Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

24. Gamble [2]

Present day

Inside his private facility, the unwell member of the Ōtsutsuki clan awoke with a terrible cough

"Gah! Uhak! Ugh! What! What is this?! This body should still...!"

His throat burned as he vomited blood. He felt as if his entire body was melting as he fell to the floor in pain

"Ough! Guk! I...I can't! This is bad...have to use...!"


Outside the complex, a young man was running away. Looking for a place to hide, he sat down in anticipation


30 minutes ago

"Alright...the canisters have been placed right outside his ventilation system. Juro has also been "rigged" to go. You sure this will be enough?" (Rei)

[You have done everything you can, only your next performance will determine whether you succeed when it comes to "Isshiki". Now, let me go over the plan once more...]


Current time

An explosion of energy...the man took on a bizarre new form. 

"Hah...I've done it now. I probably only have a few days left before it gives out on me. Have to find a compatible 'vessel' before this one gives out!" (Isshiki)

As he raised his hand, a swirling black vortex appeared. Just as he was about to enter it...

"Guh! Hack! Ah!" (Isshiki)

Dammit, this body is in worse shape than I thought. Can't use space-time jutsu. It costs too much chakra!

"Guess I'm...uhack! Ugh...doing this the old fashioned way..."

 Levitating, he quickly flew towards the ceiling


5 minutes ago

"This is 'Phase One' ?" (Rei)

[Isshiki's current body is one of a normal monk named "Jigen" he took after he was almost killed by "Kaguya". It can't handle his immense power. The gas tanks you took from that refinery, when mixed together, create a powerful gaseous carbon monoxide poison invisible to the naked eye]

"So we're poisoning him...hard to believe just a variant gas can do something to a guy like that. Especially if he's anything at all like the monster you say he is" (Rei)

[Right...I forgot you never really payed attention to the story]

"I didn't even want to read the stupid comic in the first place, let alone the sequel series! I was made to by...never mind" (Rei)


" you were saying" (Rei)

[...In order not to expend energy and hasten Jigen's deterioration, he spends most of his time sleeping. That will work in your favor as the gas you've made is odorless. We'll be able to continue poisoning him for an extended period of time]

"...To ensure he uses up his 'Karma' right?" (Rei)

[Yes, a sort-of "back-up file" that allows Ōtsutsuki to reincarnate in another body. Once used, any and all other 'Karma' they've implanted disappear]

"But when he does use it, he'll take on his most powerful form right? Won't that make 'Phase Two' useless? Even if he only lives for a few more days, he's still the most powerful being on the planet" (Rei)

[That's what our "compatible bait" Juro is for...]


Current time

Bursting out of his lab, Isshiki looked around in haste

"Hah...hah...have to find a host...'B-byakugan'1White Eye! (Isshiki)

Using his left eye, he scanned the area around him, desperate to find someone

Come on, at this point any living creature will...! that?

Spotting a familiar figure, he noticed a man that appeared to be tottering around the wasteland

Why is he here? Did he want to sell me another test subject?

In that moment of guessing his intentions, his entire left arm broke off from his body and shattered on the ground like glass


"Shit! Doesn't matter anymore! While not my ideal pick, he'll do!" (Isshiki)

Isshiki dashed towards Juro, who himself seemed to be in a daze

"Ugh...Wha? I...uh...what happen? I-I was at my house...with...wit..." (Juro)


"Uh?" (Juro)

Before he could even make sense of his predicament, his throat was grabbed by Isshiki

"To think I would have to rely on trash like you...destiny certainly isn't nice to me...hehe" (Isshiki)

"?! Gah!" (Juro)

His body crumbling away, Isshiki poured what remaining chakra he had through Juro, completing his goal of implanting 'Karma'

"Ugh..." (Juro)

"Now...I can finally relax" (Isshiki)

I just hope his "Ōtsutsuki-fication" doesn't take too long


"Huh? What was that sou-" (Isshiki)


A massive explosion enveloped them both! And just as he jumped out the smoke...!

"WHAT IN THE HELL?! WHO DID THA...?!" (Isshiki)

"Happy trails you f**king plot device" (Rei)


Before Isshiki could finish his sentence...his head was cut right off his decayed body

"Shit! The left one is completely least I got this..." (Rei)


3 minutes ago

[Phase two is more on the "chance" side. We have to hope the bombs you placed on the drugged up Juro will be able to damage Isshiki just enough to keep his head intact before you kill him]

"And that window of opportunity will be..." (Rei)

[The moment he lets his guard down after implanting a "Karma" on Juro]

"...Right" (Rei)

[You must also hope that Juro will even be able to walk that far, considering the sheer amount of anesthetics you used to keep him quiet during your journey]

"Got it" (Rei)

[Remember. On top of retrieving his blood, you must also remove his eyes and place them in the glass container full of liquid you picked up from the hospital. That is vital for the final step]

"I won't forget" (Rei)

I just hope his head will still be intact...


Current time

"Damn it" (Rei)

[What's wrong?]

"Can't you tell? I had one shot and it wasn't a complete success. His "Left eye" was already gone and his right isn't in great condition" (Rei)

Did I overuse the gas? Or was it the explosion?

[You managed to get his blood and his "Right eye". That in itself is an incredible feat considering the opponent and your current self]

"...That's true I guess" (Rei)

After all, it's not everyday you see a 5 year old kid kill an over thousand year old "god-like alien parasite"

[In addition, this eye is the only known one of its kind and one of the most important factors of our objective. But it's condition is irrelevant for the final phase]

" use crying over one little 'Byakugan'. If I really need it, I could always get one later. Plenty of them just waiting to get taken" (Rei)


"Hm? Something wrong? You went quiet for a sec" (Rei)

['s nothing]

"I've confirmed both Isshiki and Juro are dead. Are we ready for the next step?" (Rei)

[...Yes. It's time to move to Phase three]

Gathering his belongings, Rei entered Isshiki's lab. Various notes and schematics were scattered everywhere

As Rei gathered them, he spotted many different devices and tubes of vairous sizes.

This must be the "Ōtsutsuki technology" he was working on...

His footsteps halted in front of a human sized container filled with liquid


"Found it" (Rei)

[Then...with the tools here and the "samples" you've just collected...we can forward with phase three]





"Assimilation" (Rei)


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