Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

9. New Life [5]

Hey Guys! This chapter came late because I finally got my first Vaccination shot! No bad side effects so far, but I forgot to rehydrate after taking the shot (Don't make the same mistake when you get yours!) so I'm a little tired. So after this release, I'm gonna do my best to recharge and stock up on new chapters for a more consistent release schedule. So no worries, I ain't going anywhere. If you have the chance to get the vaccination shot, be sure to take it! The more us that get it, the sooner things can get back to normal. And again Stay Safe, but more importantly STAY HAPPY >: ) !



"Your attacks are too wide! Strike with more precision!" (Mabui)

I'm trying, but you keep dodging

"Spread your feet out to strengthen your stance, your legs are too close to each other!" (Mabui)

Kinda hard when you keep kicking them

"A stronger stance means a stronger center of gravity, which gives your fists more power!" (Mabui)

Yup, your fists certainly don't lack POWER

"Stay focused! Beware of not only your opponent, but your environment! Otherwise you'll-" (Mabui)

?! Ah crap. Before I knew it, I was on the ground

"-get yourself killed" (Mabui)

Can't believe I lost because I tripped over a stupid rock...not that I would've won anyway

"Alright! That'll be it for today, time to return to your studies. I have to leave for a mission this morning so we'll continue your physical training tomorrow" (Mabui)

"...r-right..." (Rei)

Oh praise the lord, it's over!

"Not bad Rei, most inexperienced kids would've given up by now" (Mabui)

Finally she's gone, I think she mumbled something but I was too tired to hear her. For someone who acts so reserved most of the time, she can really fight like a damn demon from hell!

"Oh...ow ow ow. I feel like I could live on the ground in this backyard forever right now..." (Rei)

[Hahahahahah! Damn man, she completely whooped your ass! That wasn't just hilarious, that was HIGH-larious!]

"Glad to see your enjoying yourself" (Rei)

[Now don't get all sour on me. Considering that the only thing I can do is talk, it's really hard to find something fun to do. Everybody needs some form of entertainment right?]

"I wouldn't mind if that 'entertainment' wasn't me turning into a damn punching bag"

Returning to my room, I began reading my textbooks. It's been two weeks since we began training and let me tell you, even if I didn't have a Ph.d, studying all of these advance subjects STILL would've been easier than training with Mabui. And not only sparring, she's even having me work out pretty much all day/every day. Plus, she's taken it upon herself to change my diet as well.

'No junk food anymore! From now on, you'll only eat what I allow you to eat!' is what she told me.

The guide has also started talking to me again. It has a bad habit of disappearing and reappearing on me. I don't know what it's doing when it's gone, and whenever I ask it says something stupid just to get on my nerves. However, there is one thing I could think of that's a bonus to all of this training.

After weeks of back-breaking work, I'm starting to get a feel-

Clasping his hands together, Rei's body began to emulate an aura

- for chakra

[Ooooh, Nice Rei!]

"'s a very funny feeling, like static is running through my entire body" (Rei)

For some reason Mabui hasn't taught me to control chakra yet. What going on now is the result of my self-study. But maybe that was the point.

"Did she want me to try and figure out how to control chakra on my own?" (Rei)

[Your guess is as good as mine. Then again, not only a strong body but a strong mind is necessary to control chakra]

"Huh, you're being useful for a change" (Rei)

[What do you mean for a change?! Hmph]

"You make a point though" (Rei)


"When I first started reading these books, that had absolutely NO information on ninja, I thought she wanted me to use these subjects in a more practical sense" (Rei)

[Practical Sense? You mean for things like first-aid? I do see a medical book in that pile of yours]

"Well that, but also more. For example, these books cover things like geometry and trigonometry. Are they for helping me when it comes to handling long-ranged weapons?" (Rei)

[Oh yeah, I guess you WOULD need to understand that stuff to even properly throw a shuriken]

"Plus these books on chemistry and physics, they would, without a doubt, be useful when it comes to building things like poison, traps, bombs, and all other manner of things that can kill people" (Rei)

[I see...but if it's so obvious...why are you questioning her intentions?]

"Well, when you were off doing whatever, Mabui had tested me on my knowledge of these books" (Rei)

[So what? Did you flunk or something?]

"I have multiple Ph.D's is various fields Jackass, of course I didn't flunk. I'm only wondering why she keeps giving me more books to study, even though she knows I could teach these subjects to adults if I wanted to." (Rei)

[...Oh...then why is she?]

"And now you've finally get why I'm trying to figure out what she's up to" (Rei)

Right, after she tested me, she was very impressed and became even more eager to give me subjects to study. In fact, for some reason I'm spending more time reading books than having actual physical training. We've less than a month before school starts, so I'm getting a little restless.

"Seriously, what's the point of this?" (Rei)

[...Maybe she's dicking with you?]


Hah, talking with this thing is waste a time. She's a qualified ninja who even works for the Raikage at such a young age, so I'll trust what she's doing for now.

"It's not like I can do anything by myself right now" (Rei)

My hopes of doing that were dashed when Mabui decided to take me to the Library. The place had more security than the damn Pentagon! It was also there I found out all ninja related information is only available for active and former ninja. Not even academy students are allowed access to that information as their curriculum is already predetermined. I suppose it's just a means of information compartmentalization to protect the village and its techniques. But it still sucks I won't be able to get my hands on this villages' techniques until I graduate at the academy.

"Damn it, it's going to take a few years before I graduate. Guess I'll just continue doing what I've been doing" (Rei)

[In that case I'm leaving, it's fun watching you get beat up but reading books is boring. Later]

"Whatever" (Rei)

Hah, barely a month a left.

Continuing my grueling training, both my mind and body were pushed to their limit. Yet, I was slowly getting used to it as time went on by. Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days, and days became weeks until finally...


Rei and Mabui stood in front of a large complex composed of several buildings. The tallest building in the center displayed the kanji for "lightning" (雷)  on it. The gates at the front were open as numerous children were being sent off by their parents as they entered its grounds.


"There are far more kids entering than I had anticipated" (Rei)

"Nervous?" (Mabui)

"No, just thinking out loud" (Rei)

"...Well, at this point it'd be stupid to ask if you're ready for this wouldn't it" (Mabui)

After snickering a little, Rei spoke

"Obviously, so don't even think of trying to change my mind nee-san" (Rei)

"Hehe, I wouldn't dream of it Rei" (Mabui)

"Alright...I'm going" (Rei)

"I'll cook your favorite for tonight" (Mabui)

After she left, Rei walked towards the building before stopping to look at the symbol it displayed above.

[Having second thoughts?]

"How is it that every time you talk, you evolve another step on the idiot ladder"


This is where it really starts, there's no way in Hell I'm gonna back out now!








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