Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

210. Iruka Umino

"Huh... this is gonna be tricky. Maybe we should've ran when had the chance, what do you think Iruka?"

"Obviously! But it's too late--wait, why are you talking to me so casually?!" (Iruka)


The "Demon Brother's" presence had vanished completely, not a trace of them in sight. With their Hidden Mist Jutsu, neither Rei nor Iruka could see a thing

{Can't sense their chakra, can't hear them, can't see them, hell...I can't even smell them. Since their loyal followers of Zabuza Momochi, it's natural they'd trained in "that"...} "Hm?!" (Rei)


As Rei tried to find a safe way to get Iruka and himself out of this situation, the Mist ninja didn't to give him time to think. Hurling several kunai blades towards the oddly formed pair

"Uh?!" (Iruka)

"Hmph!" (Rei)


Though catching Iruka off guard, Rei managed to react in time. Withdrawing his kunai from its holster, he swiftly deflected each and every blade sent their way

{If I didn't have my enhanced reactions...I'd have lost an eye at least. They specifically targeted our vital spots... now you punks are starting to piss me off} (Rei)

"Just how are they moving--no, finding us so easily, despite all this mist covering everything?" (Iruka)

"Simple. It's Silent Killing" (Rei)


The technique every member belonging to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist has mastered, "Silent Killing"

An infamous method of assassination while leaving no trace of the kill in action. As the user moves without a trace, the strike cannot be anticipated or defended against. One's throat could be slit before they even realize it happened

For a ninja like Rei, who relied so heavily on his senses, users of this technique were the worst type of opponent for him...

{Any large scale attack is just a waste of chakra, my Imugi wouldn't be able to find them, I could run away, but not while carrying Iruka. In that case, there's only one option...} "Hey Iruka, I propose an alliance" (Rei)

"Excuse me?" (Iruka)

"You know beating them by yourself is impossible. But together, you might just make out of this situation alive" (Rei)

"..." (Iruka)

"Think about it all you want, but think fast. Because those guys don't seem like the type to wait, and neither do I. I want an answer now, yes or no?" (Rei)

"A-Ah...Yes! I'll work with was your name again?" (Iruka)

"You'll find out in the third exam, so don't worry about it. Now, here's what I need you to do..." (Rei)




" hear that? They're on the move" (Gōzu)

"Yeah, yeah..." {I'll run my claws through that guy's chest the moment he within range} (Meizu)

While this Mist Ninjutsu was indeed fearsome, the same affects applied to the users as well. The sight of the Demon Brothers was just as bad as their opponents. Instead, they relied on hearing to navigate through the fog, picking up even the faintest of sounds as a means to move around


"Mm?" (Meizu)

{Judging from the rate of movement, the intensity of the sound, the vibrations on the ground... it's has to be the Leaf Ninja. Yet...he's running straight into the mist after fleeing for so long? Something isn't right} "Meizu..." (Gōzu)

"I know, it's wrong. They're obviously up to something..." (Meizu)

"I'm not interested in traps. Looks like you're gonna get what you want after all, let's ignore the bait and go straight for the Kumo ninja" (Gōzu)

"Nice! After you nii-san" (Meizu)

{Good grief, he sure is eager} (Gōzu)


Avoiding what clearly presented itself as a trap, the twins ignored Iruka and made a beeline for the one who'd yet to move, Rei. Somehow moving through the fog, without creating a single sound, they demonstrated their prowess with Silent Killing to its full potential

"The sound of his breathing... our two o'clock. Strange...why isn't he moving? Perhaps fear of the unknown has forced him to remain overly cautious?" (Gōzu)

"Doesn't matter, we've got him now. Let's use the chain" (Meizu)

"Understood, but stay alert" (Gōzu)


A compartment on their metal gauntlets opened, and a retractable chain with its links shaped like shuriken fell out! With masterful control, the pair guided the shuriken chain and wrapped it around their target

Once in place, they pulled with full strength, and their target's figure contorted in an uncomfortable way, shredding Rei to ribbons

"It's over!" (Meizu)

"Hmph!" (Gōzu)

 Or rather, that's what the brothers believed...


"What?!" (Meizu)

"Substitution!!" (Gōzu)

Expecting to find a torn corpse, all that remained was a wooden log ripped to pieces. And along with his deception, Rei left them a parting gift in the form of a paper tag

A paper tag that began to burn...

{PAPER BOMB!!} "Get back Meizu!" (Gōzu)

"S-Shit!!" (Meizu)






"Not my best work, but I like it" (Rei)

"Wow, that actually worked" {To think he could use the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu1Shadow Clone Technique and Henge no Jutsu2Transformation Technique in tandem so flawlessly...} (Iruka)


As the explosion went off, Rei and Iruka had revealed themselves. The latter had removed a cloak with the same color and pattern matching the nearby rocky surroundings

The individual who the Kiri-nin perceived as bait was none other than Rei's clone transformed into Iruka. For the real ones had hidden themselves via Iruka's technique during the entire ordeal...

"Wow. I remember practicing this in my academy, what a throwback. Does anyone really use the Kakuremino no Jutsu3Cloak of Invisibility Technique anymore?" (Rei)

"Hey! You have to respect the fundamentals, and it worked didn't it?" (Iruka)

"True, true" {Only this guy of all people could utilize such a standard skill so efficiently in real battle...} (Rei)

Iruka Umino was a shinobi with no particular skill, rather, he demonstrated proficiency in all forms of basic ninja skills. These qualities would inevitably set on the path into becoming a distinguished teacher at Konohagakure's Shinobi Academy

Where'd he eventually meet and guide the "main cast", especially the story's titular character, Naruto Uzumaki...


{That sound!} "Iruka! They're already getting back on their feet. We should go!" (Rei)

"Do you know the way?!" (Iruka)

"Away from the explosion, duh! Now move your ass!" (Rei)


With no time to spare, the pair made their escape. While the two Kiri-nin were hardly a danger to him, he still couldn't afford to leave until Iruka was completely out of danger. Had he been alone, Rei would've long since taken the fight directly to them

{Geez! They really overdid it with their Jutsu! Just how much of the area did they blanket with it?!} (Rei)

"I think it's finally clearing, we're almost out!" (Iruka)

Trailing through the mist, they eventually made it out of the fog, but Mist twins were hot on their trail. Unwilling to let their quarry escape, the brothers connected their shuriken chains together!

Meizu then charged ahead of his brother before thrusting his arm forward, and with every fiber of being...


"WAAAAAAHHH!!!!" (Meizu)

"?!" (Rei & Iruka)

...Hurled his brother Gōzu in the air, sending him flying in the direction of the fleeing Genin!

{Are you kidding me?!} (Iruka)

"Can't you assholes just give it a rest already?!" (Rei)

"HAH!" (Gōzu)


Not even giving them time to weave hand seals, Gōzu pulled out a scroll, unsealing dozens upon dozens of shuriken! From being small enough to fit in one's hand, to as big as a tree trunk, the shuriken were of various shapes and sizes!

In no time at all, the sky above Rei and Iruka was covered with blades, all hurdling towards them!

{Think! Doton4Earth Style maybe? No, not enough time to cover such a range, nor any guarantee Iruka would be safe. Suiton's5Water Styleuseless, and Katon6Fire is fire supposed to--wait, fighting fire with...!} "Here goes everything!!" (Rei)


With no less than a moment to spare, Rei pushed his reactions to the limit, removing the Unsealing tags on his red wristbands. Mimicking Gōzu's actions, he unsealed every weapon stored within!

"E-Eh?!" (Iruka)

"What?!" (Gōzu)

"Don't stop running, I'll cover you!" (Rei)


Fighting "Fire with Fire" as it were, he went to work deflecting any blades that managed to get through. Which only grew harder as Iruka moved slower than he did, but Rei wouldn't let up no matter what!

But neither did his opponent!

"As if it's going to be so easy!!" (Gōzu)


"?!" (Rei)

Gōzu detached his end of the shuriken chain from his brother before flinging it past Rei, releasing the shuriken attached to it as they flew in Iruka's direction

{Damn other choice!} "Iruka! Head down!" (Rei)

"R-Right!" (Iruka)


Rei switched places with Iruka, protecting him from harm as he deflected Gōzu's last ditch effort to stop. Nearly coming out unscathed with only a small scratch on his right shoulder

"Tsk! Hmph!" (Iruka)

"?!" (Gōzu)


"Cough, cough! Ugh...damn it" (Gōzu)

Not one to sit around, Iruka had tossed several smoke bombs in his pursuers path before moving with Rei. The cloud of smoke gave them the opportunity to finally lose the Demon Brothers

"Cheh! They got away" Meizu caught up to his brother

"I may have nicked one of them but... come on, we're leaving" (Gōzu)

"Huh? You're just gonna let them go?" (Meizu)

"This chase has gone on far too long, don't forget our objective. Besides, the Leaf Genin's squad is still looking for him. We didn't come all the way to this God forsaken land just to fail our mission on accounts of some petty beef" (Gōzu)

"N-Ngh...! Haaaa...fine! But next time, we do things my way. Damn it, my cloak's completely ruined because of that brat from Kumogakure! If I ever see either of them again...!" (Meizu)

Tossing his torn cloak aside, Meizu reluctantly gave up his desire to pursue them, persuaded by his more rational brother, the twins fled the area. With Gōzu giving one last glance in the direction of the fleeing Genin...



{If I really did get them, you definitely won't be seeing them again, dear brother} (Gōzu)


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