Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

25. Gamble [3]

"Let me want me to take this eye and implant it" (Rei)

If there's one thing I actually DO remember from this stupid's that eye transplants are not only feasible, but easy as getting blown up by your own damn generator and sent into another world

[No...that won't be enough to help you. Even if the eye WAS in good enough condition, if you don't have the right body you won't be able to properly wield it. Take Kakashi's situation with his Sharingan1Mirror Wheel Eyefor example]

"Right...because he's not a true Uchiha, he doesn't have the proper chakra reserves to use it to it's full potential. Like Osoi said, every human has a 'maximum limit' to their strength" (Rei)

Rei stood next to a tube filled with liquid

It's just that some of us (main cast obviously) have greater limits than others. Another example of the unfairness in this world

[That's why you need his blood. With this "medical tank" in front of you, we're going to use Isshiki's DNA as a template to make your body into something similar to that of an Ōtsutsuki. That will make you compatible with any dōjutsu]

"This container was used by Isshiki in an attempt to create a stronger body and prolong his life right?" (Rei)


"Then considering he failed, I pretty sure using it on me is not the proper course of action" (Rei)

[Isshiki tried to fix a body that could never handle his immense power. He couldn't take the risk of rebuilding it from scratch since he never implanted a "Karma" on anyone else. But you can take that risk because...]

"I have no other option right?" (Rei)

If this doesn't work I'm f*cked, and if I don't do this I'm probably still f*cked


"...Fine. Since I'm not implanting his eye, how is this going to work?" (Rei)

[After transforming your body into that of an Ōtsutsuki, you're going take the unique properties of Isshiki's eye and apply it to your body]

"I...don't follow. It's a Dōjutsu2Eye Technique right? I can't use Isshiki's technique's without having the same eyes as him" (Rei)

[You may not remember, but there was a time during the climax of the original story when the villain Madara Uchiha had no eyes, yet he was still able to use the powers of his Sharingan]

"Oh yeah, I think I remember. That whole dumb sequence was clearly patched on at the last minute" (Rei)

I don't think my BS meter was ever so high in my life, than when I read that part in the story

"...The 2nd Hokage/Tobirama Senju stated the Sharingan is first created from a special chakra the Uchiha release in the brain that affects their optic're referencing something akin to that right?" (Rei)

[All powers & effects caused by chakra come from within. It's why Ōtsutsuki can still retain their Kekkai Genkai even when they transfer to another body, it's the genetic information that matters. Even if you don't have the eyes, we should be able to transfer the abilities to you]

"...Isshiki was able to manipulate the size of himself and non-organic matter by projecting his chakra through his eyes. Anything he looked at could be shrunk and/or stored in his private dimension where time doesn't flow. But you also said when he was Jigen, he could still do the same, even when his dōjutsu didn't manifest in his host's eyes..." (Rei)

That's right...this thing did tell me that he was making hand gestures instead...

[Even if you don't have his long as you project your chakra towards the target, you should be able to retrieve the same result. The only perk you'll lose is not being able to do it through your eyes]

"Do the eyes make it that much easier?" (Rei)

[When a "dōjutsu user" uses their eyes, they're constantly projecting chakra through them. The effect is almost like headlights, almost impossible to avoid. Didn't you ever notice over the course of the story, certain characters have been able to "feel" when a dōjutsu user has their eyes on them? Even when said user is behind them?] when Deidara was able to "feel" whenever Sasuke was behind him during their fight, or why the black flames of the Uchiha Clan's "Amaterasu"3Heavenly Illumination jutsu are practically unavoidable. But still...

"This is the first time I regret skimming through this manga..." (Rei)

[...In short, as long as you have Isshiki's eye, you'll be able to gain his powers. Even if you don't implant them. Now the speed at which you manifest his powers is uncertain]

"What? I won't gain them immediately?" (Rei)

[When Madara gained the 1st Hokage/Hashirama Senju's cells, he didn't manifest any new abilities or awaken the "Rinnegan"4Saṃsāra Eye until he was shriveled up old man. Nagato didn't manifest his until he experienced significant trauma. The requirements necessary to awaken these unique powers are completely unpredictable...even by us]


"Are you kidding? With the risks I'm about to take, on top of the ones I've ALREADY taken, you're saying that even if this does work...I may not be able to gain the necessary power to survive this manga's ending?!" (Rei)

[...From the start, you were told this "game" would be fair, but not easy...weren't you?]

"..." (Rei)

[This is fear holding you not confuse it for anger]



...Haaaah...Damn it

"Just...just tell some of the immediate merits to doing this" (Rei)

[Isshiki, orginally tried create an exceptionally powerful "vessel" using mechanical-engineering. We'll be doing it with bio-engineering instead. The greatest merit is that we're not just making you an Ōtsutsuki...but a more advance kind of Ōtsutsuki]

"More advanced..." (Rei)

['ll be taking the best parts of Humans & Ōtsutsuki all the while discarding the rest]

"You're making me into a hybrid between the two?" (Rei)

[No, that's what Hagoromo and Hamura were. You'll be an entirely new creature that simply resembles the two species]

"Something new..." (Rei)



"...So something more akin to an advanced version of Isshiki" (Rei)

[That's one way to put it. But you know the advantages the two races have over one another?]

"?" (Rei)

[It's true Ōtsutsuki are incredible powerful, they can grow and evolve infinitely. They literally have no limits when it comes to their strength, unlike humans]

With an irritable look on his face, he curtly responded

"Yeah...I know" (Rei)

[But there's one thing that humans have over the Ōtsutsuki's]

"And that is?" (Rei)

[The ability to restore Chakra]

"...W-what?" (Rei)

[I see I've lost you...okay...why is it that the Ōtsutsuki are so desperate to find new planets to consume? Why did Isshiki need a machine to restore his chakra when he was in Jigen's body? You've never required a machine to recover, correct?]

Yeah...why did he need that machine? When I run out of chakra, I'll just rest and/or eat to recover. Why couldn't he do the same?

[Everyone gets so wrapped up in their incredible powers that most forget these creature are parasites. And the definition of a parasite is a creature that thrives by feeding off another]

"...So unlike humans who recover naturally, they need to keep feeding or risk losing their power..." (Rei)

When you look at their actions, or the fact that Kaguya's half-human sons could defeat her...that does make sense

[Chakra to them is like a drug, they're completely hooked on it. When their chakra runs low, they crave for more no matter the cost. And when they run out...they suffer "withdrawals"]

Rei thought back to the moment he saw Isshiki's body break apart

[That's why we're keeping that human aspect, to ensure you never suffer such side effects. Keeping you're human DNA will also maintain your appearance. You wouldn't want to attract unwanted attention from those that might covet your powers]

"...That's why you suggested not transplanting Isshiki's eye directly, but instead, simply transfer it's powers to my body" (Rei)

So many "eye-grabbing" lunatics in this world

[Yes, with the "modifications" we make, your physical appearance will remain the same. Including your eyes]

"Those are the human benefits, and with the Ōtsutsuki perks, I'll no longer have to worry about Rei's limited potential. So even if I never awaken Isshiki's powers, I'll still be able to grow infinitely right?" (Rei)

[You finally you ready?]

Well, that makes me feel a little better

" do I use this machine?" (Rei)


Minutes later, Rei was working on Isshiki's machines

[There's a centrifuge to your left that we'll use for the materials. With the centrifugal force it provides, you'll be able to gather the components you need from both Isshiki's and your blood. You also need to insert the DNA from his eye]

Rei immediately went to work

[As your "Guide", I'll identify exactly which cells you need to isolate]

Fortunately, this isn't my first time in the lab

[Once you're done with the isolation, you must insert the components into the device connected to that container filled with liquid. That machine will be doing the work on your body]

"How do I control it when I'm in the container?" (Rei)

[You don't. Before you killed him, Isshiki had yet to form his secret organization "Kara"5Husk so no one was around to help him. This machine is built to function automatically when used]

"I was wondering how he was able to experiment on himself" (Rei)

[Once you've inserted the materials and set the machine's properties to the values I've given you, take off your clothes and get inside the tank. What happens next is...]

"All up to chance..." (Rei)



After hours of work, Rei had finally completed his task.

[It's done. Take off your clothes and enter the tank. The process has been set to begin the moment the lid on top is closed]

Following it's instructions, Rei approached the liquid-filled tank

" goes everything..."

Before he entered the tank, the guide spoke again...

[Last chance to back out]


[Despite all your complaints, you've shown no signs of slowing down]


[Going along with all of this...some would even claim you suffer from insanity]

Pausing for a moment, he chuckled

Stepping into the tank, Rei spoke one last time










"I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every f*cking second of it"

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