...I've completed all of the third Body Purification"


That's a proper surprised face, makes sense, I guess. Hell, anyone who knows of the scroll would be shocked upon discovering a kid as young as I managed to get so far

The 3rd Raikage, who went the farthest, only managed half of the third "method"

"My father once spoke of it. This means...your central nervous system is..."

"Yes. But it doesn't seem that great considering I've yet to dodge a single strike from you"

"Rei. Why do you think we Raikage coat ourselves in Raiton3Lightning Stylechakra, despite practicing the methods found within the Black Scroll?"

"I'm sure you'll tell me"

"The technique brings out the best our bodies are physically capable of, allowing us to go past our limits. Along with the added bonus of Raiton's offensive and defensive properties"

It's a little similar to Might Guy's Hachimon4Eight GatesTechnique, but with electricity

"But in truth, their crutches...but you already knew that, right?"


The Jutsu is powerful, but it consumes a ton of chakra. Plus, it's easy to get dependent on it, to the point it becomes a burden. If you rely on a technique to fight all the time, your overall skill will fall

A knows this and only uses his lightning cloak on the strongest of opponents

"The technique was initially created for those who failed to complete the four methods of the Black Scroll. A means of replicating the effects each purification grants. From increased strength, speed, and heightened senses and reactions. But it's just a pale imitation compared to the real thing"

"You say that, but I've yet to avoid a single blow from you this entire time"

"But you can see me, can't you?"

"Well...yes, but-"

"None expected a kid your age would, or even could, progress so far in its use. It was meant for someone with an older, stronger body. You've perfected the methods, but your young, small stature cannot take full advantage of its effects"

I suspected as much

My physical abilities are insane...compared to those my age. But whenever I need to keep up with adults like A, or Kyō...I'm always burning through chakra to not lag behind

"You've completed the third method, meaning your reactions should be faster than mine. Which, like the 4th Hokage, are even faster than those with a Dōjutsu5Eye Technique, such as the Chinoike or Uchiha"

"Though he's dead, I'm pretty sure the 4th Hokage had faster reactions than you"

"Hmph, brat! The point is you, a twelve-year old, possesses nerve transmission speed greater than I, even at full power. By all accounts, I shouldn't even be able to touch you. So why can I?"

"I get it. My body can't keep up with my reactions. Knowing when an attack is coming is meaningless, unless I'm physically capable of avoiding it. I need to strengthen my body. I was already planning on doing so"


I've already decided to refocus efforts on improving my base foundation

Taijutsu and Genjutsu were always my forte. The majority of my time for the next three months will be used on improving these two factors more than anything else

When it comes to Ninja Tech, I'll draw up schematics, but Mori Sp. is gonna do the building. My investments are finally paying off, so why stop now? The suggestion I secretly passed to Tetsuo, replacing damaged housing in Kumogakure with ICF6Isolated Concrete Formshousing, will increase our revenue exponentially

As for my nature transformations, it's better not to waste time working on a third one with barely three months before the exams. Even with my body, gaining a new affinity on par with those I already have will take some time. Focusing on improving the ones I already have, my Katon7Fire Styleand Suiton8Water Style, is good enough for now

"Since you understand that, there's no need to continue any further. You're smart enough to handle your own training, and I'm busy enough as it is"

"If you wanted to get the point across, you just had to say so. I've got prep to do..."

"But then I wouldn't get the chance to smack you around a bit"


"Heh, don't screw up on the exams. See ya later"



This irritating feeling of this how Tai feels all the time? Karma? Maybe I should stop messing with him...




"Pfft! Naaaah!"


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