Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

224. I F*cking Hate Politics!

OKAY! SO sorry for the wait. Today wasn't a 9 to 5 for me...more like a 5 to 9! But I'm home, and I managed to rush these out. Enjoy the chapters guys. After some rest, I'll continue with next ones, take care!


An hour and a half in, the entourage from the Land of Lightning quietly listened as Tango shared his most recent solo experience within Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village walls. Being an accomplished intelligence officer, there's no way he'd sit still in foreign territory with little, to no intel

For the past ten days, while the Genin were stuck in "Purgatory", their sensei had been occupied with investigations into the village's inner workings. More specifically, the most troubling news being Iwagakure's dealings, and newfound partnership, with the newest nation to greet the continent... Ishigakure2Hidden Rock Village

With aid from his comrade and spy Karai, his goal wasn't as difficult as he expected...

"Thanks to the regular drops from Karai's agents stationed in this country, I've learned quite a few things of unsettling nature. The deal between the Stone and Rock goes even deeper than we imagined" (Tango)

"We know the smaller nation of Ishigakure has agreed to aid Iwa-nin in this exam, all in exchange for assistance in furthering the financial and economic growth of their young and small nation. My assistant Tekkan had discovered many of Iwgakure's jobs set on being given to Ishigakure in the near future. What we've yet to figure out is why the Tsuchikage3Earth Shadow would dare to do such a thing, and how his elders could even condone it" (Daimyō)

"Small sacrifice for a potentially powerful ally? Maybe Ishigakure has something the Tsuchikage wants? The small nation IS a cornucopia of rare Ninjutsu and shinobi with unique abilities" (Funsui)

"A means of increasing their military might... it's unlikely Funsui. Even with the last war, Iwagakure possesses a powerful military, it's only weakness is it's poor economy as a result of overpopulation and the harsh terrain" (Ronri)

"Speaking of that, I forgot to mention, there's someone else we need you to look into, Daimyō-sama" (Tango)

"Oh?" (Daimyō)

{That's right, there was that "other" feudal lord...} (Suzu)

Tango went on to elucidate the final chapter of his team's journey to Iwagakure and the Earth country

As the sea routes grew increasingly dangerous, the fact they were being targeted became more and more obvious, thus they opted for a new means of traversing through the foreign country

Arriving on land, Karai had set them up to travel in secret with a Daimyō hailing from the Land of Flowers. At the time, it struck all of them that one of the first guests the Tsuchikage invited, was none other than a lord from a small nation sandwiched between the Land's of Earth and Fire respectively

Why did this country get preferential treatment? How could they be allowed to bring so many troops with them, that it made slipping in with their group all the easier? What could a nation that was so small, it couldn't be found on most maps, possibly have to offer...especially towards one of the Great Five Shinobi Nations?

Nothing about it made sense, which unsettled Tango even further...

"I don't have an answer, but then again...I'm not a politician" (Tango)

"Indeed. I believe I have an answer. In the last two or three years, Konohagakure4Hidden Leaf Village has moved up to accepting most of their ninja requests. Something that was once a near, evenly divided ratio between the Sand, Stone, and Leaf... has considerably ended up in the latter's favor" (Daimyō)

"Well...the Sand is farthest Great Nation away from them. But still..." (Funsui)

"Considering the country dwells closer to the Stone than the others, it seems rather risky to do such a thing?" (Ronri)

"It would be, were it not for the last war" (Daimyō)

{Uh-oh. I don't like where this is going...} (Tai)

"The Flower country is one of the few heavily fertile lands on the Western side of the Continent. Most of their finances originates from selling produce to the Lands of Wind and Earth. Namely, Sunagakure5Hidden Sand Village and Iwagakure"

"I'm sensing a but coming..." (Rei)

"But after the destruction of the Kannabi Bridge, Iwagakure's supply chain was caught off by Konohagakure forces, and it became all the more difficult to hold their territory in the area. Sunagakure was also too far and weakened to do anything about it. And because the Flower country wasn't too far from the location..." (Daimyō)

"They were abandoned by the Stone and Sand, left at the mercy of the Leaf" (Suzu)

"Mercy is putting it lightly. Konoha was more than lenient, for they helped rebuild the nation that, like so many others, suffered from a war they didn't ask for...all waged by the Big Five. And with this new fortuitous relationship between them and the Leaf, the Land of Flowers prospered to degree it had never experienced before" (Daimyō)

" I get it. Sunagakure gave up but... Iwagakure's basically trying to get it's old girlfriend back after making the dumbass decision of dumping her. And the girlfriend is basically saying; you want me, earn me...these exams are like a proving ground for Iwagakure to demonstrate it can properly support the small country" (Rei)

"Hence their intense desire to win, making them desperate enough to cheat so boldly, and even issue a request for another nation to help. Not to mention, if trade of produce resumes between them, it'll make supporting Ishigakure all the more feasible" (Suzu)

"Kumogakure is already hostile with Ishigakure after they demonstrated their support for the terrorists who attacked Summoning Island. If this deal comes to pass, they could potentially grow into a powerful threat, allied with Iwagakure...another nation we still have issues with" (Ronri)

"Perfect! And THAT means the participants from the Stone and Rock are gonna do EVERYTHING conceivable to beat out the competition. Ugh!" (Tai)

"I f*cking hate politics...!" (Rei)

Everyone sighed at the same time with Rei's last remark, all having the same feelings of frustration

Literally everything was on the line for these nations, who'd already proven they were more than willing to use any foul means to win the popular event

Team Tango in particular, felt as if the targets on their backs had become even bigger. The expectations on their shoulders was too much to placed on mere Genin students

Many in the room had no doubt someone would try something before the final exam began. Tango and the ninja who arrived alongside the Daimyō, when it came to protecting the Genin as they prepared for the final exam, would have be even more vigilant than they realized

An entire month by such a hostile territory


Snapping everyone out of a grim mood, the ever laidback Funsui suggested they change the subject and move on to more pressing matters

Regardless of Iwagakure's political ambitions, this year's Chunin Exams were vital to everyone, including Kumogakure. Under the table deals, sabotage, and all matter of cheating were to be expected

As Funsui reminded them that none of this should come as a surprise, they all compartmentalized, focusing on what they could do now

"We should discuss the conditions for Team Tango during this thirty day period, wouldn't you say?" (Funsui)

"That's right, I'd like to know where and how we'll prepare. I mean--it's obvious we're not gonna be training in a hotel...right?" (Tai)

"We've secured a location several klicks southeast of here, it's nice and barren. Along with being obscure, several of our colleagues are already there and waiting. We'll maintain watch while Tango works with each of you" (Ronri)

"Not just Tango, every Kumo Chunin and Jonin here is willing to offer there aid, we're all in this together...Kumogakure will always have your back, kekeke!" stated Funsui with a carefree smile

As if the sour mood earlier had never occurred, a new feeling of motivation greeted the entire group. The Genin were eager to begin their training...

"I'll also continue probing for any batch of intel I can provide. I've heard rumors of last minute changes to the exam site. These politicians and other Daimyō can be quite talkative with a little flattery... and alcohol" (Daimyō)

"Wow, you sure you chose the right profession Daimyō-sama? You sound less like a politician, and more like a shinobi" (Tango)

"That's probably why I'm so damn good at this crappy off with you. This hotel is crowded enough as it is" (Daimyō)

"Yes sir! Okay guys, let's move out!  Ronri, keep your eyes open, both within and outside the village walls!" (Tango)

"Understood!" (Ronri)

With a little more prep, the adults left an ample amount of guards for the Daimyō before departing the hotel, Rei and his team being protected in the center

Every second from now, till the commencement of the final exam, mattered more than anything else




Now was the time to grow...


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