Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

193. Pirates?

Can't we ever just go somewhere without being wrapped up in some kind of bullshit? Just once? Is that really too much to ask?!


"Hikaru! Their ship's equipped with a ballista! One shot from those bolts and-!"

"Shut up, I know! Let me focus!"

I hate this stupid world...with a passion. Seriously, if I live long enough to become as powerful as an actual Ōtsutsuki powerhouse, I might just destroy the whole damn thing out of pure spite

"Damn it! I knew this was too easy!"

"You can say I told you so later Tango!"

"Sensei! What should we-?!"

"You three are not to act unless I tell you! Hikaru, punch it!"

"Already on it!"




This thing is even faster than I thought! Bravo Tetsuo

As for the assholes on that rusty-looking ship chasing us, I wasn't able to sense them, which means they've suppressed their chakra. But with our ship, they'll have trouble keeping up with us , and we've enough fuel to last-



"Rei? What is it?"

Oh no...this chakra is-!

"Hikaru! I'm sensing another batch of chakra headed in our direction! At least two dozen of them...10 o'clock!"

"How could there be so many here?! I know for a fact this route isn't typically used by pirates, hardly anyone ever comes through here!"

"Wait...does that mean-?!" Tai guessed correctly

"They were waiting for us, who the hell tipped them off?!"

"We can discuss the matter later, for now, we need to avoid them! What's our course captain?!"

"We can head to the right and sail around them, but the area in that direction is known to be full of rocks and debris that could tear this ship apart. What do you want to do Tango?!"


A tough decision

We might be able to get away, but heading in that direction could be exactly what these people are aiming for. Another group might be hiding in that direction, waiting to attack

Judging from their chakra and appearance, it's unlikely they're shinobi, and we could fight our way through. But if that's the case, it implies someone hired them, and said clients could be watching us from elsewhere

The possibility this entire ordeal is some "dog and pony" show in efforts to uncover whatever trump cards we may not low

What it's gonna be Tango?

"...Damn it. Sail to the right Hikaru, we'll just have to risk it"

"Got it. Everyone, brace yourselves!"

"Rei, Suzu, Tai...I'm pretty sure you know why I've made such a decision. From this point forward, if it comes to it, leave the fighting to me. Unless Hikaru and I have been taken out, you're not engage under any circumstances. Understood?"

"Yes!" Tai and Suzu answered in concert


Hikaru sailed further north, taking the long away as our pursuers continued to bombard us with bolts half the size of the ship. Fortunately, our captain operates like a professional racer, we've yet to get struck even once

Not to mention his smooth navigation through the stacks sticking out of the water. Those behind us are gonna end up with holes in their hulls if they keep chasing. That's probably what Hikaru is aiming for

Regardless, once we're in a more public venue, closer to Takigakure1Hidden Waterfall Village, they'll probably break off their pursuit

Tango observed our rear through his monocular, trying to get a good glimpse of these guys

"Any clues yet Sensei?" Tai eagerly wondered

"No. On paper, they appear to be pirates. However, their coordination and disregard for the damage their ship is enduring, just to follow us through this area, indicates they're more than meets the eye"

"So they might me ninja in what?"

"Once we get through this last checkpoint, we're home free. Look, some of them have already started to break off" Hikaru noted

He was right, the ships following us began slowing down. These guys must've realized the futility of following this swift boat, there was no way they could catch us

"Jerks...I hope they drown. Scaring us like that"

"This is just the start. In the days ahead, we'll be acquainted with many people you'll want to drown"

"Yay. You're the glass half empty guy as usual Rei. When are you gonna be a people person?"

"I was Tai, then the so-called people ruined it. I'm just being realistic, since we'll be risking our lives considerably in these exams"

"I guess. Still, it's a good thing we didn't have to fight now"

Our crew could finally breathe easy after passing this last checkpoint. Reaching a public, Takigakure dock near the Land of Earth

The area wasn't filled with many ships, but there were plenty of food stalls in the area. Mmm...some of it doesn't smell half bad

" you see him?"

"Give me sec Hikaru. Hmmm...there! All the way to right! I can see Karai, the one dressed in the brown cloak"

"Alright, I'm setting us down"


Once we docked, the ship disappeared in a cloud of smoke after Hikaru sealed it into a scroll. Since the raft is a prototype of Kumogakure and Mori Sp.'s finest technology, Hikaru was under strict orders to prevent it from being stolen

Immediately after, we approached Karai. He hadn't changed much over the years. Same spiky, tan-colored hair with a streak of orange on the left side


"Nuh-uh, not here. Follow me"


Yup, hasn't changed a bit




"They knew you were coming? You're absolutely sure?"

"Positive. They were even equipped with high-end ballistae, perfect for taking out small boats like ours. If Hikaru hadn't been our captain..."

"I get it...from this point forward, we should assume our plans have been compromised. Even the hotel booked for you is no longer an option"

After sneaking away from the dock, Karai brought us to a hideout inside a cave he built during his tenure in this foreign land. Apparently, A sent the young infiltrator to come here right after the incident on "Summoning Island"

Since the marauders were from Ishigakure2Hidden Rock Village, the Raikage wanted to ascertain the true nature behind the newest shinobi nation to greet this world. Including its beneficial, yet controversial relationship with a great nation like Iwagakure3Hidden Stone Village

Hence, he ordered Karai's transfer to a port near the Land of Earth's border, perfect for meeting us

"I'm still hesitating on whether or not it's safe to enter Iwagakure's walls" Tango remarked

"Shinobi entering a foreign nation is never safe, but I can make things easier for you"

"How? Especially this late in the game?"

"For how long have you known me? My line of work has taught me to always plan for...redundancies"

He removed a map from his pouch, and withdrew several outfits from the trunk by the wall

"In the event something like this would happen, I went ahead and purchased a hotel reservation at a location you can trust is likely to not have trouble. Remember, that old fence-sitter of a Tsuchikage4Earth Shadowhas to maintain the appearance of everything being under control and safe, or the wealthy patrons set on attending the event will back out. NOBODY wants that"

"I see...according the map, it's within walking distance of a governmental office, near the center of the village"

"Yup. A police branch operates in that place as well. Just keep your heads down, and you'll be fine. Now, as for getting there unnoticed by those intent on seeing you never attend the exams...I've taken care of that too"

"Can I assume that's what the outfits are for?" don't keep us in suspense

"You guessed it Rei. There's a local diplomat who wishes to see the event. He was initially set to arrive later, but I managed to change his schedule in secret, don't ask me how"

"Nice" I need more allies like him

"These outfits are the same attire his guards wear. You lot will enter his caravan and travel along with him, but remember to separate from them upon arrival. Since Iwa is checking everyone's I.D.'s upon entry, it's best not to be in disguise"

"Good man. You've gone above and beyond"

"I aim to please"

You most certainly have. This'll make traveling all the easier, and none of us will have to risk revealing our skills to others. Finally, we can catch a damn break!

"When do we leave?"

"He's scheduled to depart in less than an hour from now, about a half klick southwest from our position. Hurry up and get dressed, they ain't gonna wait on you"

"Got it, you heard the man!"

"Yes sir!"


As we Genin left the cave to get dressed in private, the three men kept to themselves, but I didn't miss a single word

"Thanks for everything Karai"

"Nah, thank you, for allowing me to finally put my skills to work. These kind of details are typically eventless, and the last two years have been boring as hell. Anymore sitting around, and I'll turn into an old man"

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'm gonna head back to Kumogakure"

"By yourself Hikaru? Are you sure that's safe, considering what just happened?"

"Like Karai, I move better alone, and these kind of trips are the norm for me. It's also important to inform Raikage-sama of a potential leak, considering our location was compromised"

 "Yes, I agree with him on that point Tango. Judging from your description of their weapons, appearance, and behavior...I can say with full confidence those pirates weren't pirates. And given the fact they were waiting for you...I might want to doublecheck my operation as well" Karai assessed

"Can you try and find out who it was?"

"Not a problem, though it may take some time"

I wonder...who has the resources and means of pulling off something like this? My money was on Iwa, but they've already tipped their hand enough with this whole, "one team only" deal. Any more overreach will only serve to make the situation even MORE tense than it already is

Unless...that's what whoever hired those people was aiming for

Someone looking to stir the pot, create conflict. Though I have no real proof to support this theory...agh! I'm lacking far too much intel! This is why I'm always one step behind whenever something unexpected happens...!

Haaaa...whatever, I'll figure it out later. What's important now is the exams

Gotta stay focused on that

"Sensei! We're ready!"

"Okay, lets move out! Thanks guys, I appreciate everything you've done"

Karai rolled up the map in front of him before handing it to Tango

"Hang on to this Tango. I've detailed escape routes, obscure spots, and areas of interest you might find useful in the event of an emergency"

"Thanks. I owe you a meal when this is over"

"I'll hold you to it, I've already been given authorization to head home after this"

Hikaru patted each of us on the head as he said his goodbyes

"It's always good to see you guys. Do our village proud! Once the exams are over, I'll bring you back on a ship Tai won't puke on"

"Gee...thanks a bunch Hikaru-san"



"Alright, my team will head out first. See you soon!" Tango waved goodbye as we left the cave




Now down to just the four of us, we moved through the forests of Takigakure undetected, stealthily infiltrating the caravan run by the diplomat Karai mentioned

Apparently, he's the acting Daimyō of an obscure nation called the Land of Flowers, located further south of here, with old ties to the Land of Earth. An ideal choice on Karai's part, as it made passing the border into said territory all the easier

Continuing onward, the environment began to change. I'd never been to this country, so the only thing I know about it, is what I've heard from Notitia, or studied within Kumogakure's library



After tapping Tango on the arm, I gestured to my forehead, prompting him to utilize his "Chakra Transmission Jutsu", syncing our team telepathically

Once he glanced around to confirm none were looking, Tango complied and performed the necessary hand seals to activate his signature Ninjutsu

⌈Okay, it's safe. What do you wanna know Rei?⌋

⌈'ve been here before right? What can you tell us about this place?⌋

⌈As you can see, it's a desolate, rocky country. It's borders run along a harsh mountain range, as such, there's very little communication with other countries. Giving them a form of isolation second only to Kirigakure5Hidden Mist Village


The wind started to pick up the more we progressed through this rugged country

⌈With all this crap blowing in my eyes, I can understand why no one wants to come here!⌋

⌈Careful Tai. The northern wind passes over these mountains, carrying dust and pebbles from the to the surrounding countries. Cover your mouth, don't let it get in your throat⌋

I remember Pyua-nee mentioning something that. A famous natural phenomenon called "Gan'u"6"Rock Rain", turbulent drafts carrying rocks along the outer edge of the country

⌈Most of this place is barren, but from I've heard, there used to be bustling metropolis towards the rear of the village...but it's no more⌋

⌈What happened to it?⌋

⌈Who knows? Money's on war...but I'm not sure. Considering this village is overpopulated, you'd think another, industrialized city full of business would help their economic situation. The whole history behind it is strange to say the least...⌋

That's not ominous at all, always with the cryptic one-liners Tango. You're probably jinxing us

⌈Uwah...this land is completely desolate, as expected of Sunagakure's7Hidden Sand villageneighbor⌋ Tai mused

⌈The whole country isn't entirely barren. There's a couple of forests here and there, most of them closer to its border with the Land of Fire. Though I suspect the reason by the fertility in those areas is likely due to the 1st Hokage8Fire Shadow, Hashirama Senju

⌈Right. His famous Kekkei Genkai9Bloodline LimitNinjutsu, the Mokuton10Wood Style⌋ Suzu added

Wood that piques my interest

I've long considered the possibilities of his DNA in my hands for years. With the lab and my knowledge, there's no telling what I could do. Unfortunately, it isn't easy acquiring. As of this moment, the only people who have access to it are Orochimaru, and Tobi

I thought about capturing one of Zetsu's clones, since their basically made of Hashirama's genes...but how often does a random shinobi from Kumogakure run into one of those things?

⌈Heads up guys, it's time to ditch this troop⌋

⌈ that-?⌋ Tai squinted his eyes, trying to get a better view at the structure in the distance


Getting closer, the image in the distance became visible. What appeared to be a mountain, was in the fact constructed walls for a village, composed entirely of stone

Heh! As expected of the Earth nation





"My students, welcome to Iwagakure..."


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