Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

194. Iwagakure

The time before Spring Break is always the busiest ain't it? Please enjoy the chapter!


Once the Daimyō from the Land of Flowers and his caravan approached Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Villagewalls, our team separated from the group, finding a spot to hide

Two groups from different countries travelling together was naturally suspicious during these tense, post-war times. After all, it wasn't that long ago when we were all trying to kill one another during the last shinobi world war

"Agh...this spot is uncomfortable" Tai complained

"Just grin and bear it. They're almost through the entrance" I reminded him

Hanging back on a slope located just over two kilometers from the village, remaining in cover, Suzu and I were about to get up and take the lead towards the gates after the last of them entered the village when-



"Not yet" 

Tango grabbed our shoulders, holding us back

"Let's wait a bit longer"


Right. Going in the moment right after they did would be too much of a coincidence. Still, going through the trouble of taking all these extra steps, just to enter the place safely...we really are in hostile territory

With a little more waiting, Tango finally gave us the okay to move. Upon our arrival, the gate guards didn't even try to hide their disapproval of us entering their village. But they eventually let us in after deliberately being slow about it

Once inside, it was hard not get lost at the sights before us. Excluding Tango, this was first time we've been inside a Great Shinobi Village that wasn't Kumogakure

"Woah...look at the stalls, the homes, the buildings. EVERYTHING is made of rock and stone. Check it out, they're even selling rock candyTai exclaimed

"It's actually just a treat composed of sweets, from large sugar crystals. Oh! There's even a pottery store. I'd like to study their methods for my own use if we have time" Even the usually quiet Suzu couldn't help but become invested

"Towers everywhere...did they create them with Doton2Earth Style? I wonder what the architect was thinking when this village was created" Even I have interests outside of tech and food



"Alright you three, that's enough. This isn't a vacation, lets get to the hotel Karai so graciously reserved for us" Tango snapped us out of our daze

Waltzing through this place, I couldn't help but admire how these people have managed to survive here

Along the way, I've barely glimpsed even the slightest sign of vegetation. And the food stall prices for produce were set at ridiculous rates

Likely a result of the unsettling terrain they've had to deal with for centuries

"We're here. Take a mental note of this location, memorize every conceivable route, consider various scenarios and solutions in the event of a disaster" Tango advised

The place Karai booked wasn't too shabby. Just as he promised, too near a public area for someone to start a scene. I was particularly pleased with the hotel room itself once we checked in

An open wide space, filled with enough room to host at least ten people, let alone the four of us. A mini fridge on the side wall, and due to the hotel's elevated location, we had a window view of the entire village

While I was scoping out the room, Suzu couldn't help but point out the lack of occupants on this floor of the hotel

"Karai booked this entire floor the explicit purpose of hosting our allies" Tango answered

"Allies? I thought we were the only ones from Kumogakure here?" I asked

"Sorry Rei, let me clarify some things. As you already know, the Chunin Exams are unique depending on the village hosting, but all keep to the same standards. Do you know what they are?"

"It's separated into three distinct tests. The first is to test us mentally, and the second is physical..." Suzu corrected answered

Mentally and other words, Yin and Yang...

"And of what of third--um...Tai!"

"E-Eh?! Um...if I'm correct sensei, the third acts as a competition that not only tests both, but--er, is executed in a way that fully demonstrates contestant abilities towards spectators" Tai haphazardly answered

"Correct. These new shared Chunin Exams are to improve relations between nations who were at war not so long ago, present promising ninja to clients, and provide business opportunities and gambling"

According to what Notitia told me, this is first major multi-country Chunin Exams. Before the 3rd Shinobi World War, the villages typically kept Chunin promotion to themselves. The only time shinobi would journey from one nation to another for this, would be if their respective villages were already allies

The last war was bad enough that hardly anyone profited from it, prompting the rich and powerful to finally get up off their spoiled, lazy asses and do something about it

In response, nearly every Daimyō went to work coming up with something to encourage peace and trade between nations once the conflict came to end. Their answer was this

But these exams...their timing is off. This event should've occurred almost two years ago, being delayed repeatedly for a variety of reasons. Which means only one thing...

The "Ripples" are getting worse


"Even with these requirements, each exam is unique, so knowledge of old exams can't help much. But to answer your previous question Rei, it's the third and final exam that gives us the right to bring other VIPs from our home, into this village. Assuming you make it to the final round, Raikage-sama and the Daimyō-sama, along with a slew of Kumo-nin will join us at this residence, hence every single room on this floor has been booked in advance"

"So any ninja of the Five Great Shinobi Nations who makes it to last round, their respective Kage will naturally come to represent whichever village they hail from?" Suzu inquired

"Not just the Five nations, but any village leader or head ninja will arrive as well. It also provides us privacy for the first and second exams during our stay here" Tango responded

"In other words, we can turn this place into our territory, which definitely comes in handy if others looking to up their odds of success consider conducting...foul playI implied

"Bingo. Right on the money as usual Rei"

Karai and Kumogakure have completely covered their basis to ensure safe conditions during our tenure here. Just when I was considering the need to carry out some "extra curricular" activities in secret

It's nice when competent people are in your corner

"With that out of the way, let me lay out some ground rules. You're not to leave this hotel under any circumstances, especially without my permission. That means you Rei, no rule breaking"

"Yeah yeah"

"I'm serious, even now, it'd be wise to assume someone is targeting your life. When we leave for the exam location, we'll move quick and quiet. No stops, no detours, no exceptions"

"Sensei? Is it gonna be like this the entire time? I mean come on, we're in another great shinobi village for the first time..." Tai asked

"...If you wanna see the sights that bad, you'd better make it to the final round. Because only when this floor is filled with ninja from our village will it be slightly more safe for you to tour this place"


"Tai, I don't even want you to eat any food besides what we've brought here ourselves. I even brought a mini rice cooker and grill for the explicit purpose of avoiding potential poisoned meals"

Wow, Tango went all out for this. It's always funny to think the best way to be a ninja, is to be the best cheater

"I think we'll be okay" I uttered

"You just jinxed yourself Rei" Tai remarked

"No. You just jinxed me Tai. If I get poisoned, I'm gonna kick your ass as bad as Tomoe does"

"You're so petty! And again, stop putting it like that. She TRAINED me!"

"Yeah. By kicking your ass"


Tango raised his hand, urging us to focus on the larger issue at hand, that being our security

"Gotta do all of this just to have some fun...maybe I should've remained a civilian" Tai sighed heavily as he slumped on a wall

Tango sat down on the Tatami3A traditional, Japanese type of floor mat and gestured for us to join him. After picking personal spots and placing our baggage down, he took out the map of Iwagakure Karai gave him at his hideout

Knowing our first exam was tomorrow afternoon, he wasted no time going over specific details to help ensure our success. Along with disclosing safe routes and emergency protocols for us to follow

Before we knew it, night had come, and our esteemed instructor ordered us to get some rest. Settling in my sleeping bag, I was sandwiched between Tai and Suzu

About to catch some shuteye too, before noticing Tango place some sort of paper on the door, amongst other areas in the room

"It's probably some sort of Kanchi Kekkai4Sensing BarrierNinjutsu utilizing those paper tags to alert us of any...uninvited guestsSuzu explained when she noticed my curious gaze

"Since when were you so well versed in Kekkai Ninjutsu5Barrier Techniques?"

"I spent the last three months on Genbu, remember? Captain Moroi and his barrier team remained there the entire time. Motoi used to member, and introduced me to some of his old friends"

"They taught you their techniques?"

"No, there was no time. I was mainly focused on my training with Killer B-sama and Yugito-sama. I only had a chance to learn a little about the stand principles of-"

"Cut the chatter, and go to sleep" Tango interjected

"I'll tell you later Rei, good night"

"Good night"

The others drifted off to sleep while Tango remained ready and alert. Fully intending on staying awake all night long, he's one thing if not dedicated

What's really surprising is the fact Tai and Suzu can sleep so soundly, thought they'd be more nervous. Then again, it's only the first exam tomorrow. Compared to what I've heard of the other exams, it can hardly be called a crucible, no point in getting nervous

Now that I'm finally here, the sheer weight of what to expect finally hit me. The thought of my actions here would change not only myself, or my village...but everything




What a pain in the ass...


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