Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

191. It’s Time

Heya Shinobi! I've been working on some illustrations, they're almost done! Can't wait to share them with you. There's even more exciting stuff and surprising in store! For now, please enjoy the chapter!!


"That should do it..."

The deepest section of an obscure laboratory in the middle of nowhere, a familiar young man was in the midst of putting on his Kumogakure shinobi attire



"U-Urgh...! Come on, you son of a-!"

But he seemed to be having some trouble with it...

"D-Damn's so much tighter now"

[You've grown somewhat since you've started training here, in addition to your recent change in weight, it's natural they won't fit]

"Ugh! You make it sound as if I've gotten fat"

[In a way, you have. Hurry it up, fatass!]

"It's muscle. I've bulked up, you nitwit"

[The boat is set to depart in little over an hour from now. I know they'll wait for you, but it's rude to make them]

"Since when did you care about manners?"

[Since when did you NOT care about manners?]

"Smart-ass...whatever, I've finished with my prep, done all I possibly could in the last three months, no need to procrastinate"

[Looking forward to seeing your results]


"Yeah. I bet you are..."







Two swordsman, dressed head-to-toe in heavy protective gear sparred with bokken1Wooden sword used for practiceon the wooden floor of a well kept dojo

The taller individual bombarded the shorter one with a barrage of fierce sword swings, each one splitting the very air with nothing but sheer speed

It didn't take an expert to know getting hit by even one of these sharp-sounding strikes would be very...detrimental

"Don't drop your shoulders, I don't care if you're exhausted! A loose shoulder means a loose guard, which gets your head chopped off!"

"K-Kuh!" {You'll probably kill me before that happens!}

"Such actions only reveal vulnerability to the enemy, which they'll exploit! You think the competition is gonna go easy on you?!"

"I'm pretty sure nobody will challenge me as much as you..."

Amazingly, the defending sword wielder managed to flawlessly dodge nearly every swift swing, and successfully parried the unavoidable ones

In spite of the complaining, through his continued strenuous efforts, he remained untouched

"Much better, you're no longer crying like a wuss!"

"Whose fault do think that is?!"

"Since this is our final training session before the exams, I'm going all out!!"

"And how the hell am I gonna make it to the boat if your sword turns me into a lump of flesh?! I'm supposed to leave soon!"

"You talking back to me?!"


"Good! That's a nice screech! Means you still have enough energy to fight!"

"Wait wait wait! NOT AGAIN! MOM!!!"

"If you can't even dodge these, going to the exams is suicide! Don't worry Tai, I'll make sure you're still able to walk by the time this is over!!"



{This demon of a mother!!!!!!!}




Atop Genbu Island



Explosions of white energy burst on the island, frightening away every bird and animal nearby. The area itself riddled with stupidly large craters and broken trees 

In this vacant spot of the forest grown on Genbu's shell, a gargantuan tortoise, a particular Jinchūriki sat in observation, measuring the mettle of the one responsible for the blasts

"...Still not perfect yet. One more time!"

"Hold it Suzu! I believe that's quite enough destruction for one day. Any further, and Genbu himself will actually start to feel it"

"Haaa...Haaa...yes. Yugito-sama, how'd I do?"

The now 14-year-old girl had spent the last three months on this island, striving to master her new Tailed Beast-based powers as a result of the altered LIFT drug Rei gave her

In the past months, she had matured somewhat. Suzu's skin was more fair and healthy than ever, her dark hair grew a bit longer, with the bangs partly covering her emerald eyes

Kumogakure's famed Jinchūriki, Yugito Nii and Killer B, served as proficient mentors towards guiding her in this endeavor. The latter of whom was recently ordered by his brother to return to Unraikyō2Valley of Clouds and Lightning, leaving the last of week of training to Yugito alone

"You've done well. Long as you maintain control of your emotions, there shouldn't be any need to worry about you entering that state subconsciously"

"So I can go to the exams?"

"Well, yes. However, when it comes to controlling your new powers..." Yugito pointed to the destruction left in Suzu's wake


The entire area was completely destroyed, not a single trace of the former vegetation which spread everywhere, the ground paved out in its entirety

"The goal of this exercise was to use your new powers without obliterating everything in sight"


"Don't look so down, had I not already given my seal of approval to Raikage-sama...Genbu wouldn't be swimming towards our northern docks"


Suzu's face immediately brightened, overjoyed her efforts over the last three months were not in vain. Before Yugito continued on with her evaluation, the attention of these two kunoichi was taken by the sound of loud howl



"Heh! That would be Genbu letting us know we're about to dock. Go get your gear, Tango and that sailor have most likely been waiting on the boat for a while"

"Yes! Thank you very much Yugito-sama!"


As the young girl dashed away, Yugito's happy expression turned stern the moment Suzu's figure fell out of her sight


"Be careful Suzu, that power is far more dangerous than B and I initially believed. If you let it get out of control..."




"Phew...when are they getting here?"

"Just be patient, they'll be here"

Waiting at a shipyard, Kumogakure's best ship captain Hikaru sat across from Tango on the deck of ship, smoking a cigar. The ship itself was not his usual one, but a new model gifted to him by the village.

A fresh paint job, high quality materials, with a long and narrow shape...any average sailor could easily guess this was a vessel meant for speed, not comfort

"I like this ship, it's much better than your old, slow one"

"Hey! Don't say that! This thing may look clean, but my beautiful queen of a ship is the most seaworthy than any in this entire damn shipyard! Built to last and take all the hits thrown her way"

"Yeah...but does she have something like that?" Tango pointed towards an area of the ship


Tango's attention had be drawn to a particular part for quite some time now...the engine attached on the ship's stern

"The new engine on the's from Mori Sp. right?"

"Psh! Yeah, that company has been busy lately"

As Mori Sp.'s influence rose to new lengths within the village, curiosity about the inner workings of the corporation amongst high level shinobi, like Tango, only grew further

Naturally, his interest was piqued when he spotted the company logo on the ship engine

"While the design is impressive, don't get caught in all the glamor. That outboard engine may deliver better fuel economy, but unlike the inboard one on my ship, it has a lot of limitations"

"Such as?"

"For starters, maneuvering is difficult, corrosion is more than likely to occur, and it can't be completely tilted out of water. In truth, it's more suited for small fishing boats, not long sea trips. The only reason we're using it now is because we need to arrive at our destination quickly"

"Are we in danger?"

"For this trip, we'll be in danger, regardless of which vessel we sail on...but don't fret. If I can't get you to where you need to go...I don't deserve my current reputation"

"...There's much to consider. I'm glad you're our ship captain"

"Thanks. I'm just being a critic. All-in-all, it's not a half bad engine, quite revolutionary as a matter of fact. It was just a bad choice of implementation, putting such an engine on this type of ship, and not my own"

"Why didn't you?"

"I would've if I could, but it wasn't up to me. It's why I'm so irritated, the decision of what ship we're to sail on was left to the top brass, I barely had any say"

Tango was at a loss for words with Hikaru's latest remark

"You didn't get to choose? The best ship captain in this village?"

"These Chunin Exams are extremely important, naturally the higher-ups just had to get involved. Raikage-sama wanted to leave everything to me, but his hands were tied"

{True. If it were any other matter, none could object to his decision. But everyone had a stake in these exams, even with everything that's happened as of late, I can't see the council budging on this matter}

"Oh look! Think I can see one of the kids..."


In the distance, one of Tango's students wearily made his way to the ship. It was none other Tai, who like Suzu, was now of 14 years. He'd grown a bit in height, his brown spiky hair was trimmed a bit, revealing his dark blue eyes

As he reached the ship, the two adults were at a loss for words at his appearance. While he was dressed in his shinobi attire, the clothes were completely battered

"Damn kid, you look like you went through a trash compactor" Hikaru quipped upon looking down at the kid from the deck of the ship


"Right right, sorry"

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Tai hesitated for a bit before saying anything. He then lifted his head and spoke, demonstrating his voice had finally cracked, the overall tone no longer resembling a child, but a young man

Puberty had finally arrived on his doorstep...

"Short answer is, I went through hell, and now I'm ready for the exams. Don't. Ask. Anymore"

{Ah...Tomoe must've trained him} Hikaru and Tango looked at each other before having the same thought



As Tai prepared to jump on the ship, another figure landed nearby. Just like the young man, dressed in shinobi attire, while carrying a travel bag over her shoulder

"Room for one more?"

"Suzu! Finally! A female that isn't trying to kill me!"


"Never mind, good to see you!"

"Likewise, what exactly happened for you to look like-?"

"DON'T ASK...please"

{It must've been Tomoe-san again...better not mention this subject for the rest of the trip} Suzu realized

Tango looked on proudly at the girl, for her arrival meant she succeeded in her training

{Looks like she did well, just as I thought she would}

"Hey girl! Glad you could make it! You kids grab your things and climb on" Hikaru greeted her with casual wave before heading to the back of the ship, set on running final checks

The two got onboard the ship, placing their single duffle bags aside as they sat down. Due to the shape of the ship, there was no lower deck for private quarters

"How'd you get here anyway?" Tango inquired

"Genbu docked on the other side of the port, past those large buildings. Once it was safe, I jumped off the island and ran straight here"

"I didn't even notice. You'd think he'd be easy to see for being the largest turtle--creature, on the planet" Tai remarked

"It just goes to show why he's still around, he's good a hiding"


"Well Hikaru?"

"We're good to go. Got enough food and water to last a month, engine has been checked, fuel supply checked, emergency supplies checked...I'm just waiting for you to give the final word Tango"

"Alright, soon as Rei is here, we'll set sail--"

"Wow, the engine turned out much better than I imagined. Well done Tetsuo..."



"What the hell-?!"

Without warning, the voice of the final member of Team Tango was heard from behind Hikaru. Rei had arrived, casually studying the engine provided by Mori Sp.

In truth, it was he who sent this design to Tetsuo Mori months prior, but hadn't expected the businessman would finish its conception so quickly. This revelation had pleased him greatly

"Alright, shall we take off now--hm?"

After getting a good look at his work, Rei turned around, greeted with sight of surprise on everyone's faces

"W-W-When did you-? Were you here the whole time?"

"Of course not Hikaru-san, I just arrived about a minute ago"

{Just now? Impossible! Are you telling me this 12-year-old managed to get passed a Jonin unnoticed?!} Tango was dumbfounded

{He's become even more of a monster than he already was...} Tai lamented

"Tai, you..."


"Wow...Tomoe beat your ass eight ways to Sunday. Pffft!" Rei tried to hold in his laughter upon seeing Tai's battered state

"YOU!!!! DON'T PHRASE IT LIKE THAT!" {Just when I was getting happy to see him!}

"Haaa...good grief. Glad to know you haven't changed Rei" Suzu smugly remarked

With their banter, the mood suddenly lightened from everyone's prior shock at Rei's arrival. Suzu wondered if he did it on purpose, or if he just wanted to mess with Tai...or both

The Genin sat down as Tango stood up, preparing to address everyone

"Alright, we're on a schedule, and the event isn't gonna wait for us, so I'll make this quick. Anything can happen in these exams, now is your last chance to back out. There's no shame in waiting to try later and--"

"Now you're the one wasting time Tango" Hikaru interjected

When Tango turned to him, the latter pointed towards the Genin. As he took a closer look, he could see faces filled with not just resolve, but boundless strength

It was in this moment he understood they were no longer the children he'd always look after, but fellow shinobi. There was no need to tell them the stakes, for they already knew what could happen to them...and didn't care

They were dead set on heading to the Chunin Exams

"Heh...sorry about that. CAPTAIN!"

"Yes sir!"




"Set the Land of Earth!"


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