Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

27. Notitia

"Oof!" (Rei)

While heading towards the basement, Rei suddenly lost his balance and fell

"Ugh...what the...why am I having trouble moving?" (Rei)

[That's natural. Medically speaking, you're practically a newborn]

Because I have a new body. Wait! Hold on a sec...!

"If I'm like a newborn, then shouldn't I not even be able to walk?" (Rei)

[That's was the purpose of the "modifications" you made]

"You mean they raised my strength?" (Rei)

[That's an oversimplification. When you were following my instructions, not only did you isolate the genes you needed, but you also improved them]

"Improved them how?" (Rei)

[For starters, your cells will now undergo mitosis at a rate that far exceeds anyone else with regenerative capabilities]

"...Like Hashirama..." (Rei)

[Hashirama had incredible healing abilities...but you must remember that his powers paled in comparison to the Ōtsutsuki. And now yours could potentially grow to greater heights than theirs]

I remember...he could heal wounds instantly, but Ōtsutsuki could completely regenerate from almost anything. Even if they were cut in half

[The modifications also increased the mitochondrial efficiency of your body and decreased mitophagy]

"?!...My bioengineering is a little rusty, but wouldn't that..." (Rei)

[Increase the dexterity of your muscles many times over? That's correct.]

"So I'm completely superhuman now?!" (Rei)

[Just enough to be able to walk immediately after being reconstituted. Like what I stated before, you'll need time and training to reach your full potential. But now, it's safe to say you've become a creature beyond Human or Ōtsutsuki. A "Neo-Ōtsutsuki" if you will]

"A 'Neo-Ōtsutsuki'...the title is a bit flamboyant, but I can't complain about the perks" (Rei)


Making his way down towards the basement, Rei came across a massive Torii1 emitting a strange energy

"What is this?" (Rei)

[A space-time portal built by Isshiki]

"I thought Ōtsutsuki could use space-time ninjutsu whenever they wanted?" (Rei)

[Isshiki's body was in horrible shape. He made this portal as a means of not expending his chakra. Now...enter]

"...Fine" (Rei)





"Where the hell am I now?" (Rei)

[A private dimension that Ishhiki kept hidden from his Clan. Look in that cage over there]


"What am I looking for-" (Rei)


"HOLY HELL?!" (Rei)

Inside was a one-eyed creature with ten tails possessing a "Rinnegan"

[Remain calm]

"Remain calm?! Are you f*cking with me! That's a 'Ten-tails' right?! It came this close to eating me!" (Rei)

[There's nothing to fear for it's restrained. Now get closer]

"For what reason?!" (Rei)

[You're going to take, not all, but some of it's chakra. It's time to start growing your capacity]

"...Because now I can grow infinitely right?" (Rei)

[Correct. But you must only take as much as you can carry. And DO NOT use it, you're just holding it inside your body]

"Why?" (Rei)

[Do you recall Osoi telling you about the horrible practices Kumogakure undertook to increase the powers of their ninja?]

"You mean the suicidal method of ingesting matter from tailed beasts and taking in chakra from others to increase your limits and power?" (Rei)

Yeah I remember, they got that stupid idea from the "Kin-Gin Brothers" after they ate flesh from the "Kyubi29 Tails". Too bad they didn't know it only worked for the brothers because they were distantly related to Hagaromo

[That's what you're going to do]

Are you high?

"There's no way in hell I'm going in there to eat that thing's flesh. It may be restrained, but I'm pretty sure if I get any closer it'll eat me" (Rei)

[Even if they haven't fully awakened yet, you should still have the powers of an Ōtsutsuki. You should be able to absorb some of the massive chakra it's emitting at a safe distance]

"So I'm undergoing the process of holding chakra in the body to increase my reserves. And because I have this 'Neo-Ōtsutsuki' body now, I won't have to worry about overloading..." (Rei)

[You will be doing this periodically from now on. With every opportunity you get, you must come here and take this creatures chakra]

"If, after some time, I manage to drain it dry...will I have the same level of power as it?" (Rei)


"Why not?" (Rei) 

[The majority of the power you take in your body will be spent raising your limit. Take Naruto for example. When Minato made the seal for the Kyubi, he purposely left a slight opening in it to feed the tailed beast's chakra to Naruto. Through out the series, Naruto's chakra has constantly absorbed the Kyubi's. And yet, his reserves still couldn't match the Kyubi's full power even at his prime]

"..." (Rei)

[That's why we're not making you a Jinchūriki. While it is a shortcut to getting stronger, you would waste too much time trying to gain control of it when it's inside you. Better to simply take it's raw power instead of worrying about it breaking a seal and taking over your body]

"Yeah...I'm not really one for house pets. Especially the ones that live inside of you" (Rei)

[There are no shortcuts. You still have to work hard to achieve your goal Rei]

Fair...but not easy...that's what you've told me about this "Project". I'm finally starting to get it...

"Okay, at least now things are looking a little brighter. And there's still plenty of time until Part 2 ends" (Rei)

[That's a good way to look at things. Using this method, it may accelerate the awakening of your other abilities you gained from Isshiki. But for now, this is all you can do. Start taking in chakra, we're getting really short on time]


"Short on time? What do you mean? The current Chunin exams shouldn't be over right?" (Rei)

[You underestimate how much time you spent on your "rebirth"]

What did you just say?!

" much time did I spend in there?!" (Rei)

[Thirteen days, eleven hours, thirty-four minutes, and sixteen seconds]

"That long?! So if I take into account the week I've been gone I have..." (Rei)

[Barely half a day before Mabui returns home after her three-week trip]

"Damn it...lead with that next time!" (Rei)

Rei ran towards the cage holding the ten-tails

"Tell me! How exactly do I take it's chakra?!" (Rei)

[Hold your hand out and feel the chakra it's releasing. Then like a tether rope, attach your chakra to its chakra and start pulling]

"Alright, I'll see if I can...huh?" (Rei)

Before he realized it, Rei was absorbing the Ten-tails power at an inhuman rate

Holy! My chakra is so much easier to control now!

"Is this the effect of my new body?" (Rei)

[Ōtsutsuki's can manipulate chakra far easier than humans can. Eventually, you will completely evolve into a new being]

"...Amazing..." (Rei)

After taking as much as his body could handle, Rei let go of the pull

[That's your "current" limit. Now you must not use it, just hold in your body for now. Feel it change your body and increase your reserves of power. Chakra absorbed from an external source won't stay with you forever. The only exception to that is Naruto and the Tailed beasts he took power from]

Huh. It's like muscle training, push it a little at a time and I improve. But if I push it too much at once...I break

"MC's are completely unfair no matter where you go..." (Rei)

[Once you're done...we'll begin your departure from this place. While waiting for the chakra to do its work, now would be a good time to study the formula inscribed in the pot from Mabui's closet]

"So I can always come back here right?" (Rei)

[Correct. Mabui made sure these pots only have a one use marker to prevent enemies from teleporting inside the village in case one was ever stolen. Memorize the details of that seal, so you can make your own anytime you want]

"So after I leave a mark in the lab, all I have to do is inscribe a new seal in the pot every time I use one...and I can come back here?" (Rei)

[This will be your means of coming here until you can unlock your own space-time ninjutsu]

"Then I'd better get to work" (Rei)




Ten hours later, Rei stood up

[Have you finished your task]

"I've completely memorized this formula...and my Chakra has..." (Rei)

Without saying anything else, Rei made a hand seal and disappeared


"?! My strength as grown exceptionally to use the 'Body Flicker Jutsu' that well..." (Rei)

In the blink of an eye, Rei moved from the cage holding the Ten-tails to the Torii space time gate

[This is just the start...You still need to exercise proper control for the best effect]

"You're right. Chakra control has become much easier...but I still feel like I can do better" (Rei)

[You must be even more diligent for the future. Now I believe it's time to leave]

"On that...we can agree"


Making his way through the portal he climbed upstairs and placed two seals on the floor

"There...with that done...I can come here anytime I want as long as I have this pot" (Rei)

[Two for leaving, and another for coming back]

"Yup. Isshiki's...or should I say MY lab will prove most useful for future" (Rei)

[With this completed, I must now ask for confirmation]

"Confirmation for what?" (Rei)

[Has your Lifeline request been properly fulfilled?]

Why is it asking...wait a sec...

"...Let me guess, I say yes and you go back to 'normal' right?" (Rei)

[If by "normal" you mean taking on the original persona...then yes]

Great, the asshole is coming back

"So you DO have multiple personalities" (Rei)

[I do not suffer "Dissociative Identity Disorder", my mannerisms simple undergo a change. I'm still the "Guide"]

...That won't do anymore...

"..." (Rei)


"...Notitia" (Rei)

[I beg your pardon?]

"I'm tired of calling you 'Guide'. From now on, I'll call you Notitia" (Rei)

[Notitia...that's the Latin word for "information". The name is appropriate considering my "role" in this world]

"Better than your old name...but to answer your question" (Rei)


"Yes, I am satisfied with results. My first Lifeline request has been completed" (Rei)



Again with the robot voice...

"Hello?" (Rei)


I thought it'd be back immediately

"Is it gone for now?" (Rei)

[Aaaaaannnnd...I'm back BITCHES!]


"Hah...If I wasn't afraid of any unforeseen consequences to keeping the Lifeline active, I definitely wouldn't have brought you back" (Rei)

[Hehe. Now you say that...but who was the one that decided to give me a name. "Notitia" LOL]

"Only out of convenience for me. Now shut up while I use this Jutsu" (Rei)

[Whatev's. Imma take a nap. Being all "diligent" for so long is exhausting]

Seriously, just what in the hell is this thing?

Taking out the pot sealed inside the scroll he was holding, Rei climbed inside and put the lid on

"Reverse Summoning Jutsu!" (Rei)

The pot disappeared in a cloud of smoke, reappearing in Rei's room. Getting out of the pot he confirmed his surroundings

"Looks like it worked...nice! The future is looking great!" (Rei)

He became ecstatic at his recent success just as the sound of the front door opening could be heard

Hm? She's right on time...

Leaving his room, he greeted the one who entered his home

"Hey nee-san. How did it go?" (Rei)

"Phew! Insane is the best way to describe it. But it's official...I'm now a Chunin!" (Mabui)

She said with a bright smile on her face

"Congratulations" (Rei)

"Thanks. And what about you? Did you do anything interesting while school was closed?" (Mabui)

Grinning a little, he responded





"Let's just say I didn't miss leg day" (Rei)

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