Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

7. New Life [3]

After leaving the hospital with Mabui, my eyes were greeted with a new scenery

"Ah" (Rei)

"Hm? What is it Rei? Did you forget something?" (Mabui)

"'s nothing..." (Rei)

Damn it... I slipped up again with my expressions. This acting is far more difficult than I believed it would be. Still... after seeing this village first hand, and not from a Manga book perspective... how can you blame me?

I know it's a fake world and all, but just look at this place! This might actually be the first time I'm glad I came to this world. The sheer architecture alone is breathtaking from my point of view. Mountains rising from the Earth like cones, ranging in all sizes. Some as big as skyscrapers, to others as small as cars

Almost all of them have houses and other unique infrastructure rapped around them. The entire town is built on an elevated landscape. It definitely lives up to the name 'Kumogakure', it really is a 'Village Hidden in the Clouds'.

"...You know can tell me anything, right? No matter what it is, I'll be here listen" (Mabui)

Ah crap, here we go again with the misunderstandings. I guess I should just grin and bear it when comes to living as a child and how others interpret my actions. This is my new norm now, so I should just do as that douche guide said and 'play my role'

"I...know. Everything just feels like a dream right now. I...I just wanna go home now nee-san" (Rei)

"Don't worry, we're almost to my...our home. I'll make something for us to eat and then we can turn in for the night. Does that sound okay to you?" (Mabui)

"Sure...I am pretty hungry" (Rei)

Making our way to her house, we approached one the many cone-shaped mountain slopes with houses built on them. Walking up the stairs built on the side of it, our destination was in sight.  A fairly-sized single story house, it was in great condition. Going inside (and taking our shoes off), everything was pretty clean and organized for someone who has been away on missions. To the wall opposite of the entrance was a pretty wide kitchen and counter next to a black, rectangular wooden table with six chairs around it. A door on the right wall that had a bathroom. Two doors on the left wall that led to our rooms. In the center of the room was a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon. If my memory serves me right, I'm pretty sure this is a common Japanese item called a 'kotatsu'.

"Those two doors are our rooms. The left door is mine, and the right is yours. Why don't you take a look at your room while I start cooking us some dinner" (Mabui)

"Ok" (Rei)

Stepping inside my new room, relief began to build inside after realizing the place that will be my 'home' for the next few years was in well kept condition. A nice twin-sized bed towards the opposite wall from the door, on the left was a sturdy wooden desk with a lamp on top of it, a wardrobe next to the door, and finally a window on the right side of the room. The window had a wonderful view of the night sky. After laying on the bed I pondered about how oddly well the window was placed, before recalling that this world has yet to acquire basic Television.

"Well I guess people have to find some way to entertain themselves (Though I'm not really into stargazing). Not that I'll have much time for fun. That's right, this isn't a vacation. First things first, I need to get stronger in order to stay alive and that means I have learn how properly wield the supernatural power of this world 'Chakra' and the best way to do that for someone my age is study at whatever this village's equivalent is to Naruto's school. I guess I'll have to ask 'nee-san' when dinner's rea-" (Rei)

"Rei! Dinner's done, come on and eat!" (Mabui)

"Perfect timing...I'm coming!" (Rei)

Leaving my room I sat down on one of the kitchen table chairs. Mabui had whipped up some grilled teriyaki, salad, and an assortment of different fruits. After bringing the food to table, she proceeded to sit next to me rather than across. Making a somber smile, she handed me a glass of water before clasping her hands.

"Itadakimasu" (Mabui)

"I-Itadakimasu" (Rei)

"I made sure to cook your favorite" (Mabui)

So grilled teriyaki is 'Rei's' favorite food huh...that's something to remember to keep up appearances. I'm still not used to this world yet.

"Thank you nee-san. I was feeling a bit parched" (Rei)

"...It's my pleasure" (Mabui)

I have to say, for a 10 year old, this food has been made with exemplary skill. Then again most, if not all the children in this story are basically 'Child Soldiers' with the mental capacity of an average adult in my world (Except for Naruto of course). I wonder why no one ever questioned the author about the moral ambiguity of making a story about child soldiers for a comic?

Going through my food, I couldn't help but notice that Mabui was staring at me. I tried to eat in peace, but eventually I couldn't take it anymore. After finishing my food I just decided to ask her what's wrong.

" keep everything alright?" (Rei)

"Oh! Sorry! It's just...uh...I was thinking that you're quite amazing Rei." (Mabui)

What's up with her?

"Why do you say so?" (Rei)

"Well...remember when I told you that I had lost my parents to this war a few years ago? " (Mabui)

"Um...yeah...I...uh...remember" (Rei)

Damn it guide! I thought you said fitting in as 'Rei' wasn't going to hard! But every few seconds I feel like someone is giving me a test I clearly haven't prepared for! Please tell me she hasn't noticed anything.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice how much you've changed..." (Mabui)

Shit! She noticed!

"...and I can't be anything but impressed by how much you have grown." (Mabui)

"W-What?" (Rei)

"What I didn't tell you was that after my parents died definitely could've handled it better than I did." (Mabui)

Oh thank god

"I...see" (Rei)

"So when I see you here, so a ninja feels me with a sense of pride" (Mabui)

So that's what she was getting at, can't say I hate how nice she is I guess. Well, anyone would be proud if their 3 year old showed this level maturity I'm displaying now. Still, better not push things too far. To remain consistent, I'll stick to same BS story I gave the Raikage in the hospital.

"Well nee-san...the truth and I had already talked about this" (Rei)

"Talked? What do you mean?" (Mabui)

Ok here we go, let's see how well I can sell this

"Dad...he wanted to prepare me for this. This war is one of the worse things anyone's ever seen after all. He couldn't just pretend to believe it was a definite guarantee he'd come back." (Rei)

"...Rei" (Mabui)

"So...he sat me down and talked to me about it. About him not coming back. And how I would have to be strong to survive in a world without him." (Rei)

"..." (Mabui)

"That's why I have something to ask you" (Rei)

"...What is it?" (Mabui)

"Please help me become a ninja!" (Rei)

"Wait...what?! Are you sure...I mean...after everything that's just happened. You want to become a shinobi?" (Mabui)

"It's because of everything that just happened that I need to become one" (Rei)

"Because of everything?" (Mabui)

"This way, I can become strong enough to ensure that I, nor anyone else from our home has to go through what we have been through" (Rei)

"!" (Mabui)

Her eyes began to water a little. Seriously? This type of cliché goal moves you? Only in a manga world I guess. Alright, let's finish this make-believe story up before the guide returns and makes me die from embarrassment.

"So don't worry nee-san...I'll be ok" (Rei)

"..." (Mabui)

Overwhelmed with emotion, Mabui suddenly wrapped her arms around and hugged me again.

"I know I've already said this, but please let me say it again" (Mabui)

"..." (Rei)

"No matter what happens, no matter what others might say or think of you, I'll always be on your side no matter what" (Mabui)

I was about to raise my hands and hug her back, but there was something in me that wouldn't allow it. So I just used my words instead.

"Thanks nee-san" (Rei)

"Alright...enough of that. We'll talk about you entering the academy tomorrow. I'll clean up here so why don't wash up in the bathroom and head to bed" (Mabui)

"Ok" (Rei)

Alright, first step is clear. I doubt she'll deny my request to send me school, but I'll be careful tomorrow until it's certain I get to go. Getting off my chair, I headed to bathroom prepare myself for bed. But when I turned on the lights a new problem had arisen and I was met with utter shock.


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