Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

237. R&R? [1]

A tad raw, but I wanted to get this out as fast as possible before the rest of my week is taken with work. Please enjoy!


A murky hotel room...

"All I'm saying is we take a breather, stretch our legs, and have some fun. Feels like a waste to come all this way and not enjoy it"


"How many times must I tell you...this is NOT a vacation"

Placed several stories above ground within one of the many stone towers occupying Iwagakure1Hidden Stone Village, a ninja trio "officially" under the title rank of Genin maintained a conflict of interest...

"Ugh! Boss, when exactly is that stick leaving your ass?"

"When Metoro finally doesn't have to worry about you getting yourself killed"

"Boss... You don't worry about me?!"

"I worry you'll f**k up the mission with that consistent, cavalier attitude. Iwagakure is our neighbor, we can always come here... don't try to play me. You don't give a shit about the activities outside, you just wanna sabotage the other candidates before tomorrow"

Hailing from Iwagakure's small, southern neighbor of Ishigakure, the appropriately nick-named the "Ishi Terrorists" had convened one last time to discuss next steps for tomorrow's event

The competition and difficulty level for the first and second exams had exceeded their leader's, Kajūra's expectations

Finally at the precipice, he felt the need to ensure his subordinates, the twin brothers Metoro and Etoro Konjiki respectively, understood exactly what was at stake...the latter in particular

"...Hmph! L-Like the other villages aren't doing the same, or least CONSIDERING it" (Etoro)

"True, and normally I'd let you...were it not for the fact you only have ONE particular team in mind" (Kajūra)


Their village sent them, along with a slew of others to fulfill an "under the table" request with Iwagakure... enabling their client to come out on top in the exams, by eliminating the competition

In exchange, the stone village was to provide much needed financial aid, laying the foundation for Ishigakure to become a true shinobi nation with an organized, regimented military...and not the conclave of chaotic rogues it was today

But to Kajūra's chagrin...all Etoro seemed to care about was getting back at Team Tango, the very squad responsible for sending them to prison

"Okay, fine! I want to get back at what? You think Iwa's gonna punish us Ishi-nin for plucking out a few more weeds? Hell, they'll probably pay us even more!" (Etoro)

"If the Tsuchikage were to truly let such things slide, the other villages will undoubtedly use it as ammunition to challenge his village's authority as hosts for the exam" (Metoro)

"Exactly. Iwa's already abused it enough as it is, the last thing any of us needs are overzealous freethinkers like you to expedite an already tense situation just waiting to erupt. No exams, means no pay...try to use your brain, dumbass" (Kajūra)

"Cheh!" (Etoro)

"Our reputation took a massive hit after the island fiasco, and it took a lot of haggling to convince the top brass back home to give us another chance. DO NOT screw us over Etoro" (Kajūra)

{You make it sound as if we're the only ones who messed up. Funny how the humiliation Toroi dealt you is never brought up} "Hmph!" (Etoro)

"..." (Kajūra)

Etoro's insistence on behaving like a child convinced Kajūra that lecturing him any further was pointless. With a heavy sigh and rolling of the eyes, Kajūra left the brothers to themselves...


"!" (Etoro & Metoro)

...But not before issuing one final warning

The floor cracked under an invisible, abrupt pressure as the twin pair shuttered upon feeling the chakra and killing intent Kajūra emitted before leaving the room

"Regardless, neither of you are to go out tonight. Break this rule, and I'll kill you myself...slowly

The brothers said nothing else, still wondering in their minds as to whether or not he was serious

{With the boss' strength, he could probably do well in the finals all by himself...he doesn't really need us for this. Truth be told, since that mistake, our value in his eyes has decreased significantly. We may need to consider cutting ties before ending up like the rest of his...previous partners} "Nii-san..." (Metoro)

"I know...f**k! I know!" (Etoro)

"Just focus on the mission, you'll likely get your chance to fight them in the finals" (Metoro)

"Hmph! Don't you mean... WE will?" (Etoro)

"...Just go to sleep. We'll need our strength for tomorrow" (Metoro)



"Yeah...whatever" {I'm coming for you... Kumo brats!} (Etoro)




"A-Achoo! Agh! The hell?" {How can of all people be sneezing?}

"You alright there? Someone must be talking about you"

"Don't believe in such ridiculous's just a bit chilly tonight. We need to start moving like everyone else" said the young man as he observed the masses

As of this moment in time, Iwagakure was a never-ending party

"Come one, come all! Try your luck with our dunking challenge and earn some prizes! Do YOU have what it takes?!"

"Fresh yakisoba! Yakitori! Takoyaki! Plenty to fill any stomach and unbelievable prices!

"You've never seen treats like these, have a bite! We have our special three-for-one sells!"

Night blanketed the village, yet one could easily mistake the time for day with the endless lights illuminating the streets. Not even the Five Kage themselves could halt the merry atmosphere these preemptive festivities fashioned for the final round of the Chūnin Exams

Transactions, haggling, betting, there was no shortage of things to do for people of all ages. Within the span of several days, a great shinobi village became the temporary capital for merchants

Many would doubt such a situation to be possible. Those from various villages and countries likely at war with one another not so long ago... are now gathering like this to partake in such friendly activities together

All remained in a cheerful mood with the countless food stalls, attractions, and merry games available. It didn't take long for Team Tango to get swept up in the jollity

"How bout we check out more of the food stalls then? Look Rei, there's someone serving your favorite, grilled teriyaki chicken?" 

"Meh...I can tell from the smell it doesn't live up Akina's, but whatever" (Rei)

{You say that, but you're still going to eat some...} (Suzu & Tai)

The trio casually waltzed up to a small stall with limited seats. To his teammate's amusement, Rei wasted no time ordering. Somewhat embarrassed by their teasing, he decided to change subject as they waited for their food

"Wish I could be as happy and carefree as them every day" Rei turned around and gazed at his surroundings

"They really have no clue huh..." (Tai)

"Makes it easy to get jealous, doesn't it? I've lost count of the number times I've watched kids play in the distance as a child, naively dreaming of joining them. No parent in Kumogakure would ever let someone with a stained family history like mine anywhere near their kids back then" (Suzu)

"Mhm..." {A standard life of a Jinchūriki, and ironically, you're practically one now thanks to your blood and that pill} (Rei)

"More annoyed than jealous Suzu. The exams mean everything to us shinobi them...we're just a source of entertainment. It just seems..." (Tai)

"Comes with territory. Everyone has their own worries, fears, and struggles to deal with. We CHOSE to be shinobi, and shinobi have always been subservient to whomever has enough money to hire them. Don't let the creation of the ninja village system fool you. They're the customers, and we're the surfs" (Rei)

"That's not what's really bothering right now Rei. Tai and I have another problem to deal with" (Suzu)


Turning a blind ear to their conversation, the waiter placed several plates of food in front of them, the majority of them lay in front of Rei's seat. The small talk was put on hold as the delicious appetizers lined up one after another


"Itadakimasu" (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)

The collation's mere scent was enough to make one's mouth water, the heat and steam rising from the meal conflicted with the cold night as every bite only served to invigorate their bodies. A month of training, with nothing to eat but rations... The team couldn't dig into the assortments fast enough

"So... what's really bothering you two?" In spite of his abnormal appetite, the food could not stop Rei's curiosity

"Sigh...Tai and I... we don't know where to go from here on..." (Suzu)

"What exactly do you mean?" (Rei)

"Suzu and I pretty much completed the training assigned to us in little over a week, but afterwards...we didn't know where to go from there. After finishing my training with him, Funsui-senpai simply told me to, figure it out on your own... yet I'm absolutely clueless" (Tai)

"Once our individual regimens were completed, all we did for the rest of the month was basic practice and improve our foundations. But the pace is...too slow. It still feels like we could've done more" (Suzu)

"I lack direction" (Rei)

"Yup" (Tai)

"And I happen to get the feeling you're of like mind...Rei" (Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

There was no retort that came to mind, for Rei was indeed in a similar situation

Completing the stabilization of his chakra was a goal he'd looked forward to completing ever since his body's first remodeling. And now that he'd accomplished said goal, his so-called path as a shinobi was now without direction

He knew getting stronger for enemies that lie ahead was must, both known, and unknown... but without a clear-cut direction...his rate of improvement would undoubtedly dawdle

"Should I focus on the elements despite not having a Rinnegan?

"Is there any way to increase my physical strength further?"

"What about safely accelerating my potential Ōtsutsuki abilities?"

"Are my weapons practical enough? What can I do to increase efficiency?"

"How do I keep my rate of progression from dipping?"

Numerous questions such as these bloomed within his mind upon finishing his training. Tango had reached the limit of what he could teach him, and Notitia was no longer around to "guide" him. Every act of improvement Rei undertook was always influenced by other parties, regardless of manner or form... but he was a student no longer

Deciding to put them on hold to prepare for the titular event occurring tomorrow, knowing he didn't need the extra distractions. Yet now that he heard his friends' concerns, doubt resurfaced within his being and sure enough, his hands stopped moving over his meal

{Maybe I spent too much time on my body. There wasn't a single chance to learn even one new jutsu for me...} "Sigh...! Then what can we do to-?!" (Rei)


"?!" (Rei)

"Forgive me, but is this seat taken? These weary old bones of mine could use a break"

Without notice or warning, an elderly man appeared out of the blue, requesting to sit on the sole empty seat located to the right of Rei. The latter gestured for the old man to sit down, giving his approval

He wore a grey tunic and top hat, making it hard to view his facial features, thus the Genin remained on guard

Though they wore casual clothes with the intent of hiding any indication of their connection to Kumogakure, the possibility of someone from a rival village attempting to harm them was not low

But after watching him order food and maintain a friendly composition, they'd slowly begun to loosen their guard

"U-Um...are you three, okay? You've stopped eating your food?"

"Oh...n-no, we're just--uh..." (Tai)

"We have some issues to work out, that's all" (Suzu)

"Issues? Are you guys fighting? That won't do, friends should keep things civil"

"We're not fighting {Well, not with each other}, just having some trouble about the future. So many paths to choose from" (Rei)

"Choosing your paths for the future. Do you have a lot?"

"Too many to count..." (Suzu)

"That's wonderful!" The strange old man gleefully raised his hands like child, much to their confusion at this unexpected reaction to their current dilemma

Tai wondered if he had too much to drink...

"From what I can tell, it sounds like the three of you are becoming adults in your own right. And with this change, means making your own decisions"

"And consequences..." (Tai)

"Which is okay. If you’re truly unhappy with where you are now, take another path, and do what you want. Maybe you've tried out a path you've worked so hard for, and come to the conclusion it’s not for you... which is okay"

While uninterested in his cheerful demeanor at first, as he went on, they couldn't help but become enamored with him. The old man possessed a way with words that snatched the attention of any who heard them. Such a positive outlook on life was welcomed even by Rei, who still held on to some of his cynicism despite all he'd been through in this world

Word after word, sentence after sentence, the sense of uncertainty for tomorrow's event seemed to fade away as smiles began to form on their faces

"Don't look so glum! Do you know how blessed you are to have many paths to choose from? Many in this life only get to move in one direction, and usually it's not their choice. Trust me, I of all people should know"

{Just who the hell is this guy?} (Rei)


Finished with his small plate, he paid his due to the food stall's chef and slowly rose from his chair, ready to make his departure

"It's okay to be a little greedy sometimes, so don't hesitate to be all you can be. If you're lacking, try something different. If you're out of ideas, seek counsel in others. It's never a sign of weakness to ask for help. From what I can tell, you three have each other, so what are you worried about?"

"!" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"Heh! You've got a point there" {I feel stupid for even worrying about tomorrow. As I am now, I can handle anything thrown my way in the finals...} (Rei)

"Now those are some mugs I like to see. Enjoy the rest of your night kids"

Sensing the tension disappear from their shoulders, the old man felt his work was done and proceeded to walk away

"He was nice. I like him" (Suzu)

"Should've asked for his name, or at least offered to escort him home" (Tai)

"Considering the tunic he wore, I'm pretty sure he prefers his privacy" {Probably some big-wig diplomat or businessman here to witness the exams} (Rei)


Suzu put down her plate and asked for the check, showing her teammates an uncharacteristic grin on her face

"You got somewhere to be?" (Rei)

"The night's not over yet. Come on, let's have some more fun. Tomorrow's worries are for tomorrow. Tonight, is all about us enjoying ourselves" (Suzu)

"Alright, bout time you loosened up! Now we're talkin'!" (Tai)

"W-Wait a sec! I'm not finished yet!" (Rei)

"You can eat later, let's go!" Grabbing Rei by the yoke of his jacket, she and Tai left the food stall to partake in more of the sights, much to the former's protests

"H-Hold on! I was enjoying myself with that meat! Suzu!" (Rei)




Outside Iwagakure's walls, another gathering of three was taking place

"Congratulations on making it to the finals"

"You expected anything less? Don't forget our deal. I do this, and you give me what I want..."

Hiding behind a series of rock formations just out of sight from any of the village guards, these individuals carefully remained anonymous from prying eyes. The third individual kept a watchful eye for any potential eavesdroppers nearby

"I've kept my word thus far, have I not? Your clan owed a debt to me, which they failed to pay back, hence their current situation"

"Tsk! You...!"

"I've always kept my word. I told them what would happen if they failed to clear the debt, they knew the risks. Now, If you'd like to rectify this, you know what you have to do... and it's not glaring at me"

"Make it to finals... and kill the Uchiha kid"


"What's your beef with him anyway?"

"No beef as you so eloquently put it... sending you to assassinate him is a task born out of necessity, not resentment"


"I believe that's enough chatting for one evening. You can trust me to hold my end, long as you hold yours. Now, off you go, I'm expecting an entertaining performance tomorrow"

"Hmph..." {This bastard is last person to trust}


The unsatisfied individual leaped away into the darkness, only his fluttering white hair could be seen in the moonlight. The young man on guard moved from his position to rejoin his superior

"Sir... is this wise? He's more powerful than you give him credit for. Itachi-kun may not survive"

"If Itachi can't survive the likes of him, it means he was the wrong choice to begin with. This simply makes the selection process easier"

{If he wins, he'll be selected. If he loses, we keep a powerful back-up for our use whenever we need one. And his clan will remain ours regardless of the circumstances}

"Let's get into character for tomorrow. We get caught here, and things will become complicated to say the least. Shall we?"

"Of course. It's almost time to leave that organization, isn't it?"

"Kekeke... we're almost there"


The superior's figure began to distort and vanish until no trace of him remained. His subordinate merely stood in place until he was sure the man had indeed departed from the area before vocalizing his inner thoughts



"So devious... if I'm not careful... I'll end up bitten as well..."


Hey guys. Just wanted to say thank you for your support and patience. I was blessed to have so many visitors check up on my condition today and yesterday, giving me the necessary energy to complete this chapter. Getting better every day, though I'm still using crutches to get around my place. May you all have a wonderful day :)


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