Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

23. Gamble [1]

One week ago...


"Ah...hah...hah...whew!" (Rei)

[Good. You've successfully clandestined your way out of the village.]

"Surely there must have been a better way than sneaking on a wagon full of meat. I smell like I've been to a slaughter house...gross" (Rei)

[There were other methods but this was the quickest. You don't have much time after all]

"...Damn it...I'm never doing this again..." (Rei)

[We've already gone over the plan. Do you still have the items?]

Ugh...the stench...

"Yes...fauna taken from Tai's garden and some of his hand crafted explosives. The glass container filled with this weird liquid you had me steal from a hospital. Kind of morally questionable to steal from a hospital by the way" (Rei)

Seriously, what the hell do I need this for?

"Finally, sealed in this scroll are the several gas tanks you had me 'borrow' from that metal refinery" (Rei)

I knew Tai had a knack for chemistry, but I didn't think it was this much. If only his dad could appreciate his talent

But what the hell are in these gas tanks?

[Then there is only one more item]

"...Right...the 'bait'..." (Rei)

[Yes. 'He' can be picked up on the way. There should be plenty of money in his pocket. Use that to pay your way across the sea]

"..." (Rei)

[Is there a problem? Do you still have doubts?]

"No. I've already made up my mind. But just who is this person I'm turning into a 'sacrificial lamb' anyway?" (Rei)

[...Does it matter? This is just a fantasy world to you, is it not?]

That's...true. Why is this bothering me so much? They're all just fictional characters anyway

Hell, even if they weren't, my life is on the line. There's nothing wrong with believing in 'survival of the fittest'

"...Right, I was just curious, that's all" (Rei)

[A well known criminal. Infamous for kidnapping children and selling them to the highest bidder. Especially children with 'Kekkei Genkai']

So he's trash then

[Besides that, he's one of the few "compatible" subjects for stigma. Bringing him is fundamental]

"Okay okay. He's not even real anyway. I'm ready...let's get moving" (Rei)


"So...southwest is the correct direction right?" (Rei)

[Yes. It's an unnamed lawless town towards the direction of "Kirigakure"1Village Hidden in the Mist]

Putting on a dark hooded robe, I began running towards my next destination



In a poor hut, there was a small built man grinning over a bag of money

"Hehe...Nice! Those brats made me a mint!"

He was the worst kind of scum, one whose sole purpose in life was to ensure his own benefit

"Hard to imagine someone so 'monk-like' would be into this sort of hobby...but I could care less as long as he pays me"

"Oh? He sounds like an interesting person. Why don't you tell me more?"


Jumping from his chair, he looked at the sudden intruder with an expression of surprise

"Huh? A kid?"

"Brilliant deduction Sherlock" 

"Sher-...who? Wait, that doesn't matter. Who are you and how did you get...! GAH!"

Before he could finish, the boy threw a ball at his face that exploded into an odd colored powder

"Gah! Uhack! Wha! You little...!"

"Little...yes I know. Believe me I know. But it wasn't my choice...this however..."


Disoriented, he was unable to prevent the boy from knocking him out

"Well, that was easier than I thought it'd be. Guess when you have a nasty hobby like trafficking little kids you tend to get sloppy" (Rei)

[Don't be deceived by his appearance. This man 'Juro' is a veteran rogue-ninja from 'Kirigakure'. Looking at you, he presumed you were just a kid and let his guard down ]

"Right...looking at him up close...I probably wouldn't have been able to beat him without help from Tai" (Rei)

[Those plants and fauna you took from Tai's garden form a powerful sleeping agent when properly mixed together. It'll be days before this man wakes up]

"Plenty of time to put him on a ship, and drag him to our final stop" (Rei)

[...Are you sure you wish to proceed?]

"Huh?" (Rei)

[You know what's next]

"..." (Rei)

[The odds of surviving are...]

"Let me stop you right there" (Rei)


"I've already run the odds in my head and while it may seem suicidal, I'm still going" (Rei)

[Because it's what you want to do? Or because you have no choice?]

Rei tied Juro's arms and legs after blindfolding him

He then placed his unconscious body in a cargo box and dragged it outside before speaking again




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