Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

238. R&R? [2]

Good news! Looks like I won't be needing surgery for my leg after all! I'm currently undergoing a lot of much needed physical therapy. Still can't walk right, or without a crutch, but at least I can maneuver around the house a little more. Please enjoy this extra-long chapter made for your sole entertainment!


Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village night loomed on...

"Sigh... "

"Are you alright? Has the service been unsatisfying in anyway?"

The air grew still around a bartender as he managed his lonely stall with only one sole customer present. A young, beautiful woman emitting a vibe that could only be described as "gloomy"

The lack of patrons arriving already brought his mood down plenty for the evening, he wasn't ready to lose any more business

Stepping forward with uncertainty, mostly in fear of the woman's demeanor being the result of his performance, he subtly inquired as to what exactly bothered her

"My apologies if I made you feel that way, but everything is fine. Please be a dear and give me another refill" Feeling awkward her behavior caused someone else to feel uncomfortable, she quickly reassured the shopkeeper

"You got it. Are you pushing it tonight?"

"Hardly. I'm never one to go for this sort of thing but...


"Let's just say my work has been a bit hectic as of late. My boss is quite stubborn, if not outright hardheaded"




"Just one more... you're almost there..."

"Don't lose your focus now"

"Guys. You're distracting me"

In what could only be described as the commercial district of the village, several kids stood in front of a stall. The two boys prattled behind a girl as she grew slightly annoyed at their unwanted meddling

"Distractions are common during battle. Think of this as training"

"Whatever... hup!"

The game in front of them bore a resemblance to "Shateki2A Japanese "shooting gallery"-style game", but instead of toy guns, the objects in the girl's hand were none other than filled, paper shuriken


Making numerous throws with graceful finesse, the projectiles flew straight and true before landing their mark on numerous, rotating targets on display


"YES! You got em'!"

"You guys expected anything less? Hey mister, what do I win?"

The storekeeper raised his eyebrow in suspicion "Hmph! That was quite skillfull just now... you sure you kids aren't shinobi?"  

"You sure those paper shuriken aren't rigged?" (Suzu)


"Pfft!" (Tai & Rei)

The team had remained in disguise, dawning casual wear to throw off any hint of their village origins and profession. While Tai and Rei held no response to the man's inquiry, Suzu was more than willing to speak up

"I've said it before, but no shinobi are allowed to participate in this game, and no refunds either!"

"We're not asking for a refund. I'm asking you to give me my prize" (Suzu)

"Cheh! Fine! Take it and get lost!"

"Thanks for the fun!" Tai coyly teased

Team Tango's thirst for fun had yet to be satiated, even after having spent over two hours longer from their hotel than initially intended. However, after spending so much time at these stalls, they'd run out of new things to do...

"Really Suzu? Out of all the ones you could pick, you go for the stuffed toy in the shape of a stone golem. Can't you literally make one over twelve feet tall with Doton3Earth Style?" (Rei)

"These days, it's more like twenty feet, but point taken. Though grabbing souvenirs in a foreign land, regardless of what I can do or make, are all a part of the experience" (Suzu)

"Forget about that. What are we gonna do next? I have no freakin' clue about where to go from here" (Tai)

"Right... when you start seeing stalls with the exact same stuff, you know we've been here too long. It's starting to feel like we've been going in circles" (Rei)

"Forget the games, you're more concerned about the food" (Suzu)

"Haha! That's for sure..." (Tai)

While Tai and Suzu held nothing but toys and prizes in their arms and pockets, nothing but food dwelled in Rei's. Despite what's happened to him in recent days, one aspect of the young man which remained consistent, was his insatiable hunger

Usually never one for these types of activities, even Rei couldn't deny he was enjoying himself. With his spending so much time as an adult, it became somewhat refreshing to live as a kid again, free of all worries and burdens... even if were merely for a fleeting moment 

"Yeah. That's fair. So, do we call it quits then? It was nice to relax before tomorrow, but I don't recommend staying up too late" (Rei)

"Hmmm..." (Tai)

"I have a suggestion" (Suzu)

"What's up?" (Tai)

Suzu turned and pointed towards the center of the village. Specifically, at a massive structure they'd inevitably be visiting tomorrow morning

"Whoa. Whoa. You wanna go-" (Tai)

"Mm" (Suzu)

"What better way to get all the jitters out of our system than that? Nice call Suzu. I'm all for it, if you guys are?" (Rei)

"Sigh! Fine... let's just be careful" (Tai)

"Alright then! Let's go and see what Iwagakure has in store for us..." (Rei)

{Hope we don't get into trouble} (Tai)


"... At the coliseum" (Rei)




The team treaded carefully, but quickly through the village

Keeping their heads down and out of sight from any prying eyes. Edging ever closer to the center of the village, it was only when they got close enough did they realize things weren't going to be as easy as they had hoped

"Well... this is a complication" (Rei)

"Ya think? I knew this wasn't a good idea" (Tai)

Too their disappointment, Iwagakure had covered the location with a massive tent. The site set to act as the Chūnin Exams arena for battle tomorrow morning, remained obscured to all

Hearing so many rumors about the villages recent and sudden changes to the location, the massive amount of funds moved and circulated for the overhaul... none of them could hold back their curiosity as the question, "what exactly are they up to?" loomed over the minds of all

"I doubt we could tear it down without drawing in unwanted attention" (Suzu)

"Probably not..." (Rei)

"You two say some crazy things!" {My teammates are lunatics!} (Tai)


The trio circled around the location once more, hoping for any gaps in the security for them to exploit, but their efforts were to no avail

"Nothing. Damn it..." {I'd kill to have a Byakugan4White Eye right about now} (Rei)

"Okay then. Let's call it a night a head back to the-" (Tai)

"Wait" (Suzu)

{Damn it! So close!} (Tai)

The young lady pointed to the very top of the tent "See that? Something's coming out of the tent"

"Really? I can't see anything" Tai squinted, straining his eyes to identify what Suzu was pointing at

"It's dust, coming from... inside the tent?" (Rei)

The pair were surprised he could see that far away, unaware of how powerful his heightened senses were. But surprise was put on hold for his comment meant something else entirely

"If dust is coming out, that means there's an opening for us to peek into" (Suzu)

"But how are we going to? We'd have to be several hundred feet in the air just to see what's inside. And... we're to supposed to be incognito, remember?" (Tai)

"How about this... I'll use my Fūton5Wind Style to propel us into the sky, then use it to ease our landing" (Suzu)

"And during our time in the sky, we'll use every second available to commit whatever we see to our memories" (Rei)

"Tai? Any concerns?" (Suzu)

"Pssh! Who are you kidding?" (Tai)

"?" (Suzu & Rei)

Tai unfolded his arms and shrugged his shoulders in defeat. Knowing no matter what he did or said, the two of them would carry out their plans regardless of his reasonable concerns

"I'm on board, but you have to promise me that we'll head straight back to the hotel. It's late, and we've spent too much time out here tonight" (Tai)

"Deal. Let's do this. Suzu, whenever you're ready" (Rei)

"Be sure to stay close to me..." (Suzu)

The boys grabbed on to her shoulders as Suzu closed her eyes and concentrated. Calling upon the dormant power dwelling within... which hadn't escaped Rei's attention

{This... Is she actually...?} (Rei)

{Fūton: Gōfūsen6Wind Style: Great Ballon!} (Suzu)


Turbulent wind gathered and vanished just as quickly, blasting the team into the sky!

{Suzu doesn't even need to transform anymore, she can use the smallest fraction of her "ascended" chakra to enhance her Ninjutsu whenever she wants... impressive} (Rei)

"Try to get a good look, I'll focus on slowing our descent!" (Suzu)

"Right!" (Rei)

{Hm? Those plates... I recognize them. Isn't that stuff the same thing we...!} (Tai)




Even with Suzu's control, their time in the sky didn't last long, and sure enough... they were headed towards the ground

"Hmph!" {Fūton: Kiryū Ranbu7Wind Style: Air Current Dance!} (Suzu)


Utilizing her wind once more, the trio were momentarily suspended in midair just prior to reaching the ground, granting them a soft landing... but at another location entirely

"Where are we?" (Rei)

"Sorry, it was hard enough controlling all three people at once while holding back to not draw attention. My main focus was our safety, rather than the landing" (Suzu)

"I think I recognize this area, we're just outside the commercial district. The hotel should be to our east from here" (Tai)

"Then let's go" (Rei)


The team jumped away from the area before rejoining and blending into the populace once again

Along the way, each of them stuttered in their attempts to start a conversation. All withholding mixed feelings in regard to what they had seen

Eventually, Rei decided to break the ice...

"Do neither of you have anything you wish to say?" (Rei)

"You sound awfully unconcerned considering what they used to rebuild the arena" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

To their surprise, Team Tango discovered Iwagakure had utilized the very same chakra-sensitive material encountered during the first exam to completely rebuild the location

Taking into account it's unpredictability, the stone village's consistent abuse of authority for turning the exam in their favor, and overall feeling of uncertainty... Tai and Suzu wracked their brains trying to figure out the intentions of the Tsuchikage8Earth Shadow

But oddly enough...

"Don't worry about it, we're fine..." (Rei)

"?!" (Tai & Suzu)

...Rei, the most meticulous of them, showed no signs of anxiety whatsoever

"We all knew they'd try something, obsessing over it won't help" (Rei)

"Easy for you say. There's no telling what the Iwa-Genin can do with it... plus there's no Earth for Suzu to utilize. That basically cuts her moves in half" (Tai)

"Oh really?" (Rei)

"Creating Earth with chakra instead of simply manipulating it will cost more chakra, but I can handle it. I just hate the fact the training I went through... all those new Jutsu Tango-sensei taught me... I won't be able to use most of them" (Suzu)

"Then make some more" (Rei)

"Eh?" (Tai & Suzu)

"He didn't teach Suzu those just to increase her arsenal" (Rei)

"I don't follow?" (Tai)

"Sigh...! Just--oh, perfect! Look over there" (Rei)

Rei eyes were on another stall. Not one that sold food, or games, but self-portraits of those who were willing to pay

While his compatriots were poised to ask as to what he was getting at, he simply raised his hand, gesturing them to stay silent and continue observing the man's craft

The painter worked on a blank white canvas, painting an elderly couple who'd already paid for his services. Desiring a picture of themselves to preserve so they'd always remember this night

"Something nee-san nagged me about before we left Kumogakure. Arts are based upon repetition, taking in what you've learned and making it yours" (Rei)

"..." (Suzu & Tai)

"If your current repertoire isn't up to par, then it's time to get original. Besides, we already decided to face whatever challenges headed our way months ago. No point in stressing over it, especially now that we've made it to the finish line" (Rei)

Rei shared some of the details of his training, along with the fundamental ideas that've shaped the person he is to this day. His original Genjutsu, his fighting style, and unique arsenal...

"To each their own, eh?" (Suzu)

"..." (Tai)

"Exactly" (Rei)

Putting the subject to rest, the team casually strolled down the road, getting closer and closer to the hotel

Lights grew more dim, the air calmed, and the number of festivities decreased with each, and every step taken. As if signifying the night of fun was over, some of them felt a little melancholy

"I dare you say that again!"

"?!" (Suzu, Rei, & Tai)

Just as the hotel finally came into view, their attention was taken by a spectacle nearby...

"Sure. I have no interest in a man who not only sounds more boring than he looks, but surrounds himself with such dull company"

"You bitch! Take that back!"

"How about you take off and let me try enjoy my tea... before I get mad"

Three men, dressed in shinobi wear, were arguing with sole young woman who paid them no mind

"That attire... pretty sure those three are from Kusagakure9Hidden Grass Village. Not sure about the woman though, and I can't see her face with that straw hat she's wearing" (Tai)

"I'm pretty sure those three were in the exams, but they probably failed the second one. Clearly poor excuses for shinobi" (Suzu)

While Suzu became nauseated by their cliché behavior, Rei and Tai couldn't help but chuckle as the young woman continued to berate and humiliate the Kusa-nin. One happened to catch sight of the giggling children, recognizing a particular member of Team Tango 

Pointing with a trembling finger, he shouted in shock "A-A-Ahhhh! It's him!" 

"Huh? What's wrong with you?"

"Senpai, look! That one over there... isn't that-?!"

"Huh? Wha-?!"

"No freaking way...!"

Both the Kusa-nin, and the young lady stared in the same direction...

"Rengoku no Bakemono10The Monster of Purgatory!"

"Eh?" (Suzu, Tai, & Rei)

"Eh? The what now?" the young lady was thrown off balance at their sudden change in demeanor. From hitting on her, to being outright rude, and now terrified of what she could only make out as a mere kid


Rei's facepalm was so loud, he wouldn't be surprised if the entire village heard it "Ugh! This again?!"

"Kukuku! Your reputation proceeds you!" Tai clutched his stomach, trying his best to fight from laughing aloud

"Please try to keep it in moderation for the future" (Suzu)

"It's not my fault!" {Damn it! This is all because of Neo-Rei... the black gem--er, my subconscious... whatever! Going berserk during the last exam! It always bugged me, not knowing what I did while I was out. And now... I have ANOTHER stupid nickname!!! F**k!} (Rei)

"Forget about her, it's time for some payback!"

"We only failed the exam because of--whatever! GET HIM!!"

As if their feud with the young lady had never occurred, the target bearing the Kusagakure Genin's anger had switched from her to Rei in an instant. The latter of whom had grown quite irritated with the moniker used to identify him

"You two head back, I'll handle these idiots" Rei cracked his knuckles in annoyance

"Try not to kill them..." (Suzu)

"Yeah! Your rep's bad enough as is! I told you that behavior of yours was gonna bite you in the ass some day!" (Tai)

"Shut it! And get moving!" (Rei)

"Haha! Don't be long! Come on Suzu!" (Tai)

Tai and Suzu vanished from the scene before the other ninja could even make their first move

"Let's get this over with..." (Rei)

"Time for some--uwoahh! Ooof!"


Just as Rei's compatriots fled, the young lady intervened by tripping one of the Genin set on attacking him. Falling face down on the ground, his two allies ceased blitzing at Rei, and once again directed their anger at the mysterious girl

{Hm? Judging from her facial features, I'd say she's just out of her teens, not that much older than me} (Rei)

"Ah! Hey!"

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Distracting you for him"

"Ah?! The hell are you-"


Before they could discern her intentions, Rei appeared from behind, delivering a single kick to one. Sending him flying towards the other side of the street, directly into a building!

"Such strength... R-R-Ren...gok-?!"

"Cheh!" (Rei)


Knowing what he was about to say, veins formed on Rei's temple out of pure anger

The young man punched his opponent in the gut, bringing his head to the appropriate height level, in order to deal one of the fiercest uppercuts the Kusa-nin would ever experience in his lifetime!

And as he fell to ground, Rei stood above him, grabbed him by the collar... and proceeded to slap him, back-and-forth, endlessly. All the while yelling about his distaste for such monikers...


"Bugoh! W-Wait a seco--AGH!! Stop hwitting m-m-mu--!!"

Their remaining comrade, still able to walk, picked himself up from the ground after being tripped by the young lady

"So ruthless... cut that out you little bastard!"

"Aren't you three a bit old to be ganging up on someone like him? Hell, you're a bit old to be Genin as well"

"Pffft!" {I like this girl...} (Rei)

"You ugly bitch! Shut the hell--GUOHH!!!"

Before the remaining Kusa-nin could even finish his sentence, the lady punched his head into the ground, nearly cracking it in the process. In the span of little over a minute, all three ninja were rendered unconscious

"Shut up, or I'll kill you"

"With a punch like that, you might've already killed him..." Rei quipped after finally ending his assault on the one below him

"There are some things that must never be said"

{To hit him THAT I thought, she's a shinobi} "On that note, we can agree. Regardless, I appreciate the help" (Rei)

"Don't mention it. It was three on one, and I've always found bullying people to be lame. Besides, these idiots were already bothering me, if anything, your arrival helped. Haaa... And here I thought my night couldn't get any worse"

"..." (Rei)

Sensing the melancholy in her voice, Rei waltzed up to shopkeeper, still shocked at everything he'd just witnessed... and generously paid her bill. Though she insisted it wasn't necessary, Rei did so nonetheless

Upon ordering a plate of vegetable Gyoza11Dumplings commonly served in Asia as an appetizer, he asked her to sit down and join him

"What's this?"

"To my embarrassment, I happen to have a very big appetite. If there's one thing that's remained consistent with me over the years, it's that eating with others is far more enjoyable than alone" (Rei)

"That's a nice pickup line..."

"Nah, just my honest opinion. Besides, I figured brightening your mood this evening was the best way to repay you" (Rei)

"I didn't really do much, and you obviously could've handled them on your own. Do I look so miserable to your eyes?"

"My silly uncle used to say; any pretty girl, who isn't smiling, is definitely not well. I won't pry into your situation, but I am a good listener, just in case you felt like letting some baggage loose" (Rei)

"Hehehe! Well, aren't you just the cutest thing! Alright, I'll bite"

The pair sat together for some time, almost as if they were old friends. Each sharing their own grievances and worries, all the while refraining from giving any specific details

It was clear to both of them that they were shinobi hailing from different nations, hence the need to keep their identities anonymous, along with the overall secrecy

Yet, neither of them felt uncomfortable whatsoever, and before they realized, another hour had passed prior to making the decision to finally part ways




"Ohhh... crap" (Rei)

Upon returning to the hotel, Rei had discovered Suzu and Tai just outside the front doors, sitting in seiza position in front of Mabui, who wore a stern and displeased look with her arms folded

It was made obvious that she managed to discover their insubordination and was in the midst of punishing them for sneaking out. Before Rei even had the chance to flee...

"Rei! I can see you! Get over here!" (Mabui)

"Sigh! Shit... she's definitely going to bring this up once again once we return home" (Rei)

No words were needed for Rei to know what she wanted next. He joined his team, sitting on bended knee to receive what felt like a never-ending lecture from his cousin

"U-Umm... Nee-san?" (Rei)

"What is it now? Got something smart to say?" (Mabui)

"I was wondering if you could put this on hold for now?" (Rei)

"Yeah... Tomorrow is pretty important to all of us, and it is kind of late" (Tai)

"We do need our sleep" (Suzu)

"Y-You... Tsk!" (Mabui)

Knowing she couldn't counterargue their reasonable request, Mabui had no choice but to lament and postpone their punishment. But the thought of them, Rei in particular, once again getting off easy from disobeying orders... made her somewhat frustrated

"Fine. However, Tai and Suzu..." (Mabui)

"Yes?" (Suzu & Tai)

"While I'll be personally giving Rei his punishment at a later date... I'll leave Tomoe-sama and Mariko-san to decide yours" said Mabui with a smile that clearly wasn't a smile

"EH?! You're telling my mom of all people?!" (Tai)

"Not... Mariko-san. She's too much..." (Suzu)

{She's being so petty right now. Did I manage to rub off on her? Is this karma?} (Rei)

"Good night you three♥" (Mabui)


Mabui entered the hotel first, leaving them to wallow in self-remorse for their decisions

"At the end of the day, I'll still say all the fun we had tonight was worth it but-" (Rei)

"Yeah" (Suzu)

"You think they'll go easy on us if we come out on top tomorrow?" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"Probably... not?" (Rei)

"Mhm" (Suzu)

"Great... I can expect more of mom's hellish training when we get back" (Tai)

"Mariko-san's going to be even more clingy" (Suzu)

"Nee-san probably won't let me out of her sight for at least a month" (Rei)

At this time, they all held the same thought, "One truly can put a price on happiness"

"Sigh...!" (Rei, Tai, & Suzu)

However, such thoughts were swiftly placed in the back of their heads as they recalled everything they went through during this night. Not as squad on a mission, but just a couple of normal kids having fun

Returning to their rooms, the trio entered their sleeping bags without muttering a word to each other

The only sound that could be heard...

"Pffff...!" (Tai)

"Heh..." (Suzu)

"Buhahahaha!" (Rei)



Was the purely innocent sound of laughter echoing through the night


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