Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

186. To Each Their Own [3]

Heya Shinobi! Since today is 2/22/22 (look at all those 2's!), I'm gonna try a make this another DOUBLE RELEASE DAY! Stay tuned!


As the ever fleeting days passed, the world easily proved none were exempt in enacting meticulous preparation for the upcoming Chunin Exams. Being delayed for almost two years, both the desire and need for the event had reached unforeseen heights throughout the continent

Villages spent their resources supporting Genin set to participate, as such, missions met a sudden downtrend. Each leader convening with their respective council members, engaging in talks. Merchants and businessmen alike increased their activity, earning as much revenue as possible in hopes of gaining a spot at the event

The wealthiest and most powerful would be present to witness this contest, the first multi-country exam in years. For the "worker bees" seeking profit, these patrons were no different than honey. Only those who stood at the peak could seize this rare chance to spread their influence for future profits

Within the shinobi village currently standing as the strongest, Konohagakure1Hidden Leaf Village, a secret meeting was being held in an empty room with a wooden floor. Major talks were taking place among the top brass inside...

"...Are there no more who wish recommend any Genin for the Chunin exams?"


The leader of the village, the 3rd Hokage2Fire Shadow, Hiruzen Sarutobi, addressed a group of Konoha Jonin inside the private room. The man in question sat behind a desk, all three members of his council seated next to him

Two of said members were teammates from his former squad, "Team Tobirama". The name derived from the now deceased 2nd Hokage, Tobirama Senju, they wore robes of similar design to Hiruzen's

To his left sat Homura Mitokado, a bearded man with green glasses and grey hair exemplifying his old age. To his right, Koharu Utatane, her hair pulled back in a twin bun tied a hair pin with two dangling pearls attached to its end

And sitting farthest to the right, next to Koharu, was the leader of the ANBU subdivision known as "ROOT". Dressed in a black robe, the right arm hidden by the robe, the right side of his face covered in bandages, an "x-shaped" scar on his chin, and short black hair

The one known as "Shinobi no Yami3The Darkness of the Shinobi", the childhood friend and personal rival of Hiruzen...Danzō Shimura

"As many already know, Genin who've carried out eight or more formal missions are qualified to take the exams" Homura reiterated

"Formal missions aren't exclusive. One of our general rules states a Genin that's completed twice the amount of the former also meets the requirements to participate. Even if they were nothing but D-rank missions" Koharu added

Discussions continued for a while longer as more and more Jonin put forth their personal recommendations. The elders were pleased to find so many candidates, pleased by the potential of next generation Konoha ninja, for it was these ninja who'd shape the future of the village

{Ridiculous. The candidates so far...none of them are special. All nobodies, without even a hint of exceptional talent. I wouldn't even put them in ROOT...}

While three of them held appeased thoughts, Danzō remained completely unsatisfied at the roster of Genin, finding their skill mediocre. Unamused at the idea they'd be sending these ninja to what's potentially, the most important Chunin Exams in history

His impatience grew even further as the meeting continued, but he held it in, refusing to mutter a single word

"While it's typically suggested to enlist an entire squad, there's no need to follow this notion"

"A squad member not up to par will only prove to be detrimental to others"

Once it was deemed no one else had any more candidates, the Hokage called the gathering to a close and dismissed the Jonin. After giving bows of respect to the venerable elders, the ninja departed the room one by one

Eventually, only the Hokage and council remained

"We'll have much to sort through in the days ahead. The number and identification of ninja we'll be sending to The Land of Earth must be sent prior to their arrival"

"We'll also need to contact our Daimyō. There's still the matter of security for the VIPs intent on watching the spectacle"

"Koharu, Homura, don't forget we still need consent from the Genin themselves before any of that can happen. As Hokage, I can't cut any corners, we're literally sending our future to a foreign nation we were at war with not so long ago"

"At least we agree on one thing, Hiruzen" Danzō spoke for the first time since the meeting began

Sensing the irritation in his tone, the Hokage sighed before asking what bothered him so

"Even if every single Genin on this list agrees to go, they're not up to par"

"Danzō, these reports say otherwise. Many have partaken in numerous perilous missions. Hell, most are only Genin because there hasn't been a chance of promotion" Homura stated after looking through the papers on the desk

"Indeed, that flippant attitude towards our loyal ninja is unacceptable" Kohara rebuked

"I'm simply being realistic. My intel informs me other villages are sending, what can only be described as, 'little monsters'. They're also not in small number, so adding average talent in high quantities isn't sufficient"


None of them could refute his claims. Though usually not on the same page with him, victory in this even was something they all desired. Not just for themselves, but for the sake of the village.

And while Hiruzen would never denounce his own people, a part of him felt the entourage they had was somewhat...lackluster

"Alright old friend, what do you propose?"

"I have a candidate I'd like to put forward-"

"As we previously discussed, we can't send a young member from ROOT"

As the host for this exam, Iwagakure4Hidden Stone Villagewould verify the Shinobi registration number of each and every foreigner who entered its walls. Though certain nations like the isolated and introverted Kirigakure5Hidden Mist Villagerefrained from using such a system, having other means for officially verifying identification

Members of Danzō's covert-ops division carried none, for obvious reasons

"Not to worry, as this one is not a member of my division. Rather, he's a member of that troublesome clan"


"...You want to send one of them? Out of all of us here, you've been the most vocal when it comes to a lack of trust. Why the sudden change of heart?"

"It's not sudden Homura, I've had my eye on this one for quite some time. I can assure you his loyalties lie with Konohagakure as a whole, not just his clan"

"Even if he's loyal, it doesn't change the fact if this person comes out on top, as a member of that clan, their influence will only continue to rise. Something we don't need, now more than ever" Koharu noted

"They've been eager to put one of their own in a place of authority, in efforts of attaining an in to upper branches of government. Think about it Hiruzen, throwing them a bone would encourage...peace"


Danzō's mannerisms, tone, and words were no different than a temptation of the devil. But nevertheless, Hiruzen opted to hear him out

"We can't afford to lose..."


"You can't be serious!"

Koharu and Homura voiced their skepticism, but the Hokage's mind was already made up. Realizing this, the ends of his lips rose in the most subtle of fashions

"I am. Danzō...make the arrangements"



"You'll have his file by the end of the day"




With their meeting at its end, Danzō was the first to depart. Leaving the building, he leisurely strolled through the village. His pace, so calm and cold, any average citizen would hardly notice him

Eventually, he arrived at a large shrine with a massive red Torii gate at the entrance. Waiting there was a young boy, his back turned towards the gate as he quietly stared at the shrine

Danzō waltzed further before standing right beside him, neither making eye contact with one another

"It's done, you'll be participating in the exams"

"I don't have a squad. My team is no more"

"Irrelevant. A Genin who got himself killed being reckless, and another kunoichi who quit due to the shock, they'd only hold you back if they were here. Your improved performance as a solo Genin is proof enough of that" 


"Did I strike a nerve?"


"Then why the hesitation? Your numerous requests for promotion have not gone unnoticed. You'd already be a Chunin if your clan hadn't been sent to assist Kusagakure6Hidden Grass Villagein running the Blood Prison two years ago"

The young man's expression remained unflinching, his face lacking a single trace of emotion as he continued to gaze at the shrine before them

As Danzō scanned him as a means of ascertaining what the young man was thinking, he decided to issue a riddle he typically asked to young recruits for ROOT

"Tell me, if you were in a hostile situation with ten men, and nine of them are healthy, but one is very sick...too sick to save. What would you do?"


The young boy turned around, abruptly heading towards the entrance as he prepared to leave. But just as reached the Torii gate, he gave his answer to Danzō without even granting him the courtesy of turning around

"Since the tenth would die anyway..."


"...I'd kill him to end his suffering...and prevent the others from becoming infected"

Danzō smiled, clearly pleased with the boy's cold, yet rational answer

"The mediocre batch of Konoha Genin the Hokage is sending will be advised not to make things...too difficult for you. Even so, I'm now convinced you won't have any problems either way"





The boy departed the area, seemingly uncaring for Danzō's thoughts or approval. The latter in question remained where he stood, refraining from moving even a single muscle


The wind suddenly picked up, and the rustling of tree branches could be heard

"...I expected you here days ago"

"Apologies Danzō-sama, the Siege in Kumogakure was far more chaotic than initially anticipated. I knew I should've left earlier"

Without warning, a cloaked figure wearing a mask appeared out of thin air, remaining in the shadows of the shrine. Staying out of sight from any potential witness

"You can send your report later, but it's good you've remained. I need you to stay with the Company just a little while longer"

"If I may be so bold, I've already obtained what you wanted. What else could you ask of me?"

"Recent events have gone in our favor, but a wise man always prepares for...complications"

"Has something happened here? Could it be...problems with the mole Orochimaru gave us? Is that why you were meeting with that boy?"

"No, Shin Uchiha is still doing his job. There's no way I'd send him to the exams. The young one you saw here is sufficient enough, wouldn't you agree?"

"..." {Indeed. I wasn't sure at first but...I think he managed to sense my presence. No wonder he took so long to leave. He must've, rightfully, assumed I was one of Danzō's men upon his arrival. Impressive}

"Besides the LIFT, there's one more thing I need you to steal from the Company before you--well..."

"Understood. What do you require, Danzō-sama?"




"Listen carefully...Flow"


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