Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

192. Sea Outing

In spite of my hectic schedule, I managed to get this one out! Next is coming real soon! Stay tuned!



It's been a while since I've felt the nice sensation of sitting on a boat as it skids through the water

True, there was my mission to "Summoning Island", amongst others, but this is an entirely different feeling altogether. It's so quiet and calm, giving one a sense peace, brings me back to my previous life when my parents and I sailed to summer ever

Or at least it would've been, if they didn't end our trip by arguing with one another...


"Whoa?! What's with the sudden yelling?!"

Speaking of making a racket...

"Ugh...are we in the Land of Earth yet? My stomach is doing its best to make me suffer!"

"Hahaha! We've all been there Tai. Suck it up!"

"Ohhhh...I miss your old ship Hikaru-senpai. It was nice, big, and calm. This one bounces constantly--oh, oh no...think I'm gonna-!"

"OFF the ship Tai, not ON"

"R-Right. Uwegh!"

And cue the hurling

Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't do it sooner, considering how green his face appeared during our initial departure. The boat we're on is traveling at breakneck speed, albeit compared to most ships in this world

Thanks in no small part to the new engine I designed

"Okay, I know it's kind of late, considering we already took off...but its best we go over some ground rules"

"Whoa whoa! Tango, you wanna tell them now?"

"Better now than later Hikaru, contrary to current circumstances, this isn't a vacation"

"Tsk! I never get breaks. But I agree with your point, we're about to pass the borders of the Land of Lightning, into foreign territory"

And here I thought we could enjoy this trip in peace before getting right down to business. Though in hindsight, considering my track record for attracting drama, it's best to stay alert

Only when Tai finally stopped puking up his lunch did Tango give us the rundown

"As you know, this is the sole team from Kumogakure, thanks in no small part of that conniving Earth Daimyō. And being the singular team from one of the Five Great Shinobi Nations, you'll likely be the first targeted by the competition"

"We all knew the score Tango-sensei. Forget about this boat from hell--urgh! Iwagakure1Hidden Stone Villageis looking less and less enjoyable"

"Wrong. I haven't even gotten to Iwagakure yet, I'm talking about now. You think the enemy's gonna sit and wait until we arrive at our destination?"

Ah shit, I know where this going

"You're expecting attacks sensei?"

"As should you, Suzu. Raikage-sama and other upper brass already have reason to believe each and every voyager departing our village has been under foreign observation within the past month or so"

"In other words, look out for the cheaters attempting to mess with us outside of the exams"

"Cheaters...identifying them by that term means you're still thinking naïvely, Tai" Tango folded his arms, wearing a solemn expression


"Not just the exams, every moment during our stay there could potentially put us in danger, with each side trying to one-up the other. Saboteurs, assassins, deception...the ideal battleground for shinobi. I was so wrapped in my training on Genbu Island, I'd forgotten this simple truth of's not cheating if you don't get caught" Suzu accurately noted

"Precisely. Soon as we cross that border, our battle has already begun"

Jeez. No pressure or anything. Tango really loves his cryptic one-liners

"What exactly is our plan?" I asked

"We have several ships ahead of us on standby, ready to depart when we arrive, in efforts to throw off the enemy. Several squads on foot have combed and swept the coastline by us"

"That's why you're on the boat from hell. It's not perfect, but it's fast, hard to spot, and most of all...quiet" Hikaru added

That'll only ensure our safety for a little bit, assuming it works...

"The real problem is what comes next. We'll be all on our own, and I'd like to cover our tracks as much as possible, which is why we're not docking at the Land of Earth. We'll meet an old friend at a location he's readied for us near Takigakure2Hidden Waterfall Village"

"An old friend?"

"He was previously stationed in Yugakure3Hidden Steam Village, but was transferred to Takigakure some time ago"

"Yugakure? Who do we know that's mean Karai?"

"Heh! You guessed it Tai"

Oh yeah, there was a guy like that. Didn't we meet him during our mission to rescue Yugito? Feels like forever ago

"Why is he over there?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect it's-"

"We're leaving the border!" Hikaru abruptly shouted

"Tango-sensei, shouldn't we change into casual clothes? You blend in. Or wear cloaks?" Tai whispered

"It won't matter. There's no way regular civilians would be riding on a high-end ship like this, and cloaks only draw more suspicion. Like I said, every ship leaving our country is under watch" 

"If we're spotted in this kind of stealth ship, it'll definitely be someone who's looking to make trouble for us. Now cut the chatter, until I say otherwise, don't make a sound!" Hikaru ordered


The sounds of various engines erupted in the atmosphere

Once we neared the border, the ships Tango claimed were in waiting for us took off. Ranging from small fishing boats to large ships, it was almost as if an entire fleet was present

That ridiculous Raikage really pulled out all the stops for us, makes me wonder how long it took to arrange this


With a sharp a turn, Hikaru elegantly navigated us into the crowd, like a single fish joining a school. Even on a vessel such as this, his skill as a captain is not to be underestimated. I'm always impressed by him whenever he operates the helm of a ship

None of us muttered a single word as we sailed, not that I was complaining. I always prefer peace and quiet, as opposed to loud noise

Our vessel traveled alongside the other ships for sometime, passing Yugakure, and reaching the Land of Fire's northern sea. Along the way, various ships broke off the makeshift fleet as a means of throwing off any potential pursuers, or provoking other nations


Eventually, we followed in suit, breaking away from the others

"Okay, we're safe for now" Hikaru declared

"Phew! That was a tense half a day...!"

"Compared to the months of Tomoe kicking your ass?"


Hehehe! The plan had worked, and now our group had entered Takigakure waters. It wouldn't be long before we reached Karai, and Iwagakure soon afterwards

That's when the real struggle begins...

"Things are going quite well, wouldn't you say?" Hikaru said to Tango once the latter opted to speak with him in private

"Yeah, a little too well if you ask me"

"You think our little plan wasn't enough? Remember, it wasn't just the northern coastline, we sent a decoy ship with another fleet down south as well"

"Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I just can't shake this bad feeling of mine"

"If something does happen, we'll deal with it. I told you, no matter what happens, I'll have you and your team arrive at our destination"

While I chatted with Tai and Suzu, the adults "gossip" didn't slip my enhanced hearing

Tango has a habit of being overly cautious, but it's that meticulous nature of his that's kept us alive in times of crisis. I just really hope the world can cut me a break this one-

"CONTACT! Unknown ship off the port bow!"



You know something?

"Taking evasive maneuvers! Strap yourselves in, things are gonna get bumpy!"

"The three of you, stay down!"






I really hate this stupid world...


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