Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

29. Final Exam [1]


"Move it!"


As soon as the doors opened, everyone blitzed out of the room like a stampede

"Tai come on! Keep up with me!" (Rei)

"Keep up with your speed?! You make it sound so easy!" (Tai)

The pair made their way to the battlegrounds, only to come across a strange field

"Oh! This is made even better than what I'd thought it would be!" (Tai)

" this what I think it is?" (Rei)

"Yup...landscaping at its finest my friend" (Tai)

{Just how much time and back-breaking work was put in to make this place?} (Tai)

"Incredible" (Rei)

"I had heard about it before, but I was not expecting this..." (Tai)

The battlegrounds was an area composed of multiple simulated environments

To a lake with small platforms inside it, a miniature sand dune, different types of forests, an elevated rocky area to simulate mountains, and even small hot springs near the other side of the field

And in each area were several flag poles with white circles drawn around them

"Those flags represent the zones, let's go!" (Tai)

"Right" (Rei)

{Wow...even the temperature and air feel different when I enter a different area. They have to be using Ninjutsu} (Rei)

"This way! Towards the pond!" (Rei)

"What?! No! Definitely not that way!" (Tai)

"Why not?!" (Rei)

"Nemui is moving in that direction!" (Tai)

"And why is that a problem?!" (Rei)

"Just trust me! You definitely don't wanna go there when Nemui is heading that way!" (Tai)

{Damn it, what does he know that I don't?!} (Rei)

"Ugh, fine! We were the first to get here too. Such a waste" (Rei)

"I guarantee you won't be saying that in the next few minutes. Come on, the fake garden is a nice spot for me to do my thing" (Tai)

"Do your thing?" (Rei)

"I told you I came prepared for this remember? I'll explain in a sec, let's go!" (Tai)

"...Okay!" (Rei)

The pair moved with haste, opting to avoid battle along the way

However, most of the other students didn't share their restraint

"Hahaha, piss off! This zone is ours now!"

"You son of a...!"

"Over there! Get that spot!"

"Hey! Those guys look pretty weak, wanna take their spot?"


In just over a minute, this quiet training area became a violent, chaotic battlefield 

"We're almost at the garden zone! Now we need to...Rei! What are you?!" (Tai)

Rei suddenly moved at incredible speed, launching attacks towards the surroundings


"What the?!"

"How did he find us?!"

"Sorry. But this spot is taken" (Rei)

"Kuh! He's too fast! Let's retreat for now!"

The students lying in ambush that Rei attacked fled as Tai caught up with him

"Wow...I knew it before...but you're "Shunshin no Jutsu"1Body Flicker Jutsuis nothing to scoff at..." (Tai)

{In just a split second, he was gone from my sight} (Tai)

"It's nothing..." (Rei)

"Oh it's certainly something. As expected of the top of our class" (Tai)

"You may think it's impressive, but compared to all of these ninja watching us, I'm only average" (Rei)

"...If you say so. Never mind that, let me get set up" (Tai)

"Right, I've been meaning to ask what you were doing" (Rei)

Tai took out scrolls and summoned what appeared to be oils

He then proceeded to drink something out of a vial before gesturing to Rei

"Here...drink this" (Tai)

"What is it?" (Rei)

"An antidote...we don't need you catching it while fighting" (Tai)

"Catching...Tai...are you gonna use poison against the other kids?" (Rei)

"Nothing so extreme...remember when you came to my house and I told you gardening was a hobby of mine?" (Tai)

"Um...Uh...Y-yeah..." (Rei)

{Of course I remember, Notitia had me rob your garden for my little "trip"} (Rei)

"These oils came from the plants I raised. They can cause irritation of the eyes and skin, symptoms similar to allergic reactions. They'll act as a sort of 'barrier' for our zone. That antidote will alleviate the side effects so it doesn't affect your fighting" (Tai)

"MY fighting? I know Taijutsu isn't really your forte...but I hope you're not leaving all of the defense to me" (Rei)

"How do you think I'm gonna use this oil for defense. It's not like I can just ask any opponent who comes by to put it on their face" (Tai)

{True...then...} (Rei)

"...Since it's liquid...are you gonna turn it into a gas?" (Rei)

"Mist, actually...that's how I'll control it" (Tai)

"Control it huh. That's right...the element you had was" (Rei)

"Suiton2Water Style. I'll control the water droplets in the air when I turn it into a mist" (Tai)

"A mist 'barrier' around the zone...clever" (Rei)

{This kid continues to demonstrate having a good head on his shoulders as usual} (Rei)

"It'd be a lot easier if I had Fūton3Wind Style...but you work with what you get" (Tai)

"Well if this works I can say you've done a fantastic job" (Rei)

Drinking the antidote, Rei guarded Tai as he spread traps and different oils around the zone. After finishing, he sat down next to the flag pole in the center of the "zone" and formed a hand seal

"I need to pour all of my concentration into this so I won't be able to move. So the first line of defense..." (Tai)

"Is me. I got it. I don't think we need to worry that much. I don't feel anyone near by yet" (Rei)

"Good, the more time passes, the better chance don't 'feel' anyone near by?" (Tai)

"Hm?" (Rei)

"When I think about it, you already knew when the doors were gonna open before anyone else did..." (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

"Rei...have you become a sensor-type ninja?! (Tai)

"No...I still need someone to teach me how to extend my range. My hearing is just really good" (Rei)

{When I "remade" this body of mine, my strength wasn't just enhanced. But all of my basic senses were heightened to an incredible level, so I needed time to get used to them. This was the main reason I took some R&R from training after coming back home} (Rei)

"'re a beast" (Tai)

"No...but I've certainly been trained by one" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Tai)

"Nothing" (Rei)

"It's a shame they don't let you skip classes or else you would've already graduated by now" (Tai)

"Mhm. It'd could've made my life so much easier if they...TAI! INTRUDERS!" (Rei)

"Eh?! O-okay! I'm ready!" (Tai)

Suddenly making their appearance were three students. With their weapons drawn, they charged towards the pair


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