Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

6. New Life [2]

The mood in the room took a downward turn followed swiftly by an awkward silence. The three adults whispering to each other were probably contemplating on how to 'break the news' to a 3 year old kid. It was then 'C' approached me, his face carrying a somewhat sad and awkward expression.

"Rei...I'm so sorry to tell you this but...your father...Keido...he...well...he's" (C)

Oh good lord, just get it over with and say it! The guide warned me about keeping the story in its original Canon before I'm strong enough to handle myself. The best way to start this stupid 'game' is to avoid getting noticed. I mean come on, a 3 year old with the intelligence and maturity of an energy scientist? That's practically begging for attention, which is something an extra with no cheats doesn't need. I wanted to act like a normal 3 year old to avoid unwanted attention, but this guy is making it impossible for me. Ugh, I refuse to wine and cry like a child over my fake/fictional father's death, so let's see just how well I can spin this.

"He's dead. It's okay doctor, I understand" (Rei)

"What?" (Dodai)

"..." (A)

"Wha? Just like that? You...understand?" (C)

Crap! Let's try that again!

"Uh...Kei...Dad...we had already talked about this before he set out. This kind of's common...during war" (Rei)

There, I hoped that was a little more subtle

"I...see" (C)

"Such a strong young lad" (Dodai)

Whew! It worked!

Taken aback with the maturity coming from me, a 3 year old, both Dodai and C looked at me impressed and relieved. The Raikage walked towards me, kneeled down, and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about anything Rei. No matter what happens, I'll make sure your taken care of. And don't forget, you still have people who care for you. In fact, I was just-" (A)

Before he could say anything else a young girl came running around the corner with an exhausted look. She had dark skin with blueish-green eyes, short light grey hair tied in a ponytail. Observing the scene taking place, she looked at the doctor as if she were asking a question with her eyes. Interpreting what she wanted, C shook his head with a sad expression affirming to her what we already know, that my 'father' was dead. Tears started to form in her eyes as she dashed towards and hugged me.

"Oh Rei...I'm...I'm so sorry" (???)

"...Um..." (Rei)

Oh shit! I have I no idea who this girl is!

[Smooooth dude. She's your cousin 'Mabui']

What the hell?! You're back already?!

[What do you mean 'already'? I did say I would be in touch cause I'm your guide didn't I?]

Where did you go?!

[Well, after you were yeeted into a new body I lost the connection for a sec. But no worries, cause I'm here now.]

So you're gonna be with me everywhere I go now?

[More like I'll be here when you have questions, or rather when I'm in the mood to answer your questions. Also, whenever you're about to screw something up]

This Motherfu-! Well maybe if you did your damn job properly I wouldn't have to worry about screwing up! You also forgot mention that I would enter the story in the middle of a damn war!

[Relax, The 'Third Shinobi World War' is almost over anyway. And to be honest, I'm not really good at the whole 'guide' thing anyway. But I do have something else for you buddy! May I interest you in some smart-ass remarks Rei?]

.......................You know, I cannot believe that for even a fraction of a second, I regretted that you weren't here

[My heart bleeds. In any case, shouldn't you to be responding to Mabui right about now? It's not like time stops whenever we talk so you've basically been standing there with a stupid look on your face this whole time ya dweeb] dick!

[Sticks and stones buddy! Also, Rei refers to Mabui as 'nee-san'1Honorific to address one's older sister or an older female that you are close to in a familial sense or 'Mabui nee-san'. Yeah I forgot to tell you that there was gonna be some honorifics in this story. My bad! I'd give ya a quick run down but I'm too lazy and bored right now. Imma head out for a bit so don't get distracted. And remember, play your role if you want to beat the game. Got it? Good. Later Noob!]

That thing really is the worst at helping. Just what kind of asshole could make a something so crude. Hell, I bet that whole 'we're running out of time before the game start' was nothing but load of bs! Ugh...right. Now where was I?

"'s alright Mabui nee-san. I'm...alright." (Rei)

"You're...?" (Mabui)

"Hm?" (Rei)

"'ll stay with me from now on okay. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. We're the only family we've got after all." (Mabui)

"Um...Mabui? Are you sure you'll be able to handle tha-" (Dodai)

Before he could continue, Mabui's tone turned aggresive

"That's my decision, and I'm not changing it. I'd rather he stay with me, than go back to an empty house or an orphange" (Mabui)

"I understand how you feel but this is a huge responsibility. Taking care of a child is a lot of weight to put on the shoulders of someone as young as yourself." (Dodai)

"Relax Dodai" (A)

"But sir?! She's just 10 years ol-" (Dodai)

"I know you're just doing this because you care but if you just look in her eyes, it's obvious that the girl has no intention of changing her decision. Besides, age is irrelevant when you're a shinobi. Hell, were we just not relying on her unique abilities a few hours ago?" (A)

"..." (Dodai)

Huh, so she's 10 years old now. Well I guess I can see why this guy is so adamant. He's a nice guy but honestly, I hope he backs off. Living with a single guardian who will constantly be busy and out of the house because of her job sure gives me a lot of leeway to move about as I please.

"Besides, Keido was an accomplished Jonin and Rei will inherit all of his assets. We will also do our part and send aid to them as well. They'll be well taken care of." (A)

"I...I understand" (Dodai)

"Good. Mabui, I think it's about time you take Rei home. I'll make sure someone sends all of his father's personal effects to him at a later date. As a Jonin, no as a Ninja of Kumogakure, the village is also obligated to see to the funeral arrangements." (A)

Making a melancholy-like smile, Mabui began to take me away.

"Thank you Raikage-sama. Come on Rei, let's go home." (Mabui)

"...Ok...nee-san" (Rei)

Keeping up my act, I'm maintained a somewhat somber demeanor.

Nice! This is a good, solid start. I got myself a home, someone to look after me, support from the village so I don't have to worry about expenses, and I managed fool everyone into believing I'm 'Rei'. As long as I continue at this pace, beating the 'game' might not be so impossible after all.



"Raikage-sama, being in the back and taking care of so many patients, I haven't been able to get a good grasp on our situation at all." (C)

"..." (A & Dodai)

"Please be honest with me, how are we REALLY doing right now" (C)

"...Well" (Dodai)

"Haaaah. We're definitely holding our ground, but we've hardly made any progress at all. We keep losing Shinobi every day at an incredible pace. It's almost as bad and the 'Second Shinobi World War'. Not to mention, smaller villages and criminals have been taking advantage of our current situation. From expanding their territory, to raiding towns and villages on our border that typically host clients we take missions from, we're having some serious problems. Because of this, we've had to resort to giving certain Genin like Mabui supporting roles in this conflict. Plus, as we've seen with Keido, even Jonin are not an exception to the death count." (A)

"Even the Jonin huh" (C)

"Jonin are powerful, but few in number. They are a precious asset in any village, so even when we do get through this war, we'll be feeling the military and economic effects for years to come" (Dodai)

"..." (A)

"I see...hah...and just when I had hoped this old buzzard could finally retire. Looks like I'll be busy for a while" (C)

"I'm sorry C-dono, but that seems to be the case" (Dodai)

"...Hey C" (A)

"Yes?" (C)

"Call me crazy, but you don't seem that particularly sad about it?" (A)

"Raikage-sama?" (Dodai)

"Hehe...can't get anything past you" (C)

"..." (A)

"To whether I'm sad about it...Oh believe me I am, it's just..." (C)

"?" (A & Dodai)

"When I look at those kids just now, and thinking about all the other young Genin who have stepped up during this time of crisis, and even your son Raikage-sama, it fills this tired old body with a little hope for the future" (C)

"Hehe...yeah...I know what you mean" (A)

"A new generation huh..." (Dodai)


The three men stared down the hallway, completely unaware of the world shaking events that would occur around the young child they had just met.


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