Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

8. New Life [4]

You ever get that feeling of endless frustration when you finally get the answer to a question you've been wanting for a while, and after you do, you suddenly end up with even more questions? Almost like the whole damn universe itself is purposely trying to be a dick to you? Yeah, that's exactly what I'm feeling like right now. Waking up to the light of the rising sun, the headache I received after I was put in this new life came back to bite me with a vengeance.

"Haaaaaah...un-be-f@#king-lievable" (Rei)

Why the crude language you ask? Well it all started last night when I entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Since I awoke in the hospital, I had yet to gain the opportunity to see what my new body looks like. But when I finally did, I was hit with shock and confusion. Now, it wasn't like I was hideous or something, nothing was abnormal about my body. Fair brown skin and brown eyes, short spiky black hair, and wearing nothing but shorts and a long-sleeved shirt.

Everything was normal except for the fact that the face I'm wearing is one I've seen before. It's the face I've had since I was a child! I have no idea as to how or why, but 'Rei' looks exactly the same as I did when I was a child!

"Don't know if it was an accident or on purpose by guide, but there's no way this is coincidence. I'd like to ask, but I doubt that jerk will give me a straight answer." (Rei)'ll probably just give me the runaround and retort with some smart-ass remark. Asking that thing is a waste of time, so I'll figure it out for myself some other time.

Getting off my bed, I left my room to find Mabui making breakfast. The only thing of worth noting was a pile of boxes by the front door.

"Oh...good morning Rei" (Mabui)

"Yawn...Morning nee-san" (Rei)

"Here, have some breakfast. I made some miso soup and grilled fish" (Mabui)

Delicious. Again, this 10 year old is WAY too mature to be able to live alone and cook this well for her age.

"Thanks...hey...I was just wondering. Are those boxes..." (Rei)

"Mhm. I left early in the morning to pick up your things" (Mabui)

"I thought that's what they were" (Rei)

"I also decided to pick this up for you" (Mabui)

Mabui had a padded yellow envelope in her hand

"...Does that envelope hold my?" (Rei)

"Your registration form for the 'Cloud Academy'. After becoming your legal guardian I was able to get it" (Mabui)

"Nice! Thank yo-" (Rei)

Before I could receive it, she pulled away and looked at me with a serious expression

"Before I give this to you I have to be sure..." (Mabui)

"..." (Rei)

" this TRULY what you want to do? The life of a shinobi is not for the meek of heart. No one would think less of you for choosing the life of a normal citizen" (Mabui)

Moment of truth'd better make it count

"I stopped being a normal citizen the moment my dad died..." (Rei)

"...Ok then. Here, don't lose that" (Mabui)

"I won't. So when do I start?" (Rei)

"Now hold your horses. It's barely the middle of June now and classes don't start until the 11th of August" (Mabui)

"The 11th huh..." (Rei)

"Yeah... I know what you're thinking...funny how it's exactly one week after your birthday" (Mabui)

"Huh? My birthday's on the...uh...I mean...yeah...a week after my birthday..." (Rei)

What the hell? Not only my appearance, but Rei and I even share the same birthday? Just what is the guide's angle anyway?

"So in the meantime, the best thing we can do to ensure you excel as a student, we need to start preparing now. And we need to do it in a short amount of time" (Mabui)

"Aren't you a little too worried?" (Rei)

"Don't underestimate the academy, graduation doesn't work the same as it does in other villages" (Mabui)

"...How so?" (Rei)

"Well for starters, the school employs the tactic of limiting the amount of students who can graduate each year. You need to obtain a spot and there aren't that many of them. Think of it as a psychological challenge to 'motivate' students" (Mabui)

"Why do that? I would think that the more ninja we have, the better off the village would be right? Especially now during a war" (Rei)

"While it's true that both economically and military wise, our village is one of the strongest in the world. But due to it's location in the mountains, we have an average population for being one of the Five Great Nations" (Mabui)

"..." (Rei)

"We can't afford to produce numerous shinobi with average skills. Our home gets by on making strong and loyal shinobi in order to maintain our status and safety. 

"So all of the other students are-" (Rei)

"Your competition. That's why graduation is going to be very difficult for you. You'll be surrounded by other students that have already been trained by their families for months if not their entire lives already." (Mabui)

So everyone else will have a head start. Well that's just great, I had hoped it'd be easy like in Naruto's academy where all you have to do is make some stupid clones to pass

"So...I've got my work cut out for me. Fine, it's still not gonna change my mind." (Rei)

Like I have a damn choice

"Good! That's what I wanna hear! Don't worry Rei, I told you that I made a few stops before picking up your things right?" (Mabui)

"Yeah?" (Rei)

Walking towards the pile of boxes by the front door, Mabui picked up one and handed it to me

"Open it" (Mabui)

"This...isn't this..." (Rei)

"Mhm" (Mabui)

With bright smile on her face, I came to realize that she had given me a pile of books that were versed in varying fields of study. Ranging from Trigonometry, Statistics, Geometry, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine & other subjects.

"We barely have two months to get you ready for school, plus I'll be busy with my own missions. These books are for you to study while I'm gone" (Mabui)

"Okay...but what about when you're here? Are you gonna quiz me or something?" (Rei)

"In a way...but not by means of pencil to paper" (Mabui)

"Then what are you gonna-" (Rei)

Before I could ask, she handed me clothing akin to a track suit.

"Put in on. This is what you'll train in, and go to school with. It comes from a very popular clothing brand and it's typically worn by all students and Genin. It's light, stretches, and good for practically any environment" (Mabui)

Putting it on, I found that it's actually very comfortable.

"Hm...thank you...but you still haven't answered my question" (Rei)

Mabui suddenly made something akin to a 'Teehee' face

"Hehe...right...sorry. These books are just one part of prepping you for school. The other part is..." (Mabui)

"H-huh?" (Rei)

She stood up, took me outside to our backyard, cracked her knuckles and with a large smile on her face she said

"...physical preparation" (Mabui)

Gulp. Oooooh, I don't like where this is going...

"We have two months! So to make up for lost time, and to answer that bold resolve you showed me earlier...I'm not gonna take it easy on you. HOPE YOU'RE READY REI!!!" (Mabui)


"...................I don't think I'm ready nee-san" (Rei)

Sigh...F@#k my life. I'm probably gonna be repeating those words for a long time.






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