Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

28. The New Norm

Since there will be more varying dialogue between characters from now on, I'll be making thought dialogue for the characters in {} with their names next to them


In his back yard, Rei resumed his training with Mabui. Sparring with vigor

"Wow! You certainly haven't slacked off since I've been gone!" (Mabui)

"I can hardly believe the results myself..." (Rei)

{And that's an understatement! Since my little "trip", the chakra inside me has increased at least three fold! My new body is brimming with energy} (Rei)

"Why don't I take it up a notch?" (Mabui)

"By all means" (Rei)

After he came back, Rei took it easy for a bit to get adjusted to his new body. During that time, his birthday passed and now he's six years old

"Humph!" (Rei)

"Good dodge! Much faster than before!" (Mabui)

"I'm just getting started!" (Rei)

{Everything about "Rei's" body that held me back is gone. If there was one thing I was lacking...} (Rei)

"And..." (Mabui)

"Huh?" (Rei)


"...down" (Mabui)

{ would be experience} (Rei)

"Ouch. You win again" (Rei)

"Yeah...but it took FAR more effort to win this time. Your potential is scary..." (Mabui)

Before he even realized it, Mabui caught Rei's fist and flipped him over

"How did you read me so easily?" (Rei)

"Your Taijutsu is very textbook and straightforward, you're too tense. Loosen up, strive to be unpredictable. That's the best way to get the 'spot' you need" (Mabui)

"Right...I forgot it's tomorrow" (Rei)

{Mabui had her Chunin exams in the late Spring. After taking it easy during Summer, we had entered Fall and the last week of my Third School Year} (Rei)

"Don't worry, after the fight just now I'm convinced you'll do well" (Mabui)

{Especially after that fight. I can't believe how much stronger he's become since I last sparred with him} (Mabui)

"Thanks, it'd be a shame if I flunk my final after working so hard for nearly three years" (Rei)

Entering the kitchen

"So what's on the menu?" (Rei)

"'re not getting grilled teriyaki this time" (Mabui)

"Tch" (Rei)

"Don't be like that. The final exam for graduation is known to be very physical. The last thing you need is to throw up during class. You'll be getting a light meal tonight" (Mabui)

"Che! Fine" (Rei)

{That was the one thing I was looking forward to} (Rei)


The next day, the pair stood outside the academy gates

"It was not that long ago we stood here and I asked if you wanted to back out..." (Mabui)

"'re not gonna ask it again are you?" (Rei)

"Hehe" (Mabui)

"?" (Rei)

"Hell no...go kick some ass Rei!" (Mabui)

"...That's more like it" (Rei)

Rei walked towards the front door

"After your graduation, I'll make your favorite!" (Mabui)

"Now that's a proper way to motivate someone!" (Rei)




Inside the academy, all the students in school were directed towards a large "Gymnasium" style room

{Wow, I didn't think the academy would have this many students...I don't recognize anyone} (Rei)

"Hey Rei!"

"Hm?" (Rei)

{ least there's one familiar face} (Rei)

"Hey Tai. Today's the ready" (Rei)

"You damn right I'm ready. I didn't come this far just to blow it" (Tai)

"Good to hear. You have any idea what the final test is gonna be like?" (Rei)

"...I did" (Tai)

"You did?" (Rei)

"It may be due to the Chunin exams but, there's been a last minute change for our grad exam" (Tai)

"What last minute-" (Rei)

"Attention Everyone!"

Several teachers and Genin entered the room along with school's principal

"As you should know by now, today is the day for some of you to become Ninja! You lot must be-"

The principal began to drone on in his speech about duty and what it means to be a Shinobi

{Ugh, we get it already. Can you just shut up and start the damn the thing} (Rei)

{Wait, is that guy...} (Tai)

"Hey Rei, you recognize that blonde Genin over there?" (Tai)

"Hm? Now that you mention, he does seem familiar..." (Rei)

{Where have I seen him before?} (Rei)

"You wouldn't believe considering his young age, but that Genin is the new 'C'. The previous one handpicked him personally" (Tai)

"I thought I recognized him...but what are these other ninja doing here anyway?" (Rei)

"It must be due to the recent 'changes' they made for the exam" (Tai)

{I'm not liking this at all...} (Rei)

"So without further ado, let's go over the rules for the final exam!"

{Finally} (Rei & Tai)

"First up, there will no longer be a limited number of spots!"

The crowd of students became restless

"No more limited spots huh? It may sound great but..." (Rei)

"Oh yeah...there's definitely a catch" (Tai)

{What are they up to this time?} (Tai)

"The Final exam will take place on the training grounds outside. There, you will find several small areas marked with a circle. The goal of the test is to remain in these 'zones' until time runs out...but that's not all you need to pass. The ninja you see before you will be observing your every move, their scoring of your performance will also attribute to whether you pass or not"

After pausing for a moment, the air in the room became tense. Many kids were quietly complaining about this new "feature" of the final exam

"Tai, I don't get it. Why are some people complaining? I would think with the spot limit removed everyone would be ecstatic about this test" (Rei)

"YOU of all people would think that considering you're at the top of the class. Before, this exam could be passed as long as you survived till the end. No matter how dirty the method or lack of skill. But now that our performance is being graded by observers..." (Tai)

"You can't just wing it or rely on luck to make it now right?" (Rei)

"Precisely, so with that in mind...wanna share a zone?" (Tai)

"With this much competition, do you really have to ask?" (Rei)

"Hehe no, I just have the habit of being thorough. Glad to be working with my 'partner' one last time" (Tai)

"Likewise" (Rei)

The Principal spoke once more

"Just like the change to this exam, so must you adapt as well! The test will begin the moment the doors in this room open. Once they do, you must quickly head out and grab a 'zone' to protect. The time limit is thirty minutes! May fortune favor the worthy!"

The teachers and the ninja left the room, everyone's sight was glued toward the doors, their bodies shaking with anticipation

Tai took out some scrolls and tied them around his body as Rei stretched

"...I see someone has come prepared" (Rei)

"Are you kidding? This is just my travel kit" (Tai)

{"Travel Kit"? Seriously? You look like you're ready to take on a damn army!} (Rei)


After several minutes of silence, Rei heard a clicking sound

"Tai..." (Rei)

"Yeah?" (Tai)

"...Get ready" (Rei)




Every door in the room slammed wide open as a voice on an intercom spoke


"Your 'Final Exam' has begun!"


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