Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

241. Kickoff [2]


Hey everyone. For the past few months, you've had to deal with my absence due to personal, physical drama on my end. My body was in a far worse condition than I initially believed the last time I was active. I practically traumatized my family when they found I was set to stay in the hospital.

It's shocking how your entire life can just be put on hold whenever something unexpected just knocks on your door. You get used to your regular routines, and then BAM! A huge STOP just plasters itself right in front of you.

Fortunately, after some significant time with my doctor, I was blessed to make my way into rehabilitation. That took up the bulk of my time with physical therapy and LOTS of rest.

But your support hasn't gone unnoticed. Thank you so much for continuing to remain faithful to this series despite my abrupt disappearance.

Now, I'm finally home and... somewhat "settled". Granted, it'll take me a sec to get back on track with releases and I'm starting off with a "light" chapter before the story REALLY gets rolling (Had A LOT of time to think & plan while I was stuck in a hospital bed).

But rest assured... MR. PROPER IS BACK!!!


Half an hour ago...

The remaining contestants packed their private booths spread just under the guest seats surrounding the main arena.

In spite of their early arrival, nearly all squads arrived promptly, eager to check in. Some even going to such lengths as remaining outside the site for the sole purpose of not being late

These ambitious Genin left on their own to plot, contemplate, and apprehensively wait for the main event to begin!

In one such room...

"I shouldn't have to ask but... I hope you did a proper inventory check"

"It's all here father, there's no need to worry"

"While my faith in you is absolute, I must reiterate... this is nothing compared to the other tests. How our clan moves forward from here on... depends on your performance today"

A particularly exceptional Genin stood before his father as the latter continued to reiterate the significance this event held for their family, along with the appropriate state of mind his should be in now

All the while doing his best to hide his own fears...

The lingering, albeit unlikely scenario of his son failing continued to gnaw at him, as if there was something he'd overlooked. Nevertheless, he blocked them out, maintaining a stern demeanor... unaware his brilliant son had already seen right through him

"There's more than one leader from Konohagakure1Hidden Leaf Villagehere, the Daimyō and his fellow politicians, several top-ranking Jōnin, even the likes of Danzō..."


"As I've said, individuals of great influence have gathered here. You mustn't simply win... you must do so with finesse and grace. Dazzle the crowd while striving to reinforce the idea within everyone's minds that our clan—"

"Is the one... the only one to rely on, correct?"

"...Yes. Now, as for your opponents. Most of them remain unremarkable, but we've managed to gather a list of potential threats from—?!"


Annoyance grew on the father's face upon the sudden knocking of the booth's sole door disrupting his flow



The sensei of the promising Genin meekly entering the room

Though inappropriate given the circumstances, he unwillingly yielded to the father's pushy request to speak with his son inside the booth, where only Genin and their teachers were typically allowed to stay

Giving the pair some time to themselves, he returned holding his head with an awkward smile, nervously waltzing towards the pair


"U-Um... Fugaku-sama, Iwagakure2Hidden Stone Village is requesting all non-participants, albeit with the exception of team captains, vacate this area and return to their seats. The doors on this floor are poised to be closed soon" 

"Vacate? Could it be... have the Gokage3The Five Shadows arrived already?" 

"The Tsuchikage4Earth Shadow, Mizukage5Water Shadow, and Hokage-sama6Fire Shadow have already taken their seats. The Kazekage7Wind Shadow and Raikage8Lightning Shadow respectively, should be arriving soon"

"Tsk! What awful timing... *sigh*! It can't be helped. Itachi, you've done much for our us, and you've made me proud" 

"Thank you, father" 

"But your service has only just begun. Remember, this is all for the clan" (Fugaku)

"...Understood" Itachi bowed his head to hide the disappointment on his face, born from receiving the response he'd expected... but hoped his father wouldn't give

"..." Fugaku quietly stared at his son for a moment, clearly in no rush to leave, putting Yūki in an awkward position


"Hmph" {An embarrassing excuse for a captain. If there's one benefit, it's that my son will no longer have to follow this lousy fool} 


Fugaku left without so much as giving Itachi's teacher, Yūki Minazuki, even a modicum of acknowledgement... or respect. The Jōnin captain merely sighed before shooting a glance at his student.

The young man was hardly any better than his father, turning his back to Yūki as he'd face the sole opening in the room, just opposite of the door. The only thing in sight... the arena stage he'd inevitably fight on in the span of just a few minutes.

Itachi thought back to his father's last words, dissatisfaction on his mind {For the clan... but not for the village...}

Yūki grumbled somewhat as both father and son were equally in their rude behavior.

{These Uchiha are indeed powerful, but so arrogant, no wonder nobody likes them. Granted, there was never much I could teach Itachi, but is a simple greeting to the man who looks after your son on every mission too much to ask?!} *Sigh* "Ready to go?" (Yūki)



"Okay then..." {Let's hope you become a Chūnin, then I can finally get some "normal" students to take care of. Seriously. From one teammate dying, to another quitting, being your sensei has been the worst part of my tenure as a shinobi} 




Receiving an unwanted sermon just before the main event wasn't an exclusive privilege to Itachi alone...

"The preliminaries have been set up for group battles, but as to how Iwa conducts them exactly... the Tsuchikage decided to keep that little tidbit to himself"

"Hmm... guess he's not ENTIRELY stupid"

"From my sources, there's nearly two hundred participants here. The leaders can't afford to draw out the early matches for too long, otherwise, they risk the major VIP's leaving out of boredom"

Inside one of these waiting rooms...

"Must we spell it out for them in such detail nii-san? I'm pretty sure they understand. Hey! You three! You get what we're hinting at right?!"

"Yes!" Three supposed Genin on bended knee promptly responded to two shadowy figures in unison

Surprisingly, it was none other than Team Tango's bitter old enemies, the "Ishi Terrorist" squad.... whom demonstrated such uncharacteristic discipline and respect for a higher authority

The Konjiki Twins, Etoro and Metoro, along with their leader Kajūra... they held little difficulties passing the first and second exams

Now kneeling before their superiors, arrived straight from Ishigakure9Hidden Rock Village no less than a week ago. Just in time to check in on the progress of their "true" mission...

"I'm merely stating what must be said little brother"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Remember you three, as with the other Ishi Genin here, your primary objective is to aid the Iwa-nin in this competition as per our deal with them... but don't shy away from demonstrating our village's own prowess"

"Alliances and partnerships fall all the time. Just because we're allied with that old fence sitter now, well... it certainly doesn't imply the status quo will remain the same in the far... or near future. You get what I mean...?"

Seeing them nod their heads in affirmation, the two figures smiled and proceeded to leave. But just as the Genin loosened their shoulders...



The younger shadowy figure decided to add one last remark...

"♪ I never would've imagined you three would make it all the way to the end! ♪" 

"That's sarcasm... right?"

"Relax big nii-san, of course it is. You really think I didn't foresee this outcome?"

"It's really hard to tell with you sometimes"

The two brothers bantered with one another as three of their subordinates continued to kneel on the hard, rocky floor, daring not to speak until spoken to

However, Etoro struggled to contain his irritation at the obvious mocking he and his team had to silently endure

{Surprised we made it? Screw you! We make one tiny mistake, and now you pricks treat us like shit!} (Etoro)

"Balance-sama, Arc-sama... please rest assured, we understand the task at hand, nor will we fail"

"Rest assured, Kajūra?" (Balance)


Shockingly enough, the true rulers of the young nation this trio hailed from were none other than the twin "Company" members, Balance and Arc!

The pair's reach had grown over the years, extending their roots into even the very infrastructure of Ishigakure, to the point they ruled said village from the shadows, though many were not privy to this knowledge...

"We received that same assurance when we sent you that island. You idiots were supposed send the other cronies to the Hōzuki-jō10Demon Lantern Castle, not end up there" (Arc)

"But we still—!" Etoro boldly tried to protest before Arc cut him off

"Completed the mission? Stumbling over your ass to completion isn't something I'd consider... success. The only reason we're giving you a second chance is because you didn't completely mess up that job"

"U-Urgh...!" (Etoro)

"..." (Metoro)

Etoro held his head down, unable to refute facts

Since their embarrassing defeat, the once feared team had now become a laughingstock back home. Even worse, Ishigakure's reputation was tarnished because of them.

Had these Chūnin exams not come so soon, they'd likely never have another opportunity to prove themselves once more.

"Whatever. We've come this far, no use in bringing up the past. Either you succeed and go back to being one of our villages most treasured assets, or you fail and become expendable tools none will lose any sleep over after you die in a gutter" (Balance)

"Though, considering you've seen our faces... that last bit is more than likely to happen if you fail" Arc said with the creepiest, sadistic smile one could possibly imagine.

His tone, movements, and demeanor sent a chill up their spines as Arc emitted some of his chakra... tinging with killing intent. The anger Etoro held quickly evaporated, as if a pit emerged in his stomach, turning into bottomless fear.

Cold sweat descended down their faces as the duo proceeded to exit the room, never once lifting them up until the door finally closed...






"Hehehe! Did you see the looks on their faces? Ahhhh! That never gets old!" Arc couldn't help from giggling

"You're so immature" 

"Whatever. So again, tell me why we're here? I thought you didn't care about these exams?"

"I don't even care for Ishigakure. If our investment there fails, we'll simply move on to the next location" 

"Then why—?" 

"As of now, that shinobi village is currently under our rule, thus we should properly play our part as village leaders. Also, I prefer not to half-ass my work. A practice you seriously need to co-opt, little brother"

"You do know we're twins right? You're only older than me by like... a few seconds!"

Arc casually held his hands on his head while strolling alongside his brother. The twins quickly left the waiting area, finding themselves to the common seats situated beneath the VIP stands, blending in with the masses as to not draw any unwanted attention.

As the noise from the crowds grew louder, Arc decided to present one last inquiry before they twins could no longer hear each other.

"For something like this, a cautious guy like you would've used a proxy. Yeah... you're definitely here for something else. The only question is, what exactly could attract the attention of you, our organization's spymaster, the guy holding a treasure trove of intel" 


"You've got a man in practically every nation, village, and town... so what exactly was so important that you'd come out in public like this, exposing yourself, and dragging me along with you I might add... just to see with your own eyes?" 

"Why is it that you only demonstrate the capacity to use your brain, whenever it comes to poking your nose in my business?" 

"As I've stated, we're twins. It comes with the territory. So? You gonna tell me or not?" 

"Heh! I'd rather show you. The reason I gave that Ishi idiot trio this chance is only because unlike those nitwits Etoro and Metoro, Kajūra ACTUALLY has his uses" 

Arc pondered for a moment before gaining a realization "Aha... You gave him a secret mission. There's a target here. Perhaps... one of the contestants has caught your attention?"

"Can you guess who?" 


Arc folded his arms and ruminated this little mystery



"Come on little brother... you can do it"

"Shut up! Don't rush me!" 


{Considering you gave him the mission... his abilities? No... that's not it. Village relations... personal connections here? But with this competition, none of them have any connection with Kajūra except—oh... OH!} "Those brats from you mentioned before, so Kumogakure sent them to represent their village?"


"Yeah... they're pretty famous now. What were they called again...?" (Arc)

"The Shaman, the Star, and the Dragon" 

"Right! They got famous thanks to that little siege we cooked up" 

"What you don't know is that those kids were also responsible for humiliating Kajūra and his team on Summoning Island"

"Hahaha! Now there's a plot twist, fate is so damn funny!" Arc burst out laughing, though none seemed to notice due to the excitement of the crowd

"Please focus Arc. We're here because recent... intel thrown my way has indicated one of them in particular warrants further investigation" 

"Oh? Care to share? Unlike you, I don't have perfect memory that allows me to recall every damn name I come across" 

"As I've learned in the past, giving you all the answers just makes you even more lazy and irresponsible. Figure it out"

"Ugh! You suck!"

"Just use your brain and you'll—!" 


"?!" The brother's banter would have to be put on hold, as exploding colored rocks were once again hurled into the air by various Iwa-nin. Mimicking the effects of fireworks, the crowd's elated shouting increased in it's fervor as everyone knew what this spectacle meant...

The preliminaries were about to begin!




"Heh! Save it for later little brother. It's time to enjoy the show!" 


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