Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

244. Tai’s Issues

Hey all!

I didn't want to break the chapter into separate parts, so it was delayed a day and a half. Sorry about that ><!


"Ahhh... picked on the first draw. That's gotta be bad luck."

"Come on. Since we're here, might as well show your support for Tai-kun. Don't be so dull."

"That's rich coming from YOU of all people."

In the stands, the shinobi from Kumogakure found themselves a comfortable seating area with an above average view of the arena.

C maintained a sour outlook at the results for the first drawing of Genin, feeling somewhat melancholic after the Raikage had chosen two other Jōnin over Darui and himself to act as his personal guards.

Darui, typically the mellow one of the pair, tried to point out the bright side of their current situation, with little success.

Fortunately, he wasn't alone...

"Don't think any of us didn't feel left out when we weren't picked."

"Ronri. I take it everything is all clear on your end?" Darui impatiently inquired.

"Yup. My lizards are scattered throughout the arena, eyes and ears are literally everywhere. And I've more on the path back to the hotel for later. Our exfil out of this security nightmare will now be... slightly less troublesome." Ronri sat down next to them with an exasperated look on his face.

"Ninpō: Tokage no Me1Ninja Art: Lizard's Eye... was it? Quite the taxing technique for you to already be out breath..."

"That's only because I've never had to share my senses with this many lizards before. All the input I'm receiving... it's like being forced to watch dozens of screens, all showing different images at once. You have it easy with your sensing."


"He's right C, quit whining. Especially since you have another sensor-nin here to assist you. Funsui's basically taking half your workload."

"Alright, I get it Darui! The only thing I can do is improve, so Raikage-sama chooses me next time."

"You mean... chose us next time, right?"

"Yeah, yeah partner... just don't slow me down. Let's just show our support for Tai-kun"

Ronri smirked before turning his attention to the arena.

"Speaking of whom... he's all by himself, with opponents hailing from various villages. Well... at least he isn't surrounded by a bunch of Iwa or Ishi Genin on the first round." 

"They likely did that on purpose. The Tsuchikage2Earth Shadow obviously doesn't want this to seem too unfair. Still..." C rubbed his chin at the conundrum set before them. 

"Right... the others will probably try to pick him off first. Since this is a tournament designed for showing off, those kids will likely view him as an easy scapegoat for demonstrating their fighting prowess."


Darui, Ronri, and C turned their heads towards the sudden sound of footsteps approaching them...

"Geez! Is that how you show your support? I'd hate to see how you'd support me in a fight!"

...Only to be met with surprise in finding Funsui, returning from his duties, joining them in the stands.

The man in question had just finished scooping out the entire arena, coordinating with other Kumo-nin stationed at numerous locations for the Raikage's protection.

Ronri was indeed correct, such a massive venue only made it all the more difficult to protect their leader. And with limited resources on hand, they were overwhelmed with things to do.

"Funsui... surprised you could find the time to get here."

"I should say same, C. I got irritated after having to waltz around for so long, my feet were starting to hurt. Plus, all the food only made me even more hungry." Funsui continued to voice his complaints, ignoring the obvious annoyance of his colleagues.

"Pfft! You sound like Rei. Besides, we're not just relaxing here. This spot is perfect for getting to Raikage-sama in case anyone attempts any foul play. Though right now, the situation with Tai seems far more dull—!"

"Hey. Don't be so quick to write him off. After training him, I can vouch for his ability. That kid's far more than meets the eye."

"Oh? And what inspires such confidence, my old friend."


{Hm? Isn't this chakra...?} C was alerted by a new presence nearby.

"Simple Ronri, it's because he knows—?!"

"It's because my son knows what I'll do to him, if he loses disgracefully on merely the first preliminary round."

A gentle hand reached Funsui's shoulder from behind as a stunning woman revealed her figure to the group.

Much to their shock, not only was Tai's mother, Tomoe Yotsuki, here... but accompanying here were three other individuals they'd never expected to grace them with their presence today.

"Tomoe-sama! And... Mariko-san?! Wait a sec... is that Omoi and Karui behind you?! What the hell are you guys doing here?!" C nearly jumped from his seat!

"Surprise! Since Omoi and Karui are in Cloud Academy now, I figured this would be a good learning experience. Samui and Yugito volunteered to look after the rest of the children in my foster home. Plus, Tomoe's an old friend of mine, and with Tai-kun participating..."  

"I was more than willing to escort her here. Plus, I figured you wouldn't mind some assistance with security, so I've taken the liberty of bringing some of my clansmen to aid in your endeavors." Tomoe added.

"Ah... that's music! Thank you!" {Still... Tomoe is an "old friend" of Mariko's? The wife of the Yotsuki Clan head went to the trouble of taking her across the continent? There's definitely more to their relationship than meets the eye...} (C)

Mariko gestured for Omoi and Karui to sit in the front while she and Tomoe took their seats next to the men. All of whom were grateful to the latter, relieved their jobs were now far less challenging with the Yotsuki clan's assistance.

They could actually enjoy themselves and spectate the fights with little scrutiny now.

"There's no need to worry about my son. His issues have never lied with his skills" Tomoe narrowed her eyesight on Tai's figure.

"O-Oh... okay. Sooooo... what issue of his was big enough to warrant such concern from you?"

"You think me concerned, Darui-kun?"

"I'm pretty sure you didn't come all the way to this barren land for the sights." 

"Hmmm, well... you're right about that. His problem stems from his... awkward upbringing."



"Particularly... his state of mind"




"A-Achoo! Uwah..." {I just had the worst feeling... is someone talking about me right now?}

Tai was as rigid as a statue.

Nothing but him, and eleven other Genin poised to put all the effort they possibly could into either pushing him off this elevated stage... or harming him until he couldn't move.

The Tsuchikage's son Kitsuchi, acting as referee, stood from a podium uniquely positioned between the stage and the stands, slowing lifting his right arm.

"Man, this really sucks. A medical ninja like me with no support, have I ever been in a fight without Rei or Suzu's help? Agh! There was so much more I could've done during my training! Getting faster, stronger, or coming up with even more formula for my poisons... ugh! I think my stomach is starting to hurt from all this anxiety. And the attention of the crowd sure as hell ain't helping."

While most eyes were placed on Kitsuchi, Tai shifted his focus on the competition before him. Taking what little time he could to "size them up" before the match begean.

{Let's see... we've got one from Iwagakure, two from Sunagakure3Hidden Sand Village, another two from Konoha and... crap. Six from Ishigakure4Hidden Rock Village... the match hasn't even started yet, and those guys already have me in their sights. Figures...}

With so much bad blood between their two nations, Tai's anxiety was met with a tinge of anger at the sight of the Ishi ninja before him. Recalling the damage their nation had indirectly delt to his village and clan, he tightly gripped the Wakizashi5Side Sword blade on his hip.

The very same bestowed upon by his mother, as per his family's unique traditions.


A subtle wind began to blow.

All eyes were on Kitsuchi as an eerie silence swept the arena. A stand-off of twelve was taking place now. Each Genin, glancing at another with trepidation.

Following several more seconds which seemed to last for an eternity... the burly man had at last lowered his arm.



Every single Genin blasted from their positions! Each heading to their predetermined targets!

Tai withdrew the blade from its hilt, fully intent on putting his Kenjutsu6Sword Techniques skills to the test!

"Time to move... Gotta stay on my toes!"


As he expected, members of the Ishigakure teams decided on him as their first target. Two charging directly at Tai, while the other four moved to engage the ninja of Sand and Leaf respectively. 

Though, their true purpose was to aid the sole ninja from Iwagakure. Despite the current circumstances, their country's under-the-table agreement with Iwagakure was still ongoing.

Only an instant passed before the arena had been separated into two group battles!

{Coming from both sides, they're likely going to corner me to the edge of the arena. Have to take at least one down as quickly as possible!} 


"Hm?! I know those hand seals..." 

"Fūton: Gōfūsen7Wind Style: Great Balloon!"

With a hasty clap of their hands, the pair from Ishigakure gathered streams of air before unleashing a dual wave of wind to knock Tai off the arena

Fully intent on taking advantage of the current environment, the pair knew wind style attacks had an edge on a platform seemingly immune to chakra adhesion!


"Eh? Is that really how they're gonna do it? A-Are they... going easy on me? I mean... compared to Suzu—" 



Tai jumped in the air just before the gust of wind could reach him, landing right behind one of his attackers. The latter withdrew his Kunai, attempting to cut the young Yotsuki, only for the latter...

"What the hell?!"

"—your Ninjutsu speed and quality are a hundred times worse than hers!" cut it cleanly in half!

"Ah! Don't just stand there you idiot!" Yelled his ally.


{Can't let this chance go!} "SEI!"

"Crap! I won't make it–!"


Tai issued a short yell before delivering a swift kick to the baffled enemy's chest. Knocking him off the arena

"AAAAAaaaahhhh!" The Genin yelled as he continued to fall down to the bottom.

"O-Oh... that was... easier than I thought it was gonna be. Weird..." 

"S-Seriously? You were knocked off... by this little...?"

Still somewhat bewildered, Tai turned his attention to the other Genin, trying his best to stay focused.

"Okay... I-I'm still out of my league here... but I've got no mercy to spare for you Ishi-nin."

"That's—you'll pay for that! Fūton!!!" Seeking to avenge his teammate, the Genin unleashed another wave a wind.

{Kumo-Ryū: Omotegiri8Cloud Style: Front Beheading!}

Gripping the small blade with both hands, Tai calmly raised his small sword before swinging it in a quick, downwards motion. Slicing through the enemy attack.

"H-Huh? He cut... through the technique. With just a blade? T-That's not possible... right?"

"And for a little extra...!"

"Crap! I-I'll make it even BIGGER this time!" 


An even greater amount of air gathered around the Ishi-nin, who no longer cared about reserving his chakra!

But Tai was already one step ahead of him!

{Suiton: Hahonryū9Water Style: Tearing Torrent!}


Droplets of water formed on his hand before spiraling in rapid rotation... allowing Tai to fire a small blast of water directly into his foe's face.


"Direct hit! Nice! Thought I was gonna miss for a moment there..."

What this modest attack lacked in strength, made up for in speed. Knocking the Rock ninja off balance, the disoriented move caused him to accidently fire his next wind attack in the direction of the group fighting with his comrades!




Exceeding everyone's expectations... the wind attack tore across the stage, striking the unsuspecting group fighting amongst one another. The attack came so quick, none were ready for it!

Before any could even realize, they were all sent pass the arena's edge.

As their view quickly descended, the Rock ninja's teammates continued to curse at their ally for giving them such a misfortune!


Along with the remaining two contestants, Tai and the sole ninja from Ishigakure, nearly the entire coliseum went silent with this... abrupt happenstance.




"Umm... what the hell just happened? Did they really all fall off... like that?" C, along with his colleagues, were completely stupefied with what they'd just witnessed.

"HAHAHA! Tai-nii...! L-Look at his face!! It's hilarious! BUHEHAHA!" Karui couldn't help but laugh at Tai's near-comical battle.

The others continued to hold an expression of disbelief, while Darui turned his attention to Tomoe, the latter of whom was lightly blushing at her son's embarrassing behavior.

"*SIGH*. As I've said, Tai's problem was never his abilities, but his attitude. He lacks... confidence. Being on a team with Suzu and Rei-chan, whether subconsciously or not, he's constantly comparing himself to them. Easily forgetting the fact his skill doesn't fall particularly far from theirs."

"In other words..."

"He tends to hesitate, to doubt. A low self-esteem born from being raised in our... troublesome clan." Tomoe appeared somewhat melancholy, be it from sadness... or guilt.

The rest remained silent upon seeing Tomoe like this, waiting for her to continue...

"Even in the face of enemies like the ones before him now, who aren't worth much—"

"Worth much?" Funsui cut in

"Exactly. Don't tell me any of you actually believed the Genin on this first round appeared capable of posing a threat to him, or his teammates?"

"Well, I didn't... but that's only because I trained him in the proceeding weeks. I know better than most as to what he's capable of" Funsui responded with some hesitation.

For even he was slightly fooled by Tai's downhearted attitude. The young man was known for having a "glass half empty" outlook when it came to his skills alone.

Though it became easy to forget this truth, for whenever he was with either Rei or Suzu, he felt unstoppable.

"When you think about it, Tai-kun had good luck in getting such easy competition for his first battle here" Mariko added as she shared some food with Karui and Omoi.

"Ahh... now I get it. He's yet to form his true shinobi resolve" Darui stated upon receiving an ephinay.

"Indeed. That's something not even one such as I can force, no matter how many training hell boot-camps I put him through."

{...I'm starting to feel really bad for that kid. Thank god you're not my mother}

"C... were you thinking about something rude just now?" Tomoe asked with a dark smile.

"N-N-N-No! Not at all!"


"Ah! Really Karui, stop with all the giggling. You're going to be a shinobi soon, act more dignified. You think Tai's team would behave in such a manner?" Mariko admonished the young girl.

{I don't think you can say much, considering the behavior you demonstrate whenever Rei is at your front door}

"Ronri... were you thinking about something rude just now?"

"Not. At. All!" {Now I can see how these two became friends!}

"Come on Mariko-nee, I bet they're laughing at this too!"


Mariko puffed her cheeks in denial "Not likely! We all know how mature my Rei-chan is!"





"Rei... please"

"I'm sorry Suzu... it's just...pwah! HAHAHA!"

Back in Team Tango's booth, Rei broke their silence for the first time since the fight began. Speaking out with his words, instead of utilizing the telepathic connection, via Tango's Chakra Transmission technique.

Or rather, with his laughter...

"I'm sorry but I... CAN'T. HELP. MYSELF! Kukukuku... my stomach hurts! How is he so funny?!"

⌈*SIGH*. He'll never change⌋

⌈Just let him have his fun Suzu, it's about time we had something to lighten the mood. But seriously Rei, start using this communication.⌋

⌈O-Okay, I think I'm good. For real, were we watching a cartoon or something just now?⌋

⌈I don't think Tai would appreciate you taking his struggles so lightly⌋

Rei turned his head towards Tango with a skeptical, raised eyebrow.

⌈Oh please, as if you actually believed he'd have trouble with such weaklings. The real heavy hitters haven't even shown up yet.⌋

⌈It is a bit ironic that out of everyone on this team, everyone EXCEPT Tai, are the only ones aware of his true power⌋ Suzu added.

Tango leaned forward, poking his head closer to the arena.

⌈If there's one shame I'll carry after you're no longer my students, it's that I was never able to show him that⌋

Rei and Suzu glanced at each other before the former patted him on the back. Both of his students standing side by side with him, smiling at Tai with assurance.



⌈The day isn't over yet, Sensei. Even now, Tai continues grow⌋


♦ ♦ ♦


Back on the arena...

"Holy shi—Wow. That worked out even better than I—?"

"Y-You! How dare you—embarrassing me like that!"

Status and reputation were everything in Ishigakure. The better rep you had, the better your life would be. But now, this young ninja had just been embarrassed in front of all the Shinobi nations.

It was clear he'd become a laughingstock once he returned to his village.

{What the hell is going on. Etoro said this one was the weakest of the ninja from Kumogakure! No way... Did those Konjiki bastards set us up?!}


{Are they trying to hog all the glory today for themselves... by throwing the rest of us under the bus?!}

"Excuse me..."


Veins appeared on his forehead as he pointed his red face directly at Tai like a mad beast! 

"I don't really know what to say..." Tai awkwardly rubbed the back his head, feeling somewhat apologetic.

"Y-Y-You... do you know what you've done...?!"

"Um... well..."




The wind remained subtle as Tai's opponent needed another moment to process his thoughts...


"Uh-oh...!" Tai raised his blade.

...Only for his rage to snap him out of it!

"AGGGGGRRRHH! I'LL END YOU!!" The lone Ishi-nin blasted from his position, angrily charging at Tai like a mad horse!

"Uwah! That only made it worse."


The Rock ninja withdrew two kunai from his pouch, closing the distance between them in seconds. As he pounced at Tai, the latter had a sudden realization.

{E-Eh? He's... really slow? Sparring with Rei in close proximity was far more challenging. Is he... still underestimating me or something?} "Hmph!"



Casually parrying attacks from his opponent, Tai quickly disarmed him with ease. But as the act only served to incite him further, he proceeded to tackling Tai in order to knock him off!

{So obvious...} "I know it's not my place, but you really shouldn't make light of this event, there's no place for joking around."


With a subtle side-step, Tai easily dodged before delivering a swift blow to the back of the Ishi Genin's head with the hilt of his sword, causing him to tumble off the arena.

"This can't be—!"

"Thank you for letting me win."

"NOOooooooo!!" His expression remained confused as he fell from the arena, the last image in eyes was Tai, delivering a respectful bow towards him.

"E-Eh? I guess... that's it? Did I wi—"


The young man's words were cut short as Kitsuchi suddenly jumped onto the stage.

"Huh? The referee?" {Don't tell me, did I do something wrong? Am I getting disqualified?!}



Placing his hands behind his back, he once again shouted with all his might.


{AGH! My ears!} "Wait... I won? Just like that?"


In the span of seconds, the once subtle crowd erupted with applause, followed by...


...Glorious cheering!! The entire coliseum, with denizens hailing from all over the world gifted the young ninja with praise!



"I... I won. I actually won. Heh... Hehe... ALRIGHT! I WON!! HAHA! YES!" Tai sheathed his sword, waving back at the crowd with glee!




Meanwhile, in Team Tango's quarters...

⌈Well Sensei?⌋

⌈You were right not worry, Rei⌋

⌈Of course. I told you my friend could do it⌋

Rei and Suzu turned their heads towards the incredibly large video screen



"Now then... I wonder who's up next."


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