Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

20. The First Lifeline

"What in the?!" (Rei)



For whatever reason...the guide's voice completely changed into something akin to a machine

"What's going on with you?" (Rei)



"...Hm" (Rei)



...I guess I can only ask questions regarding the story, and not about the guide

But I need to be careful with how I phrase it, I only have five lifelines. Maybe I should ask for help with getting stronger than the story antagonist group "Akatsuki"...

"..." (Rei)

...No...that's not nearly enough. Those guys were just pawns anyway. The true enemies of this story are the original creators of chakra, the "Otsutsuki Clan". And whatever else pops out now that my 'presence' in this world will change things

"Okay. Um...Give me the means to survive anything this world can throw at me!" (Rei)


"Alright!" (Rei)



"Huh?" (Rei)


"Eh! What do you mean I don't meet the 'requirements' yet?!" (Rei)



"Wait! J-just hold on a sec!" (Rei)

There was no response


Nothing but silence

Seriously...I was bailed on again?

...For real?



"...Oh...well that's just f*cking beautiful! I can't believe I just wasted one of my lifelines for this bullshit!" (Rei)

"Aaaaaah why?! Why is this happening?! Just when I thought things were finally going to turn around! That's just my luck!" (Rei)


"Ok...let's calm down for now and recap. I used my lifeline, the guide's voice and entire personality changed, and when I made the request it said 'Client does not meet the requirements yet'...right...uh-huh...yeah...none of this makes sense...argh!" (Rei)

"I knew this body sucked...but I didn't think it was this shitty!" (Rei)

Overcome with frustration Rei punched the bathroom mirror in front of him until his fist bled

"Hah...Damn it...why?" (Rei)

'Does not meet the requirements yet'...the hell is that...why don't I...



"...Could it be?" (Rei)


Does not meet the requirements yet...

Meet the requirements yet...

Requirements yet...

"YET!!!!" (Rei)

Does not meet the requirements yet! The guide said Lifelines don't just give me information, they're supposed to ensure I can complete my task. But if you take into account my young age and weak body, the guide must have deemed that it's impossible for me that is

"The guide is probably waiting for the right time I guess. It did say it was on 'standby' when it left" (Rei)

That's probably why it's not responding to my's still working

Rei pulled himself back together before heading towards the exit

"There's nothing I can do about it for now. I'd better head back to class" (Rei)

The only thing I can do is improve my meager strength as fast as I can to get the guide back on track



The season had entered summer

My third year is moving forward, but progress on this body is getting worse.

I'm still top of my class...but my class is full of extras. So there's not a lot of bragging rights going around

"I can't believe I only have one..." (Rei)

Last week, we tried identifying which elemental Chakra Natures we had an affinity for. Most people have two or three. I was hoping for something powerful and destructive like 'Katon'1Fire Style Jutsuor 'Raiton'2Lightning Style Jutsu

My hopes were dashed as usual when I found out I have no affinity with any element

"..." (Rei)



It's seems my only hope is practice with non-elemental Jutsu which means:

  • 'Inton'3Yin/Shadow Style Jutsu that governs spiritual energy
  • 'Yōton'4Yang/Light Style Jutsu that governs physical energy


"Yeah I should be fine, it's not like you need an element to be strong right? I should be...just be..." (Rei)




"Haaah, I'm doing my best but come on...could someone please just throw me a damn bone" (Rei)

"Hm? What's wrong Rei?" (Mabui)

"...It's nothing nee-san" (Rei)

"?" (Mabui)

Now that the war is over, Mabui has been back home more. Because of the lack of Jonin (Due to the war) most missions have been put on hold as the village tries to recover. It's already been announced that I may have to wait before I get a team even if I graduate from the academy.

Plus the village just signed the post-war peace treaties a while ago, so there hasn't been many job offers for ninja

Knock Knock

"?" (Rei)

"I got it Rei" (Mabui)

As she opened the front door, the figure of Dodai could be seen

"Dodai-san5Honorific for formally addressing someone, equivalent to "Mr." or "Ms."!" (Mabui)

"Hello Mabui. Good to see you" (Dodai)

"What a pleasant surprise, please come in" (Mabui)

"I wish I could but I'm on the clock today. I just came to deliver this and some news" (Dodai)

I couldn't see from my angle but it looked like he handed her some kind of envelope before whispering in her ear

"..." (Dodai)

"...?! You're sure?!" (Mabui)

"It's still being confirmed...but I think it's true. Anyway, I should be off. Be sure to prep your team" (Dodai)

"...Understood" (Mabui)

After he left, Mabui opened the envelope then put it away after reading it. She had a weird expression on her face that got me curious

"Hey nee-san, what's up?" (Rei)

"Well I might as well come out and say it. My team and I have been selected to participate in the 'Chunin Exams' this year" (Mabui)

Oh yeah, they were supposed start back in Spring but it got cancelled because of the war

"That's great, I know you'll do well. By why do you look so nervous? If you're worried about me there's no need. At this point we both know I can take care of myself when you're gone" (Rei)

"I know you can, that's not why I'm nervous. It's just that these exams are going to be different. They're the first collaborated exams in history" (Mabui)

"Wait what?" (Rei)

"All the ninja villages have hosted their own exams to measure up their shinobi in the past. But now the people on top have decided to make a collaborated one that will host shinobi from all over." (Mabui)

"Oh?" (Rei)

"The idea was crafted as a sign of solidarity between the villages. However, its true purpose is to grant shinobi villages the opportunity to lure in potential clients by demonstrating our young ninja's potential" (Mabui)

Right...Other villages didn't work together on the exams until they realized how profitable it could be.

"I'm nervous because I'll be representing our village...not to mention all of the other nations are going to throw they're best Genin in the competition" (Mabui) that what she's worried about?

"Nee-san" (Rei)

"Hm?" (Mabui)

"Chill" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Mabui)

"If the top brass picked you, that obviously means they're confident in your abilities. You've already got the letter, so it's going happen regardless of how you feel right?" (Mabui)

"Right..." (Mabui)

"Then don't waste your time worrying about it. Relax" (Rei)

And here I thought something important happened. Man, my nerves have been out-of-whack lately

"As're far too mature for your age. Thanks" (Mabui)

"No prob" (Rei)

As she moved towards the front door

"I'm going out to meet with my team. I'll probably be home late, so you'll have to cook your own food!" (Mabui)

As she left, I made some tea and took the newspaper on shelf

"Let's see what's going on in the world today..." (Rei)

It's getting weird at how adjusted I've become to living here.


"Haah....I should train some more" (Rei)

[Why the long face buddy?]

"...! You're back...I was getting tired of waiting" (Rei)

[That almost sounds like you missed me]

"Not even close. So...what happened?" (Rei)

 [Hehe...I'll explain later. But now I have to ask...are you ready?]

"You really have to ask?" (Rei)

[In this case...yes. I need confirmation before the "other" takes over]

"..." (Rei)

Takes over?

[To fulfill your Lifeline, there are several things you'll need]

"I figured as much" (Rei)

[These "items" are things you shouldn't have a problem acquiring at your current level but...]

"But?" (Rei)

[The final requirement might be a problem for you as it's a real gamble]

"...Well don't keep me waiting. What is it?" (Rei)


"?" (Rei)


[...You have to die...]


"...Say what now?" (Rei)

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