Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

247. Brute Force [1]

Okay. PT is starting to get harder, though my doctor says I'm making good progress. I still feel as if my body is made of glass. Even the slightest misstep gives me crazy pain ><! The next chapter is almost done. Gonna try and get it out as soon as possible. So for now, please enjoy this one!


"Looks like it's our turn... sorry Iruka."

"It's fine Dango. When you think for a sec... it's actually good luck I don't have to fight a teammate. Just do your best."

{Luck. You can say that again... this jerk's lousy with it} "Hmph! Save the idle chat for later!"

Ever supportive towards his team, Iruka gave them all the encouragement he could muster in this situation. They were anxious enough as is, still in disbelief they'd made it this far after their experiences during the second exam.

But one couldn't stall forever, and today of all days wasn't one for hesitation. Dango and Mizuki rechecked their supplies several times before leaving the booth.

After giving his last words to Dango, Iruka turned to his other teammate "Alright Mizuki, you ready?"

"Like you even need to ask..."

"O-Oh. Well, alright then. Good luck..."

"Let's get this over with Dango."

While Dango returned his teammates support with gratitude, Mizuki brashly brushed it off, no longer able to stomach the sight of Iruka... for whom he held a grudge with out of pure jealousy.

{He's getting worse... this is going to be a problem for sure.} Dango stared at his teammate as they walked out of the booth.

Mizuki's petulant attitude was a growing concern. Dango found himself covering for his faults far more frequently during their tenure in Iwagakure. Aware they were friends since childhood, he couldn't help but notice the rift that grew between them.

As Iruka continued to excel, Mizuki began to see him as more of an obstacle to overcome... rather than an old friend.

"Remember, it doesn't matter which one of us makes the cut. Our goal today is to demonstrate the efficiency of Konoha's ninja. The real enemy are the Genin from the other—!"

"Put a lid on it Dango, I know already! Get over yourself! You're a Genin like me, not some captain! Worry about your own issues before you start nagging at me."

"Look, I'm just saying—! *SIGH*. I was just offering some friendly advice, keep your cool man."



{For the love of... that demeanor will definitely bite him in the ass someday.}




"Ah! Mariko-nee! Look! Look! I can see her from here!" Karui exclaimed in delight the moment she spotted Suzu on the arena platform.

"Good catch. Be sure to cheer her on so she can win!"


"Unless your cheering ends up distracting her. Then she'll slip up, get knocked off the stage, and fail. Then she'll fall into chronical depression for years... what if she loses her career as a shinobi because of us?!"



"Cut it out Omoi! You're gonna jinx her!"

The denizens from Kumogakure naturally grew all the more invested for the next preliminary round when another of their own arrived on the platform.

Mariko was quite relieved, now having confirmed none of Team Tango's members would be forced to fight one another in these early matches. However, the participants of this round appeared to be somewhat tougher than Tai's entourage during his previous match.

"Just like with Tai, it's likely some of them will chose to single her out first. What do you think Funsui? None of us here but you were actually present during their month-long training session." Darui eagerly asked.

"I oversaw Tai's training; Tango took the reins when it came to coaching Suzu... so I can't give you an accurate assessment."

"From what it sounds like... you still hold at least some estimate of the outcome?" Tomoe coyly implied as she hid a suggestive smirk behind a beautifully crafted folding fan in her hand.

Funsui grabbed his chin before taking a deep breath. Glancing at the arena with his sole functioning eye, he briefly thought back to the days he spent with that team of Genin. 

The reason some here held concern for the upcoming battle was due to the unique power Suzu obtained during the Siege several months ago. The LIFT, along with attacks of the Chinoike and Fūma clans respectively, still weighed heavily on the minds of many veterans from Kumogakure.

For shinobi villages, the whole purpose of these exams was to leave a good impression. If she were to lose control at a public venue such as this, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"From what I've seen, the issue we shouldn't be concerned with isn't her chances of victory."

"So there is an issue then... what exactly should we concern ourselves with?" C only grew more impatient with Funsui's ambiguity.



"Mmm. Controlling her power won't be a problem... long as they don't push her too far."




Alone in the arena, the kunoichi in question hid her emotions perfectly. An easy feat, considering she rarely wore them on a sleeve, ever stoic was Suzu's way.

Instead, she focused on determining the most effective means to approach the current scenario before her...

"A pair from the Leaf, the Stone, and the Sand. But what's truly surprising are the others..."

Whispering to herself as she scanned each participant from head to toe, her shifting eyes stopped on the last five, as minor surprise greeted her upon identifying the origin of their attire.

Sporting cold wear ill-suited for both location and season, headbands equipped with the symbol of snowflakes, these Genin hailed from none other than the one shinobi nation closest to her village...

"Shimogakure1Hidden Frost Village... to think even they'd be here. The allure of this year's Chūnin exam is indeed hard to resist." Suzu clenched her fist.

Just as her thoughts began to spin new theories and concerns regarding these unfamiliar foes, Kitsuchi once again stood atop his perch.

With their roster of twelve complete, he rose his arm once more, causing everyone to ready themselves. With a single downwards swinging motion...

"Guess I'll start with those two..." Suzu peered at her first targets.


...The match had begun!

Suzu cut through the air as she dashed across the platform, her opponents... the two ninja from Iwagakure!

Knowing the relationship their village now shared with Ishigakure2Hidden Rock village, the girl had no intention of showing mercy to those so quick to make friends with her old enemies!

Blitzing so fast, her impressive speed hadn't failed to impress even Rei!

Only seconds passed for her to take control of the battleground, cleverly forcing the Leaf, Sand, and Frost ninja into a three-way deadlock. Giving her the means to fight the Stone ninja unimpeded.

"Guess we're starting with her... which is fine by me!"

"I've got more than enough ammo to spare!"

Going with the flow, one of the Stone ninjas reached into his pouch, taking out a handful of small pebbles before passing half to his partner. The pair proceeded to place one pebble inside their mouths at a time before sporadically spitting them out.

Adequate in Earth Style ninjutsu herself, Suzu quickly understood what the pair was up to before increasing her pace.


The pebbles flying her way suddenly expanded in size and ferocity!

"Doton: Iwadeppo no Jutsu3Earth Style: Rock Gun Jutsu! A technique your village is famous for. Pssh!" Suzu scoffed at their attacks.

These two Genin were several years older than her, well into their teens. Yet, the size and scale of their combined attack was disappointing in her eyes, paling in comparison to the time she utilized the very same technique... at the mere age of nine.

She grabbed two kunai from the holster on her right leg, still charging forward to intercept the projectiles. Fully aware of the Ninjutsu's structure, she knew disruption of the pebbles before they expand can cancel out the technique.


"Hm?! What's she up to?"

As power gathered in her hands, she demonstrated a new level of chakra flow. Practically transparent, her wind chakra sharply formed around her kunai blades. And with much grace, she eloquently sliced each projectile into pieces, her pace remaining unhindered!


"Tsk! A Fūton4Wind Style user...! What a pain!"




In her team's booth...

"Her wind chakra... that's some good chakra flow despite the kunai not being chakra blades. Plus, her earlier speed... she blasted the air behind her to gain a quick speed boost." Rei chuckled in satisfaction before turning to Tango.

"I took Mabui-san's advice to heart before training her for today's events. Learning a technique is far easier than creating your own. And while she hasn't reached that point yet... this is a good step in the right direction."

"Huh. Not bad... not bad at all sensei."

"You know, this lesson isn't just for her?"

"I know... believe me, I know. And I'm almost there..."




"Ah, crap! What do we do Gantetsu?! I'm almost out of—?"

"Hold on, I'll figure something... AH! Heads up!"



"Too slow." Her raven-black hair danced in the sunlight as she pushed forward.

Closing the distance between them in no time, Suzu placed her hands on the chest of the Genin closet to her.

"Better luck next year..." {Fūton: Reppūshō5Wind Style: Gale Palm}

"Oh n–!"

"Chōseki! Move, you moron!"


A blast of concentrated air erupted from Suzu's palm, sending the young man hurdling over his partner as he ungracefully tumbled off the arena.

"Y-Y-You... little bitch!"

"That's one down... ten to—?!"


Just as she was getting ready to take care of Gantetsu, a sudden blast of smoke from the side interrupted their fight, as two figures were tossed out between them. 

"Argh! Damn it!"

"I told you not to charge ahead... listen for once!"

None other than the participants from Konohagakure6Hidden Leaf Village, Mizuki and Dango were blasted away from the battle with the Sand and Frost ninja, now forced to join Suzu's.

"Though unexpected... I might as well not let this chance slip."

"K-Kuh!" Gantetsu was startled after seeing his enemy prepare her next attack.

{Fūton: Shinkūgyoku7Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres}

"Ah! Mizuki!"

"What is it now–WHOA!" Mizuki could hardly finish his sentence before Dango grabbed him by the back of his shirt, desperately trying to get out of the range of Suzu's attack!

After taking a deep breath, she'd exhaled concentrated blasts of air, akin to small bullets which tore through everything in their way!

"Doton: Doryūheki8Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Gantetsu feverously moved his hands, never forming hand seals faster in his life, before hurling out a stream of mud from his mouth... quickly hardening it into a defensive wall of stone!


"U-Urgh! Damn her!"

As the Stone ninja desperately tried to hold on, Dango and Mizuki bounced around the arena, trying to not get hit before jumping behind Gantetsu.

"Hey! I ain't working with you! This is my barricade, go somewhere else!" Annoyed he was being taken advantage of by Leaf ninja, he yelled at them, demanding they move somewhere else.

"Yeah?! Then how about you make us?!" Mizuki retorted in a provoking tone.

"Ugh! Why you...! I won't forget this!"

Mizuki clearly reminding Gantetsu he couldn't afford to fight them right now. For if he dropped his concentration, his defenses would fall apart from Suzu's assault!


But they could not attack him as well, for they'd all get knocked off if his stone defense fell. In addition, seeing them huddled up in one spot only incited Suzu to increase the intensity of her attack. Seeing an opportunity to get all three, she increased the speed of her Ninjutsu!

Their difference in skill was becoming more apparent as his defense continued to crumble apart!

"The speed of her Jutsu is too quick... I can't restore the wall fast enough! Screw it! Hey, you two!"

"Lemme guess... you wanna team up?!"


"Shut it Dango! We're all going to fail if we don't do something soon!"

"Exactly! I'm proposing a temporary truce for dealing with her!"

Though Dango protested, Mizuki cared little for his opinions. Easily treating this stranger as more of an ally than his own teammate as they quickly formulated a strategy.

While Suzu's technique was powerful, it's lack of a wide range had not escaped Gantetsu's notice.

"We'll divide her attention. I'll move to the left, Dango to the right, and you'll charge her head on." Mizuki proposed.

Gantetsu nodded his head, as did a reluctant Dango. The hastily formed trio stood up and moved into position, ready to dash away.

"Let's go!" Mizuki yelled with all his might!


Dango retrieved several kunai from his pouch, ready for whatever came his way as he removed himself from the protection of Gantetsu's Earth wall!


"Now with her focus split, I can—eh?"


...his body was ruthlessly bombarded by spheres of air!

Creating countless bruises and cuts across his figure. His clothes were torn to ribbons as his eyes quickly went white. In a split second, Dango had been rendered completely impaired!

{But... how? I thought her attack... couldn't reach us... all at... once...} These were Dango's last thoughts as he lost consciousness before falling off the arena.

"You guys..." Suzu's voice went hoarse with anger.


Mizuki appeared at her five o'clock, nearly blindsiding her as a massive shuriken spinning in his hand was sent flying in her direction!

"Cheh... I knew that bastard couldn't be counted on!" Mizuki berated loudly.


Initially believing him to be talking about his fallen comrade in such a negative manner, she realized it was none other than Gantetsu as to whom he was addressing. Still hiding behind his wall of stone, Mizuki was now the sole exposed Genin of the remaining two.

It didn't take long for her to understand what had just happened. The look of surprise on Dango's face... Mizuki had betrayed his own teammate! Sacrificing him to gain a chance for the other two to strike. Or at least, that's what should have been the case...

For Gantetsu measly poked his head out to see what was going on. Mizuki had betrayed Dango, only for Gantetsu to do the same to him! The latter hoping to take advantage of their fighting!

"Whatever... I don't need anyone's help!" Proclaimed an irritated Mizuki as he pulled back his left hand.


The sun shined briefly shined on a wire so small, it appeared almost transparent.  Connecting his arm to the large throwing star, he pulling activated a mechanism which split the projectile into numerous parts!

What was one, was now over a dozen of blades only feet away from reaching her!

{A rigged shuriken... not bad at all. Take her out already, Konoha brat!}

Gantetsu smiled with glee as Mizuki cackled maniacally, assured of his victory! The latter's grin widening to the point he resembled a Cheshire cat.

"No... you definitely need help..." Whispering ominously, air gathered around Suzu's being.


In the brief, infinitesimal moment since the blades neared her figure... a change had occurred within her body. Empowering her wind to new heights, blocking every blade... and vanishing just as quickly.

It was so sudden, no one knew what to make of this situation.


"What? What just happened? Did he... miss? No... he couldn't have. So how is she still standing?" Gantetsu grumbled in frustration, knowing his problems were still not over with.

Suzu remained silent, head down. Eyes no longer visible due to her hair bangs.

"Cheh! If you're just gonna stand there, then don't blame me for this!" Growing frustrated with her silence, Mizuki took out a blade before dashing straight at Suzu, her back still turned towards him.

In response, she subtly sidestepped, moving her head away from his lunge. Quickly grabbing arm and tossing him over her shoulder, slamming him to the ground.

His anger only growing further, he got back up ready for another attempt when the sight of her face stopped him in his tracks.

"You... betrayed your own team, your friends so easily." 

"What are you–?" Mizuki trembled in fear.

"How? How can you do that? It doesn't make any sense to me?"


Despite her face lacking a single modicum of emotion...

Despite the docile tone in her voice...

He could tell in an instant...


"Y-Y-You...!" Mizuki tightened the grip on his blade.

"I don't understand it, I don't like it... I. HATE. IT."


This kunoichi barely a foot away from him...


"H-H-Hiieek!" Mizuki embarrassingly screeched like child.

...was full of unyielding rage.

As fear, desperation, and ego eroded his common sense away, Mizuki eventually threw caution to the wind as he lunged at her once more.

"You two... really piss me off."



The center of his face was met with a single right-handed haymaker so fast and powerful, his entire body was sent flying through the air... 

"OH SHI–!!!"


...all the way to Gantetsu's location!


Blasting straight through the latter's Earth wall, she brutally sent them both off the stage!


The air was quiet as the noise from the stands abruptly ceased in shock. The battle between the Frost and Sand ninja also come to a grinding halt as Suzu's final assault hadn't escaped their notice.

The young lady stood in place, completely livid from the behavior she deemed to be so disgraceful. Still lacking a single trace of emotion, her emerald-green eyes continued to tremble as she spoke once more...




"May you go far in life. That way, I'll never have to see your stupid faces again."


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