Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

242. Kickoff [3]

Next one is right around the corner. I'm still not at 100%, physical therapy only seems to get harder with each day. But I'm still hangin in there! Please enjoy the chapter!

As the venue reached its peak, restlessness spread amongst the masses!

Even outside this coliseum, anticipation had reached its peak. Onlookers who failed to gain entry gathered on rooftops of the numerous rocky towers and buildings surrounding the site.

Civilians peeking through their windows, choosing to remain in the most uncomfortable or unsafe locations just get a look inside!

"Alright, that's 8000 ryo1Currency of the world for you! Who Else?! Mist, Leaf, Stone, take your pick!"

"Don't miss out! An event of this magnitude doesn't come often! The clock's ticking!"

"This event ain't happening again anytime soon! If there was ever a time for you to spend some cash, it's now!"

Bookies took whatever bets they could receive from the masses as their respective "pots" continued to grow and grow. The sheer amount of money flowing here could have one live a life free of struggle!




Along with outside, the bolstering was even greater in the guest stands, as several individuals held their own opinions for today...

"Couldn't be any noisier if they tried. Some of the Gokage2Five Shadows haven't even taken their seats yet"

"If you'd like, we can still find another spot. I think there are some more secure options elsewhere"

"That won't be necessary Yakumi, after all—!"

"After all, our esteemed clan head would stay in the VIP section if he needed that"


"Heya Yakumi, long time no see. The force treating you well?"

Along with Itachi and his father, two other members of the Uchiha clan had graced Iwagakure with their presence today. One being the infamous Shisui Uchiha, and the other... an up-and-coming member of the police force by the name of Yakumi

For the entire duration of their stay, the latter had not left Fugaku's side even once. As opposed to the more nonchalant Shisui, who disappeared regularly

"The Kazekage3Wind Shadow and Raikage4Lightning Shadow are still hanging out with the fat cats in that section. Ugh... gross. Makes me appreciate just how well Konoha is doing, otherwise I'd be stuck in there with the 3rd"

"Fat cats... I don't think Nekobaa5Granny Cat would appreciate such terms" Yakumi sighed at Shisui's comments

"Heh! True!"

"When you told me you were coming here, I assumed it was with me... and not as a guard for him" Fugaku remained seated, shooting a sharp glance at Shisui

"H-Hehe, well... it was gonna be like that, but then I ran into a senpai6Upperclassmen or superior poised on being one of the guards for the Hokage-sama7Fire Shadow"

"And? Is that any excuse for you to neglect your duties to the clan?"

Yakumi gulped after Fugaku's tone turned stern. It was obvious how displeased he was at Shisui for shirking his responsibilities simply to be a guard for the Hokage, and not him, the head of the Uchiha clan

Shisui fearlessly waved his hands to alleviate his superior's dissatisfaction, continuing on with his explanation

"Well, each village is only allowed one guard for their Kage, and Kakashi-senpai is up there now"

{So that's why he can be here, without a care in the world. Still, the Hokage had Kakashi Hatake of all people guard him, and not a genuine Uchiha... don't know how I feel about that} Yakumi pondered

Besides, you know how I operate sir. I'd never do such a thing if I didn't have a good reason. Senpai spilled a juicy bit of intel regarding the 3rd's intentions... towards your son"


"So... am I off the hook?" Shisui casually smiled

Fugaku stared at him for moment, trying to discern as to what was going on in his mind. But Shisui's "poker face" was beyond perfect. No matter how hard he tried, there was no hint of where his thoughts truly dwelled.

Knowing this silence was pointless, he gestured for Shisui to sit down and explain himself.

"...What do you know?"


"Let me start with some recent events in the ANBU..."






"Hey, watch where you're going ya dolt!"

"M-My apologies..." {Now, where were our seats again?}

A middle-aged man navigated his way through the stands, food in his hands, before rejoining his sole a compatriot. A fetching young lady whose beauty contrasted her sour expression.

"Hey... welcome back"

"Thanks. I've got snacks... want some? I have to admit, for being foreign made... these kebabs are delicious. An Iwagakure delicacy from what I've been told, freshly caught crocodile meat"

"I'll pass on that... you've acquired some good seats for us"

"Figured it was the least I could do to cheer you up... though I see it only served to make your glaring all the more apparent"

Legs crossed, leaning forward, and with her head resting on her hand... a demeanor practically screamed "Go away" was all she had. Her eyes, glaring upwards at the Gokage's exclusive luxury box-like position...

Focusing on one of them in particular...

"None of the Genin teams had any complaints about his decision"

"Because they're all a bunch of sword-brandishing lunatics, trained by even more crazy sword-brandishing lunatics"

"The way you can talk about your fellow countrymen continues to astonish me"

"What astonishes me is how satisfied everyone is with this outcome. He should have sent more of our Genin. It's almost as if he's TRYING to ensure we don't win"

The elder man finally sat down, placing his small tray of food between him and the woman

"Yeah... but no matter we don't like it—!"

"I know. Shinobi must comply. God, you're like a broken record. You ever get tired of telling me that?"

"He doesn't wish to reveal any more than we should. We're the one nation that doesn't need to be here. Anonymity is our greatest—! *Sigh*. Didn't you tell me that you were gonna cool off when you stormed out of the hotel last night? Honestly, it's that temper of yours that scares away all the guys—?!"

"Choose your next words... VERY carefully"

"...Forget I said anything" The elder man began to sulk while eating his snacks

After he touched a nerve, the young lady snatched a kebab and began chewing on it with annoyance

"For the record, I did have a nice time last night. My company then was far more understanding and enjoyable than the one I have now"

"Is that right..." {Like anyone would ever believe such nonsense coming from you...}


"Huh... this kebab isn't half bad"

{So you WERE hungry...}




"Welcome everyone! My name is Danjō, and as the assistant of Iwagakure's Daimyō, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome such esteemed guests to the world's very first multi-country Chūnin Exams! With that in mind, please turn your attention to other side of the room"


Once the doors closed for the contestants down below, the VIP section became festive as it's venue grew. The curtains on one end of the room rose to reveal their location, within another luxary box on the opposite side of the coliseum from the Gokage.

The arena was in full view for them to see.

"Oooh! What a wonderful sight"

"This is the ideal location for spectators"

"Well... Iwagakure is not completely clueless when it comes to being proper hosts"

{Hehe... they're eating it up} Danjō struggled to hide his smirk.

When it came to many of these guests, their wealth was only matched by their outlandish pride. As such, many found it unacceptable to be placed in a location on the same floor as the guest stands, which were beneath the Kage.

Keeping them happy was Danjō's number one priority, and as such, he requested the Tsuchikage do something about it prior to today's events.

In response, Ōnoki took it upon himself to order the construction of this room when the arena underwent remodeling during the break between the second and final exams.

"Ugh... I feel completely out of place here" {The ego of these people makes me sick to my stomach}

"You're not the only one Mabui, I can't stand it either. You sure you don't want to head down to the stands with your colleagues? Shō is more than willing to look after me by himself"

"Raikage-sama ordered me to stay with you when he left this spot, and I'm not one to shirk my responsibilities. I'll be fine Tetsuo-dono" (Mabui)

"Boss. Instead of worrying about her, why don't we focus on what you came here for. The sooner that's done, the sooner we can leave this obnoxious booth and rejoin the others" Tetsuo's other guard, and chief of security Shō, also grew uncomfortable.

"Right, right. Look, we'll mingle a bit, I'll try get Mori SP.'s name floating around. If no one is even remotely interested in the devices I provided to Team Tango, we'll take off. Because at that point, we'll know this has been a waste of time—?!" Tetsuo was stopped after Shō had abruptly stood in front of him

"What gives Shō? What's wrong—eh?!" (Tetsuo)

"My word, I wasn't sure when I first saw you... is that you Mori-san?"

Tetsuo was stopped after Shō had abruptly stood in front of him.

"Who are—wait... don't I know you?" (Tetsuo)

{Isn't this man—?} {Mabui)

Tetsuo's words were cut off at the unwelcome interruption of a former acquaintance of his

"As I live and breathe, if it ain't Makibi" (Tetsuo)

"It's president Makibi now. My company managed to grow quite substantially since we last met" (Makibi)

"You mean... when you abandoned your home country, despite all the support Kumogakure offered in the years prior, right?" Mabui coldly stated

"Now, now... let's not soil such a happy reunion, Mabui-san" (Makibi)

While typically one to remain unruffled, Mabui had quite the ordeal. Resisting the urge to waltz towards Makibi and strike him in the face was far more difficult than she expected it to be.

She'll never forget the day the Raikage and Lightning Daimyō had the unsuccessful gathering of businessmen in hopes of receiving aid for the "Network" project. Only to be harshly rejected by the very patrons they'd been partnered with for decades.

But this was none other than same man who, along with others, rallied his fellow entrepreneurs to abandon Kumogakure when they needed help the most. Had he not spoken out, the village wouldn't have suffered as much as it did during the time when their reputation had hit its lowest point.

"It was never personal, just practical. It's not like we were the ones who sullied Kumo's reputation. We didn't ask you to try and steal the Byakugan8White Eye.


Those around them whispered to themselves, glancing at the trio with looks of contempt. The Hyuga Incident was still fresh in the minds of many here today.

{This isn't looking to good} Mabui grew anxious as things took a sour turn

"You're out of line, Makibi" (Tetsuo)

"Ahh... right. It's a very sore subject, isn't it? Well, no matter. Now that I've cut ties, such bad press is hardly any of my concern" Makibi mockingly chuckled before taking another sip out of the whine glass in his hand

Mabui remained silent behind Tetsuo, as her smile had vanished in it's entirety.

"How have you been doing Tetsuo? I was quite concerned when news of your factory shutting down so abruptly reached my doorstep. Even more so when I heard you'd established a brand-new company. What was it called again?"

"...Mori SP." (Tetsuo)

"Right. Sorry, unless it's truly relevant, such news typically doesn't reach my ears. Still, such tenacity even when met with unexpected trouble such as a raid on your company. That's what happens when you rely on Kumogakure for security"

Their surroundings were filled with subtle laughter as Makibi continued to disrespect their home and country.


Mabui's fist began to tremble {Don't react. Don't react. Don't react... it's just what he wants. It's all over if I behave rashly}

"As I recall, I did offer my services to local businesses in your area at the time. Did you not hear?" 

{In exchange for a ridiculous portion of our profits. Any sane person would never except offering up to 67% of their sales} "Hmph! I wasn't interested" 

"It's such a shame when talented people are stuck with poor management. And speaking of whom..." 

Makibi turned his attention to Mabui, scanning her figure up and down with his inappropriate gaze, nearly licking his lips in the process. The heavily repulsive act sent shivers down Mabui's spine as feelings of disgust filled her being.

"Honestly, someone of your talents is wasted on the likes of the Raikage. My company always welcomes talented individuals, I'd happily welcome you and Tetsuo with open arms if you were so inclined. How about it?"

"...Unlike those who move from master to master like the ingrates they are, I prefer to keep my integrity. No matter how foolish it may seem to others with no tact whatsoever" Mabui couldn't sound more passive aggressive if she tried

"Hmmm... quite foolish indeed. Well, I've wasted enough time here. There are more relevant patrons seeking my attention. Good luck, with Kumogakure's reputation, the likes of you lot will need all you can get"

Makibi grabbed another glass of wine from a server before giving his final thoughts. Remaining condescending to the end, along the other guests who followed his example.

With just a few words, he had managed to cement their bad reputation to everyone else, make things increasingly difficult for Tetsuo and the others. Shō advised the two to make stay out of sight for time being, guiding them to a corner in the room.

"Well... that was awful. Still, it could have been worse. Thank you for keeping your cool, Mabui. I know that couldn't have been easy"

"It certainly wasn't. That's going to be our whole afternoon... isn't it" Mabui asked with an exhausted outlook

"If my company's products fail to dazzle the crowd, most definitely"

"This is going to be long day, *Sigh*. I'll try not to get in your way"

Just as they were considering the option of leaving, one of the guests approached the trio. His demeanor, far more friendly than their previous recipient. Wearing a fine tailored blue suit with a long white scarf around his neck.

His fair skin was only more obvious by his bald head, and eyes as blue as the ocean.

"There is one benefit from that conversation..."


"You now have confirmation your village's trash was taken out of the country" Appearing to be in mid-thirties, he offered his hand to Tetsuo and the others...

"Pfft!" Shō giggled with his comment

"A pleasure to meet you, Mori-dono. My name is Tohru, and I've been very eager to meet you for quite some time"

"A-Ah! The pleasure is all mine! Nice to find a friendly face here"

"Just so you know, I care little for rumors and hearsay. I prefer to do my business face-to-face, and see for myself who exactly I'm working with"

Tetsuo eagerly took the man's hand, shaking it with a bright smile on his face. Mabui and Shō followed in suit, relieved to find a patron without an obnoxious attitude

Tohru guided them away from the condescending looks of Makibi and his heinous associates. Moving them closer to the opening in the room, providing a clear view of both the crowd inside this lounge, and outside towards the guest stands and arena

"Your first time at an event like this?" (Tohru)

"That obvious?" (Tetsuo)

"This place is like a den of beasts, just waiting for any opportunity to strike. Standing in the middle of the room like that was practically asking to get attacked. It was like watching a trio of rabbits offer themselves up on a plate, I couldn't help but want to rescue you" (Tohru)

{Rabbits... he's not wrong there} "Good grief... thanks for that"

"My pleasure. Don't let yourselves be discouraged. Remember, no matter what they say, the sound of your Genin's performance will block out any noise you receive up here. Results are all that matter today" (Tohru)

"Quite so" (Mabui)

"But here's a tip. It's best you don't look at these people as a united group, what I've said applies to them individually as well. Honestly, it's like a bomb waiting to go off" (Tohru)

"O-Oh?" (Tetsuo)

"What do you mean?" (Mabui)

"Come now, use those shinobi skills of yours. Can't you see it? The discord?"

With subtlety and grace, Tohru skillfully grabbed an entree from a server before gesturing to various persons of interest in the group.

"I bet you noticed that table with the Daimyō's of the big 5 when you first entered right?" (Tohru)

"Who wouldn't?" (Tetsuo)

"But I bet you didn't notice all the Daimyō's from other, smaller nations as well. Can't you tell, despite talking to others, they've practically surrounded those five" (Tohru)

{I didn't even see that, and it was right in front of me} (Mabui)

"Eavesdropping, hoping to get some clue as to where their heads are at, and what they have planned for the future. These exams mark the true start of a new, post-war age. And look, notice how the Wind Daimyō is cozying up to the Fire Daimyō? That's gonna spell trouble later" (Tohru)

"Why?" (Tetsuo)

"Because he basically confirmed the rumors that he and the Kazekage have a fallacious relationship. One others might consider... exploiting." (Tohru)

"..." (Mabui)

"Then, there are the assistants. Danjō, despite being our supposed host, is staying within walking distance of the Flower Daimyō, despite conversing with others. It's no secret how badly Iwa wants to maintain a good relationship with the Flower country"

{Heh, The Flower Daimyō obviously doesn't want to be by him, but Danjō keeps chasing him around like cat on a mouse} (Tetsuo)

"Despite showing off their wealth and power, there's nothing but misery floating around. It gets tiresome having to constantly shake hands and smile, while holding a knife behind your back. And look over there... that's a big fish" (Tohru)

Tohru calmly pointed towards another side of the room, where one patron in particular was gathering quite the crowd.

"Who is that over-the-top guy?" Shō quietly asked Mabui

"Tenzen Daikoku. Assistant to the Water Daimyō" (Mabui)

"Quite astute of you, Mabui was it?" (Tohru)

"I ashamed to say I don't know much about him" (Mabui)

"There's no need, most hardly know anything about him either, hence the crowd. As I'm sure you know, Kirigakure9Hidden Mist Village is famous for having little to no diplomatic relations with any other country

{They're self-reliant, hence no need to rely on third party businesses to sustain themselves. Even the shinobi nations who've gone to war with them have had little success removing the veil over such nation, cut off by sea from the main continent} (Mabui)

"Having an opportunity to converse with a diplomat from Kiri is too great to pass for these wolves" (Tetsuo)

"Quite. While the Water Daimyō has regularly traversed other countries, he's known to be abstruse. Not much of a talker that one, but Tenzen... he just can't seem to shut up" (Tohru)

"So... to their eyes, he seems to be easy prey?" (Shō)

Tohru quietly chucked at Shō's query, shaking his head before returning his gaze to Tenzen.

"You would think, but despite all the talking, he's learned more about their countries situation than they have about Kiri's. Despite his seemingly casual behavior, he's just as much of a wolf than anyone else here" (Tohru)

"..." (Tetsuo)

"I can tell you this. According to recent rumors, Kirigakure as of late has become somewhat... unraveled" (Tohru) 

"What do you mean by—?!" (Mabui)


Their questions will have to be put on hold, for more of the arena's make-shift fireworks were exploding in the sky. Colored stones, launched from the ground with Doton10Earth Style Ninjutsu erupted once more. But the amount of this round's "Stoneworks" signified all five Kage had taken their seats.

"Ah, looks like we'll have to wait until later. The preliminaries are about to begin" (Tohru)

"From what I've heard, there are close to two hundred participants here. How in the world are they going to go through so many battles in such a short time?" (Tetsuo)

"That's one piece of info I don't possess. But if I were to guess... I'd say through whatever Iwa has done to change this arena" 

Mabui, who stood behind Tetsuo and Tohru as they gazed outside towards the arena, shot a sharp glance at the latter.

{He even knows about the Tsuchikage's supposed reconstruction of this location. This man... is far more than meets the eye. While he seems friendly, I doubt he approached Tetsuo-dono out of the kindness in his heart. I must remain vigilant}

"Oh look, the announcer is making his way to stage. I suppose we'll have our answers soon" 

"Yes... it finally begins"



{Tai, Suzu, Rei... it's all up to you now!}


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