Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

231. Weed In The Garden

Hey guys.

It's been a while, and I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for throwing your support my way during this difficult time in my life. For those who were unaware, I'd recently had some legal trouble with some house moving. But things took a turn for the worst when I shattered my ankle during the move. I broke more than three bones in my ankle joint, and I can barely walk (Not to mention the mind boggling pain).

All of which has severely affected my life, particularly when it comes to my house, my job, and my novel. My internet was finally installed as of today, so I thought it best to award your incredible patience with a BRAND NEW CHAPTER!

I know, it's been long overdue, I'll try to pick up the pace in the coming days, all I ask is that you cut me just a teeny tiny bit of slack. Rest assured, I've no intention of ever abandoning this little pet project of mine. May you all have a wonderful day, and please enjoy the chapter


Konohagakure1Hidden Leaf Village

Dwelling within the shinobi capital of the Land of Fire sat a particularly unique, ancient shrine. Owned and utilized by the Konoha's most powerful clan, who fashioned themselves quite highly amongst the village occupants...

Said clan was now in the midst of a meeting not privy to Leaf's upper brass...

"Captain! With some of the higher ups set on leaving, now's the time to-!" Yelled one who barely appeared to be in his twenties

"To what are you referring exactly? Save your thoughtless suggestions for the other young ones who know just as little as you"

"I-I didn't mean to..."

"Just like you, there are many here who know naught of war, and the problems it'll bring to our doorstep if we initiated a village coup. Taking what we desire by force is by no means...ideal"

"Sir. With all due respect, while not so brazenly, many of us are of like mind. We can't continue at this pace. Ever since-no...even before the Nine-Tails incident, faith and trust in our clan has hit a record low"

"In addition, that incident gave Konoha's top officials the excuse to move us away from the village's center. Effectively isolating us from the populace, and thus, governmental affairs. Many here naïvely believed having separate rights to govern ourselves was an advantage, but it only gave the other side a more effective means of keeping the Uchiha in line...and under surveillance"

"Fugaku-sama...are you really okay with this status quo?"

"All of you...are so eager, eh?" {Far more than I wanted to believe...} (Fugaku)

The Naka Shrine... 

The start of the Uchiha clan's tenure in this village. Located in a district given to them by the Hokage2Fire Shadow and his officials, home to the clan's patron deity. In the main hall, beneath the seventh tatami mat from the far right, lies their secret room for assembly

As of this moment, the current head of the Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha, stood in front of his fellow clan members as they sat on the wooden floor. Arms folded, a stern expression, and behind him...the stone monument containing the clan's secrets, deciphered only by their unique Dōjutsu...the Sharingan3Copy Wheel Eye

The very same eyes were displayed on his face, emanating a feeling of intimidation and fear those who looked directly at him

"I understand everyone's grievances, but the scenario which is currently floating about in your heads is strictly a LAST RESORT" (Fugaku)

"But our standing..."

"Will always be subject to change. Think before you act, we still have plenty of alternatives. In fact, it is for that reason I've called you all here today" Fugaku turned his attention to a woman sitting on a mat beside him

Fair skinned with long black hair and eyes, wearing a dark purple blouse, demonstrating a younger appearance that didn't match her age. She was none other than Mikoto Uchiha, wife of Fugaku, and mother to Itachi and his younger brother...Sasuke

The room went went silent as she rose from her position, handing over a paper slip to her husband before returning to her spot. Everyone's eyes were glued on Fugaku's hands, incredibly curious as to what it said

"We've just received word! My eldest son, Itachi Uchiha, has progressed to the final stage of the Chunin Exams currently being held in Iwagakure4Hidden Stone Village!" (Fugaku)

"OH! That Itachi has-!"

"This years exam...isn't it the first Multi-country one to host-?"

"Ninja from all of the Five Great Shinobi Nations? It is, and then some"

"That kind of gathering, with an Uchiha at the center, it could yield-!"

The assembly began clamoring amongst themselves after receiving this latest batch of news. Itachi's actions had provided a window of opportunity too great to pass

Not eager to stand and do nothing, Fugaku raised his hand, silencing everyone before speaking once more

"You all understand what this means, and most of you know how skilled he is, even compared to our high standards. The chances of him winning certainly aren't low. And in the process, not just the Leaf...the whole world will be reminded of the Uchiha's power"

Heartbeats continued to rise as a wave of elevation swooped across the members present

If there was a way to raise the Uchiha's status, this year's Chunin exams were certainly a ringer. Everyone knew that Itachi's potential victory would not only earn them prestige and respect, but gratitude amongst Konoha's masses 

After all, the main purpose of the competition was to attract those in need of shinobi service, which had come in short supply since the previous great war. Winning would be a massive boon to the village's economy, subsequently, increasing the Uchiha's overall popularity

"Instead of rebelling, we need to drive the thought, it's best to let the Uchiha handle it, when it comes to the country's affairs...into the hearts and minds of every single villager. Once that's done, the upper brass will have no choice but include us in more governmental issues. Then, we'll spread our influence even further, paint scenarios to our choosing, fill important positions with those we control, and earn the trust of the populace in the process...all without spilling a single drop of blood. Yes...this will be..." (Fugaku)


"A Bloodless Revolution..." (Fugaku)



Nothing but the sound of flickering lit candles and air from the entrance resounded in the room

The group had paused with awe and trepidation, for this plan born from the clan head's mind...actually appeared to be somewhat feasible. Such a scenario could indeed happen, they could recapture their old glory without causing harm to Konohagakure as a whole

Freeing themselves from the shackles of the Hokage and his compatriots, who followed the will of their old enemy and rival... the Senju Clan

"The finals will take place just under two weeks from now. Shisui and I will be traveling to Iwagakure together. In my absence, Mikoto will assume my command. Shisui! How are our preparations?" (Fugaku)

Standing up from his spot in the back "We're at the ready sir. My squad is prepared for the journey" (Shisui)

"Good. Feel free to report to the upper brass that you're leaving to check in on Itachi. Being an ANBU, you must keep up appearances that you're still loyal to the Hokage" (Fugaku)

"...Understood" (Shisui)

"As for the rest of you, you're to proceed as if everything is normal. Perform our regular policing duties, go on missions if you have to, but remain discreet. And make sure the overzealous young ones don't try anything while we're gone" (Fugaku)


The clan bowed their heads in unison, affirming their loyalty as Fugaku ended the meeting. One by one, they all departed from the secret room, exiting out of shrine before returning to their respective homes

Many holding a look of satisfaction, relieved that their leader had indeed not grown soft, and continued to hold their best interests at heart



But, one of them wasn't happy in the least...and certainly didn't belong...




While the Uchiha returned to their duties, another secret meeting took place in village. Deep beneath Konoha's surface dwelled a massive complex

Cold, dark, and with little to no traces of light or sound...the place exuded an air of no passion at all. Devoid of emotion entirely, this venue was solely dictated by logic as the leader of this location received a report from another kneeling before him

The subordinate's figure was unknown, for he wore a dark cloak that covered his entire body 

"...As I suspected, Fugaku couldn't help but pounce on this opportunity"


"But your work within the clan has indeed born fruit. By rousing the younger generation, his grip over the clan has been slipping. You can't launch a coup if you can't even unify your army"

"Hence the reason he's opting for a more, peaceful approach"

"You've performed well...Shin"

"Thank you, Danzō-sama" (Shin)

It was none other than Orochimaru's creation, "Shin Uchiha". A perverse and twisted replica of the Uchiha, he served as infiltrator, spy, and saboteur, sowing disorder amongst the Uchiha over the years. Circumventing Fugaku's control while rousing others, all at the behest of his master, leader of "ROOT" and elder to the village, Danzō Shimura

"Shall I continue with my efforts while he's away?" (Shin)

"No. I too, will be leaving for the exams with Hiruzen. Shin, there is such a thing as, doing your job too well... a revolution while I and the 3rd Hokage are away would spell disaster" (Danzō)

"But the Uchiha...!" (Shin)

"We'll burn that bridge...when we get to it. You are too remain on standby while I'm away. Your time is not now" (Danzō)

"!" (Shin)

"The current Uchiha still has it's uses, take young Itachi-kun for example. He's done much for the village, and continues to excel with a desirable mindset that puts the village first.He'll make an excellent addition to ROOT, wouldn't you agree?" (Danzō)

{So you really are going through it...} (Shin)

"You'll get what you desire eventually, but whether it's then or now, I expect you to follow my orders to the letter. Do you understand?" (Danzō)

"Yes sir" (Shin)

"Now I must take my leave. Even for me, a council member leaving the village is still something I should announce before departing" (Danzō)


Though his face could not be seen, Shin subtly clenched his fist in frustration, dissatisfied with Danzō's response. However, whether he was aware of it or not, Danzō merely turned around and slowly waltzed towards the exit of the hidden facility

Soon, the old, bandaged man had left, leaving Shin to himself. The one in question, angrily stewing over not receiving the responses he desired from his superior



"The current clan, huh? Fine. You leave me no choice...Danzō. I'll take matters into my own hands" (Shin)


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