Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

243. Something… Different

Power is still going out at my place. I think there's some light flooding in my area. The next chapter is already half-way done, expect it to come out soon (If my phone doesn't die on me, that is LOL). Enjoy the chapter!


Just several minutes prior to the announcer arriving on the exam platform... the seating within the Gokage1Five Shadows section was revamped for the final time

"Ah... good! With you two, our ensemble is finally complete. Now, we can begin."

The Tsuchikage2Earth Shadow displayed an uncharacteristic delight at the sight of both the Kazekage3Wind Shadow, and Raikage respectively.

Their guards took the appropriate positions, to the wall several feet behind the chairs as their leaders sat down. The Kazekage, accompanied by his brother-in-law Yashamaru, and one his closest allies, Baki.

The Raikage arrived with two unknowns from his village. Both Jōnin, yet surprisingly, they were not Darui or C.

{Hmmm... not much to look at here. The ones behind Ōnoki and the Mizukage4Water Shadow don't seem like much. The Kazekage brought a family member... guess there's a lack of good quality guards he could trust} A maintained his composure while subtly sizing up the other guards.

"Raikage, Kazekage... welcome to Iwagakure. I hope your trip to our humble nation wasn't too troublesome" Greeting them with a smile, Ōnoki couldn't contain his delight.

While the Kazekage merely responded with a light bow, the Raikage became somewhat perturbed. For he knew of this small old man's true character... the latter was never particularly fond of A. Not to mention, both the Sand and Stone have the worst rivalry amongst the Five Great Shinobi Nations.

Even for such a public event as this, it was strange how he could be so happy in front of those he'd happily kill without a second thought if given the opportunity.

{This confidence... He's not even trying to hide the fact his village has something in store for us today} A took his seat, struggling to hide his annoyance.

Each chair for the Kage was highly decorated. Made of beautiful stone of colors matching their attire, shaped in the form of what could only be referred to as a coronation throne, the symbols of their respective villages edged on the wall behind each one.

With this booth's position situated at the highest point of the arena, it successfully displayed the status and power of the Gokage.

The arrangement from left to right; Sand, Mist, Stone, Leaf, & Cloud.

{He took the center spot, clearly trying to make himself the star for today. But to place me all the way to the right... I knew this was gonna be annoying. I'd rather sit in the stands with the others!} (A)

"Good to see you Raikage-dono, you're looking quite well. How have you been?"

"Hm? Oh, not bad at all... Hokage5Fire Shadow. It's been a while since we last spoke. I'd like to continue where we left off from our last conversation." {Hoh... While the other one is unfamiliar to me, his other guard... Kakashi Hatake. To think he'd bring him, of all people here...} (A)

"Sure. I'll be in town for a little while, even after the exams are over. That being said, we might be here till nightfall considering the sheer number of contestants present today." Hiruzen shot a quick glance to his right, probing Ōnoki for a response.

It was odd enough Iwagakure hadn't hosted a preliminary matchup prior to today. Typically, the Chūnin Exam finals consisted of a very small number... usually no more than twenty.

Yet, because they had not, there were now hundreds of Genin ready to battle. 

"Hahaha! Not to worry, for my people have anticipated this. Since this exam is somewhat special, I thought we'd try something a little more... different." (Ōnoki)

All the Kage, save for the Mizukage, turned their attention to Ōnoki... trying to guess the true meaning of his words. However...

"Ah! Looks like we'll have to put this on hold. If you want your answers, simply turn your attention downwards." (Ōnoki)




Within the room hosting the sole team hailing from Kumogakure...

⌈Oh... looks like we're about to start. You two ready?⌋

⌈Is one ever ready for stuff like this? I'm supposed to say yes but—oh for the crying out loud... Rei, the announcer's finally here! You might wanna pay attention!⌋

⌈I have ears Tai... don't need to look at him to know the rules⌋ For whatever reason, Rei had chosen to remain in meditation, his back facing the arena as opposed to his team, whose eyes were glued to the announcer's figure.

Tango continued utilizing his Chakra Transmission technique in order to keep their conversations private from any prying eyes.

⌈We're going to be fine, don't worry⌋ Suzu assured an ever-worrying Tai.

⌈Haaaa... well, guess it's kind of late to freak out now. I should look at the bright side, unlike Kyō's Siege, it's a tournament... we won't have to worry about getting bombarded by legions of enemies.⌋

⌈Shhh... quiet you three, he's started to speak!⌋ Tango had been waiting for this moment.

On the stage...

A tall and burly Iwa-nin with a bulbous nose akin to Ōnoki's took a deep breath before shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Greetings and welcome to world's first, multi-country Chūnin Exams! We ask for all to settle whatever business you may have, and calmly take your seats now! My name is Kitsuchi, and I'll be your host for today's events!"

The crowd blasted with noise once more, anticipation flooding the air!

⌈Hmm... despite everything, doesn't this arena platform seem a bit high? Normally, the Genin fight on the ground floor while everyone else would observe from the stands at an elevated position. But instead...⌋

Tango, amongst many others, held the same question...

For whatever reason, this arena was equipped with an abnormally large cylinder at its center. Protruding from the very earth itself, this gray platform of stone would serve as the proving grounds for the preliminary contestants. Yet, its high position meant battles would be dangerously close to the stands, confusing many as concerns rose.

⌈Due to the incredible number of Genin, the tournament will begin its preliminaries in 'Battle Royale'-format, with a planned total of sixteen rounds before proceeding to the finals!⌋


Unrest grew at the unexpected revelation. Many who placed their bets grew either relieved, or annoyed. For this change completely changed the so-called "equation" as it were

Back in Team Tango's booth, Tai simply stood in the same spot... speechless. Tango and Suzu had no words for him.

In Rei's case...

⌈Pffft! You actually jinxed it, nice work buddy! Buhahaha!⌋

⌈Son of a—! Battle Royale?! What the hell does that even mean?! We have to fight more than one person now?! And quit laughing Rei!⌋

⌈H-Hey... look at the bright side. Doesn't that mean there's a chance we can fight together?⌋ Suzu patted Tai on shoulder, trying to alleviate his worries.

⌈I-I guess so...⌋

 Kitsuchi raised his right arm, signaling his colleagues.


Shortly enough, the outermost layer of the cylindrical arena descended to the ground floor. At the same time, numerous Iwa-nin located in the innermost area in the stands slammed their hands on the ground, erecting a barrier for the audience.

⌈So that's their move. Well, at least it keeps the stands safe.⌋ (Tango)

"From this point forward, the matches will continue without end until the final Genin have been selected. For each round, contestants must fight to either neutralize, or knock their opponents off the stage. If I deem a contestant is no longer able to continue, they will be disqualified! If they surrender at any given point, they will be disqualified! If another member of their team, not present in the battle, decides to intervene, they will all be disqualified!" (Kitsuchi)

⌈Well... aren't they some tricky bastards⌋ (Rei)

⌈Eh?⌋ (Suzu & Tai)

⌈Take a good look at the arena platform you two. Notice anything... familiar?⌋ (Rei)

⌈What's there to look at... AH! Is that... no way!⌋ (Tai)

⌈It's the same material...!⌋ (Suzu)

Tango looked at the two, clueless as to what they were talking about.

⌈That cylinder platform is composed of the same chakra-reactant material used during the first exam, sensei⌋ (Rei)

⌈What?! So that means—!⌋ (Tango)

⌈You guessed it. If we fall off, we won't be able to climb back up with chakra. I'd been feeling something strange for a while, but now I understand... there's chakra signatures beneath the earth. Likely Iwa-nin feeding their chakra into the pillar⌋ (Rei)

⌈No chakra adhesion, and that platform looks really slippery. Plus, there's an overwhelming number of Iwa-Genin, and they've most likely been trained to fight on such a surface.⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Ugh... that must be what the construction we saw last night was all about. They really did have more up their sleeve... I hate it when you're right Rei⌋ (Tai)


Kitsuchi stomped on the floor as stone bridges rose from the round, connecting the contestant booths to the arena. The outermost wall of each booth opened, giving the Genin a clear path to the stage!

"Now, let the first batch of Genin take to the center stage!" (Kitsuchi)

⌈Okay... how do we know who—?⌋


A large stone slab on a far corner of the coliseum descended for all to see, revealing an incredibly large video screen. Letters flicked in random order before forming a list of twelve names

Team Tango scanned the screen with such intensity, one might think their eyes were poised to fall out. Each name unveiling only increased their levels of anxiousness.

But it was only until the last name appeared that everyone flinched in shock.


⌈...⌋ (Tango)

⌈A-A-Ah... U-Um... Seriously? I'm...first?⌋ (Tai) 

⌈Tai...⌋ (Suzu)

Tai held his head before issuing out one the heaviest sighs in his lifetime. 

⌈Well... break a leg?⌋ (Rei)


⌈...Do I ever?⌋ (Rei)

⌈...Good point⌋ (Tai)

⌈Tai. Relax. You've trained for this, we all know what you're capable of. Plus, with the devices Tetsuo-san graciously provided... you're going to be great⌋ (Suzu)



Delivering a series of light slaps to his cheeks, Tai eventually centered himself. Now resigned to this impairing outcome, the young man stepped forward towards the bridge, waltzing across with trepidation before making it to the stage.



"Haaa... here's hoping I don't get killed" (Tai)


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