Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

21. Preparation

"Alright...I'm guessing there's some deeper meaning to those why don't you try again" (Rei)

[Right...sorry...what I mean is that you have to die as "Rei"]

"Again, you need to be more specific" (Rei)

This jerk always tends to be cryptic. But this is my first Lifeline so I'm not putting up with any of its BS this time

[Ok...after observing your progress, the "other" has run the numbers and determined that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to reach Naruto's level]

So that's why it bugged out on me...

"Yeah...that's the impression I was getting. Maybe if someone had put me in a better body I'd be doing better" (Rei)

[Hey, you don't have to become strong to win. I mean come on, you could probably find another way to ensure your survival in the end]

"The key word being 'probably' you dumbass" (Rei)

[...Rei's body is too weak to fulfill your Lifeline request]

"That's not my fault, it's yours" (Rei)

[That's fair...haaah...So if "Rei" can't reach a high enough level on his own, that just means you have to "improvise"]

"And? How do I do that?" (Rei)

[By making a new "Rei"]

" you've lost me" (Rei)

[We're going to completely remake your body]

...the hell?

"...I may have several Ph.d's, and this is a fantasy world, but you'll forgive me for saying this seems a little farfetched" (Rei)


"Even if such a massive undertaking were possible, there are still many things that will be difficult, if not outright impossible to retrieve" (Rei)

[Such as?]

"I'll need a lab for starters, one far more advanced than what this world's current level of technology can provide. I'll also need strong materials to work with, find a way to operate on myself without dying, and somehow do all of this without getting caught" (Rei)

[You don't need to worry about the tools, as they will already be provided for you]

"By you?" (Rei)

[No, you have to get them]

"And where are they?" (Rei)

[ and there]

This mother...

[Relax. The "other" is making me help you with a "proper" attitude and the "change" I'm undergoing is getting more worse by the second]

"...I was wondering why you were being less of a smart-ass than you usually are" (Rei)

[I have no authority during 'Lifelines'. This system is in place to ensure proper equilibrium for "Project Illumination"]

That name again...

"...Fine" (Rei)

[Oh? How uncharacteristically cooperative of you]

It's not like I have much of a choice. My only way to live is to complete this little "science project"

"Okay...I'm obviously not gonna get what I need it's safe to assume you'll have me leave for some time" (Rei)

[Sharp like a knife as always]

"But how? I know nee-san will be leaving soon for the new 'Chunin Exams' soon, but my absence from the school will be noticed" (Rei)

Yeah, unlike the casual school in Naruto's hometown Konohagakure, they run things here like a military academy.

[Not to worry. When Mabui and the other Kumo Genin head out for the exams, the academy will be closed. These new 'Chunin Exams' are a big deal, so many things will be closed during that time. And as a bonus, travel in and out of the village we be far more periodic than usual]

"Making it easier for me to sneak out" (Rei)

[Now you're getting it]

"But what about getting back in? If I have to travel far, it'll take sometime to get back with a 5 year old body. Mabui could be done and home by then" (Rei)

[That has already been solved. Go in her room and open the closet]

"..." (Rei)

[...I'm not pranking you right now, I'm bound by the rules of the "Lifeline" now. I can't even beat around the bush]

"Fine" (Rei)

[...Although I wish I could]


"Ok I'm inside. What exactly am I looking for?" (Rei)

[That little purple scroll to your right. Grab it and enter your room]

"...Now what?"

[You know what Mabui's specialty is right?]

" ninjutsu. She had the achievement of creating the "Tenso no Jutsu". A space-time technique that allows her to transport anything from one location to another at the speed of light. However, the human body is unable to handle the speed involved in the transfer and would end up ripped to shreds as a result" (Rei)'s not gonna have me

[I can guess what you're thinking and'll be using a space-time ninjutsu to get back, but it won't be that one. Now open the scroll and release what's been sealed inside]

Still a bit a skeptical, I hesitated before opening the scroll and summoning what was inside only to find a giant pot with a tag on it

"What's this for?" (Rei)

[It's your means of getting back home quickly. Can you guess how?]

It said I was going to use space-time ninjutsu to get back...the only other one I can think of that "Rei" could use is...

"...the 'Reverse Summoning Jutsu' right?" (Rei)

[...Damn...I didn't think you'd guess right. As expected of a genius I suppose]

"Skip the dry flattery and quit wasting time" (Rei)

[These pots were used by Mabui for practicing the "Tenso no Jutsu". They have a unique formula that allows them to function like an actual "summoned" animal]

So that's how she mastered this technique

["Summoning" is about teleporting an animal to you, while "Reverse summoning" is like the name states, the exact opposite. However, this jutsu can be used another way as well]

"What way?"

[After a shinobi has summoned an animal, they can use "Reverse Summoning" to return the animal to the location it came from.]

"Like when a normal summoning runs out of time and the animal disappears. Only in this case, you're forcefully cancelling the summoning and sending them back early. I know this already" (Rei)

[Yes, but did you know that a shinobi can accompany the animal when this is done? There are many ways like riding in its mouth, giving the them a method of quick travel]

"That's handy" (Rei)

[Indeed. That tag on the pot has a special seal formula on it. When you place it on any surface and insert chakra, a summoning marking will appear. The pot will then be locked on to this location for your "reverse summoning"]

"So to lay out this 'plan' of yours

  1. I have to activate this tag
  2. Bring the pot with me when I leave
  3. Then when I'm done with "remaking" myself
  4. I hop inside the pot 
  5. And 'reverse summon' my way back home?" (Rei)

[Correct...and remember, this training pot is a one-off. Once used, the formula inscribed inside the pot that's connected to seal on the tag designating the return location disappears. The pot will be useless so be careful with it]

"...I have to say, I'm really liking this new, sadly temporary, version of you. It's like you're actually helpful for once" (Rei)

[...Mabui's Chunin exams start in six days. That will give you plenty of time to prepare for your departure]

"'s gotten late so I'm going to turn in. Contact me in the morning" (Rei)




Nice! I was on the verge of giving up but now things are starting to seem plausible.


The only thing I was concerned with was the method of 'remaking' my body. Just what in the world is it going to make me do anyway?




Tired and unable to grasp the answer, Rei drifted off to sleep



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