Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

232. Shadow’s Departure

Keeping my leg elevated, and my fingers typing. I'm still hangin in there, been blessed to have good friends to help move the rest of my stuff into my new home. A bit exhausted, but I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can. Hope your day is a good one, take care my fellow shinobi!


The wind was beginning to pick up...

In one of the northern most locations on the continent, sat a mountainous region devoid of any human presence, completed obscure and isolated from the modern world. The area was riddled with abnormally large skeletal structures belonging to unknown, and long deceased animals

One of these batch of bones stood in front an entrance to a mysterious mine, situated at the most northern point of land. The mines themselves, full of ruins with unique symbols and literature unrecognizable to all not privy to their secrets

In the center, a gigantic stone slab, clearly designed to support something of massive shape and size. With an isolated pool of water situated below, with a set of stairs nearby...seemingly leading to another chamber

And to the right...

"Hmmm...this pair is bad, I can't use them"

A laboratory currently being utilized by a masked individual to dissect a corpse laid out on an operating table in front of him. Along with instruments for surgical use, the walls inside were decorated with Konohagakure's1Hidden Leaf Village Uchiha clan's symbol on top

One unique wall was composed of individually suspended, built-in labelled glass containers filled with strange-colored fluids, all storing various anatomy and organs acquired through unethical means...

"Sigh! Such a waste of good eyes, it's not easy these days to get a hold of the Uchiha's"


Before he could wallow in disappointment at this recent failed organ extraction, an inhuman creature with a Venus flytrap-like appearance rose from the ground...

"Struck out did ya? Too bad, so sad"

"Knock it off. Say...what we came say..."

"Yeah, yeah"

It was none other than the, merged, bipolar-like, artificial lifeform duo known as "Zetsu". It's combined black and white halves had arrived to greet their master, and shadow leader of Akatsuki, currently under the alias of "Tobi"

"It's alright, I just happened to encounter this Uchiha by chance, he was acting as a spy in Kirigakure2Hidden Mist Village, but was killed by the village's Hunter-nin before I get answers" (Tobi)

"As expected...of the Undertaker Squad...they trace" (BZ)

"You'd think they'd be more careful with a foreigner's body, especially an Uchiha's" (WZ)

"He put a good fight, so they really had no choice. If I had gotten there sooner, I might've been able to do something. Oh well..." (Tobi)


Tobi put down his tools and removed the operating gloves from his hands, knowing there was no point in trying any further. Attempting to take this deceased Uchiha's Sharingan3Copy Wheel Eye had become a fruitless endeavor

"So? Why are you here? I thought you were watching our latest recruit?" (Tobi)

"Sasori is watching Orochimaru enough for all of us, considering his dislike and distrust for that snakey guy runs deeper than anyone else" (WZ)

"That why...Tobi paired them...together" (BZ)

"Right. Kakuzu has begun amassing more funds for the organization, while Pain and Konan have pretty much tightened their grip on all of Amegakure4Hidden Rain Village, the last remnants of Hanzō loyalists have been wiped out. That makes two countries in your hands now" (WZ)

"I wouldn't be so sure about that..." (Tobi)

"?!" (BZ & WZ)

Sighing at Zetsu's remark, Tobi casually waltzed out of the laboratory, and into the main hall. Staring at the enormous stone slab with empty contents

"Truth be told, managing Kirigakure from the shadows has become more of a burden than an asset lately. Controlling the 4th Mizukage5Water Shadow, a Jinchūriki that's mastered his Tailed Beast isn't easy either. And now that Akatsuki is finally starting to grow..." (Tobi)

"..." (BZ)

White Zetsu glanced in the same direction as Tobi, eyeing the empty stone slab...

"Too much on your plate now? Makes sense. Truth be told, I never liked the idea of the putting our greatest asset, the Gedō Mazō6Demonic Statue of the Outer Path in the hands of a pawn. With the statue now gone from here, a place I'm used to seeing it for decades, gives me an uncomfortable feeling" (WZ)

"He Madara..." (BZ)

"I know, but come on? Our whole plan hinges on that vessel for the Tailed Beasts...if something were to happen to it..." (WZ)

"Pain will not fail us...but I do understand these unneeded responsibilities of mine certainly aren't helpful anymore. The main purpose of taking over Kiri was access to their resources and information, along with potential members for our organization" (Tobi)

"Kisame is still on standby, ready to be used whenever. But you're still not letting him officially join Akatsuki yet?" (WZ)

"Akatsuki is going...public soon. Not good for public. He's from...Kiri...after all" (BZ)

"Right, I almost forgot" (WZ)

Out of Five Great Shinobi Nations, Kirigakure was tenacious when it came to hunting down rogue ninja

Some nations, like Konohagakure for example, didn't even posses assassination squads strictly trained to completely erase the person they're searching for, leaving no trace of their existence...

With Akatsuki's newest member hailing from said nation, it wasn't time for a former member of the "Kiri no Shinobigatana Shichinin Shū7Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist", Kisame step back into the spotlight

"My other goal was to destabilize the nation, as it was obviously going to become an enemy down the road... but I did my job a little too well. Sullying not only its inner workings, but its very reputation. It's only a matter of time before some unsatisfied soul tries something" (Tobi)

"Might be extract the Three-Tails from the Mizukage...before leaving" (BZ)

"Agreed. But I can't do it now, the final stage of the Chunin exams are happening soon. Heh! And technically, I am the Mizukage..." Tobi mused with a twisted sense of sarcasm

"Speaking of that, I also wanted to inform you that both the 3rd Hokage8Fire Shadow, and 4th Kazekage9Wind Shadow are heading to Iwagakure10Hidden Stone Village" (WZ)

"The Kazekage? Why him? I understand the Hokage wants to get a heads start, considering the distance between nations, but the Stone is the Sand's closest neighbor. Why is he leaving so soon?" (Tobi)

Obviously, it's never ideal for Kages to be away from their villages for too long. Hence the reason village leaders planned on attending the event with a late arrival somewhere around the last week, or even the day before the finals begin

Tobi couldn't help but find it odd that the Kazekage, who was closet compared to most, would leave so early. Leaving his village for several days without a leader

"He didn't want to at first, but circumstance forced his hand when he discovered the Wind Daimyō had left for Iwagakure without informing nor consulting him on the matter" (WZ)

"They have a...contentious relationship" (BZ)

"Is that right...?" {We might want to exploit that later...} (Tobi)

"One more thing, Danzō Shimura has also departed from Konoha to spectate the finals" (WZ)

"Danzō? He's going? Why?" (Tobi)

"No clue. It's unheard of for the leader of ROOT to leave the village. Well, in public that is" (WZ)

"We figured...this news warrants...concern" (BZ)

{Kids brawling would never concern someone like you, Danzō. Something...or someone must've caught your eye. Huh...things have gotten a bit more interesting} "Now I'm curious. Alright, I'll be leaving with my puppet Mizukage for the exams. It'll be a bit tricky to stay with Yagura in the shadows, and not be noticed by others...but I welcome the challenge" (Tobi)

"What of the others?" (BZ)

"Let Pain do what he has to, he's the leader of Akatuski now, we should move as such. You also have your own duties. Is there anything else I should know?" (Tobi)

"We haven't been able to keep tabs on the 4th Raikage. Kumogakure was always the nation we had the least influence in, not to mention the lack of intel" (WZ)

"But we've confirmed...he is leaving for the exams. However...we happened to notice that village...was concerned with a certain departure" (BZ)

"What departure? Was it their Daimyō, or some other kind of VIP?" (Tobi)

"Something like that. A wealthy merchant, or businessman with influence in that nation. He departed for the exams prior and Kumo seemed protective of him" (WZ)

"Very...protective" (BZ)



"...What's his name?" (Tobi)





The Stone village had grown in activity in the final ten days before the final exam begins. Merchants, salesmen, hagglers, mini stores, food stalls, all peddling merchandise of infinite variety

An air of life had encompassed the village, the citizens hearts were filled with a level of enthusiasm not seen in Iwagakure since prior to the 3rd Shinobi World War

"Mmmm! Can you smell that?!"

"The smell of impending heartburn, sir?"

"Nope! That's the smell of potential and profit, just waiting to fall in our fingertips!"


"S-Sir! Please don't run off on your own, we're still in foreign territory!"

"It's only gonna get even crazier in the upcoming days, HAHAHA! I knew coming here early wasn't a bad idea, despite all the whining those Kumo's officials gave me!"

"Don't shout about such important details out in public please!"

On one particular street, a man in his early thirties was bolting through the village, eager to get to his intended destination. His entourage of guards franticly stumbling behind him

"Just wait, our moment is gonna come. Soon, Mori Sp. will be in the back and everyone's minds. Our influence is gonna spread throughout the land!"

"Sir! Please listen to me!"

"Oh god, it's so damn hot! Come on Shō! Let's pick up the pace and get to their hotel! I have something special for those kids!"

"Haaaa... I don't get paid enough for this shit..." (Shō)

"If you hurry, I'll give you a raise!"

"I'm not falling for that again, Mori-san!" (Shō)

"Doesn't matter, I can see the hotel from here!" 

"Urgh!" (Shō)

It was none other than Tetsuo Mori, company president of Mori Sp., and follower of Rei...whom he, due to Genjutsu mind alteration, did not know was the mysterious inventor, only recognized to world under the alias of "Developer R"

Per the latter's request, he'd finally arrived in Iwagakure, with certain "necessities" in hand, constructed solely for Team Tango's use in the final stage of the Chunin Exams




"Time to reshape the future..." (Tetsuo)


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