Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

55. Team Tango, Reborn! (Suzu) [4]

As Tai's vapor moved in, the two guards became discombobulated. Their eyes started to water, and breathing was difficult

"Uhack! What the?!"

"Ugh! Am I getting tired or something?"

{Now!} (Suzu)

Suzu dashed towards her target and with all her might...



...delivered a series of quick blows, causing the him to fall to the ground, unconscious

{Nice, that couldn't have gone any better if I do say so myself} (Suzu)

Turning her head, she saw Tango had the same success with his target

⌈Rei. Both targets are down, you can put the barrier holders to sleep now⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Thanks. I was getting bored up here. Hmph!⌋ (Rei)

The four men slouched together suddenly keeled over. Tango began freeing the hostages

⌈I'm on my way down⌋ (Rei)

⌈Right. We're still not done yet⌋ (Tai)

⌈Last is their leader and his two men⌋ (Tango)

⌈Plus, we need to rescue Tetsuo⌋ (Suzu)

Both Tai and Rei met up with Tango and Suzu in the factory who were quietly sending the three employees outside 

⌈Hmm. This next part is gonna be a bit tricky. Rei, with your speed, do you think you can get Tetsuo out of there safely?⌋ (Tai)

⌈Honestly, I'm not sure. As I said before, I can sense his chakra weakening. He's in bad shape, if I move too rashly he could end up dying⌋ (Rei)

⌈You just need to get him to Tai. Once you do, he can take care of the rest. Right Tai?⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Mhm! I brought plenty of first aid materials with me⌋ (Tai)

⌈Okay...but I could still use a good distraction. Something to keep the leader's attention away from me. The guy is no joke. Unlike the others who are Genin level, this guy's chakra is at least Chunin level⌋ (Rei)

⌈I've got something⌋ (Suzu)


Inside the office





"We got it boss"

"Alright then..."

The leader gestured the two safe crackers to move out of the way. Making his way to the safe, he retrieved the only thing inside...a scroll

After putting it away in his pocket, he turned to the others

"It's time to leave" (Leader)

"What about him?"

Pointing to an injured Tetsuo, he wondered what they should do

"Leave him, as one who was personally hired by Kumogakure, killing him would really piss them off. Besides, the shinobi aren't here yet" (Leader)

"So it's time for our escape play then?"

"Splitting off in different directions to throw off any pursuers right?"

"Yes, just like we practiced. You all know the rendezvous spot. Once we meet up, our employer arrives with the rest of our money" (Leader)

"And if he doesn't?"

"I know where he lives, and I know his name. I've threatened to reveal everything I know about him to Kumogakure if he double crosses us. Plus, he really wants this scroll" (Leader)

"Not much of a reassurance, but you haven't steered us wrong yet"

"We'll tell the others we're moving out"

One of the men opened the office door...

"Alright guys, boss says it's time to!-"

"What the?!-"

...only to find a girl waiting for them

"Hey boys"




First week at Unraikyō

At the bottom of the mountain, Suzu was using chakra to stand on a small pond. Her eyes closed, she concentrated with all her might before...

"WAH!!" (Suzu)


...falling into the pond


"Ah! Huff! Damn it! So close" (Suzu)

"Almost had it that time. Remember, you have to use the repellent force to walk across the water's surface" (Tango)

{Kind of hard when you keep disturbing the water with your chakra, Sensei} (Suzu)

Tango helped Suzu get out the pond and handed her a towel

"Ngh! Let's go again!" (Suzu)

"Well aren't you a trooper, but pushing yourself with this training will only lead to detrimental results" (Tango)

"..." (Suzu)

"Come on, have a seat" (Tango)

"...Okay" (Suzu)

"Don't feel too bad. You're progress is nothing short of astounding considering this is only the second week" (Tango)

"That's not what's bothering me" (Suzu)

"Oh? Then what is?" (Tango)

Rubbing her face with a towel, she wore a vexed expression

"I always thought I had good chakra control" (Suzu)

"You do for someone your age" (Tango)

"And yet, I can't even stand on water" (Suzu)

"That's only because I release unique waves of chakra in the pond to disrupt your balance. That's the whole point of this training, to give you even better control" (Tango)

"I just figured for a more hands on approach than standing on a lake and reading a bunch of scrolls" (Suzu)

"You don't think you get enough exercise with Killer B-sama?" (Tango)

"I never said that. B-sama kicks us around plenty. Tango-sensei, can you tell me exactly what it is I'm lacking? You were pretty straight forward with Rei and Tai, but not with me" (Suzu)

"...Well, that's because other than your teamwork, you aren't really lacking. The only other flaw I noticed during the events on Genbu was the lack of Ninjutsu in your arsenal. And the only one close to your age that can best you in Taijutsu is Rei. Thanks to your heritage, your strength and chakra are very strong. As a result, you already have two elements under your belt" (Tango)

{Heritage...} (Suzu)

"The more you improve your control, the more your horizons expand. Your elemental Ninjutsu will grow stronger and your arsenal will increase. Despite your powerful close combat skills, you have a strong affinity for long range combat" (Tango)

"The more powerful I become...but that power is..." (Suzu)

"Suzu?" (Tango)

"...I..." (Suzu)

{This girl...} (Tango)

"..." (Suzu)

"I know you won't let temptation of power corrupt you like it did to Kinkaku and Ginkaku" (Tango)

"?!" (Suzu)

"The potential of your bloodline is legendary, leading all the way back to the Sage of Six Paths" (Tango)

"You believe he was real?" (Suzu)

"Despite what many others think, yes...yes I do" (Tango)

"I see..." (Suzu)

"Don't let fear consume you, I wouldn't have taken you here if I didn't believe in you" (Tango)

"..." (Suzu)

"...Well?" (Tango)

Suzu stayed quiet for a moment before jumping back on the pond

"Let's go again" (Suzu)

"...That's more like it" (Tango)




{"Fūton: Sunabokori!1Wind Style: Dust Cloud"} (Suzu)

The office and factory was consumed by a torrent storm of dust and wind

"Gah! My eyes!"

"Ugh! Can't see anything!"

"WHAT' GOING ON?!" (Leader)

⌈Now Rei!⌋ (Suzu)

⌈On it!⌋ (Rei)


"Who in the hell?!" (Leader)

Using his incredible speed, Rei busted through the office window, grabbed Tetsuo, and left as quick as he came. No more than three seconds had passed before the entire event

⌈I've got Tetsuo!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Give him to me! I'll take care of him⌋ (Tai)

⌈Take him out of the building and tend to his injuries! We'll handle the others!⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Okay! Good luck!⌋ (Tai)

⌈Sensei! Before I grabbed Tetsuo, I noticed the safe was opened!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Damn it! It must be on one of these three! Whatever you do, don't let them escape!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Way ahead of you! Rei! You're my eyes!⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Right...your ten o'clock! Twelve feet from you!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Alright!⌋ (Suzu)

Taking advantage of the dust cloud blocking their line of vision, Suzu prepared her attack

{"Doton: Iwadeppō no Jutsu!2Earth Style: Stone Pistol Jutsu"} (Suzu)


Suzu expelled two stone pebbles from her mouth towards the two enemies. As they flew, the pebbles suddenly expanded in size



Going from tiny bits, to rocks the size of small boulders, the unsuspecting men were violently struck with devastating force

⌈Rei! Are they still?!-⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Even if I wasn't a sensor, I'd still say they won't be fighting anytime soon⌋ (Rei)

The dust cloud obscuring everyone's vision dissipated

⌈That takes care of all the men. Only the leader is left⌋ (Suzu)

{Geez, she's as violent as ever. Are those guys even still alive? I thought she mellowed out after our time at Unraikyō...shows what I know} (Rei)

A single figure was walking out of the office

"Well...screwing up my plans and knocking out all of my certainly one way to get under my skin. I won't be able to escape AND bring my crew with me now. Do you idiots know how hard it is to assemble a cohesive squad of rogue-nin THIS large, during these times?"

⌈?!⌋ (Tango, Rei, & Suzu)

The leader of the ravagers revealed himself. In a black outfit and still wearing his mask, even without seeing his face you could tell from his tone that he was fuming with anger

The air went heavy

"?!" (Tango)

{Oh no. This guys chakra is...I thought he was Chunin level. But he might even be Jonin level!} (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

"It's usually my policy to complete jobs with as little bloodshed as possible...but considering how you lot have UTTERLY F*CKED MY TEAM AND I OVER, I'll make an exception!" (Leader)

⌈Tai! I hope you're almost done treating Tetsuo, we need you!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Almost! I'll be there soon!⌋ (Tai)

The man removed a short sword from the holster on his back

"Humph!" (Suzu)

"?" (Rei & Tango)

"Well, when it comes to worthless opportunists like you who exploit and take advantage of a nation weary from a war, it's usually MY policy..." (Suzu)

"?" (Leader)

Suzu formed a hand seal








" beat the utter living shit out of them" 


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