Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

209. Solo Fight [2]

Atop a mountain in this proving grounds for the Chunin exams, a particular Genin hailing from Konohagakure1Hidden Leaf Village had just finished dispatching an Iwagakure2Hidden Stone VillageGenin squad singlehandedly 


Upon searching their unconscious bodies, he retrieved the exam "item" they were given... a Black Needle

{It's as I suspected, the examinees with the highest number needles hail from this nation. Iwagakure likely arranged this to increase their Genin's odds of passing} 


Removing a White Compass from his pouch, he combined the items together, and soon enough...the device set him on the proper course for locating the "Primary Objective"

But the moment he began his departure...


"Huh? A sandstorm? No... that's not it"

...The sight of erupting dust clouds in the distance caught his attention


The boy's eyes turned red with an unusual pattern, increasing the capabilities of his eyesight

"Yes...there's chakra at the tip of it. Someone's creating those running? Just who in the It doesn't matter for now, I've got my own issues to attend with"


Focusing on what's most important now, he left for the primary objective...But not before issuing one last glance at the person running, committing the individual's chakra signature to memory for the future



{Who was that person?}




"Damn it, Damn it, Damn it, Damn it! Where the hell are they?!"

Blitzing through the canyon like a torpedo, Rei frantically searched the area with the face of a madman, uncaring towards revealing his location to potential enemies in the process. None of it mattered the moment the Kirigakure3Hidden Mist Villageteam he defeated earlier revealed two more from their village were in pursuit of a Konoha ninja

Judging from their description, this ninja of the Leaf may fit the critque of a titular "character" fundamental towards the path of the world's original timeline. Under no circumstances could allow this person to be injured or worse...killed

Hastily expanding his senses as far as they could go, scanning for every conceivable chakra signature around him

"Shit! Nothing but animals! I can't sense them at--!"


{YES!! Three of them, with two chasing one, that has to be them!!}


Skidding his feet like tires on asphalt, he temporarily slowed down in order to change directions before speeding up again. And as one would expect, his brazen action ended up attracting the attention of enemy squads!

Several Genin on his path revealed themselves, attempting to block his path, eager to find out which exam item he held

"Alright! We got another one!"

"Hahaha, only one? This is too easy!"

"Get ready guys here he comes! Seriously, what kind of idiot runs around like a--?!"



Treating everything in his way as nothing but fodder, Rei blasted past them with such speed, they weren't even able to turn around before getting blown away by the sheer force of wind and dust that followed

"Ugh! Uhack! What the hell?! I can't see!"

"Cough! Cough! Think I got dirt in my mouth..!"

"Who the hell was that guy?!"

"Don't know! All I saw was a blur, couldn't even make out which village he was from! Geez!!"


Continuing on his path, he bolted through the canyon until finally...

"Yes...think I can see...dear God, I was right! It is him!" (Rei)

His objective was finally in sight. The Konoha ninja he desperately needed to protect had been cornered by two ninja of Kirigakure!



"Time to bust out some of B's moves..."




"Tsk! You guys just won't quit!!"

As the team previously defeated by Rei stated, a Konoha Genin of modest height. With dark brown hair tied in a short ponytail, completed with a scar over his nose

Said Genin had found himself cornered, his back against a patch of elevated landscape

{How the heck were they able to find me so easily?!} The Leaf ninja wondered

These two Kirigakure ninja appeared to be twins, both with shoulder-length brown hair. Wearing rebreather masks covering the bottom half of their faces. With a black cloak covering most of their bodies, the only other piece of clothing one could see was their camouflage-patterned pants

The only traits to differentiate the pair were the noticeably large metal gauntlets with claws. One, who had a single horn attached his headband, wore his weapon on the right arm. The other had two horns, with a gauntlet fastened on his left

Along with the odd appearance and eerie vibe they emitted, it was obvious these ninja weren't ordinary Genin

The one with two horns was the first to speak...

"Nii-san, let me do it. This stupid kid has gotten on my nerves with all the damn running"

"Hold it Meizu, don't forget what he did to that other team. Underestimate him a your peril"

"Don't compare me to those weaklings who fell for such an obvious trap! I've got this!!" (Meizu)


The younger twin brother, eager to put an end to this game of "cat and mouse", charged at the Leaf Genin! Intending on running his clawed gauntlet straight through the young man!


"Now you're dea-" (Meizu)


"-eh?" (Meizu)


"Meizu!!" His brother shouted in concern


Inches away from landing a deadly strike, an arm abruptly appeared before Meizu's upper chest, blasting him several feet away into a nearby tree

Rei had indeed arrived in time...

"Phew! It's been a while since I've used that move, glad to know I still got it" (Rei)

"What just--who the heck are you? And, why did you save...?"

"You. Name." (Rei)


"NAME" (Rei)

"'s Iruka. Iruka Umino"

Hearing this, Rei turned his back to him, exhaling the deepest breath he'd ever let out since coming to this world. Expressing relief at quite literally, dodging a bullet with his decision to follow up on a hunch

For the one in question was none other than Iruka Umino, ninja of Konoha, and father figure to this world's "protagonist"...Naruto Uzumaki. As his actions in the future would serve as the foundation for Naruto's path, his role, albeit however small...remained crucial

Rei knew for a fact a stupendous amount of "Ripples" would form if something terrible happened to him

{Oh thank god! If I hadn't met those guys from earlier...just thinking about it makes me shiver!!} (Rei)

"U-Um...excuse me?" (Iruka)

"Don't worry about why I'm helping you, just be glad I did. Now, it's time to deal with these idiots. Hm?" (Rei)


To Rei's surprise, Meizu managed to pick himself up after the attack he just received. His brother remained silent and ever vigilant, never taking his eye of the newcomer

"B-Bastard... I don't know who are, and I don't care. After what you just did, I'm gonna rip out your intestines and strangle you to death with em'!" (Meizu)

"Calm down Meizu"

"But Gōzu-!" (Meizu)

"Yeah Meizu, calm down. Think I hit you so hard, your brain must be backwards. You can't strangle someone to death with their intestines, the act of ripping them out alone would kill them...dumbass" (Rei)

{Wow... this guy doesn't mince his words} (Iruka) 

If his face wasn't covered, everyone present would be able to see the veins popping on Meizu's temple. With the previous attack, and now being verbally mocked, he'd nearly gone red in anger

His brother Gōzu remained calm and assessed the situation. He had no clue how powerful this Genin from Kumogakure was, but seeing as he managed to catch them both off guard, he didn't take any chances

"Meizu. Let's the do the usual" (Gōzu)

"Cheh! Fine!" (Meizu)

{Wait a sec... these guys seem familiar. Where have I...?} (Rei)


The twins raised their hands, forming hand seals before striking a distinct pose. With one hand to their chests and the other raised above their heads, both resembling the shinobi "Seal of Confrontation"

{Uh-oh. That's just as before} "Hey! Whoever you are, heads up! They're about to-!" (Iruka)

"Well I'll be damned, it is them" (Rei)

"What?!" (Iruka)

"Kirigakure no Jutsu4Hidden Mist Technique(Gōzu & Meizu)

{Future rogue-nin of Kirigakure, and loyal followers of Zabuza Momochi, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. The first enemy ninja Naruto and his team face. Minor, yet crucial "characters" I also can't take a chance on killing...} (Rei)


The former clear surroundings were suddenly blanketed by a heavily thick fog, reducing visibility to almost zero, Gōzu and Meizu's figures were enveloped in the mist, completely erasing their figures

{Not again...!} (Iruka)




"The Demon Brothers" (Rei)


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