Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

246. Just Like That?

Remember, it's DOUBLE CHAPTER DAY! Chapters 245 & 246 are out today. If you haven't read 245 yet, go back and check it out!


One of Konohagakure's1Hidden Leaf Village most talented prodigies made his way to the center stage, and with him, the eyes of various personalities hosting their own thoughts and expectations.

An elderly witness with particularly dark intentions clenched the cane in his hand, for the only Genin he cared about was finally here.

"It's finally Itachi's turn..."

"Danzō-sama... I must again insist we find another location for you to remain. This spot in the stands is far too exposed for my liking."

"Agreed. I still don't understand what's so special about him. Even for an Uchiha, I don't believe it's worth the risk to leave yourself so open like this? Especially in foreign territory..."

Accompanying the infamous Danzō Shimura were two bodyguards from his covert "ROOT" organization. The group were wrapped in cloaks, but the discretion alone wasn't enough to alleviate the concerns of his protective detail.

Danzō's bloody reputation was appropriately matched by the number of people who wished him dead. For this reason, he had not stepped one foot outside of Konoha since the end of the 3rd Shinobi World War.


"If you can't handle an attack from such a wide venue, then I question your skill. I came here to witness Itachi's debut, and that's what I'm going to do. Your orders, which should be the only thing that matters to you, have already been given."

"...Understood. We will not speak of this anymore."

"As for why I'm so interested, simply watch... and you'll understand."

After making intent to stay known, his masked guards said no more, but nonetheless... maintained their vigilance.


"Now then... let's see what the son of Kyōgan2Wicked Eye Fugaku is truly capable of."




Interest in Itachi Uchiha didn't stop with Danzō, for even the very Gokage3Five Shadows themselves, glued their eyes to the former's figure once the clan insignia on the back of his shirt came into full view.

{Excellent, all the Genin are either from Ishigakure4Hidden Rock Village or Iwagakure. If we can nip this little problem in the bud now, our chances for winning will increase exponentially!}

The Tsuchikage5Earth Shadow Ōnoki smirked at his village's clear abuse of its status as the exam host.

{A member of the Uchiha Clan. That'll spell trouble down the line. Fortunately, it appears I won't have to worry about it this time.}

The Kazekage6Wind Shadow carefully hid a sigh of relief from the others, appeased upon discovering no Genin of his village were selected to fight in this match.

Someone else had sighed as well... but rather, out of guilt than fear.

{Those shoulders... carry a weight too heavy for even adults. Eventually, us old fogies will end up forcing him to choose between his family, or his home. A choice twelve-year-old shouldn't have to make... what a failure on my part.}

And just to the left of the regretful 3rd Hokage7Fire Shadow Hiruzen Sarutobi, A leaned forward on the designated seat for the Raikage, recalling what he'd heard in an old report from Tango.

'According to Tai and Suzu, the pair were ambushed by a very powerful Uchiha in Rengoku no Kyōkoku8Purgatory's Canyon, a Genin even younger than them, closer to Rei's age. 

From what I've been told, his Genjutsu was so strong, Suzu was forced to use that power to get away. Something we've confirmed even C isn't capable of forcing her do with his skill.

Raikage-sama... If what they've told me is accurate, it's safe to say that clan has produced an amazing prodigy.'


{A small ponytail with a single short sword on his back... His appearance matches the description. So, this is the infamous Uchiha they encountered in the second exam. What will he show us today...}





"It's him, remember what to do."

"Got it... this is gonna be too easy."

Itachi eyes scanned his surroundings, instantly recognizing what his status would be like when the match begins.

{I've clearly been marked as a target. 194 contestants... 16 matches... at least two of them will have 13 Genin, one being this match. This isn't a battle royale...}

"AND NOW...!"

As Kitsuchi raised his hand to begin the next match, Itachi opponents placed all their attention on his figure.

Thinking of nothing but his defeat, and how they'd pull it off. Tightening the grip on their weapons, churning the chakra within their bodies, preparing to launch Ninjutsu, the Iwa and Ishi shinobi believed themselves ready for anything!

{...It's 1 vs 12}



The moment the battle began, Itachi's eyes turned red with two black back marks on each iris in the shape of two Tomoe9Japanese abstract design resembling magatama beads, instantly activating his visual jutsu, the Sharingan10Copy Wheel Eye!

Kitsuchi jumped from the stage, back into his perch to observe the match.

Only, something strange had occurred...




{W-What the hell—?!}

Kitsuchi nearly tripped with shock right as the entire coliseum, which was just bursting with cheer... immediately went silent. Countless spectators became horrified upon witnessing each and every Genin, save for Itachi... behave in such a manner.

The Genin screamed in horror, as if experiencing their worst nightmares. To everyone else, it was as if watching each of them undergo some of the worst episodes a psychotic break could entail.

Some tossed and turned over the floor in an uncouth manner, others scratched their skin with madness, several even began to weep with tears!

It wasn't long before they all sporadically began to...

{Those... those imbeciles!} Ōnoki nearly screamed out of embarrassment.

"What the—?! Hey!" Kitsuchi yelled in shock!

...jump off the platform!

In the span of no more than ten seconds... Itachi had become the sole remaining Genin on stage.

{W-W-What the hell... Just like that?} Ōnoki, along with many others, were completely stupefied at what had just occurred.

The match was over...



"T-The winner for this round is... Itachi Uchiha..."




"U-Umm... okay. Just—what?!"

"As I've said previously sensei, that guy is very dangerous."

Team Tango watched as Itachi casually left the arena, lacking a single shred of emotion on his departure. Completely stunned, Tango accidentally released the Chakra Communication technique he'd previously utilized.

{That many people, so fast, and with such intensity... I mean—I know it's Itachi of all people, but still...!}

Rei held his head in frustration after what he'd just witnessed. Now understanding his personal goals for today's events were now infinitely more difficult.

Upon regaining his focus, Tango immediately restored the telepathic link between the three via his chakra.

⌈Suzu... Rei... what do you think?⌋

⌈About what?⌋

⌈You know "what", kid... how do you two feel about facing him?⌋

Suzu and Rei glanced at each other, both a bit unsettled, before Suzu broke the awkward silence.

⌈No offense to Tai, but I doubt he can handle it. As for me, I couldn't beat him... as I am now.⌋

⌈You mean...?⌋

⌈If I were to use "that", the outcome would still remain unpredictable. Plus, it's obvious he still has even more tricks up his sleeve. So let's put the thought on the shelf for now.⌋

⌈Okay... forget I asked.⌋

Suzu was obviously hinting towards the ascended chakra within her body.

Though still a classified secret, the Chūnin Exams this year were not one for holding back. Especially considering Kumogakure's current, negative status in regards to its sullied reputation.

Since she had yet to receive permission to use it, she tossed the idea aside, maturely accepting the fact she couldn't defeat Itachi as she was now.

Tango then turned to Rei, their supposed "ace-in-the-hole", eager to hear his opinion on the matter at hand...

⌈Honestly... he's far stronger than I expected. I know I'm abnormal myself but...⌋

⌈So even you can't do it...⌋

⌈I didn't say that.⌋

⌈You mean... you can?⌋

Rei folded his arms and leaned back against the wall.

⌈You could say that I've become somewhat... different. After our month-long training, I mean. I still haven't adjusted to the recent changes.⌋

⌈What the hell does that even mean?⌋ 

Tango and Suzu grew all the more confused. Though Rei was known for being ambiguous, it was never to such a degree they couldn't even guess as to what his intentions were.

Somewhat apologetic, he couldn't share the details of his training... of what truly took place within his body... and soul.

⌈I'm working on something in my head. It's like what I want is right in front of me, but still out of my grasp... does that make sense?⌋

⌈Rei... I don't get it.⌋

⌈I just need to get... I just need—?!⌋

His train of thought was interrupted after Suzu placed her hand on his shoulder.

⌈It's okay. You needn't say anymore.⌋


⌈If even the possibility of victory remains, I know you of all people will seize it. There's nothing more to worry about, Tango-sensei.⌋

Suzu knew how secretive Rei was, but the young lady had never been bothered by it. Merely nodding her head in affirmation, reassuring Rei of the vast trust and faith she held for him.

Rei simply nodded back in gratitude for her opting to respect his privacy, rather than pry any further. Feeling it as an inappropriate time to interject, Tango remained silent as he watched the two.

That is... until Suzu began making her way out of the booth.

⌈Wait, where are you going?⌋


Rei pointed to the massive video screen upwards. As Tango followed his finger, he scanned the screen as the new list of contestants appeared. Stopping on a familiar name in the process.

Tango chuckled somewhat before waving at the young kunoichi, who'd just bumped fists with Rei.

"Alright girl, try not to have too much fun out there."

"You mean... no more than you?"



"Damn straight"


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