Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

225. Inadequate

TODAY's DOUBLE CHAPTER DAY! Both 224 and 225 have been released! If you haven't read 224, GO BACK! And most of all, ENJOY!


The companions from Kumogakure kept a watchful eye of their surroundings as they exited Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village walls, making their way to a barren site just a few kilometers from the village

Ronri activated his "Ninpō: Tokage no Me2Ninja Art: Lizard's Eyetechnique, co-opting the sight of several, summoned lizards. Small, unnoticeable, and scattered both in and outside the village for obvious security purposes. This setup was hardly any different than a modern day security system

Eventually, the group rendezvous with even more Kumo-nin who'd traveled alongside the Lightning Daimyō, but remained at the makeshift training sight in anticipation for the Genin's arrival. Once the site was confirmed to be secure and free of any onlookers, the Chunin and Jonin left Team Tango to themselves, maintaining a circular wall of security around the location

"Alright, I don't want to waste time, so let's get to work. Pop question! In regards to preparations for the final exams, I'd like for one of you to tell me...what do you think we can all expect once the exam begins?" (Tango)

"There were at least over sixty people at the end of the last test" (Suzu)

"Which means what?" (Tango)

"Being hosts for this prominent event, Iwagakure clearly understands the bigger the number, the less ideal" (Suzu)

"The whole point is appealing towards the rich and prosperous. So here's my second question... why would they leave that many contestants without bothering to eliminate a few more with preliminaries?" (Tango)

"How exactly will they carry out the final exam?" Fresh from just passing the Second exam, this question was still on everyone's mind

Buttering up influential individuals was the base standard, which meant keeping things interesting...entertainment was a must

No one, especially a large amount of VIP's, desire to spend an entire day watching a bunch of Genin fight, hence the reason those who've hosted a Chunin Exam, employed a bracket tournament-style event for their final exam

"They were annoyingly vague. I'm willing to bet it's in someway related to them scheming to gain an unfair edge...again" (Tai)

"I'm not so sure. This exam will be public, the Gokage3Five Shadows and other shinobi village leaders will be watching every moment like a hawk. Despite the looming desperation, they'd be crazy to try something... though with our luck, I wouldn't rule anything out" (Rei)

"After hearing everything you've said about the exams, we should remain cautious. The Stone has pushed its luck enough as it is, that old fence-sitter Ōnoki isn't stupid enough to pull something now... but someone else might" (Tango)


Just as they were poised to speculate some more, the sudden breeze of wind snapped them out of their contemplation. Tango decided to move on to other subjects

Regardless of what would happen, they'd inevitably have to prepare for every conceivable scenario, which meant coming up with countless contingencies...

"First up, Suzu. I received a letter from Raikage-sama. After informing him of my, now accurate suspicions of Iwagakure's backhand actions, he's hand a change of heart..." (Tango)

"You mean...?" (Suzu)

"The restriction for using that power has been lifted. Be sure to make one hell of a show. You'll spend the next month continuing the training you started with Yugito-sama and Killer B-sama on Genbu Island. Just try not to go too crazy here, we don't wish to attract any unnecessary eyes" (Tango)

"...It's still a risk. I thought revealing what I am could lead to future problems" (Suzu)

"You'll be in a tournament surrounded by dozens of individuals with strange powers. If there was ever a time to use it, it'd be now. Besides, as long as no one knows exactly where the source of your ascended state comes from, we're in the clear" (Tango)

Suzu's body held the secret for creating a perfected, Psuedo-Jinchūriki. Naturally, she had reservations about using said power in such a public venue. If even one person managed discern what she truly was, the fallout would be disastrous

Knowing where her fears lie, Tango reassured the young lady...

"Raikage-sama is only saying to use it as a last resort, not to go crazy with it. Hell, if we're lucky, you won't have to use it at all" (Tango)

{Pssh! With our track record...that's HIGHLY unlikely} "Suzu, it's okay to forfeit" (Rei)

"Right. Thanks Rei" (Suzu)

"We'll spend the majority of your time determining the exact difference in power of your base, and transformed states. Only then, can we enact a proper training regimen for you" (Tango)

"...Understood" (Suzu)

Tango turned his head to the next one in line...

"Tai. We don't know what to expect, but it's likely you'll be forced into a situation without support from Rei and Suzu. Thanks the Earth Daimyō, we're the only Kumo team participating... and due to your particular team role..." (Tango)

"I'll be forced to go against the basic principles of a Medical-nin...fighting on the front lines, without support" (Tai)

"Poisonous, vaporized mist isn't going to be enough this time. We'll have to heavily rely on the swordsmanship you received from your family. During this month, I'll be practicing with you in direct Taijutsu-based combat, as you're the one who's lacks the most experience when it comes to direct fights" (Tango)

"Got it..." (Tai)

"Fortunately, along with being a fellow Suiton4Water Style user, Funsui is well versed in the art of Kenjutsu5Sword Techniques, so get used to seeing his face a lot" (Tango)

"R-Right, I'll do my best" (Tai)

"Relax, it's not like you'll be fighting Tomoe. Although, seeing your mom beat you up again does sound entertaining" (Rei)

"One of these days...I'm just gonna cut you" (Tai)

"Ahem! Given what you've told me of your experience during the Second exam, this is the best I could come up with on such short notice. As we train, there may be room for adaption and change, but for now, we'll go with this..." (Tango)

Suzu and Tai nodded their heads in affirmation. Firm resolve filled their beings as these Genin were willing and ready to do whatever it takes to succeed

Unlike his students, however...Tango stared at Rei with a concerned expression

" for you, I guess we'll-?!" (Tango)

The one in question raised his hand, stopping his sensei mid sentence

"I already have something in mind. If I need help, I'll call you" (Rei)

"Okay... I'm sorry for my lack of-" (Tango)

"You've gone above and beyond for me, don't worry about it. Just take this as a sign of one beginning to leave the nest" (Rei)

"?!" (Tai & Suzu)


Rei rose from the ground and moved away from the others. After finding the ideal spot, he sat down and crossed his legs, demonstrating a meditative pose

"U-Um... Tango-sensei? What about his training?" (Tai)

"Sigh... I really am inadequate" (Tango)

"Sensei..." (Suzu)

"Rei is...he's always been abnormal. Since day one, I had a clear plan for each of you, but he blew right through all of them at record time and now... it's gotten to the point where I hardly have anything left to teach him. The fact I can't do much to help now, at such an important juncture, goes to show how much of a failed teacher I am..." Tango's face was somewhat gloomy as his mood became downhearted

"..." (Tai)

"Is that so..." (Suzu)

"?" (Tango & Tai)

Suzu stepped forward, staring at Rei for a moment before turning around again. Standing in front of Tango, she offered an uncharacteristically bright smile, much to his confusion

"Rei's the type of person that'll take anything he deems useful, and utilize it to the best of its ability. But he's never been an unfilial person. He always valued the contributions of those who've aided him in his growth...which includes you Sensei" (Suzu)

"!" (Tango)

"There's no way he'll ever deem you as...inadequate. Neither will Tai and I, and nor should you" (Suzu)

"Suzu..." (Tango)

"True. Take all the times that sadist experimented on me with his Genjutsu. There's a reason he works so hard to keep me around" (Tai)

"Pffft! Well...let's hope he doesn't value me as much as he does you, Tai" (Tango)

"Good grief...time to go to work. We'll leave him to...whatever the hell he's doing" (Tai)

"Right? There' no point in worrying about him" (Suzu)

"Says the girl who couldn't stop freaking out every second we were separated from him in the canyon" Tai lightly teased his teammate

"..." (Suzu)


"OW!" (Tai)

"Rei's right...that is fun" (Suzu)

"Oh god...he's infected you too!" (Tai)

"Hahaha! What wonderful students I've been blessed with...! {I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're ready!} (Tango)


While the three of them were boisterous and eager to begin, Rei had remained silent this whole time. His eyes closed, the boy was locked in a deep trance, and the world around him seemed to be...nonexistent



{It's finally time to end this annoying "cycle". Come to me..."Rei Sano" and... Isshiki Ōtsutsuki...!} (Rei)


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