Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

222. Persistence

"Congratulations on passing the second exam"

With the subtle muttering of these words, it was as if this very moment in time had frozen for the Genin from Kumogakure

Ragged clothes, bandages for injuries, dust and dirt everywhere, circles beginning to form under the eyes... Their appearances from spending ten days within the terrible "Rengoku no Kyōkoku1Purgatory's Canyonclearly portrayed the kind of grating experience anyone would receive after spending so much time in a place obviously not meant for humans

"So that's why you had us sit..." (Tai)

"Mm. The moment we could finally breathe easy with our guards's been long overdue" (Rei)

"Definitely..." (Suzu)

⌈I wouldn't get to comfy just yet⌋ (Tango)

"?!" (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)

Just as they were set on finally "letting their hair down", Tango abruptly connected their thoughts together via his "Chakra Transmission" technique

⌈Careful... maintain a casual composure... assume they are watching us⌋ (Tango)

The eyes of the Genin wandered around the room at their sensei's warning, making sure no movement was too suspicious

For them, it was easy to forget that despite the latest victory, they were still in foreign territory. Iwagakure2Hidden Stone Village made the rules here, and at this moment, Team Tango stood inside a tower under the complete control of a nation barely able to be considered as..."friendly"

⌈What's going on Sensei?⌋ (Tai)

⌈Before I answer that, I have a question of my own. Tell me, did the "Piece" required for you to pass happen to come from a Genin squad hailing from either Iwagakure or Ishigakure3Hidden Rock Village?⌋ (Tango)

⌈...⌋ (Rei, Suzu & Tai)

⌈Judging from the lack of surprise, I take it you managed to grasp the truth...good. Saves me the trouble of explaining things⌋ (Tango)

Being the host for this year's Chunin Exams, Iwagakure would naturally do everything in its power to grant Genin from their village an unfair advantage

The team had long since caught on to the gapping ratio between compass and needle. Those with the latter had a higher chance of passing, and the proctors made sure a majority of Genin from Iwagakure started off with one

As for Ishigakure, Tango's comment caused them to recall their encounter with the "Ishi Terrorists" after the first exam... Iwagakure had indeed allied with its newest neighbor. The small, ragtag nation sandwiched between the Lands of Earth and Wind respectively, had offered its services to Iwagakure...aiding the village in winning the exams by any means necessary

⌈I'd complain about foul play but...I can't say with full honesty that we wouldn't do the exact same thing were Kumogakure in Iwagakure's would any other village⌋ (Tai)

⌈That's the kind of pragmatic response I'd expect from Rei, not you Tai. Very good, you're starting to read between the lines⌋ (Tango)

⌈No room for naivete in this life, you either adapt...or you die⌋ (Tai)

Rei and Suzu nodded their heads in agreement, thinking about their past experiences and hurdles which brought them to this strange point in shinobi life

Sensing their growth, Tango smirked before shrugging his shoulders as he continued...

⌈There's more I'd like to discuss, about this behind-the-scenes deal amongst other things...but I'll save that for later. Too many eyes on us, and with this exam set to end soon, it's best you stay focused on the task at hand⌋ (Tango)

⌈Over? Isn't there several hours left until the exam's end? Did we get the time wrong?⌋ (Tai)

⌈The exam ends when the ten days are up, or when all completed compasses have returned to this pagoda tower⌋ (Tango)

⌈ can't pass without one so, most of the guys fighting outside have already failed⌋ (Suzu)


Tango cut the telepathic communication

"Eventually, this weird place is gonna shift and change again, and the 3rd Tsuchikage4Earth Shadow himself will address the winners of this stage" (Tango)

"What do we do now?" (Tai)

"We'll talk about your experience in the canyon when we're back at our hotel so... take a break, you've certainly earned it" (Tango)


Tai immediately fell on his back, breathing excessively as he took every second he could to regain his strength. Out of the trio, he had the weakest stamina. Suzu, still sitting, remained quiet while waiting patiently for what came next. However, Rei got back up, noticing several words on the wall that caught his eye

"Tango... what are those words up there? I don't recognize the language" (Rei)

"Hm? Ah...that's old tongue from the Land of Earth, prior to Iwagakure's conception. VERY old. As for its meaning, an old mantra of sorts they've kept for generations" (Tango)

"Do you know what it means?" (Suzu)

"Given what I've heard and know, I believe it translates to... Strength. A river cuts through a rock, not because of it's power, but it's persistence. A final note given towards those who venture to Purgatory, and survive" (Tango)

"Eh?! So...all that shit...haaa...haaa...was to teach us a lesson in persistence?! I'd hate to see what their lessons in pain are!" (Tai)

"Pain..." (Rei)

"Hahaha! No worries, their teachings got nothing on us! I've just been real nice to you so far!" (Tango)

"Geez!" (Tai)

"You seem to know much about their culture, sensei" (Suzu)

"I did fight in the last war, which wasn't too long ago. You know that I always preach about respecting your opponents, therefore you'll never underestimate them. Iwagakure was a tough opponent during the 3rd Shinobi World War, so naturally, I studied them thoroughly" (Tango)

{Right. I almost forgot Tango-sensei has always been apart of the Intelligence Division} (Tai)

"Keep that lesson in mind as you proceed to the next stage" (Tango)

Despite the advice from his sensei, Rei's mind dwelled elsewhere

Tai's words had set him on a train of thought he couldn't ignore. Specifically, on the word..."Pain" and the leader of the antagonist group Akatsuki who adopted said word as his name...

{Akatsuki publicly started off as small mercenary group that took any job for a cheap price, and had perfect results practically every time} (Rei)

"Rei" (Tai)

{Iwagakure happened to be the one who hired them the most, and Ishigakure is a land filled with mercenaries, rogue-nin, and a crazy amount of Hijutsu5Hidden Jutsu and Kekkei Genkai6Bloodline Limit wielders} (Rei)

"Helloooooo..." (Tai)

{Not to mention, the "Company" employed the Ishi Terrorists and others from their nation for the attack on "Summoning Island" years ago, all in preparation for the "Siege". That cannot be a coincidence...} (Rei)

"Dragon-san..." (Tai)

{Plus, there's Orochimaru and his hand in this, along with his connection to the LIFT's creation and-} (Rei)

"Rei!" (Tai)

"WHAT?!" Irritated his train of thought was interrupted, Rei yelled abruptly, only to find he team staring at him with perplexity. The walls on the far side of the room had opened, signifying one thing

"It's time to leave..." (Tai)

"Ah..." (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

Slightly embarrassed by his uncharacteristic outburst, Rei obediently followed them out of the room, keeping quiet the entire time as the team found themselves in an even bigger white space

The other contestants who managed to pass and their respective teachers were present as well. Tango instructed them to keep interactions with others to a minimum as the head proctor, Kitsuchi, ordered the present Genin to line up

"Cheh...I'd hoped they fail. Figures those jerks would be here. Most of the ones here are either Iwa or Ishi-nin" said Tai with much disdain after spotting the "Ishi Terrorists" at one corner of the room

"Those Kirigakure7Hidden Mist Village assholes who poisoned me are here as well" (Rei)

"Leave it at that, now's not the time for a fight" (Suzu)

The Jonin captains stood on the side as 3rd Tsuchikage made his appearance. The old man known as Ōnoki took his time as he strolled to the front, his two guards behind him as he joined Kitsuchi

Being another signature "individual" from the Manga, Rei kept his eye on him for a moment, before scanning the chakra signatures of every single person within the room

Committing each and everyone to his memory for the future

"W-Wow...THAT's the 3rd Tsuchikage? From all I've heard of him, I thought he'd be--well..." Tai whispered to his team

"One with more prestige? Don't let his appearance fool you, that tiny old man is powerful" {I'm more concerned with the others here. No surprise, Itachi Uchiha managed to pass, as did Iruka thanks to my help. A LOT of people are here, mostly stone ninja...I wonder how they're going to-} (Rei)

"No matter how powerful, he still looks a fragile old man about to fall apart..." (Tai)

"Guys, quiet. They're about to speak" (Suzu)


Kitsuchi stepped forward with much bluster, puffing up his burly chest as he shouted at the top of his lungs

 "Listen up you punks! As of this moment, the second exam has ended! Through away any and all thoughts of the losers remaining outside! Even if you know them personally, it'll be up to their sensei's if they can escape Purgatory! Now, we'll move to next steps!" (Kitsuchi)




{I can already tell, this is where things are gonna get crazy...} (Rei)


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