Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

5. New Life [1]

Hey y'all! Sorry for delay, had stupid IRL stuff to deal with yesterday. I'm also trying to figure out a proper release schedule for these chapters but for now I'm just uploading them as soon as I can. Also, I'll be adding names next to sentences to avoid confusion during conversations from now on. I wasn't going to at first, but some have messaged me saying it'd be a good idea. Hope you like the chapter and feel free to like, follow, and comment. Stay safe and happy!



" head..."

Before I realized it, I was lying on a bench.  Still in the same hospital hallway, the only thing that had changed from my perspective was a shorter field of view. Getting up, both my body and mind experienced a wave of soreness and pain.

"Argh...I feel like I'm having the mother of all hangovers right now. With a sudden change in height, everything seems bigger now. And my voice, it's sounds completely different. So...this is what it's like to enter a new body"

Ah...that damn guide. The jerk didn't even have the decency to give me a proper warning before the transfer. Still, at least this body doesn't seem to have any negative side effects. In fact, after walking around with it, I seem to be full energy. Well, I guess if you compare it to my original adult body that would make sense. Kids seem to have almost unlimited energy after all. It just sucks that there's no mirror around, since he was laying down and faced towards the wall I never got a proper look at his appearance. It would've been nice to see the face I'll be wearing for the next few years. 

"Well, no use crying over spilled milk. But what am I to do now?"

The guide said I have to survive until the main story of this world is over and dumped me into the body of a soon-to-be orphaned extra. That poor excuse for a helper forgot to leave out the important 'tid-bits' like how do I get stronger, people who can help, or where the hell do I even live?! But before I could complain further, I could hear foot steps approaching.

"Where's Mabui? Shouldn't she of all people here to see him?" (???)

"She should, but unfortunately she passed out right after using the 'Tenso no Justu'1Ethereal Transmission Jutsu to bring you back to village" (???)

"Right...although useful, it uses up a lot of chakra, far too much for young girl like her to handle. Plus, she had already used it multiple times for me today. Damn it she's just a Genin, we shouldn't have pushed her so far. Is she going to be alright?" (???)

"Not to worry, she's already been diagnosed and should be back on her feet in no time. Ah...there he is my lord" (???)

"...So this is Keido's son eh?" (???)

"Yes. This is Rei Sano" (???)

Right, my name is Rei Sano now so I better get used it. Walking towards me were two men. One was a very tall, dark-skinned man with a largely muscular and well-defined build. He had a full head of white hair which flowed into his back along with a big beard. A defining trait of his was that he had unusual eyes, which had green irises, dark sclerae. Plus a scar shaped liked a lightning bolt on the right side of his chest. The other one possessed an eyepatch on his left eye. Shorter than the other, he had short and spiky dark-colored hair underneath a hat tied together with a forehead protector. Both of them were wearing the standard 'Kumogakure' shinobi attire.

Still in a bad in mood, I curtly responded to the two talking about me.

"Who the hell are you two?" (Rei)

"Hey! Watch your mouth! Do you have any idea who you're talking to?! (???)

"If I did, I wouldn't have asked who you were in the first place, nimrod" (Rei)

"Kuh!" (???)

"Hahahahah! He sure got you there Dodai! I like this kid, he's got some spunk! (???)

"My lord, at least try to be more mindful of your title and status. If any kid can start mouthing off to you, that'll reflect on how others view you and our village as a whole." (Dodai)

"Psh. And since when have you known me to give a rat's ass about how other people view me?" (???)

Tired of their back-and-forth talk, I started to move things along.

"So, I know his name, but would you care to introduce yourself gramps?" (Rei)

"Well you certainly don't beat around the bush. Hehe, but that's okay because neither do I. My name is 'A', I'm the leader of the village, the Third Raikage2Lightning Shadow." (A)

I thought this guy was familiar, he's that old lightning geezer that went toe-to-toe with Naruto after he was turned into a zombie.

"Why is the head of village here?" (Rei)

"...Not even fazed after learning of my title. That calm attitude is just like him." (A)

"Him?" (Rei)

"Your father young one, we're here to check on your father" (Dodai)

"Why...oh...I see." (Rei)

Makes sense. While my 'father' Keido may be an extra he's still a 'Jonin', an elite ninja. As I recall, Jonin are for more scarce than the lower ranked Chunin or Genin.

"..." (Dodai)

"...Rei." (A)

"Hm?" (Rei)

"I am truly sorry I couldn't have been there for your dad. Even though it's war, I have no excuse" (A)

The Raikage suddenly bowed to me in apology. Wait, why do they look so sad? Did they mistake me staying quiet and thinking for being depressed at my father's situation?

"Lord Raikage, you were defending our soldiers on the other side of the battlefield, there was nothing you could've-" (Dodai)

"Dodai. As the Raikage, it is my duty defend ALL of our citizens. If even one gets hurt, the fault lies on my shoulders" (A)

Just as I was about to tell him to stop doing something so embarrassing the doors to the operating room suddenly opened.  An old man in what would seem to be this world's version of a surgeon's attire came out. A look of surprise on his face emerged when he noticed the Raikage was here.

"Well? How did it go 'C'?" (A)

"We tried our best...but...unfortunately...he had already lost too much blood before he got here. I'm sorry" (C)


Well...looks like that damn guide isn't completely full of shit after all.

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