Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

221. Purgatory’s End

I'm gonna be helping a relative of mine move into their brand new home this week, so update speed may be affected. I'll do my best to ensure they remain as consistent as possible. Please enjoy the chapter!

P.S. This, like the upcoming chapters, are gonna be a bit rushed. If you spot any spelling errors, lemme know in the comment section. Please and thank you >; ) !


Within the massive dust storm located in the center of "Rengoku no Kyōkoku1Purgatory's Canyon", the sounds of battle echoed through the area. Only a few hours remained until the end, distress had reached new heights

At one particular battlefront...



"And down...I'm done on my end, how bout you guys?!" {Is it just me, or did this big guy seem tougher?}


The quick sounds of a small blade moving, and the unnatural gushing wind reverberated in the storm!

"Done here. All this wind makes it even easier for my Ninjutsu..."

"I'm good too! Have to admit, it's nice to actually put my sword skills to work. As the medic, I almost never get chance to get close and personal during fights"

"Right. Wouldn't want all that time of your mom beating your ass goin to waste"

"Up yours Rei!"

Team Tango neutralized another in a long list of teams lying in ambush. Many participants who failed to acquire a completed compass during the first nine days decided to stalk others to this location. Attempting a last ditch effort to steal one during this final day...

"Alright...let's pick up the pace!" (Rei)

"You're feeling energetic...thought you be tired after everything. I still feel like you should sit and let me treat you some more" (Tai)

"I'll take it after we pass the exam" {Besides...I'm feeling very good right now. Don't think I've ever felt so comfortable with this body since the start of my journey in this world} (Rei)

"Guys! Look!" While the boys bantered, something managed to catch Suzu's eye

"What in the-?!" (Tai)

"How the hell could we miss something so obvious...?" (Rei)

The raging winds carrying dirt and stone could not hide its appearance when one was close enough

Stretching several feet in the air... A massive, decorated pagoda tower, with sets of hanging chōchin2Traditional Japanese Lantern placed on every floor...the team couldn't fathom why the colorful building was oddly placed in this desolate location, or how they hadn't even noticed it until now

It was so unexpected, Rei double-checked the team's chakra signatures just to verify whether or not it was an illusion. But the tower was here, it was real, and above all else...

"IT'S MOVING!" (Tai)

"?!" (Rei & Suzu)

"I don't know how or why, but that thing is moving!" (Tai)

"The compass is... That's got to be the objective, LET'S GO!" (Suzu)


{This chakra...!} "Heads up! I'm picking up several chakra signatures between us and it!" (Rei)

Moving through the storm of dust brought them into another battlefield!

Upon discovering the mysterious tower was none other than the "Primary Objective" for the exam, many decided to remain near it, waiting for those with the "piece" they required. Approaching the structure with these riled up shinobi staking it out practically demanded to get attacked

But as time passed, desperation grew, which resulted in the now chaotic scene laying before Team Tango...

"I don't get it? They're here, so why fight like barbaric animals for a compass?!" (Tai)

"Kitsuchi said we couldn't pass unless we had a completed compass, with a FULL team. As I suspected, it does more than merely direct you to the--Uh?! Here they come! Rei, are you feeling up to this?!" (Suzu)

"Yup! I'm dying to stretch my legs!" Yelled Rei as he blasted towards the enemy at full speed!

Soon enough, Team Tango was dragged into the fighting as well, for a squad hailing from Konohagakure3Hidden Leaf Village was the first to spot them. As the vanguard of his squad, ensuring the enemy failed to get anywhere near his allies was Rei's duty

And as the Genin from Kumogakure delivered his first blow...


"E-Eh?" (Rei)

{So fast?!} (Tai & Suzu)

...he sent the ninja tumbling away with one punch

" the hell did this-GUOH!"

"Son of a b-GRF?!"

"Um...Sorry? I'm in a hurry" Rei offered his apologies after dispensing the Genin team in a matter of seconds


His teammates caught up with as he stared at his fist, still in disbelief at the sheer level of power he had just demonstrated

"Wow man...Where the hell did THAT come from?!" (Tai)

"No clue...guess I'm still readjusting after...waking up" {I was just aiming to disorient the guy, not send him flying...} (Rei)

"Well, you'll have another chance to get back in shape. More are coming" (Suzu)

Despite taking down a team, the fighting within this stark location only seemed to grow worse. Suzu surmised the reigning majority most likely had no clue as to which exam item each team possessed. Instead opting to randomly attack every other team in sight, hoping to get lucky

It struck the team at how much these Genin from other villages wanted to win, what these exams meant to them. However, their desire to win was no less than the ones before them, and as such, Suzu was the first to suggest another attack

"Let's do the usual" (Suzu)

"You mean Fireflies?" (Rei)

"It's a good opportunity to see where you're at" (Suzu)

"Fair enough..." (Rei)


Forming hand seals with Suzu, the pair, now standing side-by-side, jumped forward with Tai remaining behind them in tow. After the necessary chakra gathered in their stomachs, Suzu and Rei exhaled their techniques!

"Fūton: Shinkūgyoku4Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres!" (Suzu)

"Katon: Homuranagase5Fire Style: Blazing Meteors-EH?!" {What the-?!} (Rei)


"?!" (Tai)

Following Suzu's release of compressed air bullets, Rei was set on discharging a simple volley of small fire blasts to complement her technique. Their goal, enacting temporary crowd control in order to provide a clear path towards the tower

What caught them, or rather, Rei off guard was...


...The power of his attack being far stronger than he initially intended!

"...Too much energy" (Suzu)

"H-Hey... not THAT much!" (Tai)

"H-Hold on...that wasn't on purpose! Holy shit, the sheer force nearly made me backflip!" {What the hell... even my Katon got stronger?!} (Rei)

What were intended to be small fireballs, were in fact, burning blasts the size of cars! And with the added amplification of Suzu's wind technique, the entire area became riddled with violent explosions. The destruction was so intense, the yells of conflict were soon replaced with screams of terror...

"Ah man...this ain't right. You're overly violent even when you're not trying to be Rei..." (Tai)

"Yeah... I'll admit. It's pretty messed up this time" (Rei)

{Is it really that bad?} (Suzu)

As Team Tango ran to the objective, a small feeling of guilt emerged in the boys while glancing at the ones they simply wished to scare away, now burnt and/or passed out on the ground

But with the goal in sight, there was no time for stopping, and soon enough...they arrived on the moving platform situated directly under the pagoda tower


{I can feel a strange chakra underneath the tower...but nothing inside? Strange...} (Rei)

"We're here...Ooof! It really is moving! But what is this?" (Tai)

"Doors...not only on the front, but all over the pagoda. Not a single side lacks them. The only question now is how do we get in...and which one do we go through?" (Suzu)

"I think that answer is right in front us. Look" Rei pointed at the front door on the bottom

While the others thought his suggestion was too obvious, Rei took the completed compass and lodged it into a small opening in the center of the door. Prior to inserting the device, the needle on the compass began to spin rapidly as various locks on the door opened automatically

"W-Wow, you could see that tiny little slab from all the way over there?" (Tai)

"Great eyesight" (Suzu)

"Thanks...let's get inside" {I could never see THAT far and eyesight has improved again. I need to properly test how much has "changed" within me when I get the chance} (Rei)

With much trepidation, the team cautiously entered the tower, taking their compass from the door once they were inside. Once the entrance closed on its own, the Genin were greeted by a large, empty, white room reminiscent of the testing room during the first exam...though this one was far larger in scale

The only other object inside was a four foot stone slab protruding from the ground located in the exact center of the room. Just as with the door, it too held an obvious spot on the top to house a completed compass

"S-Should we...? I mean it worked the first time but..." (Tai)

"We don't know what'll happen...or if there's something else we're missing" (Rei)


Not waiting for them, Suzu placed the compass into the stone slab

"!" (Rei & Tai)

"Just following Rei's example. Whatever comes our way...I know we can handle it. Besides, my feet are starting to hurt..." (Suzu)


With her quick decision, strange sounds resembling the Earth churning erupted all over the room

"This sensation...!" (Rei)

"A-Are this room moving?!" (Tai)

The stone slab sunk back into the ground, taking the compass with it! Before they could decide what to do next, the wall opposite the front door split wide open, with a cloud of smoke bursting from it!

The team remained on guard for anything after spotting a lone figure emerging from the opening and walking towards them

"About time...I was beginning to think you'd never get here"

"That voice...ha...hahaha!" (Tai)

"Tango-sensei...!" (Suzu)

It was none other than their Jonin captain, the entirety of Team Tango had finally reunited

Instantly realizing what was happening, Rei decided to sit down and relax. Seeing the bewildered expressions on his teammates faces, he chuckled before patting the spots on his left and right respectively, gesturing them to sit down beside him

Seeing his students here, Tango couldn't help but smile with pride...

"Looks like Rei's the first to get it, no surprise there. Regardless, I'd still like to say..." (Tango)

"?" (Suzu & Tai)

"Heh...!" (Rei)




"Rei, Tai, Suzu...congratulations on passing the second exam" (Tango)


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