Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

195. The Third Lifeline

After getting your feedback, I've been switching up my writing styles, trying to figure out which best suits the situation of the chapter released. Next chapter, it goes back to neutral narrating, out of Rei's POV


My team and I departed our hotel at eleven, exactly one hour before the Chunin Exams begin. Waltzing through the streets of Iwagakure1Hidden Stone Villagetogether, Tango remained ever vigilant at the front, with Suzu in tow

Tai and I strolled behind them, moving side by side while speaking in private. Or rather, he listened to me grumble...

"This sucks..." 

"Rei...get it together man, we're almost at the building" Tai groaned after looking at my sour face

"Come on Tai" I'm so irritable right now "You can't honestly believe it wasn't a crappy night" 

"I'm not denying it, but...priorities. My mind, like yours, should only be focused on what's to come"

Why am I feeling this way? It isn't because of the first exam...though it'll naturally have its own share of bullshit problems for me to fret over later

No. My issue is with that goddamn hotel. I didn't notice at first since we just got back from what seemed like an endless, treacherous journey. All of us were on "full alert" for a while, even prior to our arrival here

It was only after I relaxed did I finally realize it...

"This place is hot as hell...!" it felt as if the sun was punching me in the face 

"Keep it down. And what'd you expect? Considering the environment"


"Just be glad we didn't come here during the summer"

Tai was right, considering one of this country's closet neighbors is situated atop a blazing hot dessert

I thought pre-exam jitters were the cause for my sleep deficiency, it took a minute to realize the blistering heat in this stony village is what kept me from getting a good night sleep

And messing with my sleep is one of the few pet peeves that'll make me want to rip someone's head off

"Wow Rei. Now I know what you're like when you wake up cranky...aren't you supposed to be the calm & cool type?"

"Tai, you should know by now that I've never been such. I'm more of the, mess with me and I'll slit your throat, type"

"You... scare me. Reminds me of mom"

"Hehe. Yes...we do get along SO well, now don't we" My smile returned

"The hell is that supposed to mean?! And why are you grinning now?! How often do you hang out with her?!"

"Hehehe! Think I'll keep that to myself. Thanks for cheering me up buddy"

"Messing with me is what brings you happiness?! You're the worst type of friend!"

That reaction of his never gets old

But seriously, I need to speed up modernization in this stupid-ass world, it's crappy conditions aren't gonna cut it for me in the future. Mental note, design new air conditioning system for Tetsuo to manufacture...on a MASS scale

Soon, there will be an even greater need for revenue, due to the new projects I've devised in the recent months...

"That's enough boys, we're here" Tango silenced us the moment we arrived

"So this is it huh?" Tai couldn't take his eyes off the building

Suzu's wordplay was as stoic as usual "Thought it'd be more...extravagant" 

Now she fits the definition of the "calm & cool" type

The structure itself was of simple design, little more than three stories. According to Tango, it used to be the Iwagakure shinobi academy before they built another, improved version at a location far away from here

For good reason too, this facility doesn't seem big enough to host all of the participants, let alone an entire school

"Enough dawdling, let's get your registration over with" Tango wasted no time, being the first to enter the building

The four of us were greeted by the sole person inside, an Iwagakure kunochi acting as a receptionist. The floors, walls, and even her desk were made out of beautifully paved stone of various types

"Please provide your numbers"

The Genin and I presented our Shinobi identification numbers per the woman's request. Upon confirming our identities, she directed us down a narrow hallway towards our left. Complying with her words, we did as instructed and stopped before a pair of closed doors

It was at this moment, reality really sunk in. The doors represented the point of no return, that last chance to back out is now. The three of us turned around and faced our Sensei one last time...

Folding his arms, he spoke with optimism "You've long since prepared for this day, and I've already said what I need to. My students are tough, they don't need words of encouragement...but I'll make you a nice promise anyway"


"Once you ace these exams with flying colors, I'll personally treat you. Not as students, but as equal colleagues" Tango grinned from ear to ear

Upon seeing his eyes lacking any trace of doubt in us, Suzu and Tai were reassured. There were no more words said, and we entered the waiting room for the examinees, getting our last glimpse of Tango as the twin doors slowly shut


"This is..." Suzu remained vigilant

"That's a lot more than I expected" Tai treaded carefully

"It's not the number I'm concerned with..." And I was looking for specific individuals

Inside, there were shinobi of numerous nations scattered everywhere. My senses could pick up over two hundred chakra signatures easy, and this still wasn't everyone...damn

Attire, headbands, demeanor, the room became a cornucopia of cultures, trepidation, and a thirst for blood

"Hey, let's hurry up and find a place to sit in solitude. Think it's best we keep our interactions with these guys to a minimum" Suzu suggested

"Right behind you. Hm? Rei? What are you looking for?" Tai asked as he noticed me glancing around in search of my true objective

"E-Eh?'s nothing"

"Well, come on. Don't lag behind"


Damn it, there are so many people, that I can't find "them"! Did I arrive here too early?

Tai and Suzu were saying something, but I couldn't really hear as my thoughts were on something else. A foreboding sensation that's bothered me since the day I discovered how much of things had..."changed"

Yes...that conversation between Notitia and I




Some time ago

While carrying out a bit of physical preparation within my lab, an idea bloomed in the back of my mind...and it wasn't a pleasant one

For the previous weeks, I couldn't help but become distracted at the revelation my actions may have caused the creation of this supposed, "Company", a clandestine organization that seems hellbent on makin my life more difficult

Even worse, Notitia claimed it couldn't help much, even with a Lifeline. Whoever these people are, their actions and presence seem to be very similar to mine. According to Notitia, they don't "belong" in this world's course anymore than I do doesn't mean I can't get some answers for the approaching trials headed my way. And with that...


[What's up?]

"Haaaa...I want to use a Lifeline"



I'm always hesitant whenever I do this. Not just Notitia's sudden change of speech or the "creeped out" feeling I get, but with this one, I'll have used three out of my five

Only two more remain...


"I want to know what I should expect in the upcoming Chunin exams, more importantly, what I can do to prevent more Ripples from being created"





"Client variables"? Is is referring to me, and what effects I'll cause?




[Okay...that wasn't fun at all]

"Did your so-called other provide you with a sufficient answer to my request?"

[Yes and no]

It's always enigmatic responses with this thing

[We have an answer, but it's not one you'd prefer. Our "sight" is expanded whenever a Lifeline is used, and there's much we can see in this world, but the inevitable conclusion is that no matter what you do, the world has been permanently set off its initial course]

"That's what I was afraid of"

[But you can still mitigate some of the damage]

Bad news before the good, it's like ripping off a band aid. It sucks Notitia can't remain so "prim & proper" like this all the time, instead of only during a Lifeline use


[There are several candidates in the Chunin exams that must remain alive if you are to avoid major alterations. Due to recent events altering the date of the exams, there are many who are..."off schedule"]

"...Meaning there are those who are taking this exam either too early...or too late?"

[Correct. Whether they pass or not isn't much of an issue, as another opportunity will remain later down the line]

"But? Come on, there's always a but with you"

[There is one particular subject that must proceed no matter of what, or the Ripples you face now will pale in comparison to the ones created should this person fail or die]

There's always a catch...


"Give me names..."




Present time

My squad sat by one of the waiting room's corners in solitude. Tai and Suzu chatted while I memorized the faces of every single person in the room. After some time, I began to spot my primary "persons of interest"

"Those twins in the back...their Kirigakure2Hidden Mist Villageheadbands confirms it, it the Oni Kyōdai3Demon BrothersI continued whispering to myself

The personal guards of Zabuza, and one of Naruto's first, true shinobi opponents

"That Iwa-nin...I'm pretty sure that's Akatsuchi"

A favored, personal guard of the 3rd Tsuchikage4Earth Shadow. Pretty sure I don't have to worry about him passing, as I do him dying

"Over there, more Konoha-nin"

Those two were personal gate guards, and worked with the 3rd Hokage's5Fire Shadowson, Asuma Sarutobi. Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kaimizuki...according to Notitia, they're early for their Chunin promotion

Likely a result of how grandiose this event has become, the Hokage probably threw a bunch of ninja from Konohagakure6Hidden Leaf Villagejust to up the chances of victory, just as everyone else did

"Hm?! W-Wait a that-?!"

"What did you say, I didn't hear you?" Tai asked in response to my little outburst

"'s nothing. Don't mind me"


What the hell is HE doing here?!

"Iruka Umino..."

Though his presence isn't that great down the road, his actions do leave a massive impact on Naruto, the most important person in this world! Crap, I have to make sure nothing happens to him...if he fails, or god forbid dies...I'm completely screwed!

Who are those guys next to him? His squad? I don't recognize the one wearing his headband in a bandana-style, but the other scrawny, pale-lookin one next to him...

"Isn't he that scrub Naruto almost killed?"

Yeah...the one who tricked the kid into stealing the "Scroll of Seals" from the village. Naruto learned how to use shadow clones from it....what was his nam--oh!

Mizuki. A traitor and overall asshole jealous of his childhood friend Iruka. Though I'd like to punch him in the face, he also plays integral role down the line

Haaaa...I might as well just focus on ensuring that whole squad passes

"Who else..."

I continued my "scouting", memorizing the chakra signatures of any relevant people present. As time passed, more and more people entered, some I did and didn't recognize. But I remembered their faces, so I'll run it by Notitia later


"Where's the most important one? I don't see-?! Ah! There he is..."

"You noticed something?" Suzu asked

"Yup, keep an eye on that one"


Flawlessly blending into the surroundings, as if he were an assassin. His short stature resembled my own, but it makes sense considering the short age gap between him and I...

Black hair pulled back in a low ponytail like mine, hair bangs hanging down to his chin. Wearing a short-sleeved black shirt with his clan's symbol of a red and white fan on the back, white bandages around his ankles and wrists, along with tan-colored pants and black sandals

A standard shinobi weapons pouch above his rear end and a shuriken holster tied to his right thigh. A short sword sheathed within a holster strappedon his back. And a Konohagakure headband with a black band over his forehead

He's the most important person here...


"Do you know that small kid?"

"Who is he Rei?"

The pair couldn't hide their curiosity at the individual I'd taken an interest in







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