Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

196. First Exam, Begin!

Had one crazy weekend, so here's a light one. I'm actually planning on increasing the release schedule for this week as we approach #200! Stay tuned and enjoy the chapter!

Two months ago

"Wait wait wait! Itachi Uchiha?! Why would that guy be-?! He should've already taken his exams a while ago--ah...shit. Agh, damn Ripples...!"

[Quite so. As for the reason, I'm sure you recall the overloading of Kusagakure's1Hidden Grass Village notorious "Blood Prison"]

"Because of what we did on Summoning Island. There were too many mercenaries to take back to the village for interrogation, so Toroi sent the rest to the prison. After that, Kusagakure needed help maintaining the prison and reached out to it's neighbor, the Land of Fire"

[In response to Kusa's request, the Fire Daimyō went to Konohagakure2Hidden Leaf Village for aid. It's top brass replied by sending the acting police force for Konoha, the Uchiha clan to aid in the prison's security. The clan's responsibilities became even more expanded, and as a result, Itachi's promotion to Chunin was delayed...thus his acceptance into the ANBU. This "error" has set various events in motion as well, including the Siege]

"It's one bad thing after another..."

[In truth, it was merely a ploy by the Konoha elders to keep the clan they've been having trouble with...preoccupied]

"Wait...does all of this mean the prison break caused by the Company was planned to proceed earlier?"

[Perhaps...but there's little, to no validation in support of your speculations]

"Still...there might be a clue there, something I can use to uncover their true identities and goals"

[The ones who caused the Siege had to wait until the Uchiha overstayed their welcome and returned full control of the prison to the Kusagakure]

"Tension between the Uchiha and Konoha is in all likelihood higher than ever, but if Itachi's path is completely diverged...maybe I can--"

[You can't save them from destruction]


[While the concept of mitigating the damage is feasible, the task's completion is demanding to say the least. In addition, it'll all be for naught if Itachi's altered course derails the coming future]


[He was supposed to be a Chunin at ten, and now like you, he's twelve years old. Itachi must be put back on course if you're to control these ongoing distortions to the original timeline. It's easy to forget he's only two months older than "Rei"]

"I'm well aware, since I've been using him to keep track of the world's progress. He made his debut in the Manga around the age of seventeen or eighteen, so it's safe to say I have little over five years until Part 1 begins"

[Your window for progression is shortening each day. And your due date is subject to change, given all the alterations that have already transpired. However, it's still most likely true, the moment you turn seventeen is when the true "game" begins...]

"That's when I'll have to divert nearly all my time and energy into looking after the two most crucial characters, Naruto and Sasuke..."



[Has your Lifeline request been properly fulfilled?]

" has. I now know what to do. Thanks Notitia, I'll call upon you again once your recovery from this Lifeline is completed"






"I've got a lot of work ahead of me..."




Present Time

"The number keeps getting bigger...just how many are coming?" Tai wondered as he stared at the doors of the waiting room

"As many as it takes. Don't focus on them, but rather the clock. The moment the dial hits twelve, the exams will begin and anyone who's yet to arrive will have to wait until next year" Suzu calmly replied

{No wonder there were so many attempts to slow us down. Had we been delayed at sea, this event would've been missed all together. Even with all the extra steps taken by Kumogakure in ensuring our was still a close call} Tai recalled their previous attackers posing as pirates

There were probably numerous squads who came under attack during their journey to Iwagakure3Hidden Stone Village

But while the pair chatted, Rei's attention was glued on one of his primary objectives, Itachi. Committing his, as well as other important individual's, chakra signatures to memory. Whether he succeeded in his purpose or not, it was likely he'd interact with said relevant "characters" very frequently in the future

The air in the room grew more and more tense as the minutes went by, as one should expect when shinobi of different nations in this high amount, gather together in an enclosed space...which only grew tighter as more candidates arrived

Like Rei, others began staring, sizing up the competition. Some took it a step further, outright glaring at those who hailed from lands that didn't have a good impression of

{At this rate, a fight's gonna break out. What time is it-!} Just as Rei finished his thought...



"Alright...I believe that's enough waiting for one day!"

An Iwagakure shinobi came bursting out of the other set of twin doors opposite the entrance within the waiting room

A brawny man with a tall figure. Dark-colored eyes and hair along with a shaved face, nothing but a 'five o'clock shadow' remaining. Rei immediately recognized him upon spotting his bulbous nose, reminiscent of the 3rd and current Tsuchikage4Earth Shadow, Ōnoki

Rei whispered to himself "Future commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces Second Division, son of Ōnoki, and father to the future 4th Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi..."

"You can call me Kitsuchi! I'll be acting as head proctor for this years Chunin Exams!"

His burly voice roared throughout the room, easily grabbing the full attention of everyone present. This loud man before them exuded a strong presence that reminded Rei of the Raikage

{Great...another shouting muscle head} Rei mused 

"Participants! This way!" Kitsuchi commanded as if it were natural for everyone to comply

But everyone did, following him through the doors he just burst through, down a lengthy hallway. In no time at all, the waiting room filled with hundreds of participants...was empty

The large batch of Genin found themselves inside a large classroom upon arriving at their destination

Bearing resemblance to Rei's old "Cloud Academy" class, the room was built with long horizontal desks placed in rows that elevated upwards from the teacher's area of room

{Everything's made out of stone as well, with papers and pencils on the desks...a written exam, just as I thought} Rei surmised

"Huh? What are those large doors on the wall behind the teacher's desk?" Tai quietly questioned

"No clue...let's wait for now" Suzu suggested

Kitsuchi gestured for everyone to take a seat wherever they liked, waiting at the front of the class. Team Tango grabbed a spot on the edge of a row, with Rei situated between his teammates

Once the individual teams were seated, he addressed the group once more

"First off, I'd like to welcome you all to this years Chunin Exams. Many of us have waited for this day for a long time, know that you're not representing just yourselves, but your respective villages. How you conduct yourselves here will reflect on your homes, never forget that"

Upon receiving these words, many displayed various reactions. Some took it quite seriously, others already knew the stakes, and a small few didn't seem to care at all

Most were eager to simply flip over the test paper lying in front of them and begin writing

{Hehe, what a bunch of precocious brats} Sensing the impatience of many, Kitsuchi smiled and obliged the itch so many desired to scratch




"With that out of the way, allow to clarify what will be your...First Exam"


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