Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

240. Kickoff [1]

Heya Shinobi! I'm feeling so much better today! Lighter prescribed meds, which means a less groggy head! I'm already working on the next release (ch. 241) and should have it out either by tomorrow, or the day afterwards. This one is a POV with Rei in the center! Please enjoy the chapter!


"State your village of origin and team name"

Oh right, like our attire doesn't scream "Land of Lightning", asshole. At this point, pretty much EVERYONE knows we're the only team here to represent our country, and you're gonna ask like you don't know who we are...

Shit, didn't we see this guy at the front desk prior to the first test?! This is the same damn receptionist!

"Team Tango, of Kumogakure. I'm their captain"

"Present your credentials and ninja registration numbers"

"...Here" (Tango)

"One moment..."

Checking in here reminds me of every time I had to go to the DMV. Ugh! Can we hurry this up?! I saw how fast you were with the other contestant teams in line... this prick is deliberately being slow!

"I'm two seconds away from jumping over his desk and beating the shit out of this guy"

"Rei... Don't give them any reason or excuse to kick us out" (Tai)

"Rrrgh... " (Rei)

"It's obvious this is deliberate" (Suzu)

"Yeah. Iwagakure's1Hidden Stone Village trying to root out potential nuisances. The fact we, the sole team from Kumogakure, made this far... is a testament to our skill" (Tai)

"It was only a matter of time before notoriety caught up with us. Being popular isn't always great" (Suzu)

Which is why I have an alternate identity "Haaa... so annoying"

"True. But I agree they're going overboard. How long does it take to stamp a piece of paper?" (Tai)

"If they wanted me to beat up everyone here, they just had to ask..." (Rei)

"If this takes any longer, I'll be inclined to help you" (Suzu)

"Much appreciated" (Rei)


"Here's your entrance pass. Each team is granted a small room to remain in between matches. These rooms host a corridor leading towards the arena stage. However, after entering, if any of your students were to leave said rooms prior to being eliminated, or the end of the exam... they will be disqualified"

"Understood" (Tango)

"Head up the stairs to your left. You'll eventually find yourselves in a hallway with numbered rooms. Continue walking until you find yours. Don't hinder any of the distinguished guests conversing inside"

Rude bastard... I'll remember your face

"Let's go" (Tango)

"Finally!" (Tai)



"Next team! Come forward!" 




These stairs could do with more light, it's easy to trip and fall in this compact hallway. I know they're the "Stone" country but come on...! Invest in some better goods!

"Phew! Alright, we got through that. From this point on, stay close, with your eyes only forward" (Tango)

"It's just as much of a battle outside the ring, then in" (Suzu)

"It's easy to forget..." (Tai)

It ain't cheating if you don't get caught...

"Oh! Guys, I think that's the entrance to the venue inside. Let's hurry up and get out of this dark stairway" (Tai)

"No arguments here" (Rei)

"Hey... do you hear that?" (Suzu)

"Sounds like many of the guests are here. It's been so long since I was at a Chūnin Exam, I'd forgotten that special privilege" (Tango)

"Huh?" (Suzu, Rei, Tai)

"Kukuku... open the door and see for yourself" (Tango)

Why does everyone feel the need to be so cryptic lately? I can't be the only one noticing this trend, right?


"Wow. Wow. WOW!" (Tai)

"Such detail..." (Suzu)

Not the words I'd use if I were the first through the door but... I agree

Despite how I'm feeling about these stone headed jerks, I'll have to admit, they have gift for architecture. This coliseum was far more intrepid than I was led to believe. Multiple floors with decorated halls, elaborate paths throughout its structure, the site was capable of hosting hundreds, if not thousands of occupants!

But what caught our eyes was the present company before us. Now I get why that nitwit at the front desk meant about, not disturbing the "distinguished" guests...

"Students. What you're seeing is the added perk of being a VIP. Unlike everyone else, these folk here paid extra to get a good look at the contestants before taking their seats upstairs" (Tango)

"Why pay extra?" (Tai)

"Assurance. Remember, they need shinobi as much as we need them. They want to be sure they're investing in the best candidate, the best village from here on. The last war has been over long enough, it's time to get back to normal" (Tango)

Or what qualifies as "normal" in this barbaric continent

But Tango's right. The governors, mayors, Daimyō's, and any other owner of land can only last so long without the protection of shinobi. And in a post-war state, especially from an extended conflict like the Third Shinobi World War, most businesses have been stuck in limbo for months, if not years

Not matter what world you're in, it's always going to be about the money...

"Not to mention, who to bet on, right?" (Suzu)

"You astuteness isn't lagging behind Rei's. That's correct Suzu, the window for placing bets is getting close to ending. At the end of the day, everyone is here to make a profit" (Tango)

"Man... maybe I should've left a bet with Tetsuo-san like Rei did..." (Tai)

"Now, keep walking forward, but with confidence. Refrain from showing any signs of weakness whatsoever. We need to properly demonstrate Kumogakure's prowess as a shinobi village. We WANT these people to bet on us, to place their faith in us, to be inclined as to hire us" (Tango)

To enforce the idea, "it has to be Kumogakure, it can't be anyone else", I suppose...

"Whichever village comes out on top here, will take the first step into leading the new era. It's been repeated in our ears but..." (Tai)

"Yeah. To actually be here and feel it... the lingering feeling of knowing our performance will dictate the quality of life in the years ahead for every soul dwelling in our village, if not the entire country itself" (Suzu)

"Nervous?" (Rei)

"No. I'm... excited?" (Suzu)

"Yeah... is that weird?" (Tai)

"It's fine Tai. I've always thought of you as a weird person" (Rei)

"Like you're-! Ergh--one to talk...!" Tai nearly choked on his words after almost forgetting to whisper

It fun watching him try and hold back his yelling. Still, I should take note of the faces here. These people, who rarely step into the spotlight, all the greedy merchants, corrupt officials, and spoiled heirs... are the ones who truly run the world

"You okay Tai?" (Suzu)

"Hm? Yeah. Ignoring Rei's teasing, there are people here I haven't seen in years" (Tai)

"See someone you know?" (Tango)

"Have your forgotten Sensei? My dad is the 17th head of the Yotsuki clan. Before I began my temporary stay away from home, mom made sure I was always on his shoulder whenever he met with delegates or foreign dignitaries" (Tai)

"That's right. Your clan handles the outer most security for the village" (Suzu)

"Mhm. NO ONE gets to Kumogakure without the Yotsuki knowing. Or at least, that's what we pride ourselves on" (Tai)

Tai really did recognize more than any of us. From the awkward way he behaves most of the time, it's easy to forget he comes from good stock

"Wanna say hi to some of them? I know that guy downstairs advised us not to bother any of them but..." (Tango)

"Hmph! Hell no..." (Tai)

"Oh? What's eating you?" (Rei)

"Pretty much all of them are investors I recognize as those who cut ties with our village after the Hyuga Affair" (Tai)

"Ah..." Tango held his head awkwardly with Tai's uncharacteristically curt response

Not that I blame him, Mori Sp. is pretty much the only IOU2Investor-owned utility that remained faithful to the Land of Lightning and helped "keep the lights on", as it were

We still had others of course, but none of them have held as much of an impact than Tetsuo's company. Practically all the big ones left after failing to blackmail the Raikage into loosening sanctions on their companies in exchange for their continued support during that short time of decline

Their connections with those on our council who consistently impede the old man was an issue as well, it didn't pay to keep them around, but they still ditched us even before they had a chance to actually BECOME a burden, than asset. Of course Tai would frown upon seeing them again

"Still, I can spot some representatives who've kept their ties to our country but..." (Tai)

"Yeah... they're hanging on by a thread" (Suzu)

The smaller companies that remained with us are loyal, but compared to Mori Sp., not as useful. They also don't have technical expertise to aid them in their business. However, that's exactly what I want, since it makes even easier for Tetsuo to acquire them... which means I acquired them

Eventually, all business in the country will fall into MY hands

"There are some impressive stock here" (Tango)

"True. Look, there's our Daimyō-sama! And he's talking with the Daimyō's from other Five Great Shinobi Nations" (Tai)

"Forget them, I don't think any of us have seen so many lords in one place at the same time" (Suzu)

"True. And--Oh! Look over there! That group owns some of the biggest shinobi-based, weapon supply chains on the northeastern side of the continent!" (Tai)

After walking past some of the assholes who USED to be loyal to us, Tai's smile returned after spotting some impressive clientele. Tango and Suzu smirked while watching him behave like a kid in a candy store

It was even more amusing when he noticed their looks and tried to hide his embarrassment by staying silent. I can see your face turning red from here buddy

Should probably commit their chakra signatures to my memory. I have a feeling "Dev R" is gonna need to keep them in mind for the future...

"Hey... have you noticed?" (Suzu)

"Huh? Noticed what?" (Tai)

"Yeah... it's been going on for a quite a while now" (Rei)

Besides these guys, I was hoping to spot persons of interest like Iruka Umino again or Itachi Uchiha but...



"Not a single contestant has been present since we've been walking down this hallway..." (Suzu)




"Ah, we're here. This is our room" (Tango)


After inserting the provided key, the stone door opened for us... as slowly as possible. I can accept being called "impatient", but it's just weird. All the money poured into this place, and these doors are as low tech as possible

Bullshit, I bet the rooms for their Genin work just fine. They're just finding every conceivable way to screw us over. Okay, I see you Iwagakure. I'll be sure to show your shinobi in the ring exactly how much I appreciate your well thought out form of "hospitality"

Yeah, I'm petty... so what?!

"There's the corridor path that leads to the ring. Just as the guy at the front desk said" (Tai)

"Hey Sensei, how is this going to--!" (Suzu)


"Hold on Suzu, have to shut the door first. Now then... hmph!" (Tango)

"?!" (Rei, Tai, Suzu)

⌈ What did you want to say to me? ⌋ (Tango)

Oh... the sensation of connecting our thoughts via Tango's "Chakra Transmission" technique never gets old. But the fact he's using now means we're probably...

⌈ Are we under watch now? ⌋ (Tai)

⌈ I believe we should assume they've been watching us since we left the hotel. Now we discuss strategy. First off, do you all remember how many participants passed the second exam? ⌋ (Tango)

⌈ U-Ur... I know it was in the hundreds but... ⌋ (Tai)

⌈ I couldn't give you an exact number. Rei? ⌋ (Suzu)

⌈ Don't look at me. We had limited time in that tower, plus many were suppressing their chakra ⌋ (Rei)

The most annoying thing about the exams was that not everyone was a complete moron. Many strove to remain out of the notice of others. Chakra sensitivity doesn't mean much when the target strives to remain unnoticed using every conceivable method imaginable

⌈ I can tell there's at least over 173 people here, likely more we don't know about ⌋ (Rei)

⌈ Then, it's as we feared weeks ago. Your preliminaries are going to be as trying as the final matches ⌋ (Tango)


"That was..." (Tai)

"Mhmm. The signal" (Suzu)

"The fact they've begun making noise must mean some of the Gokage3The Five Shadows have arrived and taken their seats in the stadium" (Tango)



"The finals are about to begin..." (Rei)


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